All Chapters of Eternally Yours: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
50 Chapters
Shock Calls
“An entire night? They had control of their bodies for an entire night,” God said to himself with Fawn and Gabriel standing behind him.He didn’t like how quickly the situation was escalating and it made him worry a bit. If Hannah and Garin obtained full control of Isabelle and Josh’s bodies, breaking their love chain would be next to impossible. They needed to be stopped.“Why don’t you just call off the bet with Lucifer?” Fawn asked Him.“You know I cannot do that, Fawn and even if I did, Lucifer will not agree to it,” He said.“So what if he doesn’t agree? You don’t answer to him.” Gabriel said.“You know it’s not as simple as that, Gabriel. We’ll just have to find a way to break the love chain and to accomplish that, we must send Hannah and Garin back to Harlem,” God said.“But how, father? The demons weren’t able to defeat them,” Fawn said.God looked at her with an expression on his face and Fawn immediately understood what it meant. She started shaking her head, unwilling to do
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Pirated Lands I
861 AD . . .Two years had passed since Garin and Hannah washed up on the Island. It had taken them a considerable amount of time to adapt to living on the island and although they had first thought about building a boat to get off it, they changed their minds and decided to spend their life there with just each other and no one else.They did make a boat but it was neither big nor sturdy enough to sail them across the vast ocean so they used it to sail into the reef to catch fish for their meals.They also gathered wood and other items within those two years and used them to build a tree house where they lived. Their life was simple and peaceful. It was a normal routine that was free from any difficulty or hardship and while they would work all day to maintain their way of living, they’d make sweet love all night long to alleviate the stress of the day.As peaceful as their lives were, Hannah always felt like it would one day come to an end. She couldn’t shake the feeling that som
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Pirated Lands II
Night came and so did the time for Captain Edward and his first mate Triselle to head back to the tree house to loot and also enjoy each other’s company somewhere other than the ship. Before they left, Triselle went down below deck and went to Hannah’s cell. When Hannah saw her, she got to her feet, expecting she was there to hurt her. “Relax your parts, I’m not here to do you harm,” Triselle said and stepped into the night that was provided by the lantern hanging on the wall. Now that she was away from the ragged-looking men, she seemed a lot like an actual woman to Hannah. She was thick and yet slender. Her face was beautiful but for the scar on her left eye that, in a way added to her appeal. Her dark dreadlocks were adorned with little seashells and gold doubloons that sparkled in the light. Her chemise was low and revealed a significant portion of her well-rounded cleavage and her high boots jingled every time she took a step and the sword on her waist dangled around with the
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“No, no, no, now’s not the time for her to come here. I won’t be able to deal with everything that’s going on and with her at the same time,” Isabelle protested to her cousin.“I’m sure you can handle it. I mean, you’re mom’s not that bad,” Gwen claimed and saw the look on Isabelle’s face which had “Really?” written all over it and Gwen had to say the truth instead.“Alright fine, she’s a pain in the ass but she’s your mother so you have to let her stay with you,” Gwen said.“No, I don’t. I can pay for her to get a hotel or something,” Isabelle thought but instantly knew that it would be too awkward if she asked her mother to stay in a hotel instead of her spacious home, “Why is she even coming here?” She grunted out and went to her house phone.“I don’t know. She didn’t say why,” Gwen answered.Isabelle took the phone from her table and dialled her mom’s number so she could ask her about it.“Hello, mom,” Isabelle said after her mother picked up.“Isabella, my dear, how are you?” Her
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Morning arrived and Isabelle and Josh woke up to the sound of the birds chirping and the shine of the sun on their faces. Neither of them understood why but the sleep they had the previous night was perhaps the best they’d had in a long time.Isabelle and Josh checked the cameras they placed on their nightstands before they slept and were happy yet disappointed that nothing happened with them during the night. They woke up where they went to sleep, they didn’t have any late-night blackouts or lose any time and although it wasn’t a guarantee, the two of them hoped that whatever was happening to them was now over....Josh hadn’t planned on going to work today but because he felt really good and refreshed, he decided to make an appearance in his company. He discerned that since he didn’t have an episode, the rest treatment must have worked so the only logical next step would be to resume his normal life and activities which included going to work.He got ready and drove to work withou
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Disobedient Children
"Go on, Fawn. Do it. Send me back to Harlem. That's what he sent you to do so do it," Hannah shouted again."You had your time with him. You've spent your original life and multiple others with him so will you stop being selfish for once and realize the necessity for ending this love chain?" Fawn said to her sister, trying to justify what she was about to do."I indeed lived my life with Garin but it was never whole because neither God nor Lucifer would leave in peace. They always stood in the way of our happiness, always brought us bad luck and misfortune, and always found a way to take our happiness and squeeze the life out of it."My life with Garin wasn't perfect because of the both of them and now, they want to end my connection to him forever. I'm an eternal being, Fawn. My soul will live forever but it would be a worthless existence without Garin. If the angels and demons in Harlem weren't forced to be apart from each other, I would gladly go back and spent the rest of eternity
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In The Morning
Isabelle and her mom got to her apartment and she unlocked the door and took some of the luggage inside. Gwen was right behind them with some bags as well and brought those inside too.“We had the guest bedroom all nice and ready for you, mom. It’s all set and I’m sure you’ll love it,” Isabelle said.Her mom looked around, surveying the apartment but she didn’t seem all that impressed by it although it was a very nice apartment which was a result of her daughter’s professional success. “Before we get you settled in, how about a quick tour of the house, aunty?” Gwen asked.“Sure, my dear,” Mrs Rita said.The girls showed her the four bedrooms, the three bathrooms, the kitchen, the storage room, and the living room. “So, what do you think?” Isabelle asked her mother, hoping for a positive remark.“It’s nice but it’s not a family home. I mean, you couldn’t raise children in an apartment but I’m sure Josh’s house is nicer than this and as soon as you two get married, you’ll move in with
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Shopping Spree
Josh was seated on a stool in the kitchen and Garin stood in front of him, about to explain everything. The repercussions for the human knowing the truth about what was happening would be severe and Garin knew that but he didn’t care. He was going to expose the truth today and nothing was going to stop him.“Tell me what’s going on,” Josh demanded.“My name is Garin and I’m a demon…or at least, I used to be. Technically, I still am because I served my sentence and after death, my powers were restored but rendered useless when I got locked up in Harlem,” Garin said.“What are you talking about? What does any of that mean?” Josh asked.“Sorry, I forgot you don’t know anything at all. Let me start from the beginning,” Garin said.Before he could continue, he felt the aura in the room change which meant someone celestial was here or was about to show up. Josh could feel it too and the two of them looked around and waited anxiously for whoever was there to show their face.“You can feel it
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862 AD . . . Just about a year after Hannah and Garin had survived the pirates that invaded their beautiful and peaceful island home, everything had gone back to the way it used to be and the couple had managed to put the awful ordeal behind them and continue with their lives. They kept the pirate ship but made some significant changes to it like cleaning off the skull painting that was all over it, redecorating the deck and adding new sets of furniture that they made from scratch. They used the ship as their new fishing boat because it could take them deeper into the ocean for bigger catches. They also always talked about travelling across the ocean but they never did it because they were still sure that the island was where they needed to be if they were to live a life free from trials and trouble. . . . “Why Lilies? They’re not as beautiful as violets, you know?” Garin asked his wife. “I just think lilies smell better and are more colourful,” Hannah replied. “No, they d
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Fight! Fight!
TWO HOURS EARLIER… OUTSIDE ISABELLE’S APARTMENT… . . . “Your dirty tactics won’t work on me, Gentel,” Cher said as she chased her around the walls of the building.Cher pounced on Gentel, tackled her to the floor and held her down. “Get off me,” The demon screamed and violently released her wings which blasted Cher off of her. The angel was quickly back on her feet and so was Gentel. The demon manifested an axe in her hand and threw it at Cher who was able to side-step the weapon, catch it in mid-air and throw it back at her. Just as it was about to hit Gentel, she put her hand out and the axe became dust. “I see you haven’t lost your touch,” Gentel admitted. “You have,” Cher replied, “I will advise you to end it here before this gets any more out of control. After I get Hannah out of the vessel, you can come back and try to break the chain but as for now, stand down or I will make you,” “That has always been the problem with angels. They always think that a demon is no mat
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