All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 201 - Chapter 210
501 Chapters
Treating My Lover
After thrusting his fingers almost violently against my g-spot, I was on the verge of my climax. I cried out his name before biting hard on my lower lip.“I’m cumming! Ace…please…make me cum…” I cried out and then pleaded him for my release. “Cum, Rina…” he whispered seductively to me.His fingers moved fast and hard in and out of my pussy hole and then his other hand moved to stroke my swollen clit. The double stimulation robbed me of all ability to think as I let the pleasure of his touch take over me completely. I came hard while I cried out his name. That felt so good…Ace kissed my forehead softly as I struggled to recover from the devastating aftereffects of my climax. I shifted my weight on his lap before slowly climbing off of him. “Let me make you feel good too…” I murmured shyly as I stood in between his legs. Ace watched me intently as my hands reached to free his cock from his pants. I wasn’t surprised at how hard and big he already was. After all, this little beast ha
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My Lover's Invitation
I wrapped my arms around his neck as he encouraged me with his eyes to move. I lifted my hips and felt his cock sliding against my pussy as it slowly withdrew from me. I slammed my hips back down onto his cock, taking him harder and deeper into me. The feeling of his cock sliding against my pussy walls before ramming hard against my womb felt so amazingly pleasurable and I couldn’t wait to experience it over and over again. With that thought in mind, I began bouncing my hips up and down the length of his cock. I rode on his cock with wild abandon as I quickly got addicted to the pleasure of his cock pounding deep into my hole. I angled my pussy a little to make sure that the thick head of his cock would hit me where it felt good. “Ahh! Ahhh! So good…it feels so good, Ace…” I cried out passionately. “Move faster. Faster, Rina…good girl…” Ace whispered seductively to me as he urged me to move even faster on top of him. I moved faster, pumping my hips up and down as my pussy clenched
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Sent Away
“Let’s go! I love you, Ace…” I said before smiling brightly up at him.Ace leaned down and kissed my forehead softly. The warmth of his arm around me and the softness of his lips as he kissed me made me want to believe that everything might have just been a misunderstanding. It would be a few days until our trip, and I was determined to work my ass off so that we could have an undisturbed trip together this coming weekend. “You seem too excited about this,” Ace said with a grin.“That’s because I really am so excited about this. Let’s have a fun trip together!” I said cheerfully.Ace just laughed a little at my reaction before he got out of bed. He didn’t have any clothes here and since he turned up in his casual clothing from last night, Ace had to head back to his place before he could go to the office. “I’ll leave first. Don’t be late to work…” Ace said, and he was already at my door. “I should be telling you that…” I muttered in response. …“You didn’t get the email about it?
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Endless Suspicions
I appreciated having him with me so much. If I was here alone, I doubt that any real work would get done because I truly had a problem concentrating. My mind was a mess, and I couldn’t stop thinking about Ace and what he was up to. Maybe he wasn’t up to anything strange at all, and it was just in my head. Even though I knew this, I had a hard time throughout the day and the food at lunch tasted so bland due to my lack of appetite. “We’re going to start shooting in 5 minutes!” the director yelled loudly. “Thank you for working with us. You’re so cute. Are your parents here with you today too?” Jeremy asked the boy who was supposed to appear in our commercial.I had to agree that he was cute and seemed very energetic as well. The casting team did a great job right off the bat by choosing him. The dog that the production team chose to work with were two golden retrievers and they were both on-site. One grown one and another puppy. They both looked so cute and the way they both wagged t
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Too Good to be True
Regardless, I tried again and then again. By that time, I was so paranoid that I was certain that the two of them were together. As to why they were together, maybe I didn’t even want to know. Seriously, if they were so into each other, why didn’t they get married back when they were engaged? “Is something the matter?” Jeremy asked with a look of concern on his face.I must have been showing signs of my stress and frustration so openly that Jeremy took notice. After forcing a smile onto my lips, I lied and told him that everything was fine. Jeremy gave me a doubtful look but decided to drop the matter altogether. Thankfully, he decided to leave me alone before heading toward the crew. Alone and confused, I couldn’t do anything but stare at the screen of my phone as my hand shook in my panic. All my mind could think of was all the times that I saw Ace and Elizabeth together. Had they somehow been involved all along from the beginning, but I just didn’t realize it? Or did this affair
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Fortunate Mistake
If what I’m seeing was a mirage, then I was more than willing to be tricked. “Where is Karina?” Ace asked.I froze at the mention of my name. Before I knew what I was doing, I had retreated back behind the van as I tried desperately to hide. I felt the hardness of the van against my back as I pressed myself against it. Of all the places that I thought that Ace could be, I never expected that he would randomly turn up here. It didn’t seem like the other staff members knew that he was going to turn up here either. My eyes closed as I thanked the heavens that he was here before I let out a long sigh as relief flooded every cell in my body. If Ace was here, then it meant that Kyle and I had been worried about nothing at all. It was a long ride to get here so Ace was probably driving here all the while I was trying to get in contact with him. I wasn’t sure why he didn’t pick up my calls, but it was enough for me that he wasn’t with Elizabeth as I had thought.Why am I still hiding? I kn
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A Guilty Date
I would have felt much better about it if he had said it in some other way and without that suggestive wink that he gave me. “Thank you so much and thank you for your hard work today,” I replied politely. I was sure that the director was just teasing me because I doubt that he could act so casual and relaxed if he truly suspected that Ace and I were really dating. “Let’s head back. It’s already getting late. Good work, everyone…” Ace said.Before anyone could delay our departure, I followed Ace to where he had parked his car nearby. Now that we were alone, I felt extremely awkward. “Thanks…” I thanked him when he opened the car door for me.I got into the car after offering him a smile that I believed didn’t look natural despite my efforts. My heart beat fast inside my chest and it wasn’t because I was excited. My chest felt tight, and it felt like all the guilt that was bottled up inside me was threatening to spill out for Ace to see. Ace got into the car and started driving. I
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Perfect New Start
“Hopefully it was a good learning experience. I would feel bad if I sent you out here for nothing,” Ace replied with a sigh. “It was a good experience. Filming people is hard enough on its own but today we have a dog and a puppy as well. It really did add to the challenge even though they were both so cute and well-behaved,” I said with a smile. “Exactly. This director is very experienced, and I’ve worked with him many times before. I thought you could learn a thing or two from him while watching him work,” Ace said excitedly. “Right. It was interesting to watch him work. He’s very committed and even I can tell that much,” I replied. The truth was far from it. I was probably too worried about everything to pay enough attention to the work at hand or learn from the director as Ace had planned. If I could turn back time, I would make sure to pay more attention to the director and every little thing that he was doing. However, I knew better than anyone that I couldn’t turn back time.
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Peaceful Time Together
“This place looks even better than in the photos!” I exclaimed in pure delight the moment that I step foot out of the car.We arrived at our destination around half an hour earlier than planned to due light traffic. That meant that I had more time to spend in this awesome place with Ace. “The weather is nice too…” Ace said lazily as he got out of the car. The staffs were already there to greet us and help us with our bags although we didn’t pack a lot of things for this trip. It was just for the weekend, and we were only staying for one night. I wished that we could take some leave days and extend our trip; however, I didn’t want to leave Jeremy to deal with all the work alone. Life at work was already tough and I didn’t dare let him shoulder my responsibilities on top of his own. Our trip was going to be short but that was all the more reason that I wanted to make the most of it. “We can take your things to your room for you first in case you want to head straight to the beach…” t
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Just the Two of Us
“We should come here or go on trips like this more often…” Ace said wistfully. Well, it wasn’t like it was impossible for us to do that. We just needed to take care of our projects better. The workload work at work would be better for me once we are done with Project Alpha and the competition is finally over. Both the company’s future and our future were on the line for this competition. We can’t afford to lose after coming this far. “What are you thinking about? You’re frowning…” Ace said as he peered closely at my face.I hadn’t realized that my thoughts had caused me to frown. To not worry Ace or ruin the mood, I turned and offered him one of my best smiles. “It’s nothing…” I replied although it wasn’t entirely true. “Don’t think about work. We’re supposed to be on holiday,” he warned.His large hand stroked my hair before pulling my head down onto his shoulder. Leaning against him comforted me in a way that words couldn’t describe. It made me feel like he was here for me and t
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