All Chapters of Eternally Yours: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
50 Chapters
Pure Heart
851 AD“Hannah, there’s something I need to tell you,” Garin said to her at the dinner table a week after the incident with Zarif and Gentel.It had taken Hannah a few days to recover from her assault and she was up and about in next to no time. She didn’t seem angry or bitter about her assault. It was almost like she had forgotten all about it.Garin discerned that she was acting that way because just as he still had some attributes of a demon, she still had the heart of an angel. She was all smiles and never once spoke of finding the men and getting justice for what they’d done to her. She was still a pure-hearted angel and he was still a bloodthirsty demon.He decided that it would be better to tell Hannah the truth about what he had done to those men. He had thought about telling her about Gentel’s and Zarif’s involvement but he decided against it. What he did was all him and no one else and he had to take full responsibility for his actions. He didn’t care what his siblings thoug
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A Girl's Heart
The evening after Isabelle slapped Josh, he went over to her apartment to see her and work things out. He knocked on her door and called out to her to open up but she didn’t want to.“Isabelle, I know you’re in there. Please open up, we need to talk.” He called out.Isabelle was standing beside the door and didn’t want to let him in but she also couldn’t bring herself to send him away. He could see her shadow underneath the door and was desperate to speak to her.“Come on, Isabelle. You have to let me explain everything,” He begged.“There’s nothing to explain, Josh. I already know everything. You had no right to interfere with my job and…”“What are you talking about?” Josh interrupted her, “I didn’t interfere with your job in any way.” He claimed.“You spoke to my boss and made him give the project, didn’t you?” Isabelle asked.“I didn’t do anything of the sort. I haven’t even set foot in Clinton Corp in almost five years.” Josh told her.That statement from Josh confused Isabelle b
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Flirt With The Boss
“How incompetent can the both of you be?” The Devil yelled at Zarif and Gentel. He was enraged because God was having more success than he was in breaking the love chain and winning the bet. He hated to admit it but God’s strategy of using love as his weapon was proving to be more effective than anything he was coming up with.“It’s not our fault, Father. It’s the stupid rules of this bet that’s making it difficult to get results,” Gentel claimed. “She’s right, Father. We would have broken them up by now if we didn’t have to play by God’s rules,” Zarif added. “These are all a bunch of useless excuses,” The Devil said angrily, causing the pit of hell to tremble due to his rage, “The rules say we cannot harm Garin or his angel but it doesn’t say that we can’t hurt the people they care about. Kill someone they love, cause them pain and make them suffer so the chain breaks.” The devil said. “It doesn’t matter how many of their friends and family we hurt or kill, Father. It will only b
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Birthday Party
“Do you think this is too much for meeting his family?” Isabelle asked Gwen.“Yeah girl, that dress is way too hot. You need to dial it down a little,” Her cousin replied with a chuckle.They were in Isabelle’s apartment going through her closet to find the perfect dress she would wear to Mrs Helena’s birthday party. She wanted to make a good impression on Josh’s family so she enlisted her cousin’s help.“Remember you’re not just going there as her son’s girlfriend, you’re also going there as her employee so you need to make twice the impression and that dress is very one-sided,” Gwen said.“You know what, you’re right. Let me put on something else,” Isabelle said and went back into the closet to try on a new dress. As Isabelle changed, Gwen felt a chill in the air and it felt like a window had been left open in the apartment so she got off the bed and went to the living room to inspect the strange wind she felt.She went into the living room and checked the windows only to find them
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Rain Storm 1
Sammy looked at Isabelle from head to toe with an intense look in his eyes. It almost felt like he was checking her out and judging from the way he was biting his lips, he really liked what he saw and didn’t even try to hide it.Isabelle held on tightly to Josh’s arm because his brother was making her very uncomfortable but at least he didn’t hate her like his sister obviously did. Isabelle had never felt this amount of pressure and awkwardness in her entire life before because this was both personal and professional for her and she didn’t want to step on anyone’s toes but still wanted to be treated with respect."What's wrong with Janet? She seems crankier than usual?" Josh asked his brother."You know how she gets whenever you come around. Mom and Dad focus all of their attention on you and everyone ignores her and well, you know the gist." Sammy said casually."So, what have you been up to Sammy? Let me guess. You bought a new car?" Josh said."I thought you said you didn't follow
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Rain Storm 2
"I made the documents an electronic format so I could get your signatures to give the green light for the shipment and sent it back immediately," Jennifer said."That's...pretty impressive, Jennifer," Josh said.She took out the tablet and scrolled through the pages she needed Josh to sign and after he did, she sent them back to the company and that was it."Well, it's sent so I guess I'd better get going," Jennifer said."You know what, why don't you stay and have some fun?" Josh asked."Really? I wouldn't want to intrude." Jennifer said."No, it's okay. You deserve a little break from how hard you work." He said and took a drink from a server's tray."Here you go," He said and gave the drink to her."Cheers, to a successful business deal!" Josh raised his glass and clinked it against hers....Meanwhile, Sammy and Isabelle were dancing together and she was surprisingly having a really good time. Sammy was a very graceful dancer and she had to admit that she was surprised by it."W
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Baby My Baby
854 A.D..Three years after Garin's confession to Hannah about having killed those young men, things between them were back to normal.It took Hannah a while to understand what happened and understand that Garin still needed to work on being good and casting away his demonic instincts and she was ready and willing to help him through it. Her love for him was strong enough to accept his nature and she hoped it would be strong enough to change it as well.The couple were out in the river doing some chores and spending the beautiful day with each other and it indeed was a beautiful day with the way the sky was bright blue with puffy white clouds floating around.Hannah was inside the water doing some laundry while Garin was trying to catch some fish with his spear. She couldn't help but watch him splash around in the water trying to hunt their dinner and shockingly enough, he wasn't very good at fishing with a spear. Hannah was done with the laundry and all that was left was to dry t
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Rain Storm 3
Janet sat on her bed with a book in her hand but in all honesty, she could barely focus on the words written in it. Her mind was fixed on the fact that her little brother whom their parents preferred was in this house with them and she was certain that their mother would surely try to convince him to reconsider handling the family business before the night was over.She couldn’t sleep just thinking about it and the heavy booms of thunder accompanied by the crashing sound of lightning and heavy downpour on the roof of the house didn’t aid in helping her fall asleep in any way.Almost like he could feel her uneasiness, Sammy knocked on Janet’s door and announced that it was him.“Go away, Sammy. I don’t want to talk to anyone,” She said from the bed.”“Just open up so I can speak to you. You need someone to listen to you and I’m right here, so just let me in. I brought wine,” He said.She stood up and walked to the door and let him in, “Next time, lead with wine,” She said with a smile
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Rain Storm 4
Isabelle stepped out of Jennifer's room and angrily stormed away from that vicinity. She didn't know where exactly to go since Josh and his mother were still having their conversation in the bedroom so she found a spot at the top of the stairs and sat there."I can't believe that I just did that," Isabelle said to herself and put her palms over her face.She wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry because she was feeling multiple things at the same time. She had always been a rational person and didn't really like conflict or confrontation but she forgot all about that when it came to fighting for Josh. She started to realize that there was something about him that made her...more passionate about him and anything related to him. There was this fire in the pit of her stomach, put there by Josh and that fire was calm for now but it was threatening to take control and engulf anyone who tried to split her and Josh apart. She was in love with him and it didn't feel like any regular kind of l
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855 ADIt had been a year since Hannah and Garin had found the baby in the river and taken him in as their child.The year had been the best year they'd had since they were cast from home to live on Earth as mortals. The baby had brought so much joy to their lives that they never knew existed. He was their everything and they had grown to love and cherish him for he was their greatest treasure and had carried a message of happiness into their whole world which was why they named him Herald.Hannah really loved being a mom. She loved holding Herald and rocking him in her arms to get him to sleep whenever he was agitated. She loved feeding him and she loved looking into his soulful eyes, she loved it when he grabbed her finger and would squeeze it so tight, she loved bathing him and singing to him at night. She loved being his mother maybe even more than she loved being an angel.Garin also loved being a father. It was the most exciting thing he'd ever done and he loved doing it. He lov
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