All Chapters of Pregnant With My Rejected Billionaire : Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
214 Chapters
Her Saviour Alpha 4
Remember me.Alex Pov's .I don't know how long we kept staring at each other until I felt something wet in my hand. I looked at my hand and there was blood. my eyes went on her stomach, her dress turned into red colour because of blood. I looked at her whole body, blood oozing out of all her injuries. I was dumbstruck seeing her condition "ohh god.. what is happening to her" I thought and immediately called the doctor. my eyes went on her, there was no expression on her face. only her eyes were open but she was lying like a corpse. A lady doctor came inside and checked her pulse. I came out of the room so that the doctor could treat her."take care of Sana until i come. Make sure no one can meet her until I allowed" I mind linked my beta, Max."ok Alpha" .I immediately morphed into a wolf and went towards Ella's cottage because I know only she can help me in this situation. Ella, the powerful witch who lived in the cottage situated in the middle of the forest. I stopped outside t
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Sign Language
No One Pov's . Aana looks at Aaron's side with the sound of a knob opening, only to find him in an office dress. "You're going to the office?" She asked coming towards him and adjust his tie. "Yeah" "Bu---But you were feeling sleepy" She mumbled. All of a sudden she started feeling uneasy. "Don't worry... I'm fine," he muttered and kissed her forehead. "This meeting is important for everyone. I have to go," he mumbled. Aana nodded her head, understanding his point. She moved away from him when his phone rang. Aaron smiled and picked up the call, and started talking to his team member while collecting his file. Aana was looking at him only, thinking about everything that happened between him and Alice, and a tear rolled from her eyes. That's when Aaron looked at her side, sensing her pain. She quickly wiped off her tears and passed him a smile. "I will call you back" He muttered and kept his file on his bed then went towards her, only to pull her into his arms. "What happened
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I Found You
No One Pov's."Please do something moron" Rex growled frustratingly seeing Aana like this. Aaron didn't reply to him and attached his lips to Aana, giving her mouth-to-mouth breathing. Aana opened her eyes and looked at his mate, tears rolled from her eyes. She circled her hands around his neck and again closed her eyes to feel his lips on her. Soon she started calming down. He parted away from her and looked at her then took a deep breath, after seeing her condition getting better."Pearl" He started kissing all over her face. Aana opened her eyes and looked at him, tears rolled from her eyes seeing him close to her."You scared me" He mumbled and sucked her tears. "I thought I would die without seeing you" She chuckled, trying to ease the situation but her words angered him. He growled in response."Dare you to utter nonsense" He frowned and embraced her tightly in his arms."I'm fine, Aaron," she mumbled."You're not and I can sense that" "I need those tablets," She muttered. Aa
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Aaron Pov's."How is this possible?" I asked, still not able to believe what I read in Aana's report. I was gawking at Kathie in disbelief."Would you tell me, Aaron, what is written in the report?" Aana growled. I look at her and then bend towards her to kiss her forehead."We are pregnant" Before I could complete she hit on my arm."I know that stupid" she screeched. I chuckled, not able to believe my girl is going to give birth to a twin who behaves like a child."You're pregnant with a twin, Aana" Aana looked at her side in disbelief and then at me. a tear of happiness fell from her eyes when I nodded my head."Twins" She whispered and kept her hand on her stomach and that's when her reaction changed. She tightly held my hand."I felt two kicks'' She looked at me dumbstruck."You also didn't know about having twins?" I asked, surprisingly."How would I know? This is the first time they kick together." She replied with a smile and held my hand to keep it on her stomach and that's
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Can't Afford To Lose Her
Aaron Pov's . Kathie was looking at me with a worried expression. Maybe she is in a dilemma about whether to tell me or not and worried about how I would handle the news she was going to give me. "Luna is pregnant with twins despite one of those pups being a Lycan," Kathie said the thing which I already know. "Don't beat about the bush, Kathie" I frowned. "Your power is divided between two pups, Alpha. Baby boy is blessed with your Lycan power and baby girl is blessed with your healer power" she muttered bringing a smile to my face. "She will be a healer like my mom" "If she would be able to survive '' My smile vanished upon hearing her. I look at her dumb-headed. "What do you mean if she would be able to survive?" I growled. "She is weak… In recent days whenever Aana's health gets worse because of panic attacks, she uses her power to heal her mother as a result her own health gets wrecked. It's hard for her to survive till delivery" I felt like the ground slipped under my
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Her Brother
Aaron Pov's . I was looking at Aana when she approached me and held my hand then kissed my palm. "Why are you making faces like this?" She giggled. "You heard" Before I could complete she attached her lips to mine, kissing me passionately and I responded to her with the same intensity. After breaking the kiss, she attached her forehead to mine. "Everything is fine. I can feel it and I'm sure everything will be fine in the future as well," she mumbled. I nod my head and kiss her forehead. She smiled and again went back to Aunt Jennifer to discuss the celebration. I sighed looking at her, not able to understand whether she heard my conversation with Kathie or not. If she heard my conversation then how could she be so calm after knowing everything? Maybe she is hiding her emotions from me and if she is doing this then it's not good for her health and our pups. "What are you thinking, Alpha?" Kathie asked. "I don't know what I should do or not in this situation" I muttered in fru
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Mystery To Me
Aana Pov's . I was going towards my room when I heard the word which was enough to stop the world around me. "Pearl" . I turned towards him, looking at him surprisingly, not able to believe I heard him calling me 'Pearl'. He came towards me and wiped my tears lovingly. "Could you please call me by that name again?" I asked. He nodded his head negatively. "it just came off." "Please" I begged, badly wanting to hear him calling me 'Pearl'. "No Aana... you lost the right over me and that word, the moment you betrayed me with someone else." Tears brimmed in my eyes upon hearing him, but this time I controlled them. "No matter what the situation is Aaron and what you say about starting everything fresh but I think nothing can get back to its place because you're still mad at me for not showing up on our wedding day" "No" He muttered and looked into my eyes. "I'm not mad at you for not showing up at our wedding but I hate you for betraying me... I hate you because you slept wi
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Aaron Pov's .I could feel that I upset Aana by saying no to her to call her 'Pearl' and also saw tears of complaint in her eyes when I accused her of cheating. My heart bleeds while saying those words but I said it because I wanted to hear from her mouth that she didn't cheat on me but like two months ago, she chose to run away instead of fighting and shouting out this matter.I wanted to stop her when my Beta Patrick came in front of me and the thing that I feared the most happened. He addressed Aana as Luna forgetting that I introduced him as an Alpha of the Wild pack to her. I sighed in disappointment."Aana go to your room. I want to talk with Patrick alone" I said emphasising the word alone and like always she listened to me and went towards my room. I'm sure there were lots of questions in her mind after Patrick called me Alpha but I can't clear them because I'm not ready to reveal my true identity to him. I give her half information about my past but still, there is a lot fo
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Open Your Eyes
Aaron Pov's . I went directly to Aana's room. There is a volcano erupting inside me and I know only her presence can cool me off. I directly went to her and found her talking to our baby boy, telling him to take care of our baby girl but what about her? Thankfully, I found her otherwise she would have sacrificed her life for our pups without thinking of herself. The thought that I wouldn't have found her and lost her forever was enough to tremble my soul. "And what about you Aana?" I asked her. She looked at my side and her smile vanished seeing my distressed face. "Is everything fine?" she asked instead of replying. I didn't reply to her. What would I say no, I'm not okay. How can I be okay when she is standing near death because she is carrying my pup? I sat beside her and that's when my eyes went to her arms, which had my mark. I cursed myself as I held her tightly. "I'm sorry" I mumbled and stood up to bring the ointment which I used to apply before when I accidentally held h
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Desperate To Have Me
Aaron Pov's . I was looking at my girl whose health is better now. I'm just waiting for her to open her eyes and tell me that she is fine. Thanks to Marry who guided me on what to do when Aana went unconscious. As a Lycan, my pups wanted to come out of the womb before time but thankfully he listened to me and chose to wait for her mother's life. Marry told me to talk to our baby boy and ask him to wait in Aana's womb as Aana's is not prepared for delivery. Marry clearly told me that if I want to save Aana's life then I have to take her to the pack. I'm feeling like I'm standing between the well and the ditch, no matter where I take a step, I will fall badly. "Aaron" A smile broke on my lips when I heard her voice and then finally she opened her beautiful eyes. I took a relief breath and a tear of happiness rolled from my eyes. Only I know how I controlled myself when I saw her in that condition. Thanks to the moon goddess, my baby boy chose to wait for his mother's sake. "Pearl
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