All Chapters of The Forgotten Alpha : Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
172 Chapters
Chapter 130
-Bleu-I may not know much about the things of this new world that I have been exposed to hut one thing that I know is that to be able to make my mate happy, I just do all that I can to adopt to this new world.I do not have the status or the wealth that the Baron has, but I will do every thing in my power to make sure that she is happy and that I can do my own little part to make sure that she is able to do all that she wants to do.If i were to be very honest with myself, I have been subtly avoiding Hazel and my inner wolf is doing every thing that it can to practically claw its way out of my subconscious. I have been avoiding her not because we have been on bad terms or any thing like that but because I felt inadequate to be standing next to her.Am I really the male that she deserves? When we were still in the deserted swampy area, i had a lot that I could offer because I hunted for food and also worked hard to provide her shelter. How ever, when we came out of that place, the dyn
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Chapter 131
-Bleu-The bushes continue to shake even more violently and then you that who ever it was that has been following me, was about to make their appearance. The reaction came to me, in an instant. Before I could even try to control myself, my canines appeared and and I did not need to see my reflection before I could tell that my eyes were already a mixture of orange and my green ones.I got in to another attack position so that the moment that I felt even the slightest hint of a threat, I would attack before who ever it was even ever had the holy to defend themselves. How ever, after a few minutes of obvious hesitation and fear, I could mot believe my eyes.The person that came out of the bushes was indeed hit a were wolf as I had never seen a were wolf with such an appearance and even thought I knew that I had never seen such a creature, that there must have been a very good reason for why he decided that ig was a good idea to follow me. The creature had wings and a very weird color
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Chapter 132
-Abel (the last son of the ducal house hold)The day of the fighting contest is here and I am for one pleased that I can finally see the fact of the bastard that claims it be the mate of my beloved sister. To be able to be able to properly protect her, I had to make myself known as the master of the guild. Honestly, the entire royal capital is still in a pandemonium knocking that the master of the guild, the association that has been known to rule the kingdom from the shadows, an association so powerful that even the nobles do not dare cross the oath of its members.Soon, I will fully take control over the ducal estate and the royal capital at large but I first have find out what my sister’s plans are. Hazel is now the Lunari and practically the moon goddess in our world. Jo doubt that she may always be in danger and he may require power tone able to rival that of the nobility and that if the higher society. It is some thing that I can do for her as I wish to be by her side no matter
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Chapter 133
-Elizabeth (daughter of the Baron)The twilight cast long shadows as the day's events unfurled, and the culmination of meticulous planning seemed to loom before me. While I had often harbored resentment toward my birth father's penchant for patience, I begrudgingly acknowledged the wisdom in his approach. Waiting for the right moment, for the perfect convergence of circumstances, had granted me a vantage point that promised a certain degree of success.In the midst of the grand spectacle that was the fighting contest, I allowed myself a moment of grim satisfaction. The atmosphere was charged with a mixture of anticipation and tension, a fitting backdrop for the orchestration that was about to unfold. The sights and sounds of the arena seemed to be in stark contrast to the darkness that resided within me, a darkness that had been nurtured over time and now sought its release.My thoughts turned to the bottle of poison concealed within the folds of my attire, a vial that held the potenti
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Chapter 134
-Bleu-As I gazed upon the unfolding spectacle of the fighting contest, a sense of urgency surged within me. While the grandeur of the event and the elaborate displays of combat held the attention of the masses, my thoughts were fixed on Hazel—my sister, the Lunari, and the bearer of an unexpected power that had thrown my plans into disarray.Time was of the essence, and I knew that I had to swiftly conclude my involvement in the fighting contest in order to return to Hazel's side. My heart held a fierce determination to safeguard her, to ensure that no harm befell her, especially in the midst of the chaos that seemed to encircle us.I found myself relying on the words of that enigmatic Icari, Renin, whom I had encountered in the woods. His claim that the Lunari's essence was imbued within me had ignited a newfound sense of responsibility. Renin's assurance that he would ensure Hazel's safety by meticulously tasting everything that came her way provided a semblance of relief, a thread
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Chapter 135
-Luna of the Kingdom-I do not care one but whether she is the Lunari or jot, ti to think I will be expected cited to undergo such humiliation in my entire life. I would have loved to disappear. Although, I must still continue to have the dignity that comes with being the Luna. I stood there in the midst of the arena, my emotions a tempest that raged within me. The crown prince's accusatory words had cut through the air like a blade, exposing a truth that I had tried to bury deep within myself. His eyes were fixated on the birthmark on my shoulder, a mark that held more significance than I had ever imagined."Who are you?" His voice held a mixture of astonishment and frustration, as if the discovery of that birthmark had shaken the very foundations of his understanding. It was a question that reverberated within me, echoing in the recesses of my mind as I grappled with the weight of his inquiry.The weight of his accusation hung heavy in the air, a palpable tension that seemed to s
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Chapter 136
-back at the royal palace-The alpha kingAt this point in my life, it just feels like I am already a dead were wolf walking. My heart is gone and I am so weak that it is even harder for me to move. What is it that I was thinking when I banished my mate in such a manner. I was so blinded by greed that I even planned to have her killed.In the wake of my reckless actions, I found myself consumed by a suffocating remorse that seemed to weigh heavily on my every step. Regret gnawed at the corners of my consciousness, a constant companion reminding me of the irreversible choices I had made. The world around me had lost its vibrancy, and the once-familiar paths felt shrouded in shadows.As I moved through the days, a deep sense of emptiness settled within me. The echoes of her laughter, the warmth of her touch, and the light in her eyes all seemed like distant memories that I had foolishly let slip away. The realization of what I had sacrificed was a constant ache in my chest, a reminder of
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Chapter 137
The arena’s jubilant clamor continued, but within the cocoon of our shared gaze, time seemed to slow down. It was as if the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of us locked in a moment that held the weight of an eternity. I found myself lost in the depths of her eyes, a sea of emotions reflected back at me. There was understanding in her gaze, an acknowledgment of the complexity of our situation, and perhaps even a glimmer of forgiveness.As the noise of the crowd ebbed and flowed around us, I took a deep breath, gathering my thoughts and finding the courage to speak the words that had been weighing on my heart.“Hazel, I know I can never undo the mistakes I’ve made,” I began, my voice soft but resolute. “I’ve caused you pain and I regret every moment of it. But I want you to know that I’m committed to making amends, to earning back your trust.”Her gaze remained steady, and I could see the turmoil of emotions within her, the struggle to reconcile the past with the present. I u
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Chapter 138
-Crown Prince Inas-I have no idea where that monster came from. At first I thought he was nothing but a mad man when he came in to the arena with out a single weapon. I and every one else in the arena laughed out asses off as it could have only been due to madness that any male would attempt such a thing no doubt some one who was the Coren prince.His dark hair and his green eyes made it seem like I was staring straight in to the eyes of father. He inherited the features of the royal family, features that even I could not fully inherit. Not only that, on his right shoulder he held the birth mark that for centuries, has been the sign of the alpha king.Did father have a bastard child? That would be the only plausible explanation. All my life I had lived with being the only one that would ever be able to inherit the throne. All I was concerned with was trying to increase my power and control over the members of the royal family and the higher society.Things have changed. I suffered a
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Chapter 139
-Abel-(The last son of the ducal house hold)---As the chaos swirled around me in the now tumultuous arena, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of relief and trepidation. I knew deep down that I had nothing to do with the Baron's poisoning, yet the weight of the situation hung heavily on my shoulders. The truth was undeniable: the attack had been intended for my sister, Hazel. It was a sinister plot that had left our world teetering on the brink of upheaval.I took a step back, deliberately keeping myself out of Hazel's sight. In the wake of her awakening as the Lunari, she radiated an ethereal, goddess-like aura. It was awe-inspiring, yes, but it also left me feeling strangely out of place. How was I supposed to relate to her now, when she had ascended to such a celestial status? The familiar dynamics of our sibling relationship felt suddenly inadequate in the face of her newfound power.Despite my reservations, the yearning to see and speak with my sister was undeniable. The bond th
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