All Chapters of Bound To The Vampire Lord : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
193 Chapters
MELVINMelvin padded through the hall back to his room just as the morning sun was about to be unshrouded , he could see the little lights seeping through the filament of the sky the morning was cold ,too cold as his palms grew clammy, that he and to rub each against each other .His heart was icing over his chest bones he could feel it in him as if it was frozen over into ice right there stiff but still beating with every emotions hot and bitter creeping through him .He had just lied to her and he didn't know ,he had lied about his true reasons of venturing into the the dungeon that time of the morning , he had lied about why he was awake so early when more than half of the castle occupancy were still fast asleep and he had also lied about why he was still awake now . His dream had been different this time , not as mysterious as the rest of the dreams he was having over the couple of week but this particular had left him with lot of questions in mind . His mysterious sweet heart
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SUSANKhloe munched on the pie and her thoughts ,the two mixing so well together and down her throat as she swallowed . As much as she wouldn't have loved to admit it to herself she was scared , she was so sacred and it could tell from the way she gulped down her food, to the way she moved her fingers ,to the way she breathed , everything was..."Kyra are you fine ?" It was Susan asking.Khloe could see she had grown another inch from the last time she saw her , the girl appeared to grow every single day. Khloe nods her head to Susan initial question but could see from the way she looked at her that she was not satisfied with whatever she said and would definitely ask again and she did."You look so worried are you sure you are fine ?." Susan asked again .Khloe hesitated before she speaking it was a decision she had to make between swallowing the next chunk from the pie with her thoughts and swallowing just the pie and saying the thoughts out loud ,to be honest the latter sounded be
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MELVIÑAs Melvin walked out with Edmund , he could feel the anxiety and all other despondecy playing deep down within his chest, he could feel it trickling through his blood stream along with his nerves sending it waves of energy back to his heart,his beating heart that was beating faster and faster each beating with a thud of anticipation.His gaze darkened as he walked into the room that had the council waiting ,the air in the room becoming warmer than the way it felt earlier that morning ,he ran his eyes around the few of the council he had requested to show up earlier those are the few he trusted ,the few that had been by his side after his father passed away.“Good day everyone ?” Melvin said as he walked in ,his tone was calm with a bit of being in- between persuasive,sweet and sarcastic. Edmund glanced toward his direction with an amused gaze , understanding fully well the drill as it is called. The first to speak was one of his father advisers , Ethan. He spoke to leng
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Everyone turns to see Katherine as she walked in through the door , there was gasps and words mumbled quietly as it was the first time anyone was seeing her since the king passed away ,they bowed their heads silently as she walked past them.Melvin rolled his eyes ." What are you doing here mother ? " Melvin murmured as he walked to meet her mid way ,if he was expecting anything to wrong it was definitely no this ,he had not expected his mother to walk right through the door and stop him from whatever he was doing, she was the last person he was expecting ."Mother?!" Melvin said again Katherine didn't give respond to any of his questions but walked toward a Khloe that still had her mouth agape . Melvin looked nothing like his mother ,he was a fine man quit alright but seeing his mother made her imagine for a minute the mother of all supernaturals the moon goddess was right there in the room with them ."What is your name Child ?." She asked with the coolest and finest of voices."
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MELVINEvery single person in the room suddenly became magnified and slow : the scent of people , the sounds of heart beats , the flicker of a firefly glowing outside the window and Melvin slow rotation of his head to see who had called out his name. The mere sight of the person made him shocked as his eyes dilated, surprised at who it was ,it was certainly someone he had not been expecting; it felt as though he had seen a ghost ."Shaman!." He blurted out more out of shock than surprise.This was the last place he had expected to see him , right there in the middle of the city faraway from his miraged habitant."What the hell are you doing here ?" He asked again.The Shaman didn't give any reply to his question but instead gave melancholic laughter that echoed through the whole pub , Melvin looked around hoping to see a lot of eyes peering at their direction considering how loud he sounded."You ask a lot of questions about Melvin Asgard ." The Shaman."Well I am not really here ."
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MELVIN"TICK,TICK , TICK "Each sound of the clock had a drastic effect on Melvin mind ,he could not still wrap his mind around the fact that he was having a near death experience , everything still seemed to him as a dream an illusion but the fact that The Shaman was there at Asgard ,the fact the everyone he touches disappeared into thin air like fragments of souls ,he sighed deeply as he closed his eyes hoping that when he opened them again he would be on his bed most probably sweating profusely from the bad dream be was having . "You are a very hard man to convince Melvin Asgard." The Shaman said after watching him for a while he could tell he was still doubtful of everything that was going on."Let me help you understand this." He whispered to him."Yeah ,that would be very helpful ." Melvin said with hopeful eyes his mind almost going crazy about the whole situation."Now what was the last thing you remember doing ?." The Shaman said with a finger tapping the side of his head in
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Khloe stared at his body covered now with a duvet , she could see that he was healing so quick already after they had pulled him out of the bathtub and laid him on the bed . She had walked in with Susan to serve him his dinner since he had not come down to eat and Katherine had thought it was a good idea if she had come with Susan so he wouldn't go all angry on her . At first they had walked Into the room and found the broken glasses in the ground just then Edmund had walked in too with a maid who helped in picking up the glasses while Edmund and Susan watched , Susan had been the one to wander into the bathroom and then scream. Her scream echoed throughout the whole house and it brought Katherine and her mother running down to Melvin's room along with a few guards and a maid. He appeared white and unconscious with the water in the bathtub pinkish or light red in color. They had pulled him out and placed him on the bed and now the wound on his head was healing faster than any wou
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MELVINThe evening was calm as he went down to dinner . The only sound he could hear even from a distance was that of the clattering of forks and knives on the white China plates.It was only a day after he almost drowned himself . A day after he had gotten so angry with his mother and had gone up to his room to drink his fill of alcohol before slipping and hitting his head on the bathtub and falling face deep into the tub.He thought about what would've happened if Susan had not walked in , just as the Shamanic man had said he would've been trapped there forever and most probably another soul would be an inhabitant of his body by now .Khloe was at the table again . As a matter of fact she was everywhere around the house , it felt as though she was trying to torment his mind and as much as he wouldn't have liked to admit it , she was doing a great job at that.Today however she looked alot different, more calmer and exceptionally beautiful as she served his mother and stood at the t
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KHLOESusan was more outspoken than anyone Khloe had met. So as soon as Khloe sat right beside her at the table , she soon started talking away despite her mother warning her several times .She was Khloe's polar equal, though in a different way . She talked the same way and took each of her food the same way as well - little spoonful but very fast.Khloe settled for the lettuce salad , she wouldn't want to out do herself by reaching for the salmon or something else at the table .She took each little spoon without twirling it around with her spoon . As Mel watched her, still angry that she was still with them and making him look uneasy in his chair .He watched as she swallowed each spoon of the lettuce , He watched the way the side of her neck moved as she chewed .Claire sat on her other side. She leaned back in her chair with the first four buttons of her shirt unbuttoned, she was looking at her brother watching as he was lost looking at Khloe .She'd seen that smug way h
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There are many times in life when a man tries to hide his emotions in the facade of another. A period of a man's life when he just had to fake his true feelings with another . Call it camouflaging , call it manly ego , there is no definite definition for it .It is sort of a defensive mechanism triggered at his lowest point, a mechanism triggered to prevent him from looking so low and out of place . A period when he fakes a smile despite feeling deep pain and anxiety but this was not one of them .What Melvin felt was expressive. His emotions were painted expressively on his face with many colors and it ran down his face like a work of art drenched by the rain .He couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that Khloe was Silver headed and he showed it. Everyone could see it - The shock was reflective."Melvin are you fine ?" Katherine asked in his state of shock."Melvin! " She had to call his name again .Melvin made a jittery and almost spilled what he was drinking. He was a bit
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