All Chapters of Alpha King's Slave: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
177 Chapters
Chapter 120 I am sorry
"we are really so sorry, your highness, it's just His highness Prince Fedairck who said that he has already told you about everything so we don't have to tell you anything. we are really sorry, please do forgiveness" Both guards said at the same time in fear of getting punished. "what the hell is he even doing?! why did he take Elena without asking me?!" Ashton thought in irritation and started to walk towards Fedarick's room and saw Elena sitting next to Frederick and helping him with the chess game against Samantha. He didn't like the way they were sitting so close to each other, even though he knew that his brother doesn't have any of those feelings towards Elena, but still, he didn't like that they were closer and more comfortable than Elena being with him. So he walks inside the room, calling Elena "what are you doing here, Elena?". She got up from the shock and looked at Ashton, then gulps in fear, saying "Nothing... I was here because Prince Fedarick called me". "Don't you k
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Chapter 121 controlling
FlashbackElena's P O V I sat there, thinking about everything that I got to know from, after reading the documents and talking with Prince Federick and knowing their past, which also made me feel so guilty. "This is not your mistake, Elena, you didn't do anything, your family is the one that hurt them so please don't get hurt and blam yourself!" Emily said, trying to comfort me. I shook my head, as I know I have a part in everything that my parents did. If I get the good things from my parents, then of course, I will get the bad thing from them too. I took a long sigh as I don't know what I am going to do with this guilt that I am carrying. That's when I saw Ashton, who walks inside the room and saw me, He was so confused and walked towards me and asked "what happened, Elena? why are you crying? did someone do anything again, just tell me, and don't cry!" Those words of his made me even more guilty, my family has hurt him and he went through a lot because of them but still, he is
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Chapter 122 obey?
Ashton's P O V Elena is standing naked in front of me, just like I told her to do. I walk closer to Elena, who is looking down and shivering. I grabbed her face harshly and raised her face and meet her eyes. She has completely submitted it to me, which is all I wanted from the start and now, I got it completely. I moved closer to her face and killed her lips, which is so sweet as always. I was never been with anyone before because I was only focused on getting back everything that belong to me but after meeting Elena, my mate, I started to feel different, even though I can't accept or differentiate anything before, but right now, I know why? I fall in love with her so deeply, but she is not someone that I can love, she is someone that I should be hating her but, no matter how hard I tried, I can never hate her, so I decided to make her submissive and keep her with me, in this way, she will never leave me or make any trouble. I carried her to the bed while kissing her so deeply. I r
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Chapter 123 she is not guilty!
"What happened?" He asked confused and yet disliking it. Elena shook her head and replied with a small smile "Nothing happened... it's just that I am confused about bathing together, we used to bathe separately". Ashton tightens his hug and whispers in her ear "didn't I tell you not to ask questions and just follow me!". Elena was above to ask something but stopped herself and nodded her head, saying "fine". He kissed her cheek with a smile and carried her in his arm. Flashback end. In the officeElena took a long sigh and knocked on the door, thinking "is he still angry?" and asked, "It's me, Elena, your highness, can I come in?". "Yes, come in" Ashton replied, without raising his head and is still concentrating on his work. She walks inside and saw that Ashton, who was busy. She took a sigh and reported, "I have cleaned your bedroom, your highness". "Then what about my clothes?" Ashton asked, raising his head and looking at her. Elena's eyes widen as she forgot to wash that, so
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Chapter 124 cave
Elena's P O V I finished washing his clothes and left that to dry while walking back to Ashton's office to report this. I saw the same group of maids, and they are walking toward me now. I was confused but I tried to ignore them as I don't want to get into any trouble. They blocked my way and is staring at me like I am some kind of criminal. I gulped, thinking about their intention and doesn't know what to do. I took a long sigh and tried to talk with them "what do you guys want?!". "We? I don't think you can give that back!" a maid said in anger. I know what they mean but I am not the reason for anything and I should tell them or else, I will be feeling sad and at the same time, they will be misunderstood, so I took a long sigh again and replied "I know that you guys are sad, hurt and angry but you should know I am the wrong person you guys are holding the hate. I have nothing to do with the fight that happened. I just run away on that day, that is all, so please do understand thi
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Chapter 125 love?
"I am coming! don't move from there! stand right where you are!". Then he started to run towards Elena like a madman after turning into a wolf, his heartfelt calm after finding that she is here and he can get her back. He knows where the cave is present and he is thinking right now, to get near Elena as soon as he can. He doesn't know how and why she went there but he doesn't care about it right now. Ashton's mind linked one of his trusted guards and called him to run with him toward Elena and the guard obeyed Ashton's words and runs back of him. It took Ashton like 10 minutes to get there. He saw Elena, who is sitting in front of the cave in fear, hugging herself, her whole body is bruised and some parts of her body were even bleeding. He took a long sigh and turned into a human, he got dressed and his guard is still in the wolf form. Then he walks to her, calling "Elena?". She raised her head as soon as hearing Ashton's voice and looks at him with her teary eyes. She got up and ru
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Chapter 126 sister?
She is happy to hear his thought but she doesn't want him to be sad. Ashton pulled her close to him and kissed her deeper. she lipid her hand around his neck and hugged him closer and hugged him while kissing him closing her eyes. Ashton let off her lips and asked with a smile "do you feel anything?". She looks at him in confusion, when Ashton smiled and kissed her lips again, saying "do you like the feeling of swimming in the water?". Then she looked down and nodded her head, saying "I am not scared now because I know that you will always be there to protect me". Ashton smiled and whispered, "yes, I will always be there to protect you so please never leave me, ok? I can never think about living without you". He is happy that she trusts him and cares for him, just as he wanted and he does. Elena nodded her head and said, "I will never leave you". She is guilty of all the things that happened to him but at the same time, she likes him too. She doesn't know when and how it happened, b
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Chapter 127 sweet person
"own sister?" Ashton asked in confusion. He turned to look at Elena, who said "I... I know before and I always look at him as a brother, your highness". "I... I use to take care of her, when she was young" Caleb said, still looking down at the ground in fear. Ashton took a sigh and said, "get up, I am giving you the last chance but if I ever see you touching her again, then you are dead". Then Ashton walks towards the dining room, holding Elena in his left hand. Federick saw all this and was confused, as he didn't understand the way Caleb called her Princess and then he remembers Kate addressing Elena as a Princess. He was so confused about Elena's identity as he doesn't even know, which pack she belongs to and how she and his brother meet. He wanted to wait for his brother, tell him about everything but still, he has a lot of questions that needed to answer as soon as possible, He could have asked his brother if it was a normal thing but if it is about Elena, he knows that Ashton w
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Chapter 128 look after them
On the other side: Kate is standing sitting in the office room with Martin and arranging all the files accordingly while thinking about Martin's birthday, she wanted to give him a present, but she doesn't want him to know that yet. Then she remembers Elena, thinking "I think I should ask Elena for help, and she might help me with this". Then Kate got up from the sofa and walks to Martin, asking "can I go out now? I have something to do". He was confused as he raised his head to look at Kate and asked "what do you have to do?!". She don't want to tell him about her actually reason so she said with a sigh "I ... I don't think I should tell you about that, but this is so important and I want to go now!". Then she turned around and walks out of the room, as she know that Martin will ask her questions again and again. Martin was confused but at the same time, he didn't like the way she just left without explaining anything. He is so busy right now, so he didn't stop her, or else, he cou
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Chapter 129 jealous
he started to think about the way she told him before leaving and this brought him confusion. He walks down and grabbed Kate's hand and said "where did you go for so long? I have been waiting for you! Come on, we have a lot of things to do!". Then he started to drag her from there. Hail took a long sigh in sadness and walks away from there. Caleb observed this and asked Elena "what is their relationship, Princess?". "Kate and Martin are husband and wife, while Hail is Kate's friend, but why are you asking about this, as far as I remember you don't like to gossip about others?" Elena asked in confusion. Caleb smiled and didn't tell what he observed but told: "I am new here and I just want to know, I don't want to be rude by mistaking them and their relationship". "That's a good thing, come on, let's go back, Ashton will be looking for us," Elena said with a small smile and walks upstairs towards Ashton's office. --------------------------- "Your highness, this is Elena, can I
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