All Chapters of Pregnant With My Rejected Billionaire : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
214 Chapters
Who Killed Him?
No One Pov's . Aana was sitting comfortably in Aaron's lap. Despite Alice healed Aana, Aaron still gets her full body checkup done. He wanted to make sure she was alright and when he was assured everything was fine, he brought her home. He made food for her and then made her eat with his hands while she was making sure that he also had his food with her. After dinner, they went to the terrace. He sat on the swing which is situated in the middle of the terrace and then made her sit between his legs. They both were silently enjoying the presence of each other looking at the sky, full of stars. Aaron looked at her when he felt a drop of water fall on his hand. She had tears in her eyes. "What happened, Pearl? Why are you crying?" He asked anxiously. "Are you feeling any sort of pain?" He muttered and held her hand. She nodded her head negatively and sat straight. "Then why are you crying?" He asked. "I'm sorry for hurting you" she mumbled and opened her palm in which she was holdin
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Written In Destiny
No One Pov's . Aana looked at him dumbstruck, not able to believe whether she heard it right or not. She stood up and turned her head in another direction. Her heart was beating at a higher speed with the thought of meeting Vince while her mind was yelling at her that it is impossible. "What did you say?" She asked after a while. Aaron pulled her closer holding her waist. He can sense her anxiety and also he is well aware that she gets panic attacks whenever she thinks about Vince. "You heard me right, Pearl" He mumbled. A tear rolled from her eyes. She was still looking at him in a dilemma. "Do you want to talk to Vince?" he asked. She nodded her head. "Can I?" "You can talk to his soul but only for once" He muttered. She clutched his shirt tightly. "You're not joking, right?" "I'm serious" He muttered and kissed her forehead. "Take a breath" She did as he asked. "Release" He made her repeat the same thing until she calmed down a little. He hugged her and moved his hand o
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Free From Guilt
No One Pov's . Aana was crying bitterly looking at Vince while he was looking at her helplessly. She fell on the ground, not able to hold herself. "You're punishing me for leaving you. Right?" he asked, kneeling in front of her. She looked at him with teary eyes. "You know how much your tears affect me, that's why you're crying despite knowing I can't hold you." "You deserve this punishment for breaking your promise." She whimpered and moved a little closer to his soul. "You promise me to protect me from everyone then why did you leave me? You don't know what he did to me… He" She clamped up, not able to utter those painful words. Aaron was looking at her dumb head, not able to understand anything. "I know... I know everything and believe me, I never felt useless in my entire life but after death" "Vince," she whimpered. "Yeah" "Please come back to me. Please" She begged despite knowing it was not possible. Love is like this only.. It can make you do anything. It is so powerf
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His Mark
No One Pov's . Aaron turned on the bed to hold Aana in his arms and then opened his eyes when he didn't sense her presence. He sat straight as he didn't find her on the bed and looked towards the washroom but she wasn't even there. Last night, when Aana calmed down, he brought her back home. She slept in the car because of exhaustion after crying so much. He clearly remembered that he made her lay on the bed beside her and slept after securing her in his arms. "Why didn't I realise when she woke up?" He muttered to himself and hopped down from the bed. "Maybe because we slept after four days. Our body needs the rest" Rex replied, yawning. He closed her eyes, feeling sleepy. Even Aaron wants to sleep more but before that, he wants to check on Aana. "I can sense her... She is downstairs. Maybe in the kitchen, making breakfast for us like usual" Rex mumbled. "I hope she is okay... Yesterday, she cried so much. If Alice wouldn't have been with her then she might have fainted." Rex op
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Wet Dream
No One Pov's . Aana turned her head to see him and found him already asleep. She closed her thighs tightly feeling a heat sensation in her core after realising their position on the bed. His leg was between her legs while his hand was on her waist, inside her top and his face was closer to her neck... She could feel his breath which was making it hard for her not to get aroused. She bites her lips imagining his hot breath and lips all over her body. "Fuck... Stop imagining such things, Aana otherwise don't blame me if I end up mating with our mate on this bed" Alice growled at her human frustratingly who was imagining all the dirty things. Aana's eyes shoot up upon hearing her warning. "I'm imagining him that doesn't mean, I'm ready Alice" she replied in a cold tone. "Will you please tell me what your 'ready' definition is? Because according to me, you're more than required ready for our mate" Alice snarled. "I mean to say, I'm not ready to come into a relationship with him"
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No One Pov's . Aana unblock Alice after calming herself. Her eyes widened when she found Alice crying bitterly, standing under the shower water. "Alice" She panicked seeing her crying like this. "I'm sorry for hurting you," Alice muttered. Before Aana could have said something or ask anything, Alice gave her control and hid herself in her mind. "Alice" she called Alice but she didn't respond. She scrunched her eyebrow because she could feel Alice's pain. It didn't take her long to understand Alice is hurt because of Aaron's rude behaviour but it was not all his fault. They both are at equal fault. Aana looks at herself in the mirror. "It should be me who had the right to get angry" She frowned at her wolf and Aaron's behaviour. She sighed, looking at herself in the mirror. Her neck was covered with his hickey. She touched her neck and shook her head negatively. "Maybe you played that action because of my wild thoughts... You don't have to feel guilty about it,'' Aana muttered to
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Evil Eye
No One Pov's . He looks at the pillow on the couch and his hands hitch to place them in their correct place. He gave Aana a fake smile and slowly went towards the bed to pick up the throw pillow and arrange them on the couch and pick the bed pillows from the couch to arrange them on the bed. He can feel her angry gaze digging a hole in my head but not once does he dare to look at her. "Now they are perfect" The word escaped from my mouth before he would have stopped them, looking at the well-arranged pillow on the bed. "Ohh... Perfect" His eyes widened upon hearing Aana and turned his head to look at her. If looks could kill then he would have been buried inside the ground till now. "Forget I said something.'' He muttered nervously and was about to pick the pillow from the bed to place them again on the couch but she snatched it from his hand harshly and placed it on the bed. "Pearl... I'm" Before he could complete she went to the other side and opened his cupboard and started
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Her Saviour Alpha : Darkness
I'm on a break but till then you can enjoy my previous book. "HER SAVIOUR ALPHA"..Sana Pov's .Everything was going perfectly in my life. I had the best husband in this world who could fight the whole world for me. He loved me which no one did to me and I was pregnant with his child but then because of one person, my whole life changed... I lost everything in one day, even my dignity. .I was kidnapped by a monster, And ever since he has brought me to his place he is torturing me... Sometimes he beat the hell out of me and sometimes he rape me until I fell unconscious... I tried to fight with the help of my wolf Maya but he's smart. Every day when I was unconscious he injected wolfsbane in my veins because of which my wolf was in deep slumber. She is not able to help me even if she wants to. I don't know what he thinks of me. Whenever he gets angry, he beats me sometimes with a belt, sometimes with a stick, whatever comes in his hand, and if he finds nothing then he kicks and slapp
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Her Saviour Alpha 2
Please Leave me.Alex Pov.I asked Max to call the doctor at my home. I went towards my car and then made Sana lay in the backseat and took her hand in my lap. she was injured so badly, blood was oozing out of her intimate part, Somewhere there were blue marks, because of the bastard's thrashing... There was a bite mark which was blue and black all over her neck and chest. He scratched her body like some hungry animal. even if they are not merciless like him. a tear rolled down my eyes. My wolf was also growling in pain seeing his mate lying in such a condition."I never thought that I would meet you again in such condition" I muttered and removed her hair from her face."We will not leave that bastard. He will cry the tears of blood," my wolf said in my mind. I nod agreeing with him. That asshole Andrew will suffer hell while living. I wiped my tears and kissed her forehead. "It's all my fault, I shouldn't have left you alone, Sana" "I told you but you didn't listen to me and went
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Her Saviour Alpha 3
High Temperature.Alex Pov's .I was waiting for the doctor outside the room to know about Sano's health. "How is she, doctor? Why is she bleeding and in so much pain? Will she be in pain like this until her wolf doesn't show her presence or her wounds don't heal?" I asked all the questions in one go when the doctor came outside."The blood was because of her internal injuries. It will definitely take time to heal and as I said earlier she's not fine and the worst part is my medicine is not working on her and her immune system is also not working properly.""Is it because of too much use of wolfsbane on her?" I asked"maybe but I'm afraid of that," she paused. "Afraid what? Why did you stop? say it" I asked feeling scared thinking what is coming next."wolfsbane is dangerous for wolves and it was given to her continuously since last month. I give her medicines so that the wolfsbane effect neutralises in her blood but nothing is working. i hope it will work on her with time but if m
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