All Chapters of My Adorable Twins And Their Daddy: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
273 Chapters
Chapter 131
“I want a special gown for an upcoming event I am supposed to attend with Alan. He doesn’t know yet but I want to surprise him. Do you think that you can design a good one for me?”“Fine, give me the details”“Let us meet up in the restaurant near your office, I will be there at around 4. 00PM. don’t be late” she instructed and hung up the phone.That was absurd, why would she ask her to meet up at that time of the hour. Any way in order to avoid problems she decided to go, she wanted to hurry up so that Lucky wouldn’t wait up for her for too long.Camila went and found the woman with another lady. She sat down ready to take any note of what she wanted but she realized that Mia was not in a hurry. It seems that there was something more she wanted to tell her.“Camila, actually I think you suck in designing. I don’t like your work and so I will never dare to buy anything from you. I will rather take my millions and throw them in to the sea.” Such was hatred she had lived with through h
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Chapter 132
Samuel went to school and didn’t see Camila, he picked up the kids and took them to his house. Afterward, he called Mercy to explain to him where Camila was. It was then that he had driven straight away to the restaurant, he knew that Camila was definitely in trouble.Tears were close to falling close to her face but she was trying so hard to control them.“Is there something that I should know” Samuel suddenly asked making Mia dismayed. She had to come up with a way to turn things against Camila, she must make the woman look bad in front of Samuel. She wanted to see Samuel look at her with disgust.Only then would she be satisfied that she had humiliated her. Mia even wondered what Camila had that she didn’t, wasn’t she beautiful enough for Alan? Why the hell did he go ahead and betrayed her with the woman. She will not let things go like that, Camila must learn to leave Alan alone.“Samuel, your designer here has been disrespectful to me, I wanted to make an order but now I have cha
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Chapter 133
“Should we go and pick up Lucky?” Camila asked.With a thoughtful expression on his face he muttered absentmindedly” I am still thinking about it, on second thoughts I think we will just be disturbing her. Let her just sleep over. How about I treat you to a nice dinner?” Samuel suddenly asked.” I need you to wipe off that worried look on your face. Rest assured that your dad will be fine, okay” he then added.Being seen on public with him was something else especially when there were rumours flying all over that they were lovers. She will rather go home and make some delicious meal for him.“Let us do this instead. Why don’t I treat you to a nice homemade meal at my new house? Would you like that? In a way it would be my payment for saving my father’s company” Camila said hoping that the man would hear her out this time round.This woman had no idea what he had been doing for her father’s company. It was better that way because he knew that she would never accept any help coming from
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Chapter 134
“Wait for me here, I am going to prepare something for us” Camila said although she still felt weird being in the same space with the man. She could just imagine what could happen between them, if the man kept on seducing her.Later when the food was ready, he ate and then asked for water. Camila went to the refrigerator and reprieved his water. It was not too cold and so the man drunk it as she watched. Right now she was acting like a caring and submissive wife, she failed to understand what the man did to her, could she have courage to send him away once and for all.Finally it was time for her to take the dishes away. She was never a person to leave dirty dishes at night and so she was used to washing them before going to bed. Camila was damn tired and Samuel was the one still keeping her awake. Camila had assumed that by now Samuel had known that his time to go was up, so she didn’t need to tell him to go. As she busied herself back at the kitchen she forgot all about him.Meanwh
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Chapter 135
His hands roamed freely though her body, he felt the need to throw the towel away but he was going to take it slow. Patience was all that was needed , if he did anything in a rash, things will take a wrong turn.Camila was melting in his magical hands, everywhere he caressed felt more sensitive than the rest of her burning body. Her body was now a vessel of electricity currents as they traveled all over making her drunk with desire for him. She wanted to feel him and let him have her body, the body that hasn’t been touched for 5 good years.Samuel lifted his gaze and observed the woman. Oh….what would he not give to have her vulnerable like this.Camila felt his bulge, very strong and demanding. It throbbed underneath the towel he wrapped around his waist.“Should we proceed?” He asked with a hoarse voice while biting her ear gently. This caused her to shiver with desire, she hid her face on the nape of his neck and tried to smell the fresh scent on his body. Right now he really smel
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Chapter 136
“I am sorry Alan, but I am already asleep and that won’t be a good idea. Besides driving at night is always dangerous, just go to sleep, we will talk tomorrow” she said politely.‘But your voice is so alert, are you sure you are asleep, Camila? I know you, I know how your voice sounds when you are asleep. Anyway it is okay if you don’t want me to come, I understand because we are just friends.”He was making her feel guilty now and she hated the feeling so much. This was somebody who stood by her in her difficult moments so at least she had to make him feel better.” Let us do this instead” she talked while looking at Samuel’s dark and dangerous eyes.“I will treat you to a homemade dinner tomorrow, okay. I will cook your favourite fish” The man beside her squeezed her shoulder so hard she almost screamed. How could the damn woman offer another man dinner? He was the only one who was supposed to eat at her house not Alan.“I have to go now, Alan, goodnight” “Goodnight Camila” he said
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Chapter 137
She couldn’t help but to sneer disgustedly. It was not usual for her to hate people and she didn’t hold grudges but still she never liked people who attacked her when she was innocent.“I am sorry Mia, but I have nothing to talk to you about. You messed with my father when I actually didn’t offend you in any way. I don’t even fancy your man in the way that you think, so it gave you no right to think that you can step all over me. I want you to get out and leave me the hell alone” Camila didn’t wish to talk to her.Mia curved her mouth as she looked at Camila, honestly it was hard for her to do this.“I have to say that I crossed the line, but you gave me no choice?” she started to say but Camila interrupted her “Please I am busy now, I don’t want to talk about insignificant things. All I want to know is whether my father’s supplies are already handled?“I kept my word and returned them to him. Just thank your God that Samuel was involved, otherwise I wouldn’t have lifted a finger. I d
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Chapter 138
“Can’t you feel my joy, I just received the supplies early this morning. Honey, whatever you did, I am so thankful to you. Right now I am working on a tight budget and I really wouldn’t have known how to pay for the lost goods.”Camila understood how money can make someone go crazy, she had experienced this first hand and it has never been a good memory.“Oh….Dad I am so relieved. You know I had to do everything in my power to help you “of course credit goes to Samuel and she wouldn’t start to tell him about it since Luke will start having useless thoughts on his head about her and Samuel.“Camila there is something I meant to tell you but I have been forgetting it every single time. You need to settle down, honey. You need to give that little girl a father so I have an idea, I want you to come to the company. We have a get together party for the employee just to thank them for their patience during these hard times. Please come, who knows, you may meet your partner there. ” Her fath
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Chapter 139
Samuel noticed her nervousness as she looked around, he knew that in a matter of seconds she will climb inside the car without him lifting his fingers. The damn woman was so cute looking confused.“You are afraid” he said“I am not” Camila denied but the lightning made her jump with fright and Samuel chuckled sarcastically.Camila had always feared rainfall and storm, really she couldn’t stand the lightning. Once she had seen some one being struck by the lightning when she was young and it stuck on her head. She could never forget that day.Camila also looked at her watch and realized that she was already late for picking up Lucky, her only option was to ride with Samuel then after he had dropped them off to the house, she would go to the grocery if the weather allows. If not she would request Alan if he would bring the fish on his way.So she quickly climbed the car while staring at Samuel’s mocking face” I am only riding with you because I will be late and I fear storm, but I want
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Chapter 140
“Daddy, you are so quite” Lucky suddenly asked.“I am okay baby, it is just that I am concentrating on driving us safely to the house. How was your school today? “Samuel asked.“Good, we had a lot of activities and I learned a lot. I even told my teacher that one day I would like to make dresses for important people just like my mommy. I would like to be the most sought after designer in the world”Camila smiled and caressed her daughter’s hair. Oh…it was so good to see her that hopeful and looking forward to a beautiful future, something that she was denied when she was a child. Tears of joy travelled down her face as she admired Lucky.“Me too, daddy” Leo replied. “But there is something that we would like to ask the both of you. We didn’t know what to tell the teacher”Camila became curious” what it is honey, did something happened to you at school”“No…it is just that our teacher said that there will be a class meeting day tomorrow and all the kids are expected to come with the bo
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