All Chapters of Reborn to Be A Noble Wife: Chapter 441 - Chapter 450
594 Chapters
Chapter 441 Prepare the Gift, and I'll Go with You
Liu Jingyu entered with a maid by her side, clearly displaying her excitement.Her entire body trembled with anxiety, her beautiful complexion turned pale, and her eyes were slightly reddened with faint tear streaks.It evoked a sense of pity in those who witnessed it."Grandfather, I disagree!" After entering, she faced Duke Qi and bit her lip forcefully, suppressing the anguish in her eyes. She paid her respects to Pei Yusheng and then to Duke Qi, "Grandfather, why must it be like this? This matter clearly concerns Third Lady Qu, why should it be pushed onto me?"Qu Qiuyan was escorted out, and many people witnessed it, sparking discussions. The previous events hadn't been fully explained, and now new incidents arose. If, at this moment, Liu Jingyu went to show any hint of remorse, everyone would link her to all the unfavorable incidents, reinforcing some of the rumors about her.Qu Qiuyan went out safely and
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Chapter 442 Sincerity
"Forth Lady, the Second Master requests your presence outside. County Lady Jingyu has arrived and wishes for you to accompany her to visit Third Lady." Yu Chun reported as she entered the room."Already here?" Qu Moying asked, unsurprised by the news.Considering how Qu Zhizhen instigated Lord Jing's intervention and made Qu Qiuyan a concubine, it was inevitable that Liu Jingyu would be involved.Pei Yusheng could take action because Qu Qiuyan was already his concubine, but Pei Luo’an couldn't intervene yet, as their relationship wasn't clearly defined.Selecting the crown prince's consort wasn't a decision to be made lightly. Even choosing Lord Jing's second wife required careful consideration. Only the position of a concubine allowed for fewer discussions, enabling Lord Jing to have more authority and issue an immediate decree."They have already arrived, with Minister Liu." Yu Chun responded.Min
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Chapter 443 A Note from a Decade ago
"Lady Qu, may I join you there?" Liu Jingyu stood firmly at the door, not in a rush to leave, and pointed to the stone table under the tree in the courtyard.Qu Moying glanced behind her and didn't see her maid following closely. She nodded thoughtfully.The two of them approached and settled on the stone bench in front of the stone table. Yu Dong called the Granny from Furong House, and asked her to prepare tea and snacks.The Granny was recently promoted, so she was eager to please and quickly sent the maid to prepare the refreshments."Lady Qu, may I ask if anything like this has happened to Third Lady Qu in the past?" Liu Jingyu asked as soon as she sat down."I am not certain. You should know that I don’t live here before." Qu Moying calmly replied, watching Yu Dong busily attending to the maidservants and hastening the tea service. She subtly curved her lips.Liu Jingyu fell silent for a momen
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Chapter 444 Suicide by Hitting the Wall?
She seemed to be about to stand up, but helplessly weak, and fell heavily. Hai Lan hurriedly assisted her, saying, "Madam, be careful!"Qu Qiuyan glanced at Yu, lying on the bed, and took a step back with disgust. "What's going on?""Madam can't walk!" Hai Lan helped Yu up and wiped away a tear."What do you mean she can't walk?" Qu Qiuyan asked casually."I don't know. Her lower body feels weak, she can only manage a few steps with support. Right now, she can only lie down like this. I informed the second master, who said he would call a doctor, but we haven't seen the doctor yet. It's fortunate that you are here. You can talk to the second master. If things continue like this, what will happen to Madam's legs!"Tears welled up in Hai Lan's eyes. She reached out to wipe her reddened eyes and wanted to say something, but Qu Qiuyan interrupted her directly. "I will discuss this with Father. Mother, I came here to
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Chapter Chapter 445 Is She the One Who was in Your Heart
"Lady, it appears that Madam Yu has obtained some evidence. She intentionally hit the wall and went to find the Second Master." Yu Dong entered and reported, but she arrived late, so the information she received was not detailed.A lamp illuminated the room where Qu Moying was reading a book, still awake. Upon hearing Yu Dong's arrival, her watery eyes lifted, exuding an elegance and tranquility that matched the ambiance of the room. Yet, there was a hint of inscrutable depth in her gaze."Do you know what evidence it is?""I do not know, but when the Second Master arrives, we may find out. Madam Yu intends to show it to him. She mentioned... she mentioned you, Lady..." Yu Dong paused for a moment, glancing at Qu Moying, hesitant to continue.The authenticity of Madam Yu's words had shaken her, and she wasn't sure if this matter could be true."What about me?" Qu Moying responded, picking up a pair of small scis
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Chapter 446 I Can't Mess with that Woman
"He... How could he... How could he..." Yu pushed Hai Lan away, bursting into tears and uncontrollably scratching her face with her hands. The delicate brocade on the quilt was torn in the process, and threads hung chaotically from Yu's nails, giving her a crazed appearance."Madam... Please, calm down. Second Master hasn't gone far... He might hear you..." Hai Lan pleaded in a trembling voice."You know what I'm going to say, don't you? About that woman, right? I thought I had his heart, but it turns out, neither I nor Yue are the ones in his heart... We are just substitutes for that woman..." Yu screamed uncontrollably.Once again, Hai Lan covered Yu's mouth, her face pale with fear. "Madam, even if not for your sake, please think of Second Young Master and Third Lady. They shouldn't be dragged into this mess."This remark calmed Yu down. Her face turned ashen, and she tightly grasped Hai Lan's hand. The room fell eerily s
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Chapter 447 Returning the Pearls with Tears
"Lady, this is the item, please take a look." Yu Dong handed over the object in her hand.To her surprise, it was a small box wrapped in a handkerchief. Qu Moying took it and carefully unraveled the handkerchief, revealing inscriptions that read, "Returning the pearls with tears!"Upon opening the box, she discovered a genuine pair of precious pearls, exquisite and lustrous.At first glance, their size and quality indicated their exceptional value. Qu Moying had seen many pearls before, but it was evident that this pair was of extraordinary worth."Lady, allow me to share what I've heard. It seems that the second master has other women, and this particular woman is not someone Yu can easily handle. It's as if... as if the madam and Yu pale in comparison to her..." Yu Dong had already reported everything she had heard to Qu Moying, and now, while observing her attentively examine the pearls, she continued.A form
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Chapter 448 "Innocent" Liu Jingyu
"I heard that there were words from you in the scented back then?" Empress Wang continued to inquire.Liu Jingyu stood up and knelt in front of Empress Wang with a thud. "Your Grace, I am not familiar with Young Master Yongning. Though our families have had some interactions, I have only met Young Master Yongning once or twice. As for the words found in his scented , it's possible that someone else tampered with it. At that time, I was going to deliver medicine to my mother, and I am not aware of what happened afterward."Liu Jingyu hinted that someone might be trying to harm her, but she couldn't explain what happened as she had left the Duke Qi's residence by then."Could it be that Third Lady Qu's scented was originally meant to harm you?" Empress Wang asked after some thought.Liu Jingyu looked up in disbelief, her voice trembling, "How is that possible? I had no prior interaction with her, and we had no enmity or grudge
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Chapter 449 Lord Yun Would Return to the Capital
"Your Highness, this Forth Lady Qu..." Liu Jingyu bit her lip and glanced sneakily at Pei Luo'an, their eyes meeting briefly before she shyly lowered her head."How is Forth Lady Qu?" Pei Luo'an inquired."Forth Lady Qu doesn't seem ordinary either. I have conversed with both of these young ladies and couldn't help but notice that Forth Lady Qu appears much more formidable than Third Lady Qu. Although she appears delicate, she actually possesses considerable cunning."Liu Jingyu spoke helplessly, "When I arrived at the Qu Mansion... I noticed that Forth Lady Qu didn't seem to show much respect towards Third Lady Qu. However, it's possible I misunderstood, as it was my first time visiting the Qu Mansion."Liu Jingyu's words were tactful, skillfully circling back and leaving no indication of any criticism towards Qu Moying. She even maintained a compassionate attitude towards Third Lady Qu, who was clearly in the wrong.
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Chapter 450 Ji Youran Came to Stir up Trouble
Qu Moying was taken aback when Ji Youran unexpectedly showed up at her doorstep!However, as she looked at Ji Youran's radiant smile, Qu Moying quickly grasped the situation. This matter involved Liu Jingyu, and for Ji Youran, it presented an opportunity.So, Ji Youran was here!Ji Youran was as skillful as ever at capturing people's hearts, and she was essential in such circumstances. How could she be absent?"Your Highness." Qu Moying approached and bowed, then paid her respects to the old lady seated above."Cousin Qu, please take a seat." Ji Youran said gently, smiling warmly as she looked at Qu Moying.Qu Moying sat down on a nearby chair."Princess Ji heard about the incident at our mansion and came specially to check on you and inquire if you were alright!" The old lady spoke vaguely, hoping to defuse the situation at this point."Thank you for your concern." Qu Moyi
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