All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
501 Chapters
Demands of a Pregnant Woman
I stared at the closed door in confusion as I wondered what I should do now. My hands trembled a little and my lips felt dry all of a sudden. Her sudden appearance shocked me but the fact that she was pregnant made an extremely uncomfortable knot form in the base of my stomach. Why did she come to see Ace? How are the two of them related? She’s not pregnant with his child, is she?! No matter how much I tried to keep my thoughts from straying in that direction, that was exactly where my thoughts ended up going. Why else would a pregnant woman be so angry and demand to see Ace like this. Ace also did not seem shocked to see her or the fact that she was with child. So, he must have known already that she was pregnant. Even when I knew that I should try to put some trust in Ace, it was virtually impossible at that moment and in that situation. She’s pregnant! Those words echoed through my brain repeatedly like a scream that was just echoing as it bounced off the walls of my brain. “
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My eyes widened in shock and for a moment, I forgot to breathe. If I recalled correctly, I first saw her when I was waiting for Ace a few years ago when I had my interview at this company. Her beauty was captivating, and she had the same hair color as now. I didn’t remember her face that well and she did gain a little weight from her pregnancy so that was probably why I didn’t recognize her right away. However, now I was certain that she is his ex-secretary. Why else would she take note that I was Ace’s secretary now? It was all because she used to be his secretary before I took over her position from her. When I first accepted this position, I even asked about her and what happened to her. ‘I thought that you already had a secretary…’ ‘Oh, you mean Claudia? She had to quit recently due to health issues. It really was quite unfortunate. I really enjoyed working with her and we got along very well with each other,’If I wasn’t wrong, that was what I asked him and then he replied wi
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Extreme Regret
Somehow, I made it home. I didn’t even remember how I made it home after I had gotten into a cab. I’ll figure everything work-related out tomorrow. I’ll apply for sick leave or whatever was necessary later on. When I got home, I realized that I had no memories of my time in the cab at all. My thoughts were a jumbled mess and so were my emotions. Thankfully, there were no reporters in front of my apartment anymore since the press conference made the rumors about us die down. I managed to get into my apartment before letting my body fall face first onto the bed. My entire body felt heavy as if it was made out of solid rocks. “Mum?” I spoke through the phone while hating our much my voice broke and quivered. “Rina? What’s wrong?” my mother asked in a panic. She must have figured out that something was gravely wrong from my tone of voice. I wiped my tears from my cheek and eyes with my hand before taking in a deep breath. I’m such a mess and a failure for worrying my mother this way.
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Yearning to Escape
“I don’t know what’s going to happen now but I’m definitely breaking up with Ace. So, let me stay here with you for a while…” I confessed softly. “Have you spoken to Ace about this? Are you absolutely sure that she’s pregnant with his child?” my mother asked after recovering from her initial shock. “No. I was too shocked to speak to him. He hasn’t tried to get in touch with me, though. She also demanded for his responsibility, so I think that is clear enough it and of itself,” I replied before heaving a heavy sigh. “That’s not good. As a couple, you should always talk things out. I know that it can be difficult to talk about something like this but even you do end up breaking up with him, I still think that you should talk to him properly and break things off properly,” my mother suggested sternly. “Maybe you’re right…” I muttered. Maybe I should talk to him. Maybe it was only right that I gave him a chance to explain; however, I just didn’t know how to face him right now and I d
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Facing the Truth
Immediately, I turned my face around to see if my ears had been playing a dirty trick on me or not. My eyes must be playing some trick on me as well because I saw Ace standing right in front of me in our small living room. He’s not really here. That was the conclusion that my brain arrived at without hesitation. I turned around and started playing around with the food on my plate again with the tip of my fork. “Don’t ignore me, Rina…” Ace said.This time, I felt his presence when the table shook as he took the seat opposite to mine from our small dining table. No matter how much my mind tried to deny his presence, it seemed like Ace was really here in our apartment again. Why is he even here? “Why are you here?” I asked the first thing that came to my mind. “Because you’re here. Rina, we need to talk…” Ace said as he stared directly into my eyes.“I have nothing to say to you…” I muttered darkly. Now that Ace was sitting right in front of me, all the dark emotions that came rush
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His Responsibility
Claudia was clearly not scared of Ace at all. In response to his threat, she just rolled her eyes at him. I wondered if she was this way when she was working as his secretary as well. I highly doubted it. “Fine…” Claudia said with clear annoyance before she turned to face me.Her eyes narrowed at me while she seemed to think about what to say. I had no idea why Ace brought her here to see me and why she had agreed to it. I also didn’t understand the deal he seemed to have with her. What was it that Claudia so desperately wanted? I stared back at her as my heart raced wildly in my chest while I waited for her to tell me the truth about the conversation that she had with Ace yesterday. What she says will most likely determine whether or not I have a future with Ace. “The truth is…Ace is not my baby’s father…” Claudia stated loud and clear. My mouth dropped opened at her words. Really?!“…What?” I whispered in pure disbelief. “This child in my belly isn’t his,” Claudia repeated wit
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Our Apologies
“I always help you out, Ace. Now it’s your turn to help me out,” Claudia said sternly.After glaring at me and Ace, she finally made her way out of the café. I was still too shocked to speak when she left. The fact that she was gone also meant that I was left alone with Ace. Suddenly, fear and panic started swallowing me up and my hands and feet felt so weak and cold. For a moment, I honestly thought that I was going to faint.“I guess you didn’t sleep well last night…” Ace said with a tinge of regret in his tone.“It’s pretty obvious, huh?” I mumbled a little sarcastically.The large dark circles and my puffy eyes probably gave it all away that I didn’t sleep well last night and that I had been crying my eyes out for hours. Ace sighed loudly as he shook his head slowly from side to side while I wondered how we both got ourselves into this messy web of unfortunate and hurtful misunderstanding.“Rina, there’s nothing for you to worry about or cry over anymore. It’s all just a big under
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What Would I Do?
The moment I saw his smile, I realized how much I’ve missed it, and it has only been a day since I last saw it. What made me think that I could go on without seeing that smile of his forever? “I’m still very surprised about Claudia’s…umm…circumstances…” I mumbled. “It’s honestly not as bad as she thinks it is. She’s gotten too paranoid about it and thinks that my friend won’t marry her or take responsibility for their child. That’s not true at all, but no matter how many times I try to tell her this, she wouldn’t believe me…” Ace said before pursing his lips together. “Well, there’s got to be a reason why she thinks that way…” I murmured in wonder. “My friend is definitely a player and famous for his numerous affairs. That and adding on the fact that the baby was kind of unplanned, might be what is making her think that way. However, with that being said, he’s a very responsible man so I have no doubt that he’ll take responsibility. He really likes her too…” Ace explained before g
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Making Up
“I’ll break up with you. No matter what, I don’t want to be a homewrecker so…” I replied after a moment of thought. That was honestly the conclusion that I was prepared to face when I thought that Claudia’s baby could be Ace’s. It was a scary scenario that I didn’t want to happen; however, if that was really the case then it would leave me with no other choice. “Interesting…” Ace murmured. I wondered what he was thinking. “How so? Did you expect me to just forgive you and move on?” I asked. “I don’t know but…I didn’t think you would leave me that easily…” Ace said as if he was thinking of something. “Hmm…if you don’t behave well, I might just end up leaving you…” I said teasingly. “Time for some food…” Ace said as if he wanted to change the topic since it was no longer benefitting him. “I guess we should head back before my mother starts to worry about us…” I readily agreed. “Great, then. I guess it’s time for me to have a taste of your mother’s home-cooked food,” Ace said wi
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Winning Over My Mother
After taking our seats, we started off on the food. I watched a little anxiously to judge Ace’s reaction to my mother’s homecooked food. I wasn’t the one who made it, but I couldn’t help feeling nervous to see if he would like it. My mother, on the other hand, seemed quite confident in the result of her cooking. “It tastes like home, I guess. It’s very delicious for sure, but something about it makes me feel very warm. It’s like eating love and care,” Ace told my mother with a charming smile. I didn’t think that he was completely lying about what he thought but his word choice and the way he smiled at my mother also made me think that he was definitely sucking up to her. My mother laughed a little shyly before she smiled and thanked him. The conclusion that I quickly reached was that she was already under his spell. I began wondering if there was anyone that Ace couldn’t manage to win over as I stuffed some food into my mouth and began chewing on it. “Your daughter is so mean, ma’a
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