All Chapters of Deceive me, Marry me: Chapter 741 - Chapter 750
859 Chapters
Chapter 741 Countermeasures
"Ru Ru is coming in strong, Yizhou City basically has little defense, most importantly, there are still people in the city such as Ni Yidao, Dai Gulian, Lou Peng, and Meng Jiaqian, who may not be on the same page as us." When Xu Lianshan and the others were filled with misgivings, the accountant-like person spoke up, "If these people are not resolved, they might stab us in the back!"And again, "Especially at the gates of Yizhou, there are also their men.""As the County King is the Assassin of Yizhou, he has the right to control all matters in the state in times of crisis." Without hesitation, Xu Lianshan cupped his fists and asked for orders, "Now that Ru Ru's transgression is imminent, for the sake of the family and the country, we should use thunderous means to deter the curmudgeons, in order to safeguard the Western Frontier up and down the border! I ask the County King's permission to allow me to immediately lead people to these four dwellings to eradicate the futu
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Chapter 742 Blocking the Road
"This day aggrieved you!" Assassin's residence study, the subordinates have come in to clean up, Rong Sleeping Crane also changed into a family robe, see Xu Lianshan came in, nodded and said, "Turn around and give you a credit!"After Xu Lianshan saluted, he copied his hand and smiled, "The county king is overstating the case, such a small matter, where is it considered a credit?"His argument in front of people today as well as all sorts of questions were actually arranged by Rong Sleeping Crane in advance, the purpose is to ask the doubts for the people of Jishan Camp while at the same time trying to divulge as few secrets as possible.After all, Rong Sleeping Crane said on his lips Jishan camp and Wuyi camp in his view are equal to the heart of the left arm and right arm and no higher and lower, and even because of the current situation as well as the number of people, he Jishan camp than the Wuyi camp also look at the focus.For example, the Jishan battal
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Chapter 743 The County Princess Says
"This kind of thing can't be hidden, it's better to tell County Princess!" Cheng Meizhu sniffed and advised Lu Shiyu, "Lest the County Princess doesn't know what's going on and secretly speculates, she may become more and more anxious."Lu Shiyu nodded with a not-so-good look on his face and waited for his personal guards to go out to deliver the message before speaking to his deputy, "Do you remember that before we came here, when we passed through this narrow valley, we also sent someone to the top to keep an eye on it?"Cheng Meizhu said, "Of course. After all, this hellish place is so treacherous, our mounts are completely unable to maneuver in it, and if the top casually throws some stones and torches down, it is simply powerless to fight back, so where can we not be more careful?""At that time there is nothing on the cliff, otherwise we will certainly be suspicious, even if we do not immediately send troops to search around, but also will send a team of sold
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Chapter 744 A Cold Aura
Two hours ago, Gao and Yi, with Meng Boqin's seal in hand, ordered the personal guards in Yizhou City to take advantage of the night to send Meng Jiaqian out of the city and into the Northern Frontier Army's compound.At the same time, a thousand northern frontier troops had already packed up, and just like when Lu Shiyu's troops received Sheng Weijiao's aunt and nephew, after confirming that Meng Jiaqian had been placed in a carriage, they immediately set off with their hooves wrapped around each other.However, because of certain considerations, they did not take the official road, but took a remote trail and retreated towards the Central Plains.After stepping onto the trail, it was probably felt that the path was very secluded, and that there was certainly no need to remain silent as there would be no one passing nearby.Two personal guards ... this time are real personal guards, is with Meng Jia Qian a piece of growing up, know that he is not in a good m
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Chapter 745 Revealed!
Before pressing the organ, Meng Jiaqian listened to Meng Cheng s movements outside, first rushing to the car, asking through the curtain, then reprimanding the personal guards and urging the military doctor, and then finally having the action of getting on the car ... He felt that his heart was about to stop beating, and the hand holding the powerful crossbow was trembling slightly.Although he was born in the Northern Territory and was Meng Boqin's most admired first son, when Meng Jiaqian was in his early teens, he had been taken by Meng Boqin to see blood, and such things as killing people were not unfamiliar to him at all!But to do it to one of his own people, or Meng Cheng, who had watched him grow up, he was actually terrified.Just think of this time if has been under the control of high and Yi, even if there is no trap on the other side of the smoke wave ferry, even if successfully killed Mi Zhen County Princess, to himself, what is the meaning?Thes
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Chapter 746 Has Your Highness ever thought of a possibility?
Shu Guifei hidden in the darkness of the face gradually white, body side a few points of gold glory messy shaking, is her temples and hair between the ears of the beads, due to the intense emotions and shaking, after a while, she held back the trembling, pointedly asked, "This news ... where did you hear it from, there can be evidence? ""Of course there is evidence!" Meng Gui Yu lowered his head, the corners of his mouth flushed with a touch of triumph, but his tone remained humble as he slowly said, "But the evidence is not good enough to take into the palace exams, so I still ask that Your Highness dispatch your beloved ones to check outside the palace!""Good!" Shu Guifei gritted her teeth, body slightly leaned forward, said in a chilling voice, "If the evidence you said is true, Mi Zhen is really close to our sisters by the order of that old undead, then both this Palace, or Zhaoyi, will give you a big credit! But if you teach this palace to know is in the nonsense
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Chapter 747 Your Highness's Plans
The next morning, Shu Zhaoyi brought a box of jade tip noodles to the Anfu Palace, this jade tip noodles are fat bear meat with lean venison as a filling, wrapped in flour billet into a pointed steamed bun after cooking and become, has always been Shu Guifei like.At this moment from the ebony filled with gold painted flowers food box out, still through the freshly baked heat, is really pleasing to the eye, attracting mouth-watering."Sister quickly taste, yesterday his majesty read up and wanted to eat this, so he let the cook make it overnight, this morning when his majesty woke up for a while so that he could pass the meal." Shu Zhaoyi put the jade tip noodles in front of your consort, and said with a smile, "I heard that you wanted me to come over, so I directly took a few finished ones over for you to try! If His Majesty doesn't think it's enough to eat, just tell him to call the cooks to make them again!""Where do I still have the mood to eat this at this mo
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Chapter 748 Sisterly Discussions
Shu Zhaoyi pondered for a while and said, "Mi Zhen is both talented and good-looking, and his mind is not simple, if our own flesh and blood can be like him, naturally it would be the best! But now he is far away in the western border, I do not know when he can come back? Moreover, sister don't forget, high density king and Meng are ambitious, all these years, the reason why they have been flattering us mostly, one is afraid of our favor; secondly, it is hoped that through our hands, will be His Majesty in the harem, so as not to go to the court to stare at them! The third reason is that we have no children at our knees, so we can't threaten their interests in the future!""So, with the little manpower we have at the moment, I'm afraid that having joy in a hurry may not be a good thing?"She reminded in a low voice, "Back then, the abolition of the queen Wen's loss of favor, see abandoned to His Majesty, the Wen family was afraid, and tried to find ways to send the Wen's
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Chapter 749 The Uncertain Meng Jia Qian
Previously, when Meng Gui Yu convinced Empress Meng to introduce him to the Shu Sisters, the Shu Sisters, out of their distrust of Meng Gui Yu's identity as a son of the Meng Clan, had once proposed that he take Meng Si An's life as a submission.This matter, Meng Gui Yu had discussed with Empress Meng, and the two reached an agreement to fulfill the Shu sisters' request.However, what Empress Meng didn't know was that Meng Gui Yu bargained with the Shu sisters afterward and eventually reached other agreements, so that Meng Si An is still alive and well.This time, Meng Gui Yu did not tell the Empress, as a brother of Meng Gui Han, but is clear.At this moment is the worry, "Sixth brother you these days with Er Shu contact more and more frequent, even if Er Shu in the harem only hand over the sky, know the palace people do not dare to talk nonsense. But as the saying goes, there is no impermeable wall in the world, if you do this kind of thing more often, it'
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Chapter 750 The Choice
Xuan Yu Feng and Yi Shan were surprised when they heard this, "What is it that's gone?""Think carefully, is it possible that when we left the city and passed through that grove, we disappeared?" Xuan Yu Feng followed up, "I remember that the grove was hard to walk through, we had to walk deep and shallow, if not for Ah Xi's support, I don't know how long it would have taken to walk! At that time, we were just focusing on walking, maybe we didn't pay attention?""Auntie, it can't be!" Sheng Weiqiao frowned and said, "I was packing up in the Assassin's Mansion before, and after picking out the objects I wanted to take away, because I didn't know how to tie the parcel, I was going to call out to Geunli and the others, and then Mi Zhen said that he knew how to do it, so he helped me with it himself. When I unraveled the parcel, I found that it was very strong, and the things inside definitely won't fall out!""This is troublesome!" Xuan Yu Feng and Yi Shan both frowne
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