All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
501 Chapters
Passionate Reconnection
“You like it, right? I figured that you love seeing views of the city like this…” Ace said knowingly. “I love it…” I admitted honestly as I continued staring at the cityscape in front of me. “It looks much better at night. I’m sure that you’ll like it even more then. As for me, I’ve gotten quite bored of it,” Ace said before he turned to smile at me. “That’s a shame…” I whispered as I turned to return his smile. I felt a slight pressure of his touch against the small of my back before his arm wrapped itself around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He kissed the top of my head tenderly as I wrapped my arms around his body and held him close. He felt so warm and feeling his body against mine felt so comforting and right. Thankfully, I didn’t have to let go of him just yet. “I’m happy enough that you seem to enjoy it,” he murmured from above before he kissed my hair. “You’ll be happy for a very long time because I’m not going to get bored of seeing it anytime soon,” I told him
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Extra Pleasure
Ace pulled me into his crushing embrace, and I cried out. He hugged me tightly as he buried his face into the side of my neck and began kissing me there. His lips kissed and then sucked on the side of my neck as I moaned from the pleasure of his passionate attack. Ace’s actions were more passionate and desperate than usual. Perhaps, just like me, he also felt the need for us to reconnect again to return our relationship and bond to how it once was, if not even stronger than before. I let him have his way with me as I surrender my heart and my body willingly to him and his impassioned kisses. His wet tongue traced a line along the sensitive skin of my neck as he held me close to him. I could feel the heat of his body envelop me again and it made me want to feel even more of him. “Ace…please…” I begged him with my words. Ace let go of me enough for his hands to come between us to undress me. My hands moved boldly to strip off his suit before moving to unbutton his shirt. His hands wo
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Wild Love
“Please…Ace…” I whispered passionately as I urged for him to thrust his cock inside of me. “I’ll fuck you hard, Rina…don’t worry…” Ace told me seductively. “Ahhh! Yes!” I cried out. Ace thrusted his hips against mine as he screwed his thick and gigantic cock into my pussy hole. I cried out and dug my fingernails into his forearms. “I’ll hold you…” Ace told me reassuringly as he began thrusting his cock in and out of my hole. It felt so good. His cock was in so deep, and I didn’t want him to stop ramming his hot rod into me. His hips sandwiched mine in between him and the wall as his cock penetrated my love hole. I was thankful to Ace for holding me upright because my legs felt very useless. Soon there wasn’t a need for me to try to stay standing anymore when Ace began lifting up my other leg. “Ace…” I whimpered his name in surprise. “Don’t worry. I’ll hold you…” Ace said reassuringly. I let him lift my other leg up as he positioned his hips in between my spread thighs. I
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I Love You
His eyes were already on the wetness in between my legs and soon I felt the heat of his thick member lodging itself at my opening. I cried out his name at the same moment that Ace thrusted the entire length of his cock into my wet hole. The sudden plunge of his cock burying itself all the way into my hole in one powerful thrust almost made me climax again. “So rough…Ahhh! Ahhh!” I moaned before I cired out loudly. “It’s about to get rougher…” Ace groaned from above me. He reared his hips back before thrusting forward hard and fast, ramming his cock all the way back into my wet cunt. His cock stirred up my wetness as he dove in and out of me. My hips began moving, thrusting up from the bed to match and meet his thrusts halfway. His cock slammed against my womb and soon it began to feel like he would tear me up inside. “Ahhh! Ace…it’s so good…” I moaned before I had to bite down hard on my lower lip to contain myself. His cock beating fast and hard into my hot wetness drove me i
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My Househusband
I could tell from the smell that he was in the middle of cooking something and that surprised me because I didn’t quite know that he could cook. Before I could say anything, Ace approached me until he stood right in front of me. “Umm…what is it?” I asked as I started backing away.Suddenly, I felt like he was standing too close to me, and his intense gaze made me feel slightly nervous. “Rina, you have no idea how sexy you look right now…” Ace murmured. “Ace!” I cried out his name in surprise when he suddenly wrapped his arms around my body.He dragged me into a tight hug as he buried his face in my hair. Another cry of surprise left my lips when he suddenly lifted me up in his arms. Automatically, I wrapped my arms around his neck as I stared down at his upturned face from above. His hazel eyes looked so sexy this morning and I couldn’t help myself from smiling down at him. I felt something hard against my ass and looking behind me I realized that Ace had lifted me up before sitti
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Our Peaceful Days
That smile was so unfair. We ended up laughing together and I was quite relieved that he wasn’t offended by what I just said. I wondered if he meant it, though, about wanting to be a househusband. I felt like his job was something that he could be proud of, and I had no idea why he didn’t seem to love it. I stared at Ace for a while longer as I leaned against the counter. No, there’s no way that I can work and feed someone who lives a life like Ace Hills. “Take a seat at the table. I’ll serve you food,” Ace said.“I’ll help you,” I quickly offered. “No need. Just sit down, Rina,” Ace refused as he waved me towards the long marble dining table in the room. There were so many chairs that I had a hard time deciding which one to sit on. I couldn’t help but wonder if Ace brought guests over often. With the size of this place, he could easily host a party. Ace served us food before taking the seat opposite from me at the dining table. Ace was spot on when he said that he could fix up a
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His Missing Past
“Money sure can buy many things, huh…” I murmured as I stood next to the swimming pool with my eyes on the cityscape that stretched as far as the sky could see. “Sure, it can, but then again, there are many things that money can’t buy either. Not saying having money is a bad thing…” Ace replied casually. Ace wrapped his arms loosely around my body from behind and I leaned back into his warmth. I wonder if we’ll still be together when the season changes and when this season repeats itself. Year after year after year, will we still be together just like this? “What are you thinking about?” Ace asked when the silence between us stretched on. “Hmm…how I want to head inside and look at more of your books,” I replied as I turned around in his arms to offer him my smile. I must have been too shy to tell him my honest thoughts. Also, I didn’t want him to think that I still felt quite insecure about our relationship. “Sure…” Ace murmured with slight confusion.This time, I was the one wh
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Hidden Treasures
Ace was the trendsetter in the industry and the company had improved and grown so much since he took over as the CEO. Just like other celebrities, it wasn’t surprising that his earlier works are probably not as polished as it was today. However, that only made me want to see his earlier works more than ever. Nowadays, Ace rarely produces any of his own independent work anymore. The role of CEO kept him busy and all the work that he led were major projects that involved many team members including myself such as Project Alpha. Although we worked with his guidelines and he made most of the key decisions, the work produced was a collective team effort with all of our thoughts blended in. For once, I wanted to see a work that purely came from Ace’s passion and genius. I stared at his broad back in front of me as I followed him to the storage room as I pondered if he would understand something as vague as my own feelings if I tried to explain it to him. Probably not. “We’re here,” Ace
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Surprising Discovery
That year, I remembered that the company launched a few commercials which were considered to be very innovative based on Ace’s instructions and directions. That was the first year that Ace stepped in as the new CEO of the company. I opened the folder and began flipping through some pages of the document. Not surprisingly, the commercial that attracted a huge buzz to the company at that time was drafted by Ace. The proof was his very rough drawing of the storyboard and some scribbling in his handwriting of the storyline. It was frankly amazing how these rough drawing and a few simple sentences could transform into such an impactful commercial that was viewed by millions of people. While flipping through the document, a loose document of a few pages that were stapled together attracted my attention. Unlike the other documents that were bound to the folder, this one was just slipped in between the pages of the other documents. At first glance, it was just a simple table of names of peo
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When We First Met
It felt so unfair how he could suggest something like that so easily. The last time we made the headlines we just attended a business event together. Imagine how big the explosion would be if we really went out in our private time on our date. “I don’t think we should do anything like that. It’ll cause trouble…not just for us but for other people as well…” I replied. Unfortunately, our relationship wasn’t just about us. Our actions impacted many people, especially those that worked in the company and the various investors that held the company’s shares. Even I knew that any negative news impacted the share price negatively as well. “Maybe it’s time that we worry less about that. We could always do business dinners together, a business movie, a business trip to the beach or up a mountain…” Ace suggested with a laugh. “Yeah, right…” I muttered before rolling my eyes at him. The food that was served matched my tastes very well. I didn’t think that Ace was a big fan of Asian food, bu
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