All Chapters of Deceive me, Marry me: Chapter 731 - Chapter 740
862 Chapters
Chapter 731 Farewell (1)
Xuan Yu Feng was stunned at her words, then solemnly said, "Good, I swear! What you say next, no matter what it is, out of your mouth and into my ears, except for Qiao'er next to you, no fourth person will know!""The five thousand elite cavalry that General Huaihua sent this time, not all of them are his beloved ones." Rong Sleeping Crane nodded once and didn't beat around the bush, telling them bluntly, "At least Tai half of them, between General Huaihua's orders and mine, will obey me!"He narrowed his eyes, "Because the vice general of this army, is Uncle Xu Shi's man.""Marquis Ning Wei?" Xuan Yu Feng said unexpectedly, "When did you contact him? Why didn't you tell us about it?"Before she also said that she could ask Xu Zijing for help, to see if Xu Zijing has any method to make their aunt and nephew can leave the Western Frontier peacefully, just Sheng Weiqiao is not very favorable, with Rong Sleeping Crane said once also did not urge to ask.Al
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Chapter 732 Farewell (2)
Looking at his wife, who was already in tears, the King of Mizhen County tried to calm down before asking painfully, "Good Nui Nui, just how little do you care about me that you would think that your family's sleeping brother is the kind of loyalist who is so deadheaded that he would live and die with Yizhou City?!"He sighed helplessly, "Even though I'm grandfather's granddaughter-in-law, I'm really not of the Sheng family bloodline, okay?"Do you really think there are many people like Mrs. Sheng who "donate their lives to the cause of the nation and die as if they were returning home"?Even if there are a lot of them, he is definitely not one of them, okay?After all, there are certainly people in this world who are out of the muck, yet there are more who are in harmony with the light.Anyway, in terms of Yung Sleeping Crane's upbringing, he basically had no way of understanding the sentiment of sacrifice.He's quite good at looting and pillagi
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Chapter 733 Farewell (3)
After sunset on this day, the city gates were closed, Sheng Weijiao and Xuan Yu Feng, disguised as servants, took the cover of twilight and left the assassin's mansion through the corner gate, led by Gongsun Xi, drove in a small half circle in the city to make sure that there was no tail, and then went straight to the south gate.The guards here had already prepared bamboo baskets that could be let down into and out of the city for the three.Under the city wall is a small forest, although it is not very dense, this season, by and large, all the leaves have fallen, but in the dark, Sheng Weiqiao and Xuan Yu Feng still walk very difficult.Gongsun Xi had no choice but to say "excuse me", one hand one, help them go.Fortunately, not far, to the official road, they see a carriage quietly parked on the side of the road, several black-clothed masked man perched on a horse, not a word stands around the carriage, all the mounts, including pulling the car of the hors
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Chapter 734 Rejection
"You come in!" The reason why Sheng Weiqiao chose Chang'an to settle down and wait for labor is to take care of Gongsun Xi's task, at this moment, she heard the words, naturally will not refuse, and when Gongsun Xi came into the carriage, let Yi Shan poured the tea, she was a little worried and asked, "The pigeon letter from Chang'an, how come it didn't go to Yizhou, but instead, it came directly to you? But what is the emergency?"Gongsun Xi did not answer, but looked at Xuan Yu Feng.Sheng Weiqiao then frowned, "Auntie is a trustworthy person, just say it directly."However, Gongsun Xi lowered her eyes and said with little expression, "The County King only said that he could discuss with the County Princess in case of trouble, and didn't say anything about anyone else."Hearing this, Sheng Weiqiao immediately felt embarrassed and a bit annoyed, "Mi Zhen must have forgotten to say it! Not to mention the fact that Auntie has traveled a long distance with us o
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Chapter 735 A man of great deeds does not stick to the smallest detail
Sheng Weiqiao instantly restrained his smile at his words and looked at Yishan, "Do you want to go out for a turn?"Yisan hurriedly excused himself.When the aunt and nephew were left in the carriage, she said faintly, "For surely this carriage that Auntie wants, at least in appearance, is no different from this one of mine?""... "Xuan Yu Feng thought for a moment and said, "Gongsun Xilu's brokenness, or Yi Shan?"Sheng Weiqiao said lightly, "Both of them have a part to play, right, Ah Xi said that Mi Zhen has instructed that there are things that must be reported to me alone, Yi Shan inadvertently said that Ah Xi has always been unfailingly obedient to Mi Zhen's orders. I thought that Mi Zhen would not forget you, after all, our trip is dangerous, even if Mi Zhen hopes that I can establish the prestige of the mother in front of Ah Xi and the others, surely will not take my safety on the road to practice, and now in case of trouble to ask you such a shrewd e
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Chapter 736
Rong sleep crane gaze playfully looked at her for a moment, smiled up, "lone earliest direct line, Wu Yi camp, as early as two years ago there are women within the acceptance of teaching, for lone use ...""My daughter is willing to join the Wu Yi camp!" Ni Yan Ying froze at his words, wanting to ask what kind of teachings the women in the Wuyi Camp were subjected to, and what they were to do for Rong Sleeping Crane, but when she touched his icy eyes, she couldn't help but shiver, subconsciously swallowing her words, and said stiffly, "I also ask that the County King does not dislike my daughter for being stupid!""If you are stupid, lone not to mention nowadays all kinds of things, even if it is not, also lazy to personally come to see you." Rong Yuhe smiled and said softly, "Who doesn't know that the Ni family is a gentle, virtuous and understanding young lady in Yizhou City, and it's hard to find a piece of filial piety! If your mother hadn't given birth to a daughter
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Chapter 737 Dangerous Ground
Lv Shiyu and Cheng Meizhu quickly looked at each other and asked in a deep voice, "What is it blocked by?"They were now walking on the official road, which was actually not very spacious because of the special topography of this section, and on both sides of the official road, there were woods.Although the woods of the western border is not as lush as the southern border, this season the grass is dying, look more sparse, but the shadows, close to the official road is okay, and then go in a little place, but also can not see anything.The most important thing is, Lu Shiyu's soldiers are all cavalry, in the open place to gather charge has the advantage of crushing, but in this kind of trees cover, but also covered with snow do not know the depth of the easy to make the mounts injured in the forest, is not able to play out the advantages of the species of soldiers.At this moment, when he heard that the road ahead was blocked, Lu Shiyu inquired on one side, an
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Chapter 738 Meng Jia Qian
"This is really crooked!" After a moment of silence in the carriage, Sheng Weiqiao said quietly, "When General Lu came over, there were definitely no pits on the road, and even if there were, they had long been filled in. Even if there were, they would have been filled in by them long ago. The pits suddenly appeared at this moment, and counting the time, it was the time when Yizhou city was holding a banquet to congratulate me on my pregnancy. It seems that someone had already guessed that I wouldn't be able to settle down and give birth in the Western Frontier, and specially prepared this generous gift on the road to wait for me?"Xuan Yu Feng frowned, "guessed that you will not be in the western border with the birth of the baby is nothing, because the western border is bitter cold, you are the South Wind County native, even if you come over the past few months have not seen what not to adapt to the soil and water, after all, a person and two people are two different things.
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Chapter 739 The Outcast
Gao Jianyi shook off Meng Jiaqian and went outside, and after explaining a few things to a few soldiers in charge of the guards, he went back to his own house at the back.The old servant who stayed here hurriedly went to make tea, a few moments later, got the tea over, Gao and Yi absentmindedly sipped, then asked, "How are things done?""It's all been done as the family master ordered." The old servant lowered his eyebrows and was a bit eager to speak."What is it?" Ko and Yi asked when they noticed."Master, do you really want to do this?" The old servant probed and looked outside to see that no one was there, before whispering, "The old slave doesn't care about anything else, just thinking, such an important matter, Meng doesn't send his own people to do it, and even wants you to send General Meng away before the incident, which ... In case after the incident is accomplished, they would like the truth to remain a secret forever, that ...?"Gao and Yi
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Chapter 740 Xu Lianshan: Is it the way we used to be bandits?
Xu Lianshan two people see Rong Sleeping Crane personally sent words, do not dare to make a mistake, whispered to apologize, busy sitting upright, looking at Le Yangwen.Le Yangwen said, "Although the two of you have your own ideas, they are always thinking about the county king, in that case, just say it properly, why hurt the peace of your own brothers?"Only after slightly rounding off the scene did he continue, "Ru Ru is coming on strong, the enemy is many and we are few, the enemy is strong and we are weak, the situation is indeed not optimistic! But the so-called wealth and riches, this battle is both a danger and an opportunity. I wonder what you all think?"Xu Lianshan stole a glance at Rong Sleeping Crane and saw that he was calm and did not look like he was in a bad mood, before he whispered, "By what right is wealth and riches, ultimately, it is necessary to have a life in order to be able to enjoy it, otherwise what is the point?""That's the trut
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