All Chapters of Bound To The Vampire Lord : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
193 Chapters
KHLOE The dark sky stood still over her motionless body as vultures and other birds of prey circled round the sky at the feast to come , for her lifeless body it was a matter of time , a Paradox of all unanswerable question leading to a deeper truth of the existence of the after life ,a matter of chances on if she would sail beyond the river of souls with the ferryman or if she would be given another chance at breathing again , it was a matter of a flipped coin. One minute , the birds of prey were still hovering the sky and the next they were flying down like missiles with all claws and beaks ready to squawk, claw and peck at a body that appeared to them as lifeless. A more curious one of the flock stared deeply at her face with its beady eyes in concern , and as it pecked on Khloe dry lips hoping to have a share of the spoils. Khloe gasped. She growled deeply ,gripping the unlucky fella while the other flocks flew away leaving her covered in black feather's and holding
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MELVINThe sound of chattering and laughter filled the room as everyone were at whatever Susan had been doing .Melvin didn't appeared to be exactly amused as he had a very serious look on his face , yes he hated children but this was his niece in question and so he had to pretend if he could. It had been a few weeks since the royal family got a new member and it wasn't Melvin's child or one of Christopher's illegitimate new born , it was Claire's and surprising as it might sound she wasn't even toddler. Susan did something again that cracked up the room , ever since the little girl arrived she had fitted into everyone life like a piece of puzzle . She adapted quickly to the food , daily routine of the old pre-existing castle and blood , Susan had her mother's appetite for blood though partly human she was not on the regular look out for blood as it is top on her diet list ,but when she did drink she could consume more blood than the entire total royal family put together.
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CALEBCaleb could hear his racing heartbeats as he walked back slowly to his room , Tribad had insisted on sending our a search party to look for his soon to be mate Khloe and he feared what will happen if they found dead down a ravine ,of course it won't point fingers at him he however feared that certain people like Galvan might be probed and that might eventually create quite a scandal. He remembered the gurgle of this father words, the cold sweat that had enveloped his body like a cocoon trickling down his spine like the brook of a river. He was scared, he feared his father wrath if Khloe body was eventually found ,he feared the people as well ,such a big scandal it will be . As he slammed the door ,Cassie heart jumped . She had not been expecting that sort of reaction from Caleb and if he could be acting the way , something was definitely wrong. "Caleb what is wrong ?" She caressed him slowly as she spoke. "Did your father say anything?" Caleb sighed . "He just sent a s
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KHLOE Khloe had wondered how beautiful it would be to venture into the wild for an adventure of a lifetime ,she had thought about it many times as a girl and had dreamt about it as an adult but now with reality dawned upon her she had come to a conclusion that though living right at the edge of the wild was beautiful but living right in it was a rollercoaster, a situation that figuratively warrant violent changes to an individual including someone as calm as herselfAs the day went by fast and night encroached , Khloe walked the length of the wood trying to find out more about her surrounding , she was certain of herself being lost far in the heart of the wood , from the look of things she was far away from the blood moon pack, far away from Caleb and the thought of that alone brought a kind of relieve to her as she was sure Caleb and others thought she was possibly dead, all she thought about that moment was survival. To her survival was finding a place to stay clear other pred
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CALEBIt was after twilight, the moon glowed through the sky lighting up the wood with it borrowed rays,Caleb stared ten feet down into the ravine , stunned at whatever he saw —amazingly— Khloe body was not there anymore just as his beta had said . At first they had not believed it when his beta said but there they were standing right at the edge of where she had fallen off and there was clearly no sign of her. "I thought she fell right into this hole, she should be laying right there !" He pointed at the spot he had left Khloe body. "I was shock as well when I saw it." The beta whispered back ,the shock written all over his face . "What do you think about all this Cassie?" Caleb turned to her ,the moonlight reflecting in her eyes. " I think something is definitely wrong ." She paused and moved closer to the ravine . "It doesn't look like she was carried away ." "She can't possibly be alive ,she fell really hard ." Caleb rubbed his chin while he spoke. "I don't know wh
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CALEBCaleb could still see the mischievous look in Kamal eyes, he still had that factor he had so much feared while they were at the initiation ."I must be staring at a dead man " Caleb thought to himself wondering , not believing Kamal had survived the fate he had left him in - crawling on the ground , in a pool of blood - Kamal shouldn't be alive. "How are you alive Kamal ?" Caleb asked again. Kamal grinned "I know you are shocked seeing me again after so many years ." "I can still see the look in your eyes friend ,the fear, the greed ... everything that had made you want to kill your soul."He shuddered briefly then turned and looked straight at Kamal. "I did everything I needed to do to survive." Kamal scoffed. "Does survival includes killing your own soul ?" "I still see it in your eyes the greed, everything that had made you want to kill me that day." Kamal whispered again . "I believe that same trait brought you here today or why else would you want to attack
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MELVIN Fate they say has a pathway , a course laid down for men to follow in the fufillment of their destiny but for a man like Melvin Asgard he had never been one to believe in fate , he had never been the type of man to believe in the willful force of destiny. To him there were no presumed force to predetermine the inevitable thing's that happened to an individual and so the sudden appearance of Susan did made him realize he had been missing out alot of things not withstanding his belief in fate. He was now a believer in fate but he was also aware fate can be screwed . Susan appearance screwed fate , the little fair child with so much resemblance to her mother except the burentte hair screwed fate really good , to everyone they saw her gift differently . They had seen her paintings as a mere work of art , a gift but to Melvin he saw this gift as a blue print to cheating fate. Susan gift was alot different from that of Claire her mother, while Claire only saw glimpse
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KHLOE.It was a good thing she had stayed with Lucan for the little bit while he lived , Lucan had not only taken her under his roof but had also thought her how to live . Khloe wondered how her life would have turned out to be if she had not stayed the little bit with Lucan . For one she had lived a very tough - easy life . Tough on the outside easy on the inside ,she had faced tough times with Galvan who made life difficult for her and Adolph had only spoilt her silly creating in her a soft personality to withstand all the pressure she had eventually faced but with a man like Lucan he had made her tough , tough to face life ,tough to face circumstances and tough to live in the wild ,Lucan had taught her how to survive. Khloe had discovered Salmons in the upper part of the the brook and she had jumped in excitement when she saw them , it was about a week in the wild alone and so far she had not thought about leaving a place she had so much peace anytime soon. From time to time
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KHLOEKhloe laid on the ground covered with mist and dust , she was well beyond the fold still unconscious ."Am I seeing clearly or is there someone laying there ." Edmund asked another vampire as they walked tried to see far beyond the mist. They had been running in the wood and since his attack by the wolves he had been too careful about venturing into the wood alone . "Definitely a person . " His friend replies as they paused in their tracks . Edmund tried to speed up "what are you doing ?" His vampire friend asked . "Taking a closer look ." He rolls his eyes replying. "That is a very stupid thing to do ,who would lay in the ground right in the wood this early ?" his friend asked."More reason why we should take a closer look ." Edmund replies before speeding up to the unconscious person's side in a millisecond speed. "It is a woman ." He mouthed back at his friend .His friend race over there at the same speed just as Edmund stood toher side and picked her up. She didn’t l
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SUSAN Susan sat near the window as she painted a woman, a wolf woman in red hair , this was quite different from everything she had painted , the feeling ,the aura she was getting was so strong that morning as though the woman was right there with them. One thing about Susan was when she painted this way, when she painted so lost in her zone ,she was usually carried away and lost in the moment , most of the children in the foster home had seen her in this way and had ran to the Nuns thinking she was possessed and under a demonic attack. The aura she had created was a telekinetic wave of energy all around her ,a wave of heavy wind that made all object around her float in midair. So as she painted with all energy the wave radiated all around her in the room and went out of the window to the entire trees ,leaves , and everything around felt the elevating energy .The wind whistled back past the stairs and the hall way . Claire couldn't still believe a werewolf was right there wi
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