All Chapters of Reborn to Be A Noble Wife: Chapter 451 - Chapter 460
594 Chapters
Chapter 451 Add Fuel to the Fire
The Old Lady hesitated, reluctant to let Ji Youran go, but seeing her determination, she knew she couldn't stop her. Besides, Qu Qiuyan's status had changed significantly.With a sigh, she reluctantly nodded.Ji Youran smiled and nodded back at the the Old Lady before following Qu Moying out.During the journey, Ji Youran tried to gather information from Qu Moying with a friendly demeanor. However, whenever she approached the crucial points, Qu Moying skillfully avoided providing any substantial details. By the time they reached the yard, Ji Youran hadn't obtained any useful information from Qu Moying. This made her even more determined to find evidence from Qu Qiuyan.Qu Qiuyan had already received news of Qu Moying accompanying Ji Youran. She had her maids waiting for their arrival and greeted them at the door.Qu Qiuyan's face remained pale, and the burns on her arms had yet to heal completely. They were seve
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Chapter 452 Tell Me Your Conditions, Master Zhao
These few sentences are beautifully expressed, highlighting her reason for visiting the Qu Mansion: her concern for Qu Moying. The Crown Prince had also advised her to pay more attention to Qu Moying.Furthermore, Qu Qiuyan was mentioned, and given her changed identity, it was normal for her to pay a visit.Regarding County Lady Jingyu, Ji Youran had already made it clear to the Crown Prince that this person was not to be underestimated. There was suspicion that County Lady Jingyu had bullied Qu Moying.Now, with this information, it seemed there might be some connection between Liu Jingyu and Qu Moying.Pei Luo'an remained silent but felt an increasing sense of annoyance. He looked at Ji Youran, noticing her similarity to Liu Jingyu—both gentle, considerate, and seemingly willing to sacrifice their own interests for others.But was it really true?His hand fell heavily on the table, and Ji Youran w
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Chapter 453 The Matter was Actually Resolved
Zhang, the shopkeeper, was uneasy, rubbing his hands, but he didn't know where to start. Shouldn't this matter be discussed calmly and reasonably? Why was Lady Qu so harsh? She seemed ready to explode. How could she speak like that?Yue's Gold Pavilion was the party at fault, originally weak, and now by saying that, weren't they pushing the other side towards hostility?Zhang, the shopkeeper, understood merchants well. Though they prioritized profits, in situations like this, they may change their stance when facing real consequences. Besides, Lady Qu's identity cannot intimidate this Master Zhao. Even Earl Ling’an’s Mansion failed to do so; how could our Lady Qu succeed?Shopkeeper Zhang was sweating profusely, glancing at Yu Dong behind Qu Moying, hoping she'd take the initiative to mediate.Unfortunately, Yu Dong just glanced at him and ignored him, lowering her head.What a foolish servant girl, Shopkeeper Zhang cu
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Chapter 454 Spread the Rumors
After returning home, Qu Moying went to see Old Lady Qu first and recounted today's events, especially the incident at the pastry shop.The shopkeeper in that shop was a confidant of Yu, and the staff members were also close to the shopkeeper. Dealing with them was quite tricky. However, this time sending them away was a win-win situation.Old Lady Qu was unaware of the situation and believed that exchanging a pastry shop for the Yue's Gold Pavilion was undoubtedly a great deal. Though it meant owing money to Madam Duan, she asked Qu Moying to raise more funds and promised to supplement her contribution to repay the debt quickly.Madam Duan was currently a widow, which was a sad sight to witness.The downfall of the once-prosperous Earl Ling'an's Mansion was a stark reminder of life's uncertainties. No one could have anticipated such a fate for the once-thriving Earl Ling'an's Mansion."Yes, grandma, I'll take c
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Chapter 455 Greed Beaten Up
"Fourth Miss, our young lady came to send her slave girl to ask about the cake store that she mentioned to you earlier." Qing Ju smiled after giving Qu Mo Ying a bow."What else is going on?" Qu Mo Ying put down the zither score in his hands and raised his eyes to look at Qing Ju."Our young lady said that the store was madam's own later on, and would like to ask the fourth young lady to send both the land deed and the store's account book, over to our young lady." Qing Ju said, speaking with quite a bit of justification in."The Second Mistress's store? Isn't this the dowry our madam left to our young lady?" Yu Dong raised her eyebrows and looked at Qing Ju with a displeased expression."The store's bottom deed at the earliest time is indeed the fourth miss, but our lady has been operating for so many years, there is no merit but also have hard work, this store is not a valuable store, our lady cares about the lady, she would like to leave this store, this l
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Chapter 456 Mother Put All Her Savings into That palm
Qu Qiuyan left the study in tears.Waiting for the Hibiscus Pavilion, lying on the table and crying again, what does father mean, is looking down on her or looking down on King Jing, by what right do you think she is a concubine.Can side consorts and concubine consorts be considered concubines? The most important thing that cannot be belittled in the royal family is the side consort and concubine consort, many of the main consorts and queens, climbed up from the position of the side consort, the concubine consort, even if it's a little lower, it's still only below the side consort, on what grounds does father look down on her, and on what grounds does he say that she covets the things of the Qu Mo Ying.Is that Qu Mo Ying's? It's clearly my mother's new earnings from the previous store, so why is Qu Mo Ying hogging it and not giving it back?That is the mother's things, is left to their own dowry, if it is not the mother to help Qu Mo Ying look after these s
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Chapter 457 Crashing the Door, Changing Ownership of the Store
"It's not something that can be rushed right now, father has it in his mind anyway, but it's going to be at least a while before father may have to check it out."Qu Mingcheng soothed her.Qu Qiuyan although not very willing, but also can only be first, this time she is not dare to go to the father, originally thought it was just a sentence of things, but did not think that the mother's things involved in their own, on this point, Qu Qiuyan the more I think the more aggrieved.They are still small, sometimes see through, but the mother must be more than their own experience, did not remind themselves to pay attention to the Jingyu County gentleman not to mention, but also actually drag their feet, if not the mother of this action, today a store thing, really is not a thing.Qu Qiuyan here the more you think the more angry, but also the more you think the more aggrieved, lying on the table and crying for a while.After Qu Mingcheng came out of the Hibisc
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Chapter 458 The Outwardly Loving Couple
"Second Prince went to the pastry store?" Qu Mo Ying's hand stroked lightly on the strings of the zither, and the sound of the zither came to a halt, only a slight tremor emanating from the slender fingertips."Yes, Zhao Gongzi's side sent someone over and asked if we let the Second Gongzi go over, the slave girl said she didn't know about it, Zhao Gongzi's person said that when the Second Gongzi went over he said he was looking for the shopkeeper again and again and looking for some old person, looking at this he seemed to be quite attached, and he also repeatedly inquired about where the shopkeeper had gone!"Sister Miao said.She happened to come back from outside and met this door-to-door boy when she was at the door, and when she heard that he was looking for her own young lady, Sister Miao purposely called the man over to one side and carefully inquired about him.This matter let Qu Mo Ying quite surprised, Qu Qiu Yan fancy their own store, still say th
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Chapter 459 Miss Zhao, Please Stay!
Qu Mo Ying is in a few days, find a reason to go to the Yue Jin Pavilion, the Yue Jin Pavilion of everything just started, she naturally want to go out a few more times, out of the house, with just a common hat, even if others see, between a glance can not be recognized that she is the eye disease of the fourth Miss Qu.Sister Miao previously passed a message, it is before for her to cure eye disease Ji Luoxuan Ji Gongzi passed the news, this one is also a dragon, said to go to swim in the mountains, until now also did not see a shadow, but it is passed the word, let Qu Mo Ying to bind the eye veil as much as possible to take down, relax and relax.If you must tie it up, don't tie it up too tightly. The eye is in the final stages of recovery, so you can even travel without an eye veil, just be a little more careful not to look at bright lights.This was the doctor that Ji Hanyue had specially invited for Qu Mo Ying, and it did cure Qu Mo Ying's eye disease!H
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Chapter 460 There's a Ledger, Hidden under the Bed
"You know that my surname is Zhao?" Qu Mo Ying stopped and looked over with a sideways glance."I know Miss Zhao, and I also know Mr. Zhao." The middle-aged shopkeeper accompanied with a smiling face."Seeing as you know that my surname is Zhao, I would like to hear what you have to say, but if you don't tell the truth, then it's better not to say anything, even though I haven't been back to the capital for a long time, this account book, however, can be verified." Qu Mo Ying sneered as he slowly turned back and sat down again."Miss Zhao, don't worry, I will definitely make it clear." The middle-aged shopkeeper nodded repeatedly."Tell me, did you have some kind of deal with Yu before that made Yu think so highly of you?" Yu Dong asked."In fact, it is not ...... anything, it is that Mrs. Yu feels that the little one is loyal ...... to the people," the middle aged shopkeeper stammered, his eyes twirling again.Qu Mo Ying leapt to his feet, got up
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