All Chapters of Alpha King's Slave: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
177 Chapters
Chapter 130 they are so cute
"did you prepare everything for Mr. Martin's birthday?" Kate asked Lilly, who is working with other workers. She took a long sigh and said with a sigh "I think we have done but I don't know, you should ask about that to our new head maid, she is the one that is taking care of everything, Mrs. Woods". Kate took a sigh and nodded her head, as she don't like the new head maid at all, she just didn't understand how could someone appoint her to be the head maid, as she know about all the dirty things the new head maid has done before. "Nikitha, how are the party preparations are going on?" Kate asked irritated but she didn't show that on her face. "Everything is going good, Mrs. Woods, and I don't think that you should be worrying about my work but yourself," Nikitha said with an arrogant smile. "Tomorrow is my husband's birthday! And I think this is my work! you should know that and I want it to be perfect!" Kate said in anger. She doesn't like the way Nikitha always speaks but ne
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Chapter 131 jealous
"I brought something for you guys!" She said with a smile, then took out a doll and a bracelet from her pocket, both Lilly and Hail looked confused but they just waited. She took out a doll and gave one to Lilly saying "I saw this on the market and thought you are gonna love this so much, I wanted to give you on that day but I was so busy so I am giving it now, don't be angry with me". Lilly's face lit up as she took the doll with a smile and said "thank you so much, it looks so good, Mrs. Woods". Kate smiled seeing that and said "no need to thank me, I am just happy seeing you smile". Then she turned to look at Hail and said with a smile, giving him a bracelet "I saw this and thought it is going to suit you, sorry for giving it late". Hail's smile turned huge as he couldn't believe that Kate is giving him something, he looks down at his hand with a smile and asked "I love it! Thanks for buying me this". Martin walks down for the breakfast, talking with one of the guards, and inf
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chapter 132 Her love for him
"I... I am not!" Martin fought back, trying his best not to believe that he doesn't have any feelings toward Kate. Then he raised his head to look at her beautiful face and whispers "do I really love her?!". Then he shook his head and got out of his thoughts and goes back to work. Kate didn't care about anything the whole day, just like he has told her to. She is behaving like Martin wanted, but this time, he didn't like it, when she didn't bring him anything, He thought she could have given him a gift. ____________________At the party, Kate is standing next to Martin as his wife, greeting everyone and smiling at them politely, but it's been like an hour that she has been standing like this with Martin and this is making her so tired. She raised her head to look at Martin, but stayed quiet and didn't ask anything, thinking he might get angry. Martin can tell that Kate is already tired, so he turned to look at her and said "are you tired?". Kate was shocked but she nodded her head
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Chapter 133 good news
Martin is in the shower, while Kate is in looking at all the gifts that he received, and this made her a little scared because the gift that she brought is not as expensive as the gifts here. She took a long sigh and whispered "I brought it according to all the things that he likes so I am sure that he is going to like my gift, I am not hoping for him to wear this every day, but I do hope that he will just keep that as a gift". she does really wanted Martin to ware that every day but after seeing all the gifts he received, she can tell it is never going to happen. Martin walks out of the bathroom. only in his towel, drying his hair with another towel. Then he got dressed, feeling tired, and was about to go to sleep, as he doesn't care about any of the gifts. Kate saw that and asked with a smile on her face "Martin, wait a minute, I have something to give you". He sat on the bed confused and asked "what is that?". "a little gift from me, I know that it's not a big gift but I really th
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Chapter 134 Lilly
Elena woke up from sleep, so tried and saw that she is sleeping in Ashton's room. She got up as if nothing happened and walked out of the room, and walked straight to Ashton's office, but she felt all the eyes on her. Even though it was uncomfortable, she didn't care because it always happens. people talking behind her back and glaring at her all the time. She took a long sigh and knocks on the door, feeling the eyes on her by Ashton's guards, saying "your highness, can I come in?". Ashton was surprised by the voice, but then his lips curled into a huge smile, and he said in hurry "yes, come in"., Elena was confused hearing his happy voice, but she walks inside and saw Ashton, who got up from his seat and is walking towards her with a huge smile on his face and asks "how are you? are you feeling ok? do you want something? is it paining somewhere?!". Elena was so confused as she don't know what is going on, and why Ashton started to treat her so well, so she asked:' "I am really fine
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Chapter 135
After 2 months "Lilly, come on, let's go there, it's there," Elena said with a smile, walking to the garden because she is only allowed to go there. She has been treated well for the last 2 months, and never did any work, Ashton has always been there for her in every situation. Lilly use to hate Elena a lot but as time goes, she stopped it and get along with her, she started to help her and took care of her. Even though not everyone treats her the best, no one dares to even come near Elena or even think about hurting her. They know very well, what will happen to them. Ashton is so happy, no matter how many times he hears about making Elena his queen or it's not good for the royal family. He didn't care, he wanted to be with her but never thought about marrying her because of her parents. Now, both Elena and Lilly are in the garden, taking a walk like always, but today, Elena saw a butterfly and wanted to catch that. She looks around and is running after it like a baby, while Lilly i
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Chapter 136 glass?
Ashton's eyes widen in shock, as he can't understand what is going on when he asked "what?!" but he knows one thing, something is wrong with Elena. Caleb took a long sigh trying to calm himself down and said "I didn't see both Princess and Lilly didn't come back after they went to the garden for so long, so I went to check on them but they were nowhere to be seen, but then I found Lilly, who was hurt and lying inside the forest in her own pool of blood!"., Then I searched for the princess, but she is nowhere to be seen! I am so scared! I don't know what to do! can you please look for her, your highness!". Ashton couldn't react hearing this, his heart started to beat when he asked "you ... you didn't see Elena?!". Caleb shook his head, with tears filled eyes. When Ashton shouted at his guards "get everyone and search for Elena right now!"., Then he walks down to the forest, looking for Elena. The whole palace got alert again for Elena, and all of the guards started to search for h
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Chapter 137 I will help you
"Brother, where is this?! and what happened on that day?! how are you still alive?! is mom and dad still alive?!" Elena asked, looking at George, still holding her and running like a crazy man somewhere. "You will know everything once we arrive there, I will tell you everything that happened on that so be patient!" He said with a sigh, focusing on the way, and checking if someone was following them or not. After traveling for a long time, George entered a bubble, which is invisible to the eyes of the others. Elena was shocked, seeing this because she doesn't know something like this ever existed. She looks around and saw many peoples, it was like a whole different world. George made Elena stand on her feet and said "we have arrived". "where is this place, brother?!" Elena asked in shock, confusion, and amusement. "this is somewhere that bastard could never find and we will be safe," He said with a smile, looking at all the people there. Then he took Elena's hand and said: "come
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Chapter 138 crazy?
"Is she really pregnant with Alpha king?!" The Alpha of the pack asked in shock and got up from his seat, scared that they might get into trouble, He turned to look at George and asked "You just told me that you wanted to save your sister and then everything will be done! why the hell did you bring a woman, who is pregnant with the Alpha King's baby?! do you know how big this problem is?! we all can get killed! they are not disturbing us because we are always alone and not disturbing them! and you brought us such big trouble! what if he finds that she is here then everyone in this pack is dead, including you! George!". "No, Alpha, don't worry about that, I can take care of everything! they don't even know who took Elena, so don't worry about anything! I am not going stay here for a longer period of time, we will move soon and if they find out, just pretend like you guys don't know anything and they will believe! I will never bring any trouble to you guys?!" He calmly said, trying his
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Chapter 139 Stella?
"This is why I don't like her! she can control Ashton without doing anything!". Then he took a long sigh and said "yes, I will come here". Then he got up and started to walk out while telling himself "I just really hope that he shouldn't turn as crazy as before!". Kate raised her head to look at Martin and asked in confusion "where are you going?!" like normally. He was already frustrated and then hearing Kate made him irritated as he told "stop interfering with everything that I am doing! it's none of your business so never ask me any of these things!". Kate nodded her head and looks down, as she was hurt by his words, she didn't mean to irritate him but just asked in curiousness. Martin just walks away from there, without caring about her, because according to him, he has a lot more things to do. He goes to Ashton's room, praying to the moon goddess that he should be fine. Ashton enters the room and saw that the whole room was a mess, it's not that Ashton broke anything or did som
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