All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
501 Chapters
Learning Journey
“Ace…” I called his name softly as I stood at his side.“What is it?” he asked but without much interest. “Thank you for working so hard for us…” I said softly but clearly. Ace turned to stare directly into my face before he smiled a little at me. Slowly his hand reached out and soon I felt its warmth against my cheek. He softly stroked my cheek with the pad of his thumb, and I smiled back in response. “Umm…I’ll head back to bed now…” I mumbled softly as I felt heat rise to my cheek.His loving caress made so much warmth flood my face and my chest. …Despite my wish to spend an entire day or more submerging myself in Ace’s past works in the company’s archive, I never got around to it. Work was crazy and Jeremy was ruthless in his revision of the storyboard. The fact that we were running out of time didn’t help relieve my stress at all either. Every day that I spent at the office ended past midnight and I was beginning to lose track of the number of cups of coffee that I had. “Sho
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Earning His Approval
“Did you get a chance to take a look at the storyboard that we sent?” Jeremy asked. Just like always, Jeremy didn’t look nervous about having a meeting with Ace. On the other hand, I was plagued with worry. Jeremy flashed up our presentation on the large screen and a knot formed in the pit of my stomach. “I’ve seen it,” Ace replied simply. I couldn’t tell from his tone whether or not he liked what he had seen. Ace’s hazel eyes settled on the large screen before he cocked his head slightly to the side as if he was thinking of something. “You two give me a proper run-through one more time, please,” Ace said as he waited for us to do his bidding. “Umm…ok…” I replied before getting to it. Jeremy helped me as I presented the storyboard to Ace while highlighting the parts that we have changed while including the reasons behind the change. Ace didn’t seem impressed, but he didn’t stop me from continuing and that meant that it must have been somewhat passable. “We think adding in some
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Alone Together
I stepped into his office and my body froze as I struggled to process what I was seeing. A blonde woman sat on Ace’s table with her legs crossed seductively and I had to say that her skirt was a little more than too short. At first, I couldn’t see her face and Ace paid me no mind even though I was standing there. The two seemed very engaged in just staring into each other’s eyes. Did I walk in at the wrong moment? Definitely. “Oh…it’s you…” the woman said as she turned around and spotted me.Her face was definitely one that I had seen before. “Elizabeth…” I murmured her name softly. Why is she here…exactly? “Ace and I have unfinished business so if you don’t mind…can you…” she said before she sweetly at me and shooed me off with her hand. What on earth is going on?Why is Elizabeth Chase here? My eyes glanced over at Ace as I hoped for him to do something to correct the situation for me. Instead of telling Elizabeth to get off his desk and pull down her skirt, he turned and sh
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Troublesome Encounter
“Yes. What were you talking to Elizabeth about?” I demanded to know.Ace looked at me before he smiled innocently at him. “Work…” he replied casually without giving me any more details. I hated how he was treating the situation as if nothing had happened. If I didn’t walk in on them or if I hadn’t been there, how far would they have taken it?My thoughts and imagination were driving me crazy. Before I realized it, I had already fully assumed that there was something between the two of them. “What work?” I asked as I stared boldly up into his face. Ace looked at me with some surprise before his eyes narrowed at me. “I can’t tell you that,” he replied calmly. “What? You can’t tell me what ‘work’ you were discussing with her about?” I asked in pure disbelief.It was just so ridiculous. Ace surely has to know that the more he evaded my questions, the more suspicious everything becomes. Why can’t he just come out and explain it directly to me?If he would just do that, then perhaps I
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Secret Affair
“Let go. I have nothing to say to you,” I snapped as I tried to shake off his grip. “Was Elizabeth here today?” Kyle asked sternly. I froze in shock at his abrupt question. Is he here to see his wife?“Why don’t you just give her a call?” I suggested instead of answering to question.The scene of Elizabeth sitting seductively on Ace’s worktable just now popped into my mind and wouldn’t go away. The way she spoke to me bothered me and seeing them together bothered me even more. What is this about Kyle not knowing where his wife is and whether or not she came here? “Judging by your reactions I would say that I was right. Elizabeth was here…or is she still here?” Kyle asked as he tilted his head a little to the side.His eyes stared down at my face and it felt like he could read me. I cursed the fact that I spent years dating this guy and that somehow allowed him to read me like a book. “Did you meet her?” Kyle asked. Oh, I more than met here…“Go and ask your wife. I’m leaving…” I
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Drifting Apart
What a stupid and twisted world! I felt like screaming and ripping my hair out. Not wanting to waste any more time with this man, I decided to get right to the point.“So, what makes you think that your wife is cheating on you?” I asked without mincing my words.“I don’t know if she’s cheating on not, but Elizabeth has been acting…strangely…for the past weeks,” Kyle confessed with a sigh. “What do you mean by strangely?” I asked as I arched a brow at him. “She’s been coming home late…like…very late. Then when she goes out, she doesn’t tell me where she’s going. No matter how many times I ask her, she just tells me that she’s going out for work. It’s like the easiest excuse, you know…” Kyle said as his brows drew together. Work. I had to say that I’ve definitely heard that before. It might really be the easiest excuse…“Maybe she really did go out for work…” I murmured. “Then why can’t she tell me where she’s going and whom she’s meeting with? I even offered to drive her there an
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Painful Insecurities
“Then again, can’t the same be said about you? Aren’t you also super insecure about dating Ace?” Kyle asked as he stared intently at me from across the table. “I have to trust him…” I replied. Deep down, I knew that that was what I had to do to get through this. I had to trust him. My mind went to our argument when his ex-secretary turned up pregnant. If I had trusted him and heard him out back then, then we wouldn’t have almost broken up like that. Kyle was right, I was extremely insecure when it came to the relationship that I had with Ace. Although I learned my lessons from that incident with his ex-secretary, it was still hard for me to rest easy and assured when I saw him with Elizabeth. I wanted to trust him, but it was so hard to control my feelings. “Easier said than done…” Kyle said knowingly. “If there’s nothing else, I’m going to leave,” I said as I started getting up from my seat. “Don’t you want to at least eat something first? I ordered so much food for you,” Kyle
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Fulfilling My Selfish Request
Before I could lose my nerve, I reached for my phone and began dialing Ace’s number. I waited impatiently and nervously for him to pick up the phone. Maybe he’s already asleep…It’s very late at night and I might be disturbing him; however, I just wanted to hear his voice…A few seconds later, the line finally connected. “Rina…” Ace said my name casually.My heart skipped a beat at just hearing his voice call my name. Ace paused as if he was waiting for me to say something. “Ace…” I managed to whisper into the phone when I found my tongue again. “Is something the matter? You’re calling quite late at night…” Ace asked. Instead of sounding sleeping, Ace just sounded tired. Was he still awake at this hour? “Umm…sorry for calling you so late at night. Were you still up?” I asked with worry. “Sort of…” Ace replied vaguely. “I see…” I murmured.Although he wasn’t here with me, I still felt so much tension just talking to him. Suddenly, the conversation between us died and the dead a
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Quality Time
It felt so natural when he pulled me into his warm and secure embrace. My heart started racing wildly in my chest as he pressed my body against his and hugged me even tighter than before. My arms automatically wrapped around his broad shoulders as I hugged him back desperately. Now that I was in his arms, I was forced to acknowledge even more than before just how much I missed him and his touch. Ace’s hand moved to stroke my hair and my heart and spirit felt so comforted by him. I felt so simpleminded when his gentle touches helped to ease some of my insecurities. Perhaps it was because my mind desperately wanted to believe in him that I started to feel better. Maybe when work is less crazy, things will get better between us, and I could talk to him then if there were any issues. “What were you so worried about?” Ace asked gently. “I think we’ve both just been so busy with work that we hardly have time for each other, and I was scared that we may be drifting apart….” I confessed tr
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Pleasure and Longing
“Ahh! Ahhh!” I cried out when he pinched my nipples in between his fingertips.“Your nipples are so hard. I can see them and play with them through your clothes…” Ace said with a delighted chuckle. Mind-numbing pleasure jolted through my body from the erect perks that he was playing with. The texture of satin rubbing against my nipples turned me on even more than before. My hips began moving as I began losing control over my body. A pleasurable ache formed in my lower abdomen before moving further down to the sensitive spot in between my thighs. “Ace…” I moaned his name before I moaned loudly. My pussy clenched uncontrollably as it got wet for him. A hot rush of wetness spurted out of me as he took me to even further heights. Ace slipped his hands into the front of my nightgown and cupped my breasts directly. The heat of his touch felt like it was ready to melt me and so did the pleasure that he was making me feel. “Good girl. Thanks for your help…” Ace complimented me when I reac
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