All Chapters of My Adorable Twins And Their Daddy: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
273 Chapters
Chapter 121
When he didn’t reply, Camila lowered her voice a little enough not to wake up Lucky. It will be a disaster if the cheeky girl would wake up and find her in the arms of Samuel. She would be so embarrassed.“Hey, are you even listening to me? I said let go. “Camila soon realized that the man was already soundly asleep, the guy just snubbed her like that, what an asshole However, it felt great to be in his warm embrace ,maybe she could take the chance that he was asleep to enjoy his body. Oh….she had been yearning for his touches silently but she couldn’t bring herself to touch him, she didn’t want to send him wrong information.She decided that she would sleep on his chest and hug him like never before. She would smell his beautiful scent but she won’t allow herself to fall asleep. She wanted to wake up before him so that he would not catch her.In the next moment Camila got comfortable, she was not nervous anymore. Now that the man was clueless of her intentions she didn’t need to wor
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Chapter 122
This was always intoxicating for her, every time her head would not think. Samuel sure knew how to take advantage of her.He took his time and gave her the way she liked it. By now he had learned how she liked to be kissed. They hadn’t gone past just a kiss but slowly by slowly he was learning the woman in front of him.He stopped and laughed on her lips” This was all that you wanted, would you like anything else?” he asked.Camila was excited and annoyed at the same time, she will lose her mind if she didn’t send the damn man away. She finally decided to kick him out of the house, she just knew the best way to do it and she wondered why she took that long.She smiled and Samuel was startled” Samuel, didn’t you have a girlfriend? Please I am not a rebound woman. Leave me alone and go be with Bella. She has done nothing but show me that you only want her. Why am I the only one seeing this?”His poker face turned icy immediately, he roughly shoved Camila aside and went out of the room.
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Chapter 123
“Daddy, I am sorry for disturbing you, okay, but if you don’t want to take me to Camila, I understand. She is not your wife or your girlfriend. So probably you wouldn’t be so attached to her like I do. I understand that you never liked women and that is why I don’t have a mother right now. However, would you let me go and live with Camila one day?” he finally asked.Samuels’s mouth opened wide in a shock, why was fate playing with him this way. He would be lonely if Leo left him. It was not that he was against Leo living with Camila but he was his only family.“Leo, don’t you like to live with me anymore?” Samuel asked curiously.“Of course I like to live with you, but I don’t want a situation like this to repeat itself again. If you allow me to live with Camila for some time, I swear that I will never ask you to take me to see her. I promise, daddy”He knew that it was impossible for Leo not to want to go to Camila, but the boy was doing a good job at convincing him. This was a rare
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Chapter 124
Still Camila didn’t talk to the man who was sitting on her couch. He was so difficult to get rid of. Samuel Hudson was her worst night mare from the moment she came back, she wished that he wasn’t her boss or that she wasn’t attracted to him. The damn bastard was looking so hot, just any woman can kneel in front of him but not Camila. The past hardened her, she may seem heartless to him but it was only a way of protecting herself and her baby, nothing more or less.“Well since I am not needed in this house and someone is not even talking to me, I am going to leave. I only came because Leo wanted to see you and I couldn’t bear to see his sad face” Samuel said.Sometimes, Camila wondered why Samuel behaved softly towards her, from the rumours she had heard, the man was a devil himself. He was ruthless, arrogant and unbearable but still the most handsome man available, why would he even favour a woman like her. A woman with a past that she didn’t even want to remember, however that did
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Chapter 125
Still the same, she was curious as to what he wanted to discuss with her. “ I am coming right now” Camila replied amid confused mind. When she walked out of the office, the employees looked at her strangely. She wondered what was up with them. It is that they knew that she was going to the boss’s office and they believed the rumours in the media about her sleeping with Samuel. This was one of the reasons why she never liked to go to the man’s office.However they said in hushed voices” The show went well and it will surely boast the sales for this month” Even though their words were nice she was still not settled, she was clueless of what they were thinking about her.She opened the door and entered the office without knocking. She had been nervous, she even forgot to knock. Samuel looked at her with a raised brows” Where is your manners Camila, since when do you enter my office without knocking” He looked at her with an icy expression.Right, he was still pissed off with her, or el
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Chapter 126
The kids became attentive and looked in to his face with anticipation. They forgot for a while that Camila didn’t come for them.“Tell us” Lucky urged.“Yes daddy, tell us. We are very eager” Leo chimed in”The kids were so funny and cute at the same time, Samuel couldn’t help but feel warmth inside. If Camila could agree with his marriage proposal, they would surely be happy family.He rubbed his palms together and then muttered “Lucky you are going to spend the night at my mansion. Are you ready or shall we post pone it?” he asked playfully while smirking.The kids started jumping up and down.“This is the best news, daddy. As long as mommy is fine we are ready to go.”He lifted the two of them and placed them at the back of the car then she sped off to his mansion. He had already informed Sophia who was excited to have Lucky in the house. She kind of felt that Lucky had some similarities to Samuel but she just couldn’t put her fingers exactly to why it was the case.“Hello Aunty So
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Chapter 127
Camila was lost for words, things kept on getting complicated no matter how she tried to control them. But what did Samuel intend to achieve by kissing her in front of the crowd. Oh… the guy will pay. She cursed silentlyHe wiped her tears and Camila didn’t fail to see the softness in his eyes.Her attention shifted to the cake on the table, it was a huge size. She didn’t care about its size but what attracted her attention was its decoration. It was a work of art as the baker tried to put in to one place what she loved most, designing. The person was depicting the runway show that just ended and it came out lovely.Camila held her mouth and muttered a thank you to the crowd not knowing that this was a handiwork of Samuel. He just loved to see the woman express herself, there was nothing that mattered to him than Camila being herself, he needed to make her happy at all cost.“Okay, let the party begin” Samuel declared” bring the knife and folk, I am going to help the birthday girl cut
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Chapter 128
She was still looking for a perfect excuse to go see Samuel when she received the image. Her hate for Camila even increased but she was going to show her today.Immediately she took her phone and called another number” it is time, go to the hotel address I am sending you right after the conversation and do as I have instructed”“Yes ma’am” the man replied and hung up the phone. Bella had promised them a huge amount of money and as long as she was going to watch Camila suffer, she didn’t mind using that money.At the party people drank and enjoyed the food. Camila wished that the party could end so that she can go home, everything was just overwhelming for her. She needed her soft bed to lay her head and forget the employees, most importantly Samuel.Suddenly, Samuel received a call and he excused himself.” Camila I have to leave now, please take care of yourself. I will send Caleb to come and take you home” he said regrettably.“Finally it was time” Camila commented absentmindedly and
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Chapter 129
The man looked at Samuel’s intimidating and powerful aura and felt fear start to consume him. He knew that if he had messed with the woman of a powerful man then he will be a dead meat. Looking at him closely he realized that he was Samuel Hudson. He quickly stared down and wanted to find ways to get away from the place as fast as he could before the man decided to unleash his terror on him.Samuel bent down and touched her face” Camila I am here now, you will be fine” he said with a soothing voice. Camila needed him so badly, so he scooped her up in his arms and strode with her to the car.Samuel just wanted to help Camila, he wasn’t going to waste time on the man responsible for putting her in that condition but if he wanted he could come back and find him in whatever hole that he wanted to hide in.He quickly instructed Caleb to bring him his phone, Caleb knew what to do with the man while the boss took care of his woman.Before Samuel started to drive home, he was even confused wh
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Chapter 130
Samuel noticed her reaction and his mood improved, by the time she had shown Camila that he was worthy of her love she wouldn’t have any more reason to keep on rejecting him. It was so tiresome.“Don’t worry, the kids are already at school. I gave specific instructions to my driver. “Samuel had made the arrangements yesterday because he knew that Camila wouldn’t be able to wake up early.Camila quickly grabbed her phone and realized that it was already 9.00AM, not only was she late to take Lucky to school but she was also late for work and the damn man just looked at her with a wicked smile on his handsome face.“Why didn’t you wake me up?” She asked disappointed.” Now I am going to be late for work” “Camila just relax, we will both go to work together okay” Samuel smirked at the way she was acting nervous. He knew that Camila didn’t want to ride in his car to work but now she had no any other choice. It was either him or she can forget getting to work on time.“I don’t think that
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