All Chapters of The Luna's Possessive Alpha: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
135 Chapters
Episode 71
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ I fold my arms behind my head as I readjust into a prone position on the fur rug, a smirk playing on the corners of my lips. “You are warmer?” “Yes.” She clicks her tongue, then shuffles in the same spot. “Did you like my presents?” I tilt to consider her without the shadows cast on her by the darkness unfurled behind the brilliance of the fiery niche. The light sets her features aglow, but only from a precise angle. Her hand finds her throat, and I avert my gaze from the expanse of exposed silky skin. “I liked them. Though, I must admit that they were a lot. I don’t know what or when I’m going to use that many pieces of jewellery.” She shakes her head as if still finding the phenomenon unbelievable. “You will receive even more in the future.” I enjoy how shock drops her jaw for a beat before continuing. “Do not worry about when to wear them. There will be enough occasions in the future. As Luna, you will have many events to attend. It’d serve you well to star
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Episode 72
I'm neither relaxed nor in good humour, but I pretend so as I call the cub en route to my office. He trots behind me, as mum as a sealed mouth entails. Anger dissipates from the lividness I have bottled up despite my honest efforts. Phoenix's news of a failed settlement has soured my cast. The youngling at my heels knows me well enough to detect my foul mood and keeps a reasonable distance. "Has the body been taken care of?" I glance at Redor's lowered head as he hastens forth. He reports in a mellow tone that does not rouse me more than the current. "It has, Alpha. As instructed, it has been embalmed. All that remains is for the transfer." "Await my command for the next step." "Aye, Alpha." He begins to slink away but straightens, refilling his spot at realising I've not finished speaking. Snow crunches beneath my feet, adhering to the sole of my heavy slides. I revive the memory of carrying her across the field to our wedding. She'd been on the verge of lamenting at the sea of
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Episode 73
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ Makwa must wipe out the nasty lots of the packs. The elders. Vile, wicked vipers they are, pretending, hiding in the shells of tortoises as if harmless. Fortunately, their time has come to be discarded. They've lived long enough, had an eternity to hold on to the rigid customs that eat up the cloth of unity in the packs. More importantly, I have no use for idiots who will only take a stab at each turn of my back. There's much that lies ahead. I have little desire to hamper my progress by keeping track of their moves, sharing my focus between the vital future and a less consequential pastime or bothering about ploys being plotted under my nose in my jurisdictions. Not if I have a say of it. I harrumph as the pen glides smoothly over the foolscap paper: a note of the destruction that will be visited on the packs. Makwa will hear of his new mission when he's back from his rounds with Margaret about the new Northwestern territories. Tomorrow, if all goes well, he'l
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Episode 74
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ "Supernatural creatures are forms of magic. The first werewolves, as you know, were fashioned from the moon goddess's magic. It continues to run down in generations born, and is why you all shift. As for newly turned wolves, she blesses them herself." "I am aware. Go on." I egg her on when she takes a pause, a pensive look on her face. "For the most powerful of creatures, weres or other, excess magic leaks out of them, and since they have nowhere to go, they infiltrate my spheres, wells from which I draw my stored powers. Negative emotions lead to dark repercussions, blackening the spheres, throwing me off balance and discomposing my control." "Do all witches use these spheres you have mentioned?" "Ony those powerful or with magic that poses themselves or others serious danger. And even then, it's different for everyone." 'Which category do you fall under?" I press, an inquisitiveness taking the wheel in my probing. She looks away, her lips curling inward. H
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Episode 75
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ "It's nice to see you too, Micky." She draws near, and the impulse to rise, springing up to a stand—so I tower over her—spears through me like a lanced harpoon. "Desist from calling me by that ridiculous epithet. And do not toss aside my question. Why are you here?" She tsks, unmoved by my sore temper or the threat of my exposed canines. "You always did hate that moniker. Not sure why. It suits you quite nicely, brother." Her fair hair shimmers in the muted lights of the room, a contrast to her dark gown and cloak. The slick strands are as I remember them, pale, nearly ashen, and to keep with the tradition she'd grown with, twisted in the most intricate of updos. It was mere centuries ago she was a little thing sobbing inconsolably that she was not permitted to wear her hair down, to let it be wild and free. Now, she keeps it bound of her own accord. The irony. But then again, it is no call for surprise. She's done much I once would not have believed to be in
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Episode 76
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ Maeve's bow is of complete mockery. Her chin wobbles as she struggles not to chortle. I contemplate if Saskia detects that she greets her in jest until I catch the contemplative countenance on the Luna's face convert into the portrait of indifference. I'd underestimated her emotional intelligence once again. "I am no lady." "Forgive my blunder. Tell me, what are you, human?" "My name is Saskia, Luna of Guttenbrieg. I demand I be referred to by my proper title in the future." Saskia gives her a sickly sweet smile that earns a frown in repose. "Now, who are you?" "Pardon me, Luna." She grins so wickedly that I want to block her gaze of my wife, but I know that the Luna can handle herself. I should give her a chance too, for I will not always be readily available to shield her. Not omitting the times of trouble I've been at her side, the tide has not changed its course at my wish. My presence has made matters worse in enough instances. It's the reason for the s
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Episode 77
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ "You knew him then, but you don't now. And don't worry about him hurting me. I will decide for myself who to trust and who not to. Just so you are aware, you currently fall in the latter category. I do not know you, Maeve. And I'd appreciate it if you stopped treating me like I'm stupid. It's clear that I'm not the one who doesn't have a clue how things work." It is apparent when she snaps. Her vial of anger cracks and then explodes in smithereens. The damper she placed on her strength flies off in one blast, and the bestial power she ordinarily conceals flares as her orbs transform into gold. "Back away—" My warning comes too late as a taloned hand captures its prey. My claws are drawn out instantly, but my wife, brave as she invariably is, needs not my help. Against Maeve's throat is a knife riveted to a pulsing artery. The grasp that was previously a shackle on a wrist falls off unceremoniously. Saskia scoffs as the fine blade vows to sink into flesh more m
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Episode 78
☽☽☽MIKAEL'S POV☾☾☾ There is warring within me, but I hold back. It is not my call to interfere. Saskia can choose for herself how to collect her debt or whether she forgives the debtor of it without my influence. "What you decide will be done." "Thank you," her gratitude shines forth through the haze of my murky world, and her warmth spreads through me, a billowing mass of radiance dispelling dismalness. "You know, your sister, Maeve... she is quite something." She comments as we commence a walk that leads nowhere. "I could not disagree if I wished to. Maeve and I...we have a tumultuous history, a turbulent past, that I have not forgiven her of." She fixes her bun as it's become lopsided before admitting: "it was obvious that you had a lot against her." "Is that why you backed me up?" "I mean, it's common sense, isn't it? How can I side with a stranger over my husband? I literally have never glimpsed her in my entire life until today, stunning as she is." "She has no home in N
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Episode 79
☾☾☾ SASKIA'S POV ☽☽☽ When Mikael said Kaleb was in the stocks, I did not think it would be an actual torture device complete with clasps and fasteners to lock limbs beneath heavy posts. Yet, that isn't what drops my jaw. The cause of my appalled awe is the fact that every object the seething werewolf is connected to has been fashioned from silver. "Woah." I breathe out the last vestiges of the cold as Mikael swiftly closes the latch behind us. The icy gust screams at the barred door, incensed at not getting a chance to breeze in, and I sigh in relief because I don't think I have it in me to shiver one more time. It's warmer inside. Honestly, if the conditions of this barren place were better and the lodging itself was dedicated to a different cause, I may have contemplated making it my bedroom for at least one night. Sleeping in my room is a pain, as it becomes Arctic cold at night, and the fire built in the hearth often dies off too early. The frost in my bones becomes unbearabl
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Episode 80
☾☾☾ SASKIA'S POV ☽☽☽ Kaleb might not be aware, but it's his fault that whatever this power inside of me is awakened. The emptiness that still yawns within was triggered by our encounter. "And lastly, that slap is for that distasteful comment." Mikael locks his arm on my waist as if on signalling, his voice as smooth as velvet as he addresses Kaleb. "The Luna was willing to give you a chance to be free, but I see that youse not interested in so a fine favour. I suppose it is good that you've proved me right, as I was on board for you completing your punishment without clemency before." A cruel smile wanders onto Mikael's lips as he pushes his weight forward so he's not concealed behind me. "You will remain here till further notice. Or until you learn respect for my wife." "Do you now care for her, Alpha? I thought you were not to be associated with such a female." Kaleb sneers at the Alpha, fangs drawn. Beside me, Mikael stiffens, transforming into a plank wood, rigid and inflexib
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