All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
501 Chapters
Playful Pretenses
Honestly, I wasn’t sure how drunk Ace was as I tried my best to support him to the private elevator that would lead us up to his floor. The guard at the lobby tried to offer me his help but I politely declined. Ace’s arm around my shoulder was heavy but I knew that he could still walk because if he had placed his entire weight on me, I would have crumpled to the ground right on the spot. “We’re here…” I told him when the elevator opened on his floor. “Rina…” he murmured my name before he turned to kiss my hair. I wasn’t a big fan of drunk men even if that man happened to be Ace. I managed to lead Ace to the sofa before semi-dumping him down onto its seat. “I hate men when they’re drunk…” I muttered moodily to myself.“…Really?” Ace murmured questioningly. “You’re so drunk…” I muttered darkly. Suddenly Ace stood up from the sofa and stretched his arms above his head. I watched as he walked with ease towards the bathroom.“Ace?” I called after him in confusion.“If you hate drunk
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Pleading to Have Me
Ace lowered his head further and soon I felt the wetness and heat of his mouth engulf my nipple. My hands immediately cradled the back of his head as I ran my fingers through his dark hair. His hair was wet from the water spraying on us from above. His mouth on my nipple felt so hot and so much more pleasurable than his fingers from earlier. Ace’s tongue immediately went to work to pleasure me even further. He licked my nipple in circular motions before flicking his tongue against it. The texture of his tongue rubbing against my sensitive nipple made me cry out his name. I thrusted my chest closer towards his face as I begged him with my body to suck on my nipple. That was exactly what he did. “Ahh! Oh…Ace…” I moaned as I closed my eyes in bliss. All I could focus on was the pleasure that he was making me feel. My mind felt completely blank, and my body felt like it was floating in heaven already and all he had done was play with my breasts. His hands stroked its way down my back t
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Maintaining Our Secret
“I’m…cumming…Ace…” I murmured before I lost myself completely to the effects of my orgasm. I wasn’t sure what happened after because my mind was so blurry, and my legs felt like jelly. I didn’t end up collapsing on the floor so Ace must have helped to support me. He rammed his cock faster and even harder into me until his cock exploded his seed everywhere into my love tunnel. The heat of his release flooded me until I felt like it would overflow. It was a very fruitful and satisfying shower; however, I wasn’t sure how cleaned up I ended up. …The sound of my alarm woke me up the following morning. Life was harsh and our leave day came to an end too fast. It was time for Ace and me to go back to work. I woke up feeling lazy and was surprised that Ace was no longer on the bed next to me when I woke up. Did he wake up before me? I walked out of the bedroom to find Ace in the living room already dressed in his suit. He was on the phone with someone, and he sounded quite serious. It wa
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His Secret Place
“Your presentation just now confirmed the thought that I had when I was reading your proposal. This storyboard seems well put together and I know without a doubt that it was hard work for you both; however, there’s something very lacking about it,” Ace said before his eyes rested on both of us. There’s something very lacking…?“Can you please explain?” Jeremy quickly requested clarification. “Of course. I feel like the storyboard is very dry although all the components that we agreed upon are in there. This is just my guess but if we hand in the storyboard as is to the production team, we will end up getting a commercial that doesn’t have any emotional appeal to the audience. In other words, it won’t be emotionally engaging and that is the key to success for a commercial with the purpose of motivating social changes,” Ace started to explain sternly. “But I’m sure that we’ve incorporated all the scenes that should be relatable to the audiences…” I mumbled. “Producing a commercial i
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The Real Treasure
Even more surprising than the fact that everything was clean and proper was the fact that there were actually security guards in front of the door. I had no idea what was stored in there, but it must be important enough for the company to hire guards to guard it. Since this company’s main selling point was the creativity of its staff, I guess it might not be too far of a stretch for it to protect its archive of confidential information. “You’re here again?” the guard greeted Jeremy.“Yeah, sorry for this…again…” Jeremy replied with a giddy smile. The guard’s eyes landed on me before his face transformed into a look of curiosity. I guess he didn’t expect Jeremy to bring someone down here with him. “You brought a friend along…” the guard said. “Oh yea, she’s working with me on a project at the moment,” Jeremy explained smoothly. “I’ll need your employee ID before I can let you in,” the guard told me sternly.“Right. Here you go…” I said as I handed the guard my company ID card. Wi
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Source of Inspiration
“You’re really his personal secretary. You’re absolutely correct. This entire cabinet here up until that one over there store Ace’s precious work from the start of his career up until recent years where files are then stored digitally. Unfortunately, he doesn’t produce work solo anymore which is why all of this here is a raw and rare treasure. This is the secret place that I’ve been telling you about,” Jeremy announced with a proud smile as if unveiling one of the world’s deepest secrets to the public for the first time.“But he…” I murmured before I managed to stop myself in time.But he told me that he threw it all away. How did all his work end up here?“I stumbled across these when I was working on one of my first projects,” Jeremy disclosed.“Are you serious? This can’t be…” I mumbled while still in disbelief.It was just shocking, unexpected, and too good to be true. “Can’t you see? These are the past works from our genius devil CEO. The early works of Ace Hills!” Jeremy decla
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Real Kindness
“I wish they allowed chairs down here…” he said wistfully. “Let’s go. I think we’ve done enough for today,” I agreed with his earlier suggestion. “Got something good?” Jeremy asked with raised eyebrows.“Hmm…I think so…” I replied with a confident smile. …Although I wanted to go back to the archive so badly to dig through Ace’s past works, the schedule of my work with Jeremy did not allow me any spare time to do that. Jeremy wasn’t just a genius at what he did, he also worked very hard and long hours. I couldn’t blame him because we were really pressed for time. The manager of the production team applied loads of pressure on us to finish the final storyboard and plans as soon as possible so that his team would have enough time to do a good job of producing the commercial. As a result of that, Jeremy and I were stuck together working throughout the day and late into the night. Ace was surprisingly the most understanding partner when it came to working. Because I had to stay late i
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Need You Now
“Let’s head back?” I suggested while I panted after Ace finally let go of my lips. Wordlessly, Ace stood up from his seat. At first, I thought that he was ready to leave too; however, when I turned to leave, his hands pulled my arm back. Then his arms were around me and I felt myself being lifted until I sat on his table. The way his hazel brown eyes looked at me told me that we wouldn’t be going home for a while. “Ace…” I whispered his name before I felt surprised at how seductive my voice sounded.It must have been the effect of his kiss and having him so close to me that made me this turned on. Ace was very turned on as well as he stepped closer to me and spread my legs to the side. His hands didn’t hesitate to pull up my skirt so that he could part my legs even further apart. I stared up into his face as he stood in between my legs. His hot hands rubbing my thighs made desire dance and throb in my lower abdomen. My pussy started to get wet for him as I moaned softly from the hea
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Giving Him What He Wants
I was sure that he wasn’t in all the way yet although I felt him so deep inside of me already. His cock felt so hot as it pulsated inside of me. I could feel it twitching before he reared his hips back before ramming his cock harder and deeper back into my hole. “Ahhh! Ace…it’s…so deep…” I cried out before I whimpered. He filled me up and stretched me until I felt like I couldn’t take anymore. My body trembled uncontrollably as if I was about to climax again at just having his entire length buried all the way into my sopping wet hole. “Yeah? I think I can go deeper,” Ace said as he pulled his cock out of my hole.“Ahh! Ahh!” I screamed until my throat hurt. Ace screwed his cock deeper into me just like he has promised. I had no idea how he could reach so deep inside of me or how his cock could continue to expand and grow like that. As he moved inside of me, thrusting his cock in and out of my hole, I began to believe that he might tear me into two. It feels so hot inside…so good…
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Late Night Search
My throat felt parched and that was what led me to wake up in the middle of the night. The bedroom was dark when I opened my eyes sleepily. I should get a drink of water from the kitchen. I tried my best to get out of bed without waking Ace. However, I couldn’t quite sense his presence with me in the dark room and when I felt around his side of the bed, I couldn’t find him.Where did he go? It’s so late in the night. Drowsily, I got out of bed and made my way out of the bedroom. I had no idea where Ace went in the middle of the night. Maybe I would find him on my trip to the kitchen to fetch some water. It was dark and silent outside as I made my way to the kitchen. I couldn’t find Ace anywhere and that fact rushed me to grab a bottle from the fridge before quickly drinking from it. I walked along the hallway while I thought that it might be best to grab my phone and give Ace a call. That was when I heard the sound of something moving inside one of the rooms. The sound stopped but n
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