All Chapters of My Adorable Twins And Their Daddy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
273 Chapters
Chapter 141
Samuel by now knew what to expect from her, so he replied” I am leaving then, Camila. Take care and don’t cook for other people” he had to make sure to remind her.“Gosh… you are so unbelievable, you are acting like a jealous husband ““Yeah….. very soon I will be” he replied and then drove away with a sheepish grin on his face. Camila looked at the car at a daze. The man was getting deeper and deeper in to her life, she must not allow it or her plans will never go through.Of course he can offer her the kind of a life she and dreamed of but she just didn’t trust him, men were never to be trusted as much as they present themselves as angels. She believed in making her own money than depending on another man’s money. If she would have had money back then, she wouldn’t have sold herself and ended up giving birth to children that she didn’t even know their father.Once she had enough money, she would start searching for her son, she knew that she would be able to face the billionaire wh
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Chapter 142
“Guys, haven’t you seen him on TV, the man is none other than Samuel Hudson, the one and only heir of Hudson groups.” Another woman who seemed to know more explained. She was also surprised to see the man in real life.“Well now that you are talking about it, I have realized that he looks like a familiar figure, but I thought he only had a son. No one knew his mother but the man was never interested in women. When did he get married?“I don’t know, maybe it would be better if you would ask him yourself because recently I saw a hot rumor going on the social media that he was sleeping with one of his designers. Oh…..Is she the one?” “Just mind you own business, we came here for the kids, quit bothering others, if the man is really married he is doing a good job at hiding it. He doesn’t want people to know and I think we are privileged to see his wife or mistress, whatever you might want to think about it ““Yes…if you go ahead and ask him about his personal life, he might get offended,
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Chapter 143
“Now parents we are at the last stage. We would give each family a score for assignment completed well and then we will announce the winner at the end of this event. Please try as much as possible to bond with your kids and also don’t forget to enjoy yourself. It is one of a kind opportunity and you will never find it anywhere in the world, I promise you that most of you parents don’t even have time for their kids, it is work 24/7 and at the end of the day it is us teachers who are left with them most of their times.”They started with solving puzzles, Samuel and the kids managed to finish on time. Camila too contributed from time to time. And at the end she just found herself enjoying playing with Samuel and the kids. Each family was given a different scenarios and the most interesting thing was that the kids gets to choose what they wanted to do.Leo and Lucky giggled cheekily and chose to play soccer. It meant that contribution from every member was needed. Unfortunately it happen
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Chapter 144
“You are doing well, Camila, all you have to do is mentally control how you hit the ball and then you won’t feel the pain” Samuel encouraged.The pain was unbearable. She looked at him with tears in her eyes. When he saw that, he felt bad. Samuel realized that he acted hastily, he should have thought about this first and took notice of her nervousness.” I am sorry, okay” he suddenly apologized. But as always, he cared about his own interests , he should have known that she was weak to do this. so he bent down and caressed her legs while whispering gentle words in her ears. Camila was spoiled, she didn’t know whether to appreciate him or just shout at him and blame him for her misfortune.“Leonardo, go and bring the spray for pain relief for your mother” the teacher shouted from her desk where she had been observing the couple very carefully.Samuel carried Camila and placed her on an empty chair, he then raised her legs where she had been hurt and sprayed it. Camila was relieved that
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Chapter 145
Samuel stood up confidently bringing his aura of power and dominance. The whole crowd kept quiet as he made his way to the front with Camila by his side. He took the microphone and his voice beamed over the room.“Fellow parents, it was nice to meet you in this special occasion. In fact I have also learned so much. It was overwhelming to have to be part of this, not long ago I only believed in staying in my office and didn’t know that the joy of life was loving and taking part in my kid’s life. With this few remarks I appreciate all of you” He finished saying then the teacher asked” what is the secret of the love between the two of you” Camila just knew that she wouldn’t let them go without making matters complicated.Samuel answered” it is simple, you just have to appreciate your partner by the way they are and my wife here is my greatest motivation in life” he muttered as he looked in Camila’s brown eyes” In fact she is the apple of my eyes, she is my life and everything, I want t
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Chapter 146
“We are fine thank you” he replied with a wink at Camila. Her eyes looked at the man gravely. If she was given a chance she would have killed him. She was Camila Carson and not Mrs. Hudson, what was all this? The whole world had already decided that she was Samuel’s wife.To some ladies it would be a honor to be his wife but not for her. Rich men just didn’t give her a good vibe. It will take century after century for her to be convinced.Food was brought, Camila ate lazily since she had already lost her appetite. Upon seeing this Samuel also left his food. He suddenly lost his appetite and therefore he needed to go back home. He didn’t want to deal with her negativity. Even a man of his caliber had his limits.“Camila, it is not good for you to behave like this in front of the kids. Come on they are copying your attitude” Samuel reprimanded, but he made sure to whisper in her ears so that the noisy kids wouldn’t listen to them.Camila smiled showing her white teeth, she couldn’t take
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Chapter 147
“Lucky, I have explained this to you before….Samuel is just acting like your father. I know you love him so much and that is all there is. I can’t go and live with him because we are not husband and wife, okay” Camila explained patiently hoping that she will understand. “No mommy, you are the one who doesn’t want him. I saw you at the school when he was teaching you soccer at the field. I also saw him kiss you. If I understand well husband and wife are the ones who kisses each other. “But how did she get to learn about all this? She was just a five year old girl who shouldn’t be bothered by who kisses who. Gosh…she should take care not to kiss or touch in front of the kids.Camila was still startled, it seems that the kids took the kiss seriously, now this was another headache, how the hell was she going to get the idea out of this girl’s head. She was another very stubborn kid, it was difficult to change her mind once she has decided on something.That reminded her, Samuel has the
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Chapter 148
“You have no right to control me, but if you don’t want to watch over Lucky. It is fine, I know Alan will do a good job of taking care of her” she said to piss him off. Then she turned her back on him and left the office. She smiled with happiness knowing that he was angry, maybe he won’t bother her for the time being. Immediately she returned to her office, the office telephone rang. She already knew who was calling so she just picked it up without bothering to look.“Camila, don’t you dare take my child to Alan. I will take care of her myself” an icy voice talked on the other side of the phone. Camila chuckled silently, she knew that he would never allow Lucky to go somewhere else.“Alright, but I am still going to the party and don’t you dare try to stop me” Camila warned him.Samuel felt too much anger in him that he just hung up the call without talking. Camila was bent on driving him crazy with his stubbornness, she could never listen to what he was saying.Her day was normal,
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Chapter 149
“Honey, you are finally here” Luke greeted Camila as she walked in to the company looking as gorgeous as never before, he remembered that only one person looked like her. Camila’s mother was the love of his life and he would have been happy to have the both of them beside him if not that she chose to disgrace him.However he was not going to let the thought of that woman destroy his happy mood. Today he has found a good man for his daughter, he was sure that she will accept him. He has never thought of match making in his life but Camila deserved someone who will treat her right, she has suffered too much.“Dad, I promised to come and I am here.” She said and looked around. She could see several people chatting silently with one another as they sipped on their drinks.Luke didn’t waste any time, he only needed her to make an appearance and then the rest of his plans will work out. He quickly signaled to another man who appeared to be giving instructions to one of the employees.He im
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Chapter 150
“I thank you so much but not today. We will make arrangements so that you can take me through a proper tour. okay” the man thought that it was a brilliant idea, he can get to see her again and try to make his move. He wanted to court her at all means and for her to come back later will give them privacy and more time.“There is no pressure, let us exchange numbers so that I can contact you later on the date that your will be free.” He suggested.” She could see that he was excited.“Sure “Camila replied and gave him her number then he dialed it and it rang. She quickly saved his number in her phone contact so that when he called she wouldn’t ask who he was, it would be embarrassing.Samuel arrived with Caleb to the function. L.C Corporation was a company that would have gone under if not for his help. Camila probably doesn’t know this but he has been responsible for the tenders that they have won recently. He needed it to stay in operation, it was his payment for Bella saving his life
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