All Chapters of The Forgotten Alpha : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
172 Chapters
Chapter 121
-Back in the ducal office-The tension ion the office was high before but now, it was even astronomical. Henon was now using his hands so try and control his bleeding gave while Asis himself was very shocked at what it was that just happened.He was never really in tune with his brother because of course he was a competitor with him for the title of being the next Duke of the kingdom but for some reason, Ay this very moment, he did not feel pleased with what it was that has just happened and for the first time in his entire life, he felt nothing but immense hatred for his father, the Duke.To think that he would even do such a violent thing in front of the youngest child, Abel. Yes, it does not change the fact that he had never been a kind father neither had he been loving towards any of them but he had never laid his hands on any of them before.He was sweating and his muscles were bulging as the veins on his muscles back pulsing in rage. It was very clear that he was very close to s
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Chapter 122
-Elizabeth (the daughter of Baron Penin)Elizabeth, no longer getting the attention taut she had grown so accustomed to was now filled with so much hate and envy so much that she had thoughts of ways that she would be able to dispose of Hazel.She hates every thing about Hazel. From the way that he now silver hair shine and followed her like waves Wyeth very step that she took, to the way that her silver eyes shone like they were gotten from the moon itself.She hated the way that every one seems to fawn over, the way that she carried her self like she was like one of the ancient fairies to the way she commands authority from people around her with out even needing to say even a single word.She hated it all but most of all what it was that she aged more than any thing was the fact that she had such a competent following her around. She loathed the way he looked at her like she was the only thing that he could see, the only thing in his entire world.She hates the way that every one pa
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Chapter 123
-Elizabeth (daughter of Baron Penin)At this point, it was almost like Elizabeth had become mad and if seen by others, then she would seem like she had been possessed by some thing very sinister.She was now unable to even properly eat or take care of herself as her mind was slowly rotting away due to the hatred that was consuming her and it was was consuming her at an Al warming rate.All that she has been enjoying was taken away from her in an instant and the more that she thought about the matter? The more hatred coursed through the very depths of her soul and so….she began to watch Hazel, the Lunari.Even pass her hatred, she could not help but agree that truly she depicted an air of excellence and divinity around her and this made her even anger over.Elizabeth even went as far as to send an anonymous request to the guid all the way in the royal capital willing to pay what ever it was that may ask if they could just get rid of her.But of course, such a request would never see th
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Chapter 106
-Baron Penin-“Yes my lord, indeed. At first, I was going to ignore it as I did not believe that some one with his pride and ego could do some thing like that but I believed that I might be mistaken and decided to look in to the matter” the butler said and the Baron could not help but bury his head in his arms in frustration.The older brother of the Baron has become even worse in the way he behaves. Usually, he just comes occasionally to beg them leaves for the royal capital for some time because although Peon village was very successful, it was still a small village when compared to the huge royal capital.If a noble wishes to build connections and make things happen, then the royal capital was the the place to be. But now, it seems like he is having different thoughts on the matter. It did not take a seed to see that things are already beginning to change because Peon village has become the nifty place of the Lunari.There has been an increase in the number of both commoners and nob
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Chapter 125
-Elizabeth (daughter of Baron Penin)She waited until the sky turned dark and the moon was Hugh in the sky. She first made sure that it would be very possible for her to use the darkness of the darkness of the night to her advantage so that she could do what she had planned.For you see, Elizabeth that come up with a very sinister plan and a sinister plan it was indeed.The night before, she had revived a letter in secret. All though she did not think much of the letter at first, as it did not have a seal of any of the noble houses in the kingdom, but the moment that she opened up the letter, lo and behold she was greeted with the royal insignia of the crown prince himself.She had never seen it in person but even her knew what it looks like. She let out a gasp and in desperation, she began to read the contents of the letter.The crown prince in his sinister and vindictive manner caught wind of just what kind of she wolf Elizabeth was and decided that it was best to take advantage of
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Chapter 126
-Crown prince Inas-I grip the wine glass that I was currently holding in a very tight fist. I hate to admit it but all of my careful planning for years had all turned to naught. The more that i think about it, the more that i can not help but feel that these days, the things that i have control of are dwindling in number. The royal family is starting to lose respect and power in the kingdom.There have even been numerous protests by the common people asking for us to step down because the Lunari has appeared and according to the prophecy, every one including the members of the royal family have no other choice than to bow down to the Lunari. Well, i for one do not care about who the Lunari is one bit.I do not plan on giving away the control and power that the crown prince has and i am well prepared to die for what is my birt right if it ever comes down to that situation."Excuse me your highness, but i wish to inform you that it is done, The letter has been delivered and she has sta
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Chapter 107
-Elizabeth- (the daughter of Baron Penin)Elizabeth knew that now that the Lunari from the prophecies had resurfaced, protection would be tight around the estate. Even now, she was taking a very huge risk by doing what she was about to do. With the letter held tightly to her chest, she carefully made her way out of the main building being careful to use the advantage of the darkened to escape.Of course, when it came to werewolves, darkness was bit something that could hinder them, she knew this but the only reason why she was able to make it thus far in the first place was due yo the fact that the Baron himself had ordered every resource that was tied to protection in the estate to be tailored towards the Lunari. The order was so rigid that even the knights that had been protecting her were taking away from her service.This was yet another reason why her pride was badly hurt. Up until the Lunari surfaced, she was admired by all and so many of the females of the kingdom envied her. S
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Chapter 108
-Unknown POV-Finally, I have completed the task, but I have to say, I did not really have faith in the plan of the crown prince.The reason for this thought was not because I thought that he was incompetent or anything like that. I did however have this notion because I strongly believe that there was no way that there would be people that would be foolish enough to try and hurt the Lunari from the prophecy.I knew that it was possible for the crown prince as he had his own strong reasons but what would two individuals with no power or wealth to their name agree to this in the first place?Are they so blind and greedy that they cannot can see that the crown prince has no intention of being involved in the matter if hey chance something we’re ti go wrong or worse, they are ti be caught.The letters that he gave the both of them have been laced with magic. In a couple of more hours, the insignia if the crown prince will disappear but he also went a step further.I do not know how he wa
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Chapter 109
-Hazel-It has been a long day and as days go by, the more I am starting to doubt my decision. For some reason, I feel like the moon goddess is deciding my fate for me and that is not something that sits right with me.A year ago, what I wanted for myself was to live a quiet life in the middle of nowhere and be happy but now, I am not even sure what it is be that I want anymore. This heavy burden that has been thrown on my shoulders, I am not sure if truly, I have the power to carry it.The people see me as a being that must be worshipped and I know that no matter how hard I try, i would not be able to get my normal life back. The only solace in all of this is the fact that Bleu remains by my side. We were currently in the chambers that the Baron had prepared for us…: well for me. If the people had the power, they would throw Bleu out without a second thought as they think that he is just a blemish at my side.I let out a breathe and turn to face him. He was sound asleep. Well, that
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Chapter 110
-Hazel-It was like every part of my body had been struck witch some sort of force. I looked around the room and now, my sense were even sharper than ever. The part of it all that was more than enough to shock me was the fact that the sky that was once dark and void of the moon and any stars, now held the moon in all its glory.For a while I did not move a muscle as I stared out to the moon. If I did not know any better, I would have believed that I was in a trance. This was how I felt when I first awakened as the Lunari. I do not know whether it is possible for me to get accustomed to this overwhelming power that is coursing through my body. At this moment, I feel so powerful that if I wished to challenge the royal family and all their forces, I would be able to win the battle with out too much of an effort but that was the least of what was on my mind at the moment.I felt like there was something thing I needed to do. It was like I was attuned to some thing to some one. There was so
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