All Chapters of Hellbound!: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
110 Chapters
Zeres couldn't understand why the connection between him and Abigail was fast reducing. Normally, there should have been a powerful impulse telling how well and OK the mate partner is, but right now Abi’s own connection was rabidly reducing and this only happens when either, they are in danger or about to die. Zeres couldn't help but trace her scent and then finally, his scent reached that particular place where Abi and Lynn had fought. Yes, her scent lingered powerfully within him that this was the only place she had been, no where else. Unknowingly to him that over the seas, a certain goddess of light just lifted the person he had been searching for. Abigail, there was actually no one to rescue her so the goddess themselves went to retrieve one of their lineage. And after picking her up, they ascended up to the heavens. Zeres was on his own searching and calling Abi’s name when he suddenly found her camera which had been broken. It had cracks on the screen but all her memories were
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Two Years
Two years passed swiftly after all the chaos which had taken place in Ki Dollarama. The war had been insidious and so heart burning. Quesa had been destroyed. Now, a new structure towered where Quesa used to lay but now, the place was no longer known as Quesa, it was now called Divon. The tower was newly built by Zeres and his coronation as the new ruler of Ki Dollarama was in two weeks so he was looking forward to it. After Abigail had disappeared, his world had turned upside down. Her mother too was nowhere to be seen. Hadn't he left her at his apartment back in New York? So she herself had disappeared just as Abi had vanished too. Zeres couldn't believe it, life without Abi had been hell and now, he couldn't believe that he was still able to cope. His smiles though had only ended up not being his unique one. So from there onwards, everyone did their best to stay as far away from Zeres because ever since being infected with the poison from that shot, he had turned out to be easily
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Lantern festival
Everyone in Divon city was getting prepared for the Lantern festival which was to take place by tonight. The cities in Ki Dollarama were all busy to get themselves ready for this ceremony. This particular ceremony had been a long time tradition in Ki Dollarama as a whole, and most especially for married couples. But it was also eventful for normals or singles to be out there celebrating either with their friends or relatives. The town leaders gathered those that will prep the carnival, holding the decorations and trying to make the place to look even up to the standard of their said ceremony. The lantern festival is always open for both the rich and the poor which means that, it was mostly for everyone with no exemption so it was equally right for even the most stupidest person to attend the festival. Right now it was noon, almost half the day but still, everyone couldn't just wait for the evening and they just had keep talking. Isabelle who had been staying at the structure at Div
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Show Off
Zeres and Ezekiel sat miles away from the ladies clustered about the main living room, their main goal now was on discussing things about his business. Somehow Ezekiel and Zeres were fifty fifty partners in a company back In New York so they we're so busy discussing on how to solve their problem and counter a bit of loss. His company In New York had grown so fast and that just after he had attained his glorious throne that had been stolen from him, the title of king would be given to him in no less than two weeks so, whatever he was to do about his business, he was to do, and wrap them up because he would have lesser time to visit his Empire back in New York. He would either have to put someone as the CEO so that they would keep it running while passing the information to him that would be far away. So Ezekiel had suggested Kai be that CEO so that was what they had arranged for. Kai was meeting them today in the palace. Zeres would have loved if Ezekiel take this on his own wisdom bec
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Self Restraint
“Kai, am wanting a CEO in my company and that since I would be ascending and I would not get that chance to visit the company because of my duties as the ruler of this country. Zeke here wanted you to be useful so I had chosen you but, I do not want to regret that choice. Make me proud. ” Kai smiled lividly as usual and then bowed. “Yes, my liege. Most importantly, I would not disappoint you on this one.” Kai said. After Zeres had taken his time to explain to him on what he should do and what his position particularly entails, he decided to call the company's manager to tell him to inform the whole employees about the new CEO that would be working from tomorrow and after that, he sent some credential info about the new CEO so that they would know that he is the one when he resumes. Then, Kai was dismissed. And before he could turn to leave, a girl tapped him on his shoulders and then gave him a warm smile. “Can I have a minute or two?” Kai smiled and replied. “Sure, no problem
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It was almost dusk, the time for the lantern festival and Zeres just packed himself into his car. Elle and Kai took the back while Ezekiel sat at the passengers seat. The drive to the event wasn't actually a really small drive it was a drive all the way to Dark forest. The ceremony was being held there and Zeres car took some hours before it halted by the already hoisted parking lots where you pay someone to just watch as you park your car over his lane. The ambiance was somewhat calm and peaceful. Just how Dark forest had been always. The beauty of the place just had that nice and lovely scenery which one would never like to leave the sight of it. Even the sight of it turned out to be hypnotic and anyone who's look get poised by it turned to be appaled with each minute passing by. Zeres stepped out and Ezekiel too then Kai. Elle herself forgot to step down because she kept wondering how to keep Abi away from Zeres. Induna had come with that big ugly news that Abi was hosting the l
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Elle had not been herself since the Lantern festival started, most especially because Abi somehow was the host of the festival. She had made herself to stick around Zeres at all times to ensure that there would be no obvious circumstances whereby Abi and Zeres would get to meet themselves. Right now, Zeres didn't look like he was sad neither was he extremely happy and that was OK for her, his state lately had been giving her trouble and definitely she couldn't believe that he had been able to cope good after Abi had gone, well if she had gone and her going missing made him so relaxed then, she would make his state to remain the same without letting Abi come into his life for a second time. Elle turned, but her gaze suddenly stopped at Induna. And she was with one of her friends Grace. Elle's face contorted with disgust. “She's always in dire need of a gossip mate, how delirious.” Elle muttered and then, left Zeres side without the man even asking where she was headed. Zeres believe
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Remember me
Meanwhile, Kai and Zeres walked the distance for a couple of hours before Zeres turned to the young man. “Where did Ezekiel disappear to? I mean, he has always been with me. . .” Kai hummed for a while and he kept looking at Zeres disapproving of whether he should tell him or not. “Zeke had asked me not to say a word until he's back so please, do not ask me anything. I am sorry. . .” “Tell me Kai, Zeke won't hurt you. I am here.” Kai's face twisted. “Zeres, he had trusted me with that task, I cannot disobey him. I had fought hard to make him put his trust in me so that he would not look at me like one of our brothers.” Zeres smiled and patted him on the shoulder. “Listen kid, I might not be a good man but I will promise you that Ezekiel would never send you away. Don't test my patience and spill it.” Kai sighed. “Ezekiel saw Abigail. She's at this festival.” Zeres eyes suddenly widened with horror. Both shock and happiness brimmed within his being. “Wait, no. . . wait, tel
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Zeres and the three did not move an inch and that got Abi wondering if she had offended them for any reason whatsoever so she was also being cautious. “Uh, am sorry but did I offend you three? Somehow, if I had done so, please forgive me. I never meant to.” Zeres was stunned for a while at her apologies when she had done absolutely nothing to them. She was still the same, caring and also beautiful in all stances. She was also meek, even ready to apologize for what she had not done. That was nice qualities she had and they were good. Zeres only felt hurt that she didn't remember him. That she didn't even call his name. Probably, she had forgotten his name so Zeres cleared his throat. It was the first time talking to her in two years so it had been so long. “Hi, am Zeres. Uh, will be crowned ruler of Ki Dollarama soon. Next week actually and I would love to know you better.” Zeres felt the need to approach her and start all afresh so that she would fall for him because this whole s
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End Of Volume I
Volume 1 ends with Zeres and Abi conquering the war with King Gale Cyrus and retrieving his throne. Although, his coronation was in two weeks, but at least he was to rule and his reign is going to be filled with steamy scenes and love not worth ending. Yes, Abi lost her memories but somehow, the love she had for him wasn't lost, she accepted him wholeheartedly and Zeres would begin from the very start so as to grow the love between them. More gossips on the way, plots as dubious schemes. Quincy would be the lead antagonist although in the second volume, there will be more villains to the book Hellbound! Happy 100th chapters readers. . .
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