All Chapters of Alpha King's Slave: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
177 Chapters
Chapter 150 pain
"But... but I am happy that he will finally get to meet someone new and be happy, not like me! I... I am not worthy of such great love by Lucus... I just hope that he will be happy!" She thought while going back. Martin holds her close, thinking "I... I am really so sorry for making you cry, but I promise you that I will never do it again! I will do everything just to make you happy from now on! I... I can't live my life without you". Then both of them go back to their room. Kate lays down on the bed, falling asleep as she was so tired, Martin takes her in his hand and kissed her forehead, and said with a small smile "I will never let you go! never! let's live our life happily from now on!". Then he falls asleep too, but still afraid that she might change her decision at that time. Next morning: Both Martin and Kate woke up and is preparing to meet Ashton. so Kate can tell her decision. Lucus came there too, he is now so healthy and recovered from all the wounds on his body, but
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Chapter 151 mark
"your highness" one of the magicians greeted Ashton, as he entered the office room and continued "I.... I think, we found your mate's location!". Ashton's eyes widen in shock, and his lips curled into a huge smile, as he got up from his seat and asked " are you sure?! where?!". "It is in the middle of the forest and I think they are hiding under the magic shield, I think it is hard to break the shield but we have the magic to do that! our magicians can do that after seeing the shield, I think you should take one of them with you, your highness!" He said with respect, looking down at the floor. Ashton nodded his head and said "can you do that? and if you can, prepare to leave in 30 minutes, and if you can't, make someone to leave with us in the next 30 minutes!". Then Ashton walks out of the room, calls William through his mind link and said "prepare soldiers, we are going to get my Elena back right now!". "wait?! did you find her?! when? and when are we going to get her!" William a
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Chapter 152 hurt
She doesn't know what is that and how she got it but she closed her eyes and whispers "what happened to your back brother? How long is it been there! So you never took me to swim?". Geroge gave her a small smile and turned to look at Ashton with anger and said "This is your father's doing! 80 members were going to the forest house because of your mother! the fucking Alpha Queen was pregnant and she wanted to be with her friends and kids of the star moon and Lightning pack because she wanted to them give their blessing for her baby in the belly, which is your brother! that's when the unexpected thing happened, and the whole place caught on fire! you father! the one you respect the most! saved his queen and the baby her belly first and run away without caring for anyone! I am the only survivor there because My aunt gave up her life to save me! but she can only save me, not anyone there! not even herself! When my father and uncle found out about this, they were so furious but doesn't kno
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Chapter 153 killer?
"I ... I know that she is the precious daughter of Alpha of the star moon pack," He said, thinking about the conversation that happened on that day. Frederick was shocked, his eyes opened wide in shock and he got up from the seat, thinking "That is not possible! brother hate those peoples too! and he could have never brought anyone from the Starmoon pack, and just to think that he brought their only princess is something so shocking?! I have heard so much about the pack and their only princess, Elena is so good, and I don't think that she can be someone so cruel as those people! yes,..... they might have misheard everything! I have to ask sister Samantha about this and I am so sure that she will know everything about this"."Are you ok, your highness?" The soldier asked in confusion, which brought Fedarick back from his thoughts, he nodded his head and got up from the seat. Then he took a long sigh and started to walk towards Samantha's room. He knocks on the room's door and said "I
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Chapter 154 I will never let you go
Then he slapped her again and shouted at her face in anger "you are alive and standing here because of my baby in your belly! if you were not pregnant with my child then I fucking don't care about you!". Elena pushed for a second, as she looked at Ashton but then she whispered "I hate you!". Ashton didn't hear her, he turned to look at Fedarick and said "You will not see her anymore, I will lock her up! so control your anger and just think that she is dead!". Then Ashton started to drag Elena back to his room. He doesn't want Elena to get hurt and at the same time, he doesn't want to hurt his brother's feelings. Frederick was shocked by Elena's words, he didn't understand anything but his anger is just making him forget. Samantha walks up to Fedarick and comforts him, saying "come on, let's go back to your room, you look so tired". "I am not tired!" Frederick shouted, but Samantha was calm as she said "fine, you are not tired, but you look so stressed, let's go back to your room!".
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Chapter 155 Stella?
"your highness, This is the book that a she-wolf gave me, she is also captured by the rouges and she helped me to get out of the rouge's place, and her name is Stella," Lucus said with a sigh, placing the book in front of Ashton. Both Martin and Kate are standing next to Ashton and are shocked to hear this, they came here to ask permission from Ashton to meet Elena. "Stella?!"Martin said in shock and became emotional as he let go of Kate's hand and walks in front, taking the notebook and started to look into that, but Lucus took the book from his hand and said "I am really sorry, Mr. Martin but She told me to give this to Kate, she wanted to tell her something by this book". Kate was looking down, thinking about Stella's situation and the pain she could have gone through because of her, and at the same time, she looks down at her hand, which Martin was holding a few minutes ago. He just needs to hear Stella's name to forget her existence, which really hurt her. Kate raised her head,
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Chapter 156 I hate you
Elena is sitting near the window, staring at the outside world, hoping to get out of there one day. She doesn't like to get locked up, She has always gets resisted for doing so many things, and going out is one of the things, she only can go out with her father, brother, or friends. and that too, she is not allowed outside the pack. But she never in her wild dream thought that she will be locked up in the room, that she can't go to the garden. Right now, the garden seems so beautiful to her, she felt that was like heaven and she wanted to go there right now. Ashton walks inside with a plate of food and saw Elena, who is sitting near the widow and is looking down at the garden, He took a long sigh and played a smile on his face, as he asks "Elena, come on, let's have your lunch". She turned to look at him with hate in her eyes and then turns back to the window. Ashton took a long sigh and walks to Elena and sits in front of her, taking a spoonful full of rice and feeding her. Elena d
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Chapter 157 pain
Kate smiled and nodded her head, as tears welled up in her eyes. Lucus felt bad and he hugged her saying "Don't cry anymore, I only want you to be happy". Kate nodded her head, trying her best to control her tears. Martin clenched his hand and waited till they part away as he doesn't want to show him that their relationship is not good as he made him feel. After a few minutes. Lucas walks away from there, and Kate went back to the room, as Martin followed her. Kate went straight to bed, as she was worried the whole time and didn't get proper sleep. Martin saw this and just walks out of the room. He wanted to have a proper conversation with Kate as he doesn't want to disturb her right now.On the other side: Ashton is not feeling good, after talking with Elena. her words are just repeating in his head like a radio. He can't concentrate on any of the work, so he got up and walks outside, that's when he saw Martin, who is going back to his office and thought about talking with him and
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Chapter 158 forever mine
Martin can understand that as he wanted the same from Kate, he just wanted her to love him and no one else, he just wanted her to stay with him forever and be a happy couple with children. He wants kate, who comes to him with a smile. What both of them don't know is, Fedarick is hearing all the things, as he is sitting there even before they came. Fedarick was so guilty when he saw his brother crying, He always looks at his brother like a superhero, who never cried and did everything. It's always been like that till now, Ashton never cried before, even if he has to go through so much, but when it comes to Elena, he cried for the first time. Frederick took a long sigh and thought "D... did I do something wrong?! did I make a mistake and hurt my brother?! he... he is the only one for me and I don't ever want to hurt him! but It seems like I did hurt him now!".Both Ashton and Matin got up from the bench and walks away from there, without knowing that Fedarick heard everything.--------
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Chapter 159 I am not letting
"what?! are you sure about that?!" Ashton asked in shock, looking at Kate, who is standing in front of him. She nodded her head and said again "yes, I wanted to leave Martin". "just a few days before, you chose to be with him! and now, what happened?! did he do something to hurt you? I can solve that between you guys?!" Ashton said, trying his best to make Kate stay for his best friends, even though he know why she is there. Then he contacted Martin through his mind link and said "come to my office right now, Kate is here and telling me that she wants to leave you!". "What?!" Martin asked in shock, as he don't know what is going on and why Kate is doing that. He just nodded his head and started to run, saying "make her stay there, I will be there in a minute". Martin is really confused and scared, thinking about Kate doesn't like something he did last night. He ran like crazy to Ashton's office from his, even though it is so far away. All Martin can think is about Kate's decision an
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