All Chapters of Pregnant With My Rejected Billionaire : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
214 Chapters
Take Your Words Back
Aana Pov's . I opened my eyes with a voice around me, only to find Aaron packing my stuff. I sat straight and rubbed my eyes. "Aaron, what are you doing?" I yawned, still feeling sleepy as we slept late at night. "Because we are leaving?" "For where?" I asked confusingly not getting what he meant. "Did you forget last night I told you that we are going to Wild Pack?" My sleep flew away upon hearing him. "Wild pack but why?" I asked the question which I wanted to ask last night but he stopped me. He halted his work and finally looked at my side. "Do you trust me?" he asked while coming towards me. "What kind of question is this, Aaron? Of course, I do" he smiled and cupped my face before kissing my forehead. "Then please don't ask any questions. We will live in Wild Pack until your delivery" He said, ending the argument as always. Don't know why he always ends the topic of wild packs before I could ask him something. "I always trust you, Aaron but you don't trust me" I mutt
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You Have All My Ears
Aana Pov's . "Answer me, Pearl... what do you mean by you won't be there for our pup" Aaron asked, gritting his teeth. I passed him a small smile and started looking everywhere but him. "Pearl" "What?" I snarled when he called me again. My anger vanished when my gaze met with his wet eyes. Thankfully, he parked the car inside before glaring at me non-stop with his angry gaze. I sighed and held his hand in mine. "We can't run away from the truth, Aaron. Kathie told me before only that if I choose to keep our pups then I might lose my life and I accepted my faith for our pups. It will be better if you also" Before I could complete he detached his hand from mine. "What rubbish... Didn't I tell you that nothing will happen to you" He growled, making me flinch. I felt his aura and with that all the hairs of my body stood up. "You're scaring me and our pups with your aura, Aaron" I muttered. surprisingly he immediately calmed down. "My aura shouldn't affect you that much... You're
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How Dare He?
No One Pov's . Alice took a deep breath and looked at Aaron. She decided to tell him everything about Aana's past and what Alexander did to her because after Vince's warning, she doesn't want to take a single chance to tell him the truth and the fact that they can lose Aaron for hiding the truth was enough to encourage Alice to tell him everything. "Aana shared her past with me when Elsa mixed something in her food and she was not in her senses. Please don't tell Aana that I told you about her past because then she will get mad at me" "But why doesn't she want to share her past with me?" Aaron couldn't help himself from asking. "Because she is afraid of your reaction to everything. She doesn't want you to get into trouble because of her" Aaron sighed upon hearing her. "I don't care about Aana's past but I want to know it because it is bothering her and her health. She has panic attacks because of her and now it's become important for me to know the reason behind her" She nodded
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He Is Powerful
No One Pov's . Aaron was looking at Aana dumbstruck, not able to believe whether he heard it right or not. "Pearl" "Made love to me" Tears rolled from her eyes as she was remembering the moment when Alexander was touching her without her will. Aaron sighed and closed his eyes to control the beast inside him who badly wanted to make her his. "If she wanted this then why you're stopping yourself, asshole" Rex growled at his human frustratingly. "We can't smell her arousal, Rex" Aaron stated the fact, making Rex realise why his human didn't make any move till now. "She is saying all this because of her horrible nightmares and emotional breakdown," Aaron mumbled and opened his eyes to look at Aana who was lost in her thoughts. "Do you really want me to make love to you, Pearl?" he asked and noticed the tear that rolled from her eyes upon hearing him. "I need some time to be alone," She whispered. "But" before he could complete, Aana pushed him away a little and hopped down fr
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Make You Mine
No One Pov's . Aaron broke the hug and looked at his girl, who kept her head on his chest with her eyes closed. "I love you, Aaron" A smile broke on his lips when she confessed her love for him, for the second time. He kissed her forehead and picked her up in his arms. She opened her eyes and looked at him when she felt him climbing down the stairs. "Where are we going?" She asked. "a place where it's just the two of us... No past memories but our love." She didn't ask anything and encircled her hands around his neck. After driving for an hour, they finally reached the location. Aana first looked at him and then at that place. "Aaron" She called him when he hopped down from the car and opened the door of her side. It was the same place that Aaron decorated before proposing to her. Her eyes got filled with tears remembering that moment. "I'm sorry for ruining everything" She whispered in a low tone, looking at the ground as she was feeling guilty for hurting him again and agai
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I'm A Virgin
No One Pov's .Aaron and Aana were looking into each other's eyes until his hand held the hem of her top to lift it. He could hear her heartbeat which was beating at a higher speed and her lips were quivering with the anticipation of his next step. A smile appeared on his lips seeing his effect on her. "Lift your hand, Pearl," He said and her body obliged his order like it was not her body but his. "Why are you taking this so slowly, idiot?" Rex growled frustratingly in Aaron's mind."Because this is the first time when we are going to make love to her and I want to make every second of it special and memorable for her" He replied and thanked the moon goddess when Rex understood his point and chose patience instead of hurrying and ruining things. Aaron forgot to take a breath for a few seconds when he saw her in just her black bra and pants. His hands itched to remove all her clothes quickly and love every corner of her body but at the same time, he wanted to make everything speci
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It's Our Turn
No One Pov's . Aaron kissed her forehead and then her eyelids. She opened her eyes and looked at him. All her nervousness went away just after seeing the amount of love in his eyes for her. "I trust you," she mumbled, bringing a smile to his face. He nodded his head and kissed the corner of her lips while adjusting his buddy at her core. "Scratch my back with your nails when you feel pain," he said and attached his lips to her lips, not giving her time to think unnecessarily. Her eyes grew wider when she felt him entering inside her. She knew that it would hurt when she would lose her virginity but never thought this much. He waited patiently and made sure to make her wet enough to prepare for his cock but still his giant cock was too huge for her virgin hole. He broke the kiss and gave her time to breathe. "Arghh… Aaron" She whimpered in pain. He stopped in mid and looked at her. "I might sound like an asshole by saying that you're looking dead gorgeous right now." She opened h
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Tears Of Guilt
No One Pov's . Aaron woke up when sun rays fell on his face directly. He looked at the time on his mobile, it was seven in the morning. He turned his head and looked at his Pearl who was trying her best to sleep by covering her face in his chest. "That's the reason why I requested to go home. Now you're not able to sleep properly" He muttered while admiring the beauty in front of her. He kissed her swollen lips to which she responded even in sleep. He moves his hand towards her south region, not able to hold his beast after seeing her naked and completely marked by his love bites. "Aah," She broke the kiss and hissed in pain when he touched her core. "What happened?" He asked in concern after removing his hand from her core. "No--Nothing" she muttered, feeling a little shy to tell him that she is feeling sore. "You hissed in pain and it's nothing" He scoffed and then looked at her carefully. "Why is your face turning like a red tomato?" He asked, raising his eyebrow. "It's
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No One Pov's . Aaron looked at Aana's side when they reached home. She was crying terribly and her whole face turned red. He turned his face in another direction, not able to look at her like this. For a second, he thought to forget everything but then the thing that she lied to him hurt him more than anything. "She is crying," Rex whimpered. "Everything that happened last night was a lie... She said and slept with us just to make us stay" He replied to his wolf who was feeling bad after seeing their mate crying. "Can't we forget her," Rex asked. "We can but how can we forget that she lied about loving us" . Aaron was talking to Rex. That's when he felt a hand over his arms. He wiped the tear from the corner of his eyes and then looked at her side without any expression. "I lied to you but when you" She clamped up when he removed her hand from his arms. "stay away" Her eyes widened upon hearing him. "Aaron... I'm sorry but please don't push me away like this... I know, I
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Don't Forget Her Easily
No One Pov's . Aaron picked Aana up in his arms and took her towards the bed, making her lie over it. "Aaron" she called him in half-consciousness. "I'm here" he replied, holding her hand in his hand. "Alice healed her if you don't want me to get mad at you as well" Aaron growled. Alice took control of Aana's body and opened her eyes. "I won't" she grits her teeth in anger. "She deserves this pain for hurting you" she replied in the same pitch as Aaron was talking to her before. He sighed and covered his face with his palm, trying his best to calm himself. He removed his hand and looked at her when he heard her sobs. "Why are you crying now?" He frowned. "Because she hurt you." She whimpered. "It was between me and Aana... You don't have to punish her for something which she did to me" "It's not only about you... she also hurt me and my emotions." She fired back and wiped her tears. "I was so happy when she confessed that she loved you. I decided to mark you and Rex this
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