All Chapters of Second Chance Luna: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
168 Chapters
Chapter 121: Blueprint
NIKOLAIMy father having siblings comes as a complete shock to me especially because he lived his life like a loveless beast but that’s not what bothers me at all. I have way more bigger problem than uncles I didn’t know about.I don’t know if I can trust Hunter to take care of pack on my behalf. Only the palace guards are currently remaining at the palace and Hunter can’t fight to save his life. Winter doesn’t know I asked him to be my Beta yet and I’m not going to tell her until he accepts. When he does accept, the first thing I’ll do is train him to fight, if I still have a pack to lead by then that is, he can’t be my Beta and not know how to kill a person with his eyes closed. “You have to make a decision now.” Winter whispers and it occurs to me that I’m still in the presence of my oppressor. He’s asked to give him everything my father owns and I have to admit that it’s quite a lot to hand over to someone I’m meeting for the first time. It’s a lot to hand over at all. “If I
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Chapter 122: Cease Fire
WINTER.Nikolai's impatience is a part of the reason we’re here instead of back at the pack and if he does this one more time, I might just snap. “Let him finish!” Elkan says pointing a warning finger at Nikolai but Nikolai ignores his warning.“I would but we don’t have that kind of time, I have a pack to get to,” he says hastily.“We would already be at that pack if you weren’t so impatient so please don’t make the same mistake twice and keep it together.” I scold and he pouts, at least he knows not to ignore my warning.“As I was saying, our father was the original owner of the house you live in. He came up with it out of the love he had for his pack and your father stole it from him, from us, from our family. “Who built the house?” Nikolai asks and they both go quiet.“I guess father built it then, that’s why you’re so quiet. How do you claim that someone stole something when you’re still in possession of it?”It's a very valid question. “How?” I ask feeling proud of my smart h
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Chapter 123: You're Not Their Father!
HUNTER. The warrior’s inability to leave the palace turned out to be a blessing in disguise, I have to say that this is the happiest I’ve been to see Nikolai, but maybe not as happy as I am to see Winter. “Are you okay? You look terrible.”“You don’t have to be modest, I smell terrible and frankly I feel terrible too. I feel like I came back from the dead.” Her shoulders are so low, they’re almost sweeping the ground. “I’m so sorry. I’ll ask the maids to prepare you a hot bath right now.” “Thank you.” She says and heads up stairs without looking back. I turn to face Nikolai, he looks just as terrible but there’s a smug smile on his face.“I knew you could do it.” He says and gives me a side hug, if he wasn’t so smelly the hug might have lasted a little longer but there’s only so much of his stench I can take.“How about the offer I made? Did you consider? You don’t have to tell me your answer now!” he stops me. I think he’s nervous.Nikolai is actually nervous. I feel so important
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Chapter 124: Change
NIKOLAI.I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I might have heard the conversation between Hunter and Daphne and I think Daphne is being too much but it’s not for me to decide. I’ll leave everything to Hunter, it’s his decision to make, although I’d really like for him to become my Beta, he’s the most trustworthy person I know and things will be a lot easier with him by my side.We’re all seated at the dining table, Daphne prepared a feast to welcome us and even though I’m mad at her now for being so mean to Hunter, I have to admit that the meal does smell nice.“This looks really good, Daphne. Where did you learn to cook?” “I just kept doing it until I good at it.” She says proudly and takes a seat next to Hunter like she didn’t just crush his dreams into a million pieces thirty minutes ago. “I’m surprised you still have space to stomach this.” Winter says taking a jab at Jacob.“I would leave but I don’t want to be rude.” Jacob responds with a smile. “Sure, blame your gluttony on your
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Chapter 125: Best Friends
HUNTER. Leaving Daphne was the hardest decision I’d ever attempted to make in my life, I couldn’t bring myself to do it. It felt like it heart was being ripped apart from the inside out. I went back to pick her up and Daphne walked in minutes later to taker her from me just like the way she took her hand from mine. I guess I don’t Daphne as much as I thought I did. How could she be so unfeeling? We went to that dinner table together, sat side by side and she just pretended like nothing happened. She added so natural , like she didn’t care. Maybe she really doesn’t care? What if she was not acting and that was her showing me her true colours? What if I’m reading this all wrong and it’s all just a simple argument that will blow over once we leave the palace? That has to be it, everything we built can’t just end over such a simple argument. Daphne loves me and I loved her too. We’re a family.You’re not their father! Her voice rings in my head again bringing me back to reality. Dap
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Chapter 126: A New Beta
WINTER.Daphne is moping around the house like a sad puppy and I don’t know if we’re close enough for me to ask what the problem is so I just ask her something else instead.“Where are the babies? I missed them so much.” I squeal and she gives me a weak smile. “I’ll take you to their room.” I walk beside her gently and its hard not to notice her slumped shoulders. I wonder if this is about Hunter, maybe she had a fight with him. He was also picking at his food earlier so it’s definitely a couple spat and I can not be in the middle of it. They’re both my friends. I can not be found taking sides.“By the way, you really need to teach me how to cook like that.”“Aunt Hyacinth's food tastes way better than mine, you can ask he to teach you. I won’t be here for long anyway since you guys are back safely.” “You don’t have to leave so soon. I’ve not recovered from the trauma yet and I need to spend more time with the twins.” I lie, I don’t have trauma. I’ve been through worse.“You can al
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Chapter 127: A Sea of Sounds
AUNT HYACINTHI lock myself inside my room because I don’t want anyone to come in unannounced while I wipe the blood from my nose. The bleeding started a month ago, quite later than I expected it actually. I’ve dreaded the day that I start to bleed from my nose all my life. It was something I was scared of even more than death itself but now that I wipe the blood from my nose more constantly, death is what scares me. Every day, it feels like I draw closer to my grave faster than I should. Every body dies but not like this! I don’t want to for like this. I didn’t choose this life for myself. My mother didn’t either but I don’t have anybody else to blame but her, she’s the one that left me with nothing but a deadly ailment. She left me with no friends, no family, no food, no money and as if that was not enough to kill me in just a matter of days, she also had to leave me with the knowledge that I have a time bomb ticking inside of me waiting for the right time to blow up.I was a ch
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Chapter 128: A List of Your Enemies
HUNTER. “I’m leaving tomorrow with the twins.” Daphne says and my insides go hollow. “I’m coming with you.” I say and she shakes her head. “You don’t have to.” I saw that coming but it still hurt.She hands over the house he’s to me and I’m confused. “I thought you didn’t want me to come with you.” I ask and she nods. “I'm also not returning to your house.” She explains. “It used to be our house, it still is and it’s fine if you don’t want me there, I’ll find somewhere else to stay.”“You can stay wherever you like with whoever you like, where we go is no longer your business, you made your choice. You chose Nikolai.” She spits bitterly and turns to leave but I grab her by the arm and pull her close to me. Keeping her in place with arm around her waist. The space between us is so small that we can feel each other's breath. “Why?” I ask her and she struggles to break free but my grip is too strong.“Why are you so intent on driving me crazy?” I ask and she stops struggling. She in
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Chapter 129: Mind Games
WINTER. I went into our room to sleep after dinner. We no longer sleep in separate bedrooms, we’ve realized how short life can be and how easily one of us could be snatched from the other forever. Even aunt Hyacinth is kit questioning our decision, although she’s not questioning anything else lately either. I lay my head on the pillow determined to find sleep. Though I didn’t see Nikolai at the dinner table or Hunter or Daphne, I practically ate dinner alone on that big table, I wasn’t worried because I knew where he was. I needed to get as much rest as I could if I wanted my cuts to heal fast, that’s what the pack doctor said. I know it’s just a conspiracy between he and Nikolai but I don’t mind because need the rest anyway. The Luna meetings are coming up pretty soon and it’s kind of a big deal. A meeting for prestigious Lunas of different packs. This pack hasn’t attended since the demise of Patrick's wife, Nikolai's mother. But we’re still invited every year and the invitatio
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Chapter 130: Daphne is Gone
HUNTER“Daphne, you don’t have to leave the house. I’ll pack my things and never come back. Please just don’t go.”/“We’ve gone through this before. I don’t have the strength to go through it again.” She says and starts to breast feed the other twin. They’re both fully clothed in heavy clothes to prevent the cold. She’s never gone anywhere with the note of them before.“I don’t understand why you think this is picking sides even though I’ve picked you over and over again.” She ignores me and continues to do what she’s doing. My words seem to have no effect whatsoever on her any longer. “Fine you don’t have to talk to me but I need you to answer me this once. Did you ever love me to begin with?” she looks up at me. These words do have an effect.“Yes Hunter, I loved you.” She says and my heart sinks. Loved? “I loved you for a very long time. I picked you everywhere I went. I picked you again when I got the chance and the moment I think you’re starting to pick me back, you turn your
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