All Chapters of The Forgotten Alpha : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
172 Chapters
Chapter 121
In the building of the guild.-Asis-My eyes were open but all I saw was black. I also noticed that I could not move any part of my body almost like I was chained to some thing that would be impossible to love. I felt dizzy as I feel the blood rush to my brain.I try to remember what it is that has happened hit I am only greeted with a blurry image. No matter how hard I try, the last thing that I remember is my father, the Duke using all of his power and his rage to hurl a vase towards me. I thought I had been able to leave that incident unscathed but it seems like I may have been hurt or some thing.Or… I dead. If not for the situation that I was currently in then what I was doing at the moment would be very comical. I was sure that my eyes were open but no matter how wide I try to open them, there was nothing that I could do to make me see anything, not even a ray of light.Did father remove my eye balls, or maybe I am in the darkest part of the under ground cells that we have i
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Chapter 121
In the guild house-(Asis)I know that it may be considered pathetic for me to start to think such at this very moment seeing as I myself have sent many commoners to be sold as slaves as well. How ever, before I could ponder on my thoughts any longer or continue to feel even more sorry for myself, the chain like material that seems to be holding me upside down was immediately released and before I even had the time to brace for the impact, my entire build fell into the ground in a loud thud.It did not help matters that father also assaulted this same body of mine. My entire body screamed in pain as jolts of the pain traveled to every part of my body. It was taking every thing in me to not shout out in pain and horrorWho ever these traders were, it was clear that they did not intend to give me any decency at all, neither did they care that I was the son of the Duke. Before I had time to fully get myself up and work my body through the piano, a pail of water was splashed on my form an
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Chapter 122
-back at the guild-(Asis)It took all of the courage that I could muster to be able to say those words as this males have the power to even deal with the members of the nobility how they deem fit and even the alpha king himself would not be able to do any thing about it. This was fact especially if father had a hand in me being here.I was still very confused but my plan was simple. Have them take me to where the guild master was, try ti strike some sort of a deal with him, then leave this place with Abel. I have no idea what it is that should come next but my priority at this very moment is to leave here alive with my youngest brother.I am sure once my head had cleared, every thing will make sense and i am sure that all I have seen from Abel would have been an illusion of mine.That was my plan but the moment that I uttered those words, the entire room became silent and I looked around frantically. All of the faces of the males that were present hardened as they stared down at me.
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Chapter 123
*in the guild building*(Asis)If some one had told me that all that I have seen and all that I have heard was nothing but a joke or better yet, an illusion, then by the moon goddess I would believe such a person in a heart beat. I am sure that my face at this moment was almost comical and if it were not for the seriousness of the situation, then I would have been the source of comedy in this very room.It seems like Abel was able to read my mind as the moment that my eyes turned to his again, he smiled even more widely. “Allow me to introduce myself brother as indeed, you never knew me even though you have known me my whole life. My name is Abel Dominix, the last don of the ducal house hold and the master of the only guild in the entire kingdom” he said as he took the stance that the members of the nobility and the higher society usually adopted when they were introducing themselves to a fellow noble.I remember that he was unable to perfect that pose Sven after numerous teachers. I
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Chapter 124
-Hazel-There has been a lot that has happening and in fact, there is a lot that is happening that is still going to take place. A few days ago, a letter was delivered form the ducal estate, no doubt my father. It is hard to explain, but with out needing to even glimpse at the letter, I could tell what the content of the letter was. If I knew my father, the Duke at all, then no doubt that he had thought that I was still the same she wolf that I was before I am anger to escape from that horrid place. No doubt that he thinks that it was just like before when with just a command, I would be bending over backwards to do what it is that he had asked for me. Not because I admired him or cared about him, but because I feared what he could do to me and my siblings. I am sure they never cared for me like I did for them but nothing will ever change the fact that they are my siblings.He must have thought that he was the luckiest male in the kingdom as he had graduated from having an omega daug
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Chapter 125
-Hazel-The day of the fighting contest**I knew that with the fact that I awakened as the Alina to, that other nobles from far and wide and even commoners themselves would use this as a perfect opportunity to get in to Penin village to see me with their own eyes. Even the Baron himself had warned me times with out number and he even told me that if I was uncomfortable with the matter, that he was more than ready to cancel the whole thing.A part of me still does not trust the Baron and his vassals but if I wanted to be very sincere with myself, he still had not given me any reason at all for me to distrust his loyalty and his sincerity. How ever, the truth remains that I had never seen any noble of the kingdom act the way he does and there will never be a time when I do not find his actions suspicious.I mean what kind of noble accepts some one that can rival all of their power in to their estate and practically hands them the control over their land and their people. He has not even
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Chapter 126
-Hazel-Lowly? I think to myself and the moment that she uttered those words, the reaction came to me in an instant. The same power that flooded me when I met with the Icari and when I awakened as the Lunari filled me again and this time as well, I did not need a seer before I was able to tell that the moon goddess herself wished to say some thing through me but it is like at this very moment we are both one as I feel the exact same feeling that she is poring in to me.My silver hair shone and my eyes became even sharper and I was able to peer in to the very soulful of this she wolf. I was able to see that member life had been filled with nothing but misery.Her father was killed in front of her when she was but a pup just because he had accidentally stepped on the robe of a noble that was taking the stroll in the market square of the royal capital.She watched as his head was put in a pile for all to see and she had to listen to the words of that same noble as he went on and on abou
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Chapter 127
-Hazel-It took a while to finally calm the she wolf down and I immediately ordered that she be put under my direct service. For the time that I have been in the Baron’s estate, I have refused to have a personal maid under me because I am reminded of when I was still in the ducal estate.I would be folkish enough to trust the maids that were out over me because I thought they understood me and that they could be trusted with out any doubt.I never knew how foolish that thought was. I later found out that they had been planted there by my father, the Duke himself and he had first hand information in everything and any thing that concerned my life.It is only bridal that i would think that the Baron or any one of his vassals plan to do the same as well. It did take a while but I was finally able to calm her down.Her name is Ava and it was clear that she had been holding in her pain for so long that when she finally had the opportunity to express herself, she had no idea on how she was t
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Chapter 128
-Hazel-In the dinning hall was some one that I he never had the opportunity to have a heart to heart with but she was some one that very one in the higher society and in the nobility knew of. She was so powerful that it was rumored that the alpha king did not have any hope for rising to his current position with out her. Her entire form radiated power and confidence and it was clear that she had come here for some thing.I had heard father talking about her before as he was completely annoyed that a she wolf would even be able to command the kind of power that she did but even my father the Duke, never even dared to cross her part even once for he also feared what she could do and the kind of power that she can control.There was even once a time when propels believed that she had some sort of authority over the guild and hence, controlled the entire kingdom in the shadows. She is very prideful and she is a she wolf that is known to never lower her standards no matter what the case m
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Chapter 129
-In the dinning hall-(Hazel)“Being her before me” she ordered her knights, well at least the ones that had a blind sense of loyalty towards her and did not seem to care whether I was the Lunari or not. It was very funny but at this very moment, the fist thing that came to my mind was how cracked her lips were, meaning that she just have been chewing in them prior to this encounter.She is actually very anxious and she doing every thing in her power to appear like her power has not been shaken one but neither is it being threatened. Her blonde hair reminds me of the crown prince’s hair and at this very moment, I can not help but think that there has to be a very good reason for her to come all the way despite her sense of pride.Three knights began to make their way over to me but even to my greatest surprise, I did not feel even an ounce of fear.It was almost as if I was on cloud June and I was staring at ants running about in the floor beneath my feet. For the first time, I was ac
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