All Chapters of Her captor, his mate: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
138 Chapters
A soul too empty
Freya sat in her dark room that was more like a prison cell, appalled by her own decisions to Aldros request, Not a minute later after she had told the guard to inform him about her decision and Aldro walked into the room with a grim smirk that played on his face, Though she had a feeling he did not trust her completely because no one changes that fast, “ I glad we have come to an understanding my love, I knew you were smart to see the truth,” he said quietly as he watched Freya “ Now that I have agreed to be yours, then unbound me from this” she replied raising her hands to show him the heavy cold chains that dangle off her wrists, Aldro let out a smirk before he came forward “ well played Freya, but do know you can’t get out of the cave and the moment you do, I still have eyes and ears around the south pack and Melissa’s baby” He threatened and Freya’s eyes flashed with an untamed rage before it disappeared in seconds after she calmed her nerves, she didn't know if he was bluffin
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Dinner with the devil
“ what is she doing here?” Diandra muttered her face filled with surprise, they were not expecting her at all, and panic arose in both of them when they say Freya was unchained “ relax Dia darling, Freya promised to play fair at the diner” Aldro chuckled as he moved forward to pull a seat out for Freya, whose eyes had not left Dex’s dark stare “ well ain’t that just wonderful” Dex dawned out as his hands gripped the arms of his chair with grave force till it groaned, But Freya held her ground, not giving them the satisfaction of seeing her shiver between three devils, “ a seat for a queen at my side” Aldro mused at Freya who gave him a fake controlled smile, But she knew Diandra was not buying it, Freya was nervous that Diandra might have told Aldro what they talk about but now looking at her she was sure she had not, Dex’s hands tapped idly on the table as he turned to look at his sister and then Freya, also wondering what she was thinking, She had not told her brother too, inte
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A little surprise
“Malia? As in Malia cane? is your father Elijah?” Freya asked the girl in a whisper, and this was the first time Freya has seen the girl’s once hollow and empty eyes light up in shock from just the utter of her father’s name “yes, he is a doctor….h-how do you know that name?” Malia asked with confusion in her voice but before Freya could utter anything else, she heard the heavy steps belonging to Aldro most likely walking up the stairs fast, And Freya gave a few feet of space between her and Malia who kept a distance the door opened to reveal Aldro, he looked between the two of them and Freya’s worries deflated when she saw Malia had mastered the cold stoic face and acted like nothing unusual had been going on, “leave us” he muttered with a bitter tone in his voice as Malia bowed to him and left the room, the room grew cold and quiet as Freya walked to the bed and sat on it with a grim stoned look on her face “what is it? What do you want? I attended that dinner you wanted me to did
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Rocky mistakes
•FREYA• . . “ she Is pregnant,” the old woman said and my stomach immediately twisted at her words As The room became utterly still and my now shaking hands moved to my belly, I couldn’t believe, that in me right now was a child, My Child, and Lucien’s. But the thought was bittersweet as my smile immediately faded, I remembered where I was and who was in front of me looking at me with so much anger. His cold eye moved to my belly which I instinctively touched to shield myself from. His monstrous glare, and now my child was in danger because I was in the enemy lair, Oh my God. I could see Aldros angry pacing around the room before he turned back to the witch names Olga, “ and what about my mating ceremony” “ I’m afraid that can’t be done now especially since she is carrying a child” A feeling of triumph washed over me as I saw the glazing contempt in his eye but the uttering of the word ‘child’ to him “ then do something about it!” He raged to the woman as his boots echoed a
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A turn of events
•FREYA• I laid on the bed, my body cold from the reoccurring image of the old witch being cut to the ground mercilessly by Aldro and the blood splaying everywhere, But what woke me up from the horrible dream was when I heard the doors lock open, I opened my eyes to see it was Malia who had come in with a tray of food, Her face was as calm and stoic as always and I didn’t react in any way till the guards closed the doors and Malia neared the bed and dropped the tray on the tables and body slightly to me “ hello Malia” I first uttered but no answer, instead I saw her gaze land on me like she was silently studying me, maybe wondering if I was sent to do all this by Aldro to test her loyalty and if I had planned this to catch her Her eyes I’m sure judging my poorly stained gown my cloth coated with dried blood and my face stained with dried tears and swollen eyes, I must look horrible I walked to the small bath at the side, peeling off my clothes from my body, as I got the water and c
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A damning threat
•FREYA• Our freedom was all I care about right now, Especially now that Aldro might be unto me, I have a feeling his patience is running thin, especially ever since he sends that the cup of poison he brings to me every morning to be taken by me, I always pour it in the small drains of the toilet before malia comes to take it away, And moons Malia is a great help, and when she told me she was turning seventeen soon, I could not help the surprise that shone on my face, I didn’t want her to see the hurt and pity laced in them as I look at her, Today is the third day she comes with the cup of the poison and after I am done, she goes out, it didn’t take long before Aldro comes in with his hands casually around his back, And now I try to contain my features every day, I try to mask my indifference and not show any hate for him, especially since I want him to let his guard down around me, “ good morning my love,” he says to me as he rounds the room to come touch my face, a touch that
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Danger calls
“ Aldro” I gasp as he walks closer to us, from the side of my eye I see Malia had become stiff as a dry twig in response to his dark presence. “ tell me what you are planning Freya! “ he mutters to me darkly but I feign ignorance and confusion, “ what do you mean? What plan!” I asked feigning confusion, but his eyes left mine and traveled to where Malia stood, and in seconds his hands were around her neck “ you think the guards wouldn’t notice all the times she comes to your room and report to me? Tell me what you both are planning!” I couldn’t tell him, I just couldn’t lay out a plan for him, my heart raced as I saw his hand grip harder to her neck “ please stop Aldro, I just wanted a companion! There was no one I could talk to! And the only reason she is still in my room was that I saw the bruise on her arms! I wanted to help!” I explained frantically to him, I just hoped he believes because one wrong word would cause Malia her life! Aldro stared me down like he was contemplatin
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Only hope
•LUCIEN• . . Lost, I utterly was lost. With Freya missing I couldn’t sleep, all my nights were filled with nightmares of her calling my name and I wasn’t there for her. Gods, I was running mad with the thought of my Mate, my beautiful strong mate in the arms of that demon and constant danger every minute she spends there and isn't with meI knew I had gone every with madness as I could feel all my men stay clear of me anytime I walk by, even my brother Kaiden tried his best not to riffle me and make me angry, I stood up after that nightmare, my body lined with cold sweat as I remembered I was in Freya’s old room, I still hadn’t gone back to my room, Her scent was what filled the growing dark void in my heart, but it wasn’t enough, none of this was enough! I had no right to be asleep, to be resting when the love of my life was in total danger with a manic right now, The day after we found out she was gone and Kaiden and the rest scattered and searched the woods, they wanted to
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A wish to the moon
•Kaiden• Lucien carried the girl up in his arms in bridal style, while I walked behind him and kept a lookout, we both look at each other with a look of shock and hope in our eyes as we trudged back to the pack with Malia in Lucien’s arms As soon as we came into the pack, the doctor rushed out and took her into his arms to his clinic with Lucien and me right behind him “what happened?” “She was attacked in the woods by hybrids” Lucien explained as she was put down on the bed luckily her bleeding has seem to stop but she was as pale as snow and her breathing had become harsh “ I will need to take care of her so I need both of you to step out please” We both left the room quietly before I turned to see that my brother was impatient as his body burned with nerves “calm down” I uttered “I can’t calm down, did you hear her she said Freya come on she said Freya needs help! I need to know, if there is a small chance that we can find her, that girl is our only hope” “But we need to hear
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An oath between blood
Lucien and Kaiden both rushed out of the training ground and into the doctor’s cabin as soon as they heard the news, They barged into the healer’s cabin with burning excitement in their eyes filled with haste and desperation to see the girl. Finally, she was awake and she was going to answer Lucien burning questions that kept him awake all night They reached the private room to see that the strange girl was awake, she was a little spooked to see where she was, And she had steered awake sitting up slowly she noticed the two of them as they entered the room “Hello?” The doctor tried saying but she didn’t answer, more like she was studying the faces of the three men in the room with her, or maybe if they were trustworthy enough “Is this the north pack?” She called quietly from her parched throat, she was still in much pain but looked desperate “ yes this is the north pack, we saved you from those hybrids, tell me what we’re you doing in those woods?” “ My name is Malia, The doctor’s
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