All Chapters of The Forgotten Alpha : Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
172 Chapters
Chapter 111
-Hazel-We continued to stare at each other for a while and the more that I stared not his eyes, the more the flashes of what he and his species have gone through counties to invade and assault by kind with no mercy. At this point, I was not sure why I was crying.It could be that I was crying because the moon goddess was bleeding eve feelings into me, it could be that I was sad at just how wicked the were wolf race had become even to their own kind it it could be that I was genuinely sad and angry about what this male had to go through and the things that he had to do to be able to keep his people safe.He looks very different from the drawings that I gazed upon. The Icari always liked so noble in the texts but now looking at him, I did not need a deer to tell me that this male had properly not eaten in a couple of days.Thank the moon goddess that my mother and Alice some how summoned the courage to get me out of the ducal estate before it was too late. Only the moon goodness knows
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Chapter 112
-Back at the ducal estate-The Duke himself had been hearing of the news from the Penin village as he himself took it in himself to plant very talented spies in the village to feed him with every little detail that pertains to his daughter.The news that he had been receiving was more than enough to disturb any one that was in his position. He knew that he and his daughter did not share any emotions towards each other and that also he had not been the best of fathers towards her.However, he did not feel any remorse towards this one fact as this was what it meant to be a noble in the kingdom. He had performed his own duty of birthing the next generation and taking his stand as the Duke of the kingdom. It was only right that his own offerings did their own work for the betterment of the family.This was what he thought and this was one thing that had been informing every decision of his over the years.He believed that his daughter would still be tied to the fact that he was her father
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Chapter 113
-back at the ducal estate-The Duke himself had resigned in his mind to have a serious talk with the royal family but first, he would rather preferred to be known as dead sense for him to allowed this male walk out of his office alive.With out hun even thinking about it, he let out a thunderous growl as he called for the knights in front of his office to come in.“Guards, take this man to the cells!!!” The Duke bellowed and almost immediately, two knights that were well suited came into his office and each of them held the messenger by each arm.At this point, the Duke was very much used to start hearing. Egging, pleading and even cries but to his utter dismay, the male were wolf stood still with a cold look on his face.It was clear that this male did not in any way fear him and the look of disrespect was more than enough to anger the Duke. He was contemplating killing him right here and now, but he wished to do it in the open in front of the common were wolf so that they can remembe
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Chapter 114
-In the ducal estate--Asis-I subtly took a fist of the pants that I was currently wearing. Every one on the entire estate could tell that the duke’s mood was very sour and with that, every one did their very best to stay clear of him. Of course, the servants did not have that same luxury as they had to wait on him on a more regular basis.My trusted aide had just informed me that my father had beheaded a messenger and two knights and a part of me does not even know what it is that may have happened for them to deserve such a final punishment.But taut was not the matter that frightened me the most at this very moment. If I want to be very sincere with myself, I was very anxious and is taking every thing in me not to purr in nervousness and anxiety.I am passing by numerous servants and no matter what the situation may be. I must always make sure to uphold the pride and the position that comes with being the eldest son of the Dominix family. How awful and embarrassing it would be if I
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Chapter 115
-Back at the ducal estate--Asis-The whole office was quiet and if I did not know bay better, I would have believed that time itself stopped. I could not move and every second felt like a hundred. It took quite a lot in me to look up into my father’s eyes and want I saw was more than enough to shake me to the very bones because I knew that this male had the intention to kill and the fact that I was still alive was irking him so.I did not need a seer to tell me that the only reason why I survived was because we were not currently in his office. The private parlor that we were in, was designed in such a way that he stood on an elevated platform and we were lower than he was. I do not know whether the change in location was the reason why I had survived but I am grateful that I did.With the speed and the force that he used to throw the case towards me, my very skull may have been crushed. Not being able to hold myself, the fear finally gripped me and I fell to my knees. From the corne
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Chapter 116
-Back at the ducal estate-(Henon)I knew that there was some thing wrong when farther called for us to his private parlor and jot his office. I had not even yet known that he had beheaded three males but I knew that there was some thing wrong.The power and the sense of loyalty was shifting in the kingdom at a very fast rate and I know that it all has to do with the fact that my sister, Hazel is now the Lunari. At first father had thought that this was some things that he could use to his advantage to be able to rise to even greater heights of power and there was no doubt that he even planned to use this against the members of the royal family themselves.I mean imagine that the person that has been prophesied to rule over the entire were wolf race was your daughter. I do not know of any noble on the kingdom that would not jump at taking advantage of such a situation. Father even went ahead to send numerous letters but for some reason, they always end up getting returned and the worst
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Chapter 117
Back at the ducal estate (Asis)I was sure that I would be dying. I had resigned to my fate and the only thing that I wished for was that the pain would stop. The tears did not stop and at this moment, I regret doing so many things that I have done in my life. I have down this same act times with out number to many servants, so much that I would never be able to give an exact number on the number on servants.I have inflicted this sort of pain times when I was angry and I thought it meant that I was powerful to be able to hold some one’s life in my hands. But now that reverse was the case, I can now feel the exact fear that they felt. The fear of watching some one take your life and watch them enjoy every moment of it. I also remember thinking that those servants were very pathetic to degrade themselves to a sobbing and pleading state when I did what I did but now, I am doing the exact same thing.Why did I do that? What did we do all that we did? What are we like this? I do not like
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Chapter 118
-Back at the ducal estate-(Abel, the last don of the ducal house hold) The moment father sent out that messenger in secret, I was already well aware of the fact before the male had the chance to even leave the estate itself and j was already well aware of the contents of the letter that father had for my sister, Hazel.In the letter, he was basically demanding her to come back to the estate and perform her duties as the daughter of the Duke. Of course when father means that she should come back and preform her duties, no doubt that he meant that she should come back and behave like a good tool that he can use to be able to amass even more power in the kingdom.I aways knew that the were wolf that was my father, was proud as he was very shame less. I can not help but just wonder how he will react once he sees that I have taken every thing that he had ever worked for away from him and I also plan to make sure that once he has fallen, he would never be able to rise back up again.I had
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Chapter 119
-Back at the ducal estate-(Abel, the last son of the ducal house hold)Teh walk to this private parlor was definitely farther than if I were to go from my room to his private study. I let out a tsk because it is at moments like these that I am harshly reminded of the fact that that I still have the body of a pup.Although my mental capacity, may have surpassed all of my peers by age, I guess if does not change the fact that there is a thing such as natural biology in this world.“Would you like me to pick you up young master? Not only would it be easy on you but it would give you more than enough time to get yourself in character” my nurse maid says and I almost let out a chuckle.That is definitely a unique way of her saying that she knows that I am tired and that I should not be ashamed to be lifted just like a pup would. If it were any other day, I would have already started to prepare myself to be able to play the role of a dumb pup and run around the entire estate but I am done w
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Chapter 120
-back at the ducal household-(Abel, the lady son of the ducal house hold)To my surprise, I was the first one here. My brothers were usually the ones that made themselves available the moment that father announced for our presence. I do not know why he kept requesting for me as well when he knew and believed that I was nothing but an impertinent pup.How ever, I was grateful that I still had the chance to get in to his office from time to time. I was able to head conversations and even gain knowledge and intel this way.I gulped and entered in to the parlor. What i saw was more than enough to let a grown male visibly shiver in fear. What more would one expect from a pup like me.His eyes were orange tinged and even though he still had his two legs and his entire body was not covered in fur, I did not need a seer to know that it was his wolf that was currently calling the shits.I have never seen father in wolf form and that much is to be expected seeing as the nobility think that it i
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