All Chapters of Eternally Yours: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
50 Chapters
Wedding Bells
The wedding day was now here and Isabelle felt just as opposed to going to it today as she did yesterday and the day before that and all the days before that. What made it even more unbearable was the fact that she had to go with Josh and keep up the ruse that they were still together in public.Isabelle didn’t feel the urge to get out of bed. She wanted the Earth to open up and suck her into it for at least the entirety of today just so she wouldn’t have to go but unfortunately for her, she wasn’t an angel that could just make whatever she wanted to happen.“Wake up, Isabella. If you don’t start getting ready soon, we’re going to get there late,” Mrs Rita shouted into the room as she walked by Isabelle’s door.“It’s a wedding, mom. We don’t need to be the first ones there,” She shouted back.“For crying out loud, Gwen, can you please help me get her out of bed and ready to go,” Her mom said to her niece.“Sure, Aunty.”Gwen went into Isabelle’s room and pulled her sheets off her body
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Savage Obsession
Isabelle walked out of the ladies’ room, shaken and terrified about what had just happened to her. She went to her table and immediately Josh saw her, he knew something was wrong.“I want to leave,” Isabelle told him.“What? Why?” Josh asked her.“I need to leave now, Josh. Don’t ask me why. Just…just get me out of here,”“But your mother will…” Josh wanted to protest but he could see that Isabelle was very upset and she was also shaking so he decided to do what she was asking.“Okay, we can go,” He told her.He got up from his seat and put his coat around her because of how much she was shaking. He held her hand and they both walked toward the exit but Josh led her to her mother’s table so he could tell her that they were leaving.“Rita, Isabelle and I have to leave,” He said.“What? Why?” Rita wanted to understand.“I’m all of a sudden not feeling good and she wants to drive me home and make sure I’m alright. I’m really sorry we can’t stay till the end,” Josh apologized.“That’s oka
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Entranced By You
“Ok, Isabelle. This is what we’re going to do. I’m going to need you to lay back on the couch and look up, alright?” Doctor Felicia Greene instructed.Isabelle did as the doctor had asked. She lay on the couch and faced up and as much as she tried to hide her nervousness from the doctor, she couldn’t.“It’s going to be alright, Isabelle. I’ve done this a hundred times before so you don’t have to worry,” She assured her.“Ok, doc,” Isabelle said.But she did worry because she knew how serious this was and was afraid that she could lose herself and have this other part of her completely take over. It wouldn’t exactly be great for her life or her career if she wasn’t herself anymore.And her mother! How would she feel if anything happened to her only child? She was already worried that Isabelle left the house this morning without telling her where she was going, she was worried that Isabelle wasn’t looking too healthy and was also worried about so many other things and adding this to the
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Angelic Hypnosis
Isabelle found herself in the nexus of her mind but she had no idea that that was where she was because rather than looking like an endless void or a different dimension, she was inside a small cottage and the house felt like home to her although she had never been in this house in her entire life. “Isabelle? Isabelle, can you hear me?” Dr Felicia asked.“Yes, I can,” Isabelle answered as she walked around inside the cottage. “Where are you right now?” The doctor asked. “I’m in a wooden house but I don’t know whose house this is,” She answered. “Okay, now listen to me. I want you to walk around the house until you find the front door. When you do, I want you to step out of it and go outside. Do you understand?” She asked. “Yes, I understand,” Isabelle answered and began looking for the door. Her mind was in the house but her physical body was still in Doctor Felicia’s office, lying on her couch. She was fully hypnotized and was on a journey of self-discovery even though it didn’
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All Aboard
862 A.D . . . The heat from the scorching sun burned the surface of the ocean’s waters, sending heat from every direction and it sizzled the skin of both Hannah and Garin as their ship floated across the still water in the middle of the ocean. It had been an entire week since they set sail off the Island and in all that time, they were yet to find refuge or a new place to settle. It was almost like all the land in the world didn’t exist anymore as all they could see on the horizon was an endless body of water. The fact that they were still alive was a miracle because within the one week since they got on the ocean, they were bombarded by burning heat, freezing cold and powerful storms that threatened to end their lives. Their food and resources ran out quick and they had to hunt for fish in the ocean to stay fed. Their resilience and will to live made it possible for them to survive but they wouldn’t last out here forever and desperately needed a way to get out of their predicam
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Truth Be Told
Several minutes after Josh passed out on the wheel, he slowly woke up and found himself sitting in a slightly dark room. He was a bit woozy and couldn’t see quite clearly but he looked around and his vision slowly became clearer.He wasn’t sure where he was or what was happening and then, he remembered that he was in the car. He instinctively raised his hands to grab the steering wheel but there was no steering wheel in front of him. Instead, there was a table and sitting on the other side of that table was Isabelle and she looked just as confused and clueless as Josh did.“Josh? What are you doing in my room? How did you get in here and why is there a table in the middle of my room?” Isabelle asked.She was also slightly woozy and didn’t understand what was happening. The last thing she remembered was going to bed and now this was happening! She was so confused.“I don’t know how I got here. One minute I was driving home from work and the next, I wound up here,” Josh told her, “Maybe
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Sharpened Wings
Isabelle slowly backed away from Gentel who was coming at her with the worst of intentions. She scanned around for something she could use to defend herself but there was nothing in sight. “Don’t even bother, you weakling! Nothing can save you from me,” Gentel said menacingly and moved closer to her.“What do you want from me?” Isabelle asked with shaky breaths, fear overwhelming her senses. “I want you to suffer, the same way I have because of you and lover boy over there,” The demon looked over at Josh who was still reeling in pain on the ground. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Isabelle said to her. “Don’t worry, you’re about to find out,” Gentel raised her dagger. Josh got a hold of himself again and looked up to see that Gentel was about to hurt Isabelle so he mustered up the strength to stand. He saw an iron rod on the sidewalk and picked it up. He ran up behind the demon and ran the rod into the back of her head with so much force, it became all mangled up. “It s
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New Bet, Same Tactic
“The bet has to change, Lucifer,” God told him.“What do you mean the bet has to change? Change to what?” Lucifer asked.“You cannot tamper with man’s free will the same way I can’t. Josh and Isabelle know the truth and despite that, they are willing to continue their relationship. That simply means the love chain cannot be broken, maybe it can be with the next reincarnation but not with them,” God told him.“Then, what do we bet on or are you going to call everything off?” Lucifer asked, thinking his Father would use this opportunity to call off the bet entirely.The thought did cross God’s mind. He had put everything on the line before and had risked it all; his kingdom, his angels, his creation, everything. Now, he had a chance to make sure they wouldn’t be at risk anymore but the idea of getting rid of Lucifer’s hold on humanity was too good to miss out on.Since creation, Lucifer had dedicated his entire existence to poisoning the minds of humans, turning them against God and lea
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865 A.D ...A few years passed after Hannah and Garin made it to the peninsula after the storm that almost claimed their lives and the new life they had built there was shaping up to be the best they had ever had since they began living on Earth. When they first arrived, they were strangers in this new land. They didn’t know anyone and didn’t have anything except their ship and the clothes on their back. The peninsula was located at the coast of the North Pacific and it was a beautiful piece of land, surrounded by nature, rich and fertile and inhabited by a group of settlers who had begun their community there for more than two centuries since their ancestors discovered the land. They were a progressive people and they called themselves “Amans” and their land was called “Amania” which was derived from their native language and when translated to English meant “Paradise”. Hannah and Garin were foreigners in this new land and they were welcome with open arms and love. English was
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Jennifer went back to her desk and her hands were shaking from anger. She had just calmed herself only a few moments ago and now, she was even angrier than before because the message she had just read from Isabelle could have meant anything. HEY, BABE! CAN’T WAIT FOR TONIGHT – “What’s tonight?” Jennifer asked herself. She began to imagine all sorts of things about what tonight could be like. Were they going to have sex? She wondered. Even if they were going to have sex, it wouldn’t be the first time and Jennifer knew it so why was she so bothered about it? What if it wasn’t sex? What if it was something worse like an announcement…of their engagement? She thought. He proposed to her and tonight, they were going to tell their families. “No, that can’t be it. They just got back together so it can’t be that,” She muttered to herself. She was so lost in her maniacal thoughts that she didn’t notice when Josh walked past her and back into his office. She finally snapped out of it when sh
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