Semua Bab Bound To The Vampire Lord : Bab 51 - Bab 60
193 Bab
CLAIRE A couple of minutes later, Claire had noticed Khloe getting pulled out ofcalmly, because it was Edmund leading her out and he was such a good - kind man, Claire steadied her skipping heartbeat as she watched where she would be dragged ,she sighed in relieve and satisfaction when she saw Edmund dragging Khloe back to the dungeon . It was a sign that she won't be killed after all , She stayed exactly where she stood— where she was leaning against- because she was waiting for her brother Melvin she had seen him since he stormed away angrily from the dungeon and she had not been able to tell him about the incident that happened either. Melvin eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Claire leaning against the wall across the hall,he had seen the way she had looked at Khloe when she was still at the dungeon and could guess she was happy seeing her being lead back there till the auction.He stopped in front of her and rolled his eyes "What again Claire ,don't tell me you don't have s
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The room felt tensed up , Claire could feel the heat from their body radiate around the whole room ,she was sitting adjacent from his mirror but could not see her reflection as the sun was still up in the sky. "What do you mean by she is stronger than we assumed ?" Melvin asked after a while . Claire swallowed " It is a long story but I would tell it." " Remember when I saud Susan father was human well I had been greatly mistaken, I met her father at an art show and thinking back at it now I guess it was more than fate that made us to meet " Melvin scoffed "You know I don't really believe in fate.""I did some digging into his ancestry tree just recently and i found out he was not completely human as I supposed ,he was a Supernatural." "You can't be serious ." Melvin said looking at his sister. " Please don't tell he was a werewolf ." "No he was not a Werewolf , " Claire said " he is not even a shape shifter like us ." "Then what is he, you are keeping me In suspense.?" Me
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Flickering candlelights , sweet scent of incense ,a sprinkle of salt and cloves and other herbs around a pentagon emitting it scent out if the window into the night , outside the moon stood full and round as it bloomed in the night sky ,it was quite a different night . A night of three heartbeats , two beating in the room that had the candles and incense quietly and another beating faster right underneath their feet in the dungeon . An howl echoed through the roof of the castle , Khloe drools as she pushed her fingers upon the hard firm floor of the cage , it was the full moon and this was when all wolves nerves are heightened ,ever single nerves from strength to pain , Khloe let out a deep howl again into the moon as she is forced by nature to transition. Above the dungeon , Claire lips mummered a matra of spell . It was to protect their bodies while their soul slipped out away from their spirit and body and float in the astral plane ,it was Melvin first time practising
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CALEBCaleb walks through the wood ,he stops by the ravine where Khloe had fallen and images of what had happened the day she fell flashed across his mind ,it had been a month and some few weeks since the incident had happened and everyone appeared to have moved on except his father . Cassie joins him by the side of the cliff and they both stared down at the ravine wondering the same thing. "You still have nightmares about her don't you? ." Cassie asked. "I see her in my dreams every night ,she torment my thoughts ." He replies.Cassie sighs "same here ." "I still don't understand what happened to her body ,it just disappeared into the air ." Cassie whispered. "That exactly why I am worried ." Caleb grimaced." What if she is out there still alive and plotting her revenge !" Cassie laughs "we both know not even her ghost is capable of that." Caleb smiles at the joke . "I just hope she properly dead and rotten but the way I say it something tells me she is still alive , i
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CLAIRESusan stirred in her sleep and fluttered her eyes before opening them ,she stares around the room with her little eyes till it rested on her mother ,who had probably dozed off on the cane chair while watching her . It was her mother's thing - watching her sleep ,it something she had gotten used to over the few weeks." Mother ,!" Susan whispered silently.Claire yawns with wiping her face with the back of her hands before opening her eyes. "I must have fallen asleep." Claire said "I was watching you sleep .""You were doing a very good job ." Susan joked .A grimace pulled on Claire lips and she wiped it away with apalm wondering how so non casual was it of her daughter to tease her about stuffs.Claire stared those brown eyes of daughter , those eyes, that were soft and innocent, those that would make anyone believe she was not capable of hurting a fly but it pierced a hole through her chest to know that her daughter had infact killed a man."Your wolf friend gets to stay
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KHLOE"Kyra!" Khloe heard a tiny whisper if her name and opens her eyes slightly."Kyra ?" The name came again , Khloe looks around the room and sees Susan in the far end corner and couldn't be more happier. "Nice to see you again my good friend ." Khloe said with a smile on face. Susan had a smile too that soon disappeared quickly as it had appeared. "What is wrong ?" Khloe asked her noticing the way she looked . "Nothing . " Susan answered before walking toward Khloe with the food she had brought along with her."You can always tell me anything ."Khloe whispered to her . The air felt suddenly different ,there was the vinegar and natural honey fragrance in the air but Khloe ignored it thinking it was the food or probably Susan had been in Melvin room. "I was just wondering if you would still want to be friends with me despite what I did to young previous night ." Susan said with a frown on her face ."Oh that . " Khloe rolls her eyes and smiles , "That is long forgotten .""Ar
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MELVINMelvin walked with his niece through the fancy royal hall , from time to time they walked past guards who now their head slightly in acknowledgement , Susan loved the whole show , it felt alot different when she was walking with Melvin than she did with her mother , of course they respected Claire as well but with Melvin the energy and aura of power her emitted was so strong that she could feel it covering her as well and enjoyed it alot . The light shone dimly through the glass and it kept Susan wondering what time of the day it was , she was used to the curtains being down and candles being everywhere in the castle at first she had thought it was because real vampires burnt under the sunlight but she had come to see that as a fable rather than fact ."Uncle Mel ?" Susan called as they walked by a mirror that had her reflection but not Melvin's. "What is a Red Mist Witch?" Melvin almost choked on his guts "Why ...why did you ask that ?" He asked confused ."I heard mother m
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MELVINMelvin knew from the moment he threw that punch he was risking one in return , Christopher wouldn't let it go that easily ,the guy was a jackass out of many things but he was not one to back out of a fight ,their father thought them both really well. So as he saw Christopher stand from the ground he had fallen so hard upon he pushed Susan out of his way as charged toward him spearing to the ground with his shoulders then rolling off till he pushed himself up on one knee with one of his hands on the ground and the other wiping away the blood gushing out of his nose. Susan didn't need to be told before she dashed out of the fight scene to get probably her mother .Melvin groaned on the ground clutching his ribs before standing up fully , Christopher had hit him really hard and he was going to teach him alot about respect ,this was not the first time of having a face off with Christopher but he would take anything than allow Christopher insult his dignity ,it was a good thing
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MELVIN"MELVIN ASGRAD !" Katherine scolded as soon as they got into the room , "I am sure you know too well than to fight in the hallway." "I didn't start the fight mother, he did." Melvin responds.For goodness’ sake, Mel, you should have just ignored him and walk away,”Claire commented from her seat in the corner. Melvin rolled his eyes "Ladies you both know I am not someone to throw the first punch in a fight.""According to Susan you did." Katherine grimaced as she looks around "Talking about Susan where the hell is she?" "I was coming to address that ." Mel said as he moved closer the window and peered through it. " Uh-huh, what are you talking about ?"Katherine asked. "Which should I start with?" Melvin asked sarcastically."Alright ,let us start with you two having too ..." He reduced his voice to whisper . " Having to talk about the Red Mist witch right in front of Susan .""Red Mist what ?" Katherine asked surprised."Claire what is he talking about ?" Katherine turn
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KHLOEKhloe Hamilton !Khloe walks in the blurry maze of her dreams to the sound of her name , she heard the whisper of her name again and moved in the direction of the voice.She looks around at the unknown place, the trees that appeared to be facades and illusion, then suddenly out of nowhere she stumbled on the castle ,the same castle she was at that moment ,she moved through the gates as if they were not there following the sound of her voice and then she stopped in front of a room ,on the bed was Melvin tossing and turning in a dream of his own ,she walked past his bed touched it with the tip of her hands and made for the door again. "Wait !" She heard him call from behind her as soon as she was almost at the door . "Can I at least see your face ?" He begged as he walked toward her .Khloe didn't to turn to look at him and at the moment he touched her , to turn her maybe to see his face she wakes gasping deeply. Khloe ponders about the dream she just had , she took a handf
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