All Chapters of Bound To The Vampire Lord : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
193 Chapters
KHLOE When Khloe eyes fluttered open and she saw herself locked in a cage what came to her mind was fear , she could see fear in some of the men eyes and wondered why they were scared ,she was not used to men being scared of her in the blood moon pack and so she backed away slowly in the cage, glancing around at the men in the room that were about fifty something. "She is awake" she heard of them whispered . " rabid dog ." "whore ." Lot of cussed words were hurled at her as she backed away in the cage trying to find an escape route . "We should kill her immediately ,get a wolf bane ." She heard one man say and that sparked something inside of her , she wouldn't stay here and watch this people murder her just like that ,she had to transition and use her strength to get out of the cage . "Transition Khloe ." All her six senses whispered her as she changed right in front of the vampire men. At first the men had been scared and backed ,she could see the fear in the eyes of
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MELVINMelvin stared at the red hair woman on the floor and the first thing that caught his attention was the "red hair." For a moment , he had walked into the dungeon hoping that when the "She-wolf " changed it would be a silver - colored hair woman ,how disappointed was he when a red hair laid on the floor instead. An arrogant one at that. "Who are you and what are you doing here.?" He barked out at the woman angry that she had not turned out to be what he was expecting. The girly wolf or whatever ever Susan called her kept on looking at him , refusing to answer the questions he was asking. "Where are you from ?" "Who sent you ?" "Are you a spy or something ?" Lot of questions flew out of lips at the same time as the seemly , arrogant wolf acted like she had not heard any. "I would show her ." Melvin thought to himself. He raised his hands and watched as she got spiked again with the rod sending an electrifying wave round her whole body and as she let out a cry for
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CLAIRE"Susan open the god-damned door." Claire had been at the door since the last thirty minutes and there had been no response from her daughter. Susan had looked angry and disappointed at the way the werewolf had been treated , Claire had felt sorry for the wolf girl too but there is nothing she could do . "Susan please open the door ,she called out again ." She could hear her daughter sobbing behind the door ,she could hear her movement ,she was certain Susan was walking toward the window to peer out into the wild the way she loved it most probably listening to a sun bird sing those were the things her daughter loved . "Susan ?" Claire sighed in relieve as heard the sound of the door getting unbolted. Susan peeked from behind the door her face red . "Go away ,I hate you all ." Susan blattered out as she slammed the door right on her mother face . Claire stood there in disbelief ,she had just made thing soar between her and Susan , she had seen the way Susan had l
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MELVINIt was afterglow when Melvin left his mother room she had heard about the fussy about the werewolf and had called him to know if everything was true. "Trust hmother to always see the good things in bad ." He murmured to himself .As soon as he got the room , he walked straight to the table at the side of his bed and took two cups of water in quick succession before walking toward where he rwould wash his face , Melvin poured a handful of water over his face ,the whole pressure was getting into his head . "Who the hell is that damned wolf lady.?" He asked himself. "What was she doing here in Asgard?" "Was a spy or is she as calm as she look and most probably saying the truth ." He looked through window like he normally does ,lost in thought. The woman he had left indoors had been at the balcony waiting for him to return since than and so when she heard him heaved deeply she walked back to him , she walked toward him slowly and seductively. Melvin could see that t
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KHLOEKhloe woke up from her short sleep ,she had slept curled in a corner of the dungeon that stunk from urine ,dead corpses and lot of what Khloe thought to be giant vampire rats loitering around the cells. She was hungry and thirsty ,she had called out for water the whole day and the guards had acted like they didn't hear and even made fun of her , one had walked right in front of her and pissed right inside the cage with his smelly cock , she had had watched the ugly smile as he did this and wished in her mind ,he stepped a bit closer to the cage . She would've clawed his dick right out of him while he watched or probably scream. She listened carefully to the moans that were coming from not too far to the dungeon and when she rest her hands on the cage to look out ,she could see the same guard fucking a lady , she was straddled over his lap as they both fucked . "Good thing he still has his cock to himself . " Khloe thought as she starts feeling thirsty again. She heard l
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MELVIN He made his way down the stairs to the dungeon ,the silent squeak of his shoes cutting through the air and settling in Khloe's cage ,she could hear it , she could hear him coming and in a matter of time she aware of how she will be arraigned in front of the council with questions hitting her eardrums from left and right of the room .Melvin could see her resting with her shoulders on the cage with an unnatural calmness for someone that should be hungry by that time and was also about to face a trial that would decide if she lived or die ,it felt as though she had a more pleasant night than he did. For a moment there was a look in her eyes , something about it he couldn't describe ,something that tightened in his throat when he tried to speak and pierced him deep in his chest - Pity , affection , attachment, fondness? - no not fondness ,it was something he couldn't explain , an emotion; a feeling that felt naturally impulsed as it acted upon every single one of his
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KHLOEA flame flickered and crackled in Khloe's heart . A type of satisfaction crept through her body as a little smile formed at the side of her lips . She rested her back on the hard walls inside the dungeon with her hands by her side and the steady burn of absolute satisfaction still radiating in her chest. She had just gotten under his skin and had enjoyed doing it . Susan walked toward the cage and Khloe stared at her with a smile when she saw she had a beef steak in her hands , she hesitated at first and looking over at were Claire stood still not being able to understand how Khloe had been able to make her brother so angry and out of sort. "It is fine ,you can take it from her ." Claire whispered. Khloe takes the beef steak from her hands and ate it hurriedly . "Thank you ." She mummered when she was through with it. "I must say you are quite exceptional ,I have never seen anyone speak to my brother that way " Claire said. "What way ma'am? ." Khloe asked . "The
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Khloe had been waiting for the man to lean a bit more closer so she would at least coach on how to talk to ladies and he he did ,he leaned in closer he must either be drunk or mad or probably both . Just as Khloe was about to transition quickly and unleash her wolf ,Kyra ,at him what she least expected happened she saw Susan eyes turn deep red as she rushed at the man from behind with a milleseconds speed , she leaped on the man back gripping his neck with an abnormal strength for her age as he tries to wrestle her down and just when thought she had seen it all she saw Susan fang flash in the sunlight as she dug it deep into the man's neck sucking out his blood ,she kept on sucking till the went went one knee then two knees , till he fell flat on the floor. Khloe watched as she wiped the blood away from her mouth with the back of her hands and looked straight into her eyes like as if possessed. "Fuck! ." Khloe muttered under her breath not remembering where she heard the wo
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She could feel it running down her bloodstream now and it felt like like liberation to her lips , she could hear their words rolling in her ears , ten of them or so if she would include Melvin Her dark eyes were not filled with plea's of sympathy when she spoke and it surprised most of the council that were present ." Tell us everything again right from the start , are you a spy ?" One of the councilor asked. She could not tell their age ,they all looked about the same age - young and pale - she could tell they all had stopped ageing almost at the same time , they looked not a bit about thirty and that was the oldest among them. Melvin had walked into her dungeon exactly midnight ,she knew it was midnight because the clock had struck just outside the castle from somewhere she couldn't see. Melvin was dressed in a black leather clothes and with him were four other vampires that helped get her out of the cage ,she watched as a kind of metal belt was placed around her neck ,she
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KHLOE Silence filled the room as the council decided on Khloe fate , it had been a long hours of back and forth talking and asking of questions."Who is Caleb ?""What does he do ?" "Why did he push you down the ravine ?" The questions had been coming from all directions of the room and Khloe was happy it was finally over . A guard walked out of the room and she glanced inside quickly , her eyes coming in contact with Melvin's face he appeared to have a frown on his face and Khloe thought something the council was saying and alot to do with what the sadness she could see on his face . Khloe soon dozed up where she was sitting and had a what she'd call a flash dream considering how short it was ,in the dream she was free and back at home with Lucan and Wyatt , they were all chattering away happy and if felt as though everything was normal and she had not left the blood moon pack and Lucan had not died everything appeared perfect too perfect to be real and then suddenly everyone
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