All Chapters of The Luna's Possessive Alpha: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
135 Chapters
Episode 51
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ "The bastard refuses to speak!" I fling the blasted papers off the table. Stupid reports that have no meaning litter the floor, and I tramp over them, grabbing my glass of brown liquid on my way to the small cut-out window. "It's been five fucking days!" "Maybe you've not tried enough," the foul-mouthed wolf taunts from his perch on the couch. "Your methods have always been inadequate from time, Alpha. I advise that you adopt mine, which has proven to yield better results." Snorting derisively, I flash my hand back and forth. "Save your breath," I suggest with an unsubtle glare. "I will not." "Why?" He pretends to be genuinely hurt, eyes awide, mouth slightly agape. "Conceivably..." I drawl, drenching my words in sarcasm. I'd take to mockery if it would make me feel the best as I fain for, but it'll not. Nothing will ease this foul mood of mine. "Possibly, it is that your methods involve maiming as a first resort. It might plainly be that reason, Fabian." He
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Episode 52
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ “ all, what we find is not in Westardum. Connor has it hidden away somewhere not in the pack. My witch could detect no magic from the heart of the den. Mind you, she’s capable of deactivating cloaking spells, or rather, as she prefers to do, she sees through them. Apart from testing the strength of the pack, there were no benefits of the mission.” I scowl, taking stock of information that was not previously revealed to me. My advancement towards Fabian has his head snapping up to meet me with both eyebrows hoisted up in interrogation. “You searched for the key without mentioning of it?” “What?” He proudly wears an ardent frown. “Did you not heed when I said that I would make my objective of infiltrating the pack a double-edged sword, cutting down two queries at the same time?” “You might have said that,” my expression decays into that of a man vexed to no ends. “But you did not make me apprehend it. I remember your announcement from our brief discussion i
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Episode 53
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ "Welcome to Guttenbrieg. How have you been today?" She keeps it simple and formal, as she must be ignorant of whether the guest ranks higher than I. He doesn't, of course. But her necessary precaution entails initiative. "I have been well, Luna. Great now in your presence." Fabian ogles her appreciatively. My fist balls on my lap beneath the table. I want to bash his nose into his skull. "Saskia, this is the Alpha of Duttan, Fabian. You are free to address him however you wish." I alert her of the prerogative she owns, spelling out in bold that Fabian is below me and not the other way around. "Fabian, meet my wife, Saskia, former princess of Westardum, now Luna of Guttenbrieg." "It is a pleasure to meet you, Alpha." She nods, according to him due respect but with a minute change in how she regards him. In the present, she looks down at him without difficulty. "The honour is all mine, Luna. Completely mine." His scrutiny transmutes into something perverted as
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Episode 54
☾☾☾SASKIA'S POV☽☽☽I knew from the moment Mikael made that absurd condition mandatory that the day was going to be flipped on its summit. Nevertheless, since his plan was to steal the peace and pleasure I'd have enjoyed on my own, mine was to make him miserable.Glaring at him, I'd tendered my half of the bargain. "I have my own condition too."His focus narrowed on me, and a childish thrill zipped through my nerve endings as I relished holding the hub of his attraction. "And that is?""You have to bake with me." He'd reared back in shock, trauma walloping down his features as if he were going through an ordeal. I fought the urge to laugh, letting it taper off, a dull reverberation in my stomach, as if I started, I would not be stopping any soon. "It's a good idea, right?"I could have sworn I caught his hackles rise in plain sight. He'd whitened to ash, which was the most hilarious thing in history. I could well send him to the grave if I requested that he do this, cooking and othe
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Episode 55
☾☾☾SASKIA'S POV☽☽☽ ​​"Whatever you say, Alpha." I suppress the latent, dangerous hum rising in my bosom. "What you've been doing matches a picture of you trying to babysit me." He strokes his clean-shaven chin, and it hits me all over again that he's no longer sporting a beard. It's flabbergasting to me that there's no difference to be noted, except his jaw is considerably more defined and visible. I don't know many males who do not regress down in years when they cut off the full brush on their face. Their features ordinarily lose the maturity possessed beforehand with the beard. Not Mikael. What I'm saying makes scarce sense, but not a single ounce of manliness has faded from him. He might be more attractive now, even. No more are the distractions from his icy blue eyes, which smoulder brilliantly, scorching me through the puffy sleeves of my winter jacket. I battle the sudden urge to hide behind a barricade. "You insist on calling it that. Perhaps, you should allocate a mor
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Episode 56
☾☾☾SASKIA'S POV☽☽☽ "This is what I meant," in my distracted state, Mikael yanks out my hand from my pocket, and with it, my dagger is unearthed. "I see." "Someone might notice." I hiss, pushing his hand away and tucking the shielded blade back in my jacket. "Why do you care?" "I have to care because I don't want to be kicked off for possessing a dangerous weapon before I get all the items I want." "That should be no problem." His gravelly voice starts a chain of trembling reactions that empty their products in between my legs. Desire pools in my stomach and undies, and I turn a pack of nutmeg upside-down, almost tearing the thick paper as I attempt to read the 'best-before' date stamped on its side. Yup, my brain was mush. "We could go anywhere else." "Yes...but...I like this place." Bending at my waist, I stretch to grab a basket from the pile stuck in between two heaps of flour bags. The shock that transverses me nearly splits my racing heart in two at a hand cupping my rear
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Episode 57
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ The honeyed scent does not waft away even in her absence. I shut my eyes for a long while, hoping to rid the redolence of her arousal, but it is to no avail. To put it lightly, the monster she has arisen below currently attacks the seams of my trousers relentlessly, a miserable attempt to free itself from the material's prison and perhaps latch itself to the suctioning channel worth its seeking. Unfortunately, that path of action is no choice of mine. Not now. Not in public. Not when I have not taken possession of her heart. She yet tiptoes around me, unsure what to do, how to feel and react to what I say. The property is peculiar, as are her tastes, I've come to heed; for one, never have I met any as infatuated with maple oatmeal cookies as exhibited in her frequent demands for them. And this uncanny obsession is none the whole of it. The Luna is a walking box of wonderments—many catastrophic. Scanning around, I parse the scheme of the shop's settings. Rows o
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Episode 58
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ "My wife stood against me today because of you. Over and so again, she claimed that you were capable of making certain she was safe, implying even more than I." I tug in a long breath to hold from bubbling over. "Why? Might you be displaying this immaturity because you failed to meet her expectation?" "You should not lump me in the same sum with you, Alpha. Last I checked," he gains a step in my way. The child, indeed, is as brave as a fool. "You were the one who ordered me to stand down and keep watch outside the store—which I find ironic since I was the one who found Saskia." "It's Luna to and from you, Crestengalt. Nothing else." "I knew her by name before she married and became Luna. It is only common sense for me to call her by the name she prefers hearing from me. His insult does not slink by me as I catch it by the neck. "Common sense?" I chuckle, though his disrespect is everything but funny. "Is there something weighing on your chest that you have to
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Episode 59
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ Amongst my audience, Gwendolyn wears terror most finely at my actions, a phenomenon I find strange since she’s been exposed to my dealings far earlier than Serenge, as a lasting member of the pack. Well, it doesn’t matter what she thinks or feels. I flick my attention from her round eyes and horrified cast. “To reiterate, Crestengalt, since your eardrums have been occluded with liquid,” I beam at him with all graciousness, enjoying how his hands curve around his neck, trying to curb the bleeding and keep the red fluid from spilling to the white, tiled floor. “You will call my wife, Luna. Next, you shall return the pack and treat yourself if your healing mechanism is that limp and has not put you out of pain by your arrival.” My grin broadens, aware that I scored well enough that an average wolf cannot heal all that injury in an hour. “I have eased your burden,” I add, gauging his mellowed response. “You need not protect my wife no more. Concentrate on staying a
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Episode 60
☾☾☾ SASKIA'S POV ☽☽☽ I couldn't be angrier. By Selena, this is the umpteenth time I've passed out in the span of a week. And it's effing unbelievable. Can someone explain why my body discerns the need to crumble into a lifeless sack of potatoes whenever I encounter a single inconvenience? It's irritating that I don't even get to retort at whatever has me in a chokehold. That wretched man should have waited. Forget his warning of me not pulling out my knife; I was going to either way only when he wasn't watching. It was my plan to do so until I dropped into peaceful repose like I was Sleeping Beauty. While I was at it, I should as well have waited for a kiss from my Prince Philip to make sure I went about everything the right way, leaving no strays. How embarrassing. I want to bury my head in my pillow and scream loud and long, but I'm lying in a supine position with an IV strapped to my arm. It would be impossible to do something so simple without displacing the bag of liquid.
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