All Chapters of Deceive me, Marry me: Chapter 751 - Chapter 760
859 Chapters
Chapter 751 The Old Servant
And at this moment, Gao and Yi just received the news of Meng Cheng's death."Master, this Meng Jia Qian really deserves to die!!!" The old servant waved away the soldier who had reported the news, and whispered with a grimace, "Master kindly sent him a way to live but he didn't go, now not only did he kill Meng Cheng, who had watched him grow up, but also disregarded the master's purpose, it is clear that he is intent on going against the master!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Compared to the gnashing of teeth of the old servant, Gao Zi Yi is calm, "I say I am his aunt, but not to mention that your wife and Meng Boqin are only cousins, let's just say that Meng Boqin has a special position in the Meng Clan, transcending his many siblings, and Meng Jiaqian is the beloved son of Meng Boqin, who has been exposed to me since he was a young boy, so how much can he genuinely respect me?""Although this great event cannot be directly revealed to him to know, bu
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Chapter 752 Na Fu Zhen
At this moment, in the wilderness half a day's journey from the Smoky Wave Ferry, an army wrapped tightly from head to toe was walking slowly and bridle to bridle.The seemingly loose formation was well-trained, and the long and tedious rush was made without the slightest sound of human voices from start to finish.Occasionally glanced around the eyes, full of vigilance and indifference, like the cold light of the arrow tufts of the lead string, harsh and intimidating.This is the temperament that only a true master of a hundred battles can have.The figure that hit the head was extraordinarily stout, only the occasional strand of hair floated out from under the wind cap, but it was already gray, obviously older, but in this freezing weather, but let the north wind blow open the lapel of the coat, openly revealing the chest covered with scars.If one was experienced, one could tell at a glance that only a small portion of those scars came from swords an
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Chapter 753 Preparing for War
Meng Jiaqian intercepted Lu Shiyu's ministry at a distance of sixty miles from the Smoky Wave Ferry.When Lu Shiyu and Cheng Meizhu received the report, they couldn't believe their ears, Cheng Meizhu personally took her horse out to the battlefield, and saw Meng Jiaqian standing alone in the road with his cane, with his fox fur and pale face, and 1,000 elite cavalry horses stopping a dozen feet behind him, she froze for a while, and then said, "General Yun Hui is not in Yizhou city to recuperate from his injuries, how did he run here? Why did General Yun Hui come here?""I want to see Lu Shiyu." Meng Jiaqian's face was as pale as paper due to his serious injuries, but his eyes were covered in blood as if he hadn't closed them for several days and nights, he mumbled and opened the door, "100,000 urgent, in addition to seeing Lv Shiyu, there's also Princess Mi Zhen County!"Cheng Meizhu didn't know what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, and was about to t
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Chapter 754 Struggling and Wandering
The trail of Wu Da Boss and his party disappeared not far from the scene near where Gao and Yi and their party were killed in battle, and this season's snowy Western Frontier naturally hides the traces, so the scouting horses of Lv Shiyu's ministry searched for them several times in the vicinity, but they were unable to confirm their whereabouts.But one thing is confirmed: they left in a hurry.Because several female guards who died in battle, the body is not as good as to take away, only hastily wrapped in a cloak, buried in the forest, near the inconspicuous mark, it should be in order to come over later to formally collect the coffin."It seems that Big Boss Wu doesn't know about us being in the neighborhood, or maybe he knows but is afraid of luring Gao and Yi's reinforcements over?" Cheng Meizhu guessed, "I don't know if he left in haste at this moment to lure the enemy away, or to rush back to Yizhou City to report the news?"He hoped that it was the l
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Chapter 755 Position Determines Attitude
If Lv Shiyu and Cheng Meizhu were there, they would definitely not agree to let Meng Jiaqian see Sheng Weiqiao.Because Meng Jiaqian although seriously injured in the body, and is alone, but after all, is a man, or young practice bow and horse, on the sands of the generals, this kind of person is not to say that the injured walk to lean on a walking stick, it is all out of danger.For safety, of course, it is a complete isolation of them ... Meng Jiaqian is now in this tent, and Sheng Weiqiao aunt and nephew are in the tent is a long way away.However, out of fear of Fu Zhen, Lu Shiyu and Cheng Meizhu are all at the front line to personally supervise the battle, but also to guard against the 1,000 people brought over by Meng Jiaqian to not make a mess.And the rear side of the lieutenant Zhao An Yun is Zhao Shi's distant relatives, due to hear Zhao Taoyuan things, more or less Sheng Wei Qiao a little bit of emotion, think so a countryside landlord's daughter,
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Chapter 756 Cold Arrows
"Na Vojin, we've been tricked!" Tuluti chopped off the head of a Northern Frontier Army soldier, ignoring the hot blood spilling out of his chest and spraying all over his head, he shouted loudly to Na Vojin at his side, "Meng has broken his promise, they're trying to ambush us! Hurry up!!!""Go what?!" That Fu Zhen's halberd waved like a dragon, forcing the several knights who surrounded him to take a step back in unison, and laughed out coldly, "Listen! The surrounding men are at most thousands, not more than ten thousand at all, this much manpower also want to swallow us? Continue to kill! The Western Frontier has been exhausted for a long time, there is no decent cavalry, these people are all from the Northern Frontier, even if we add up Meng Jia Qian and Lu Shiyu's two divisions, 8,000 elite cavalry, do we not dare to fight with our 3,000 sons and daughters?!"Ru Ru's temperament is already fierce, that Fu Zhen's 3,000 troops are especially superior to the best, hea
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Chapter 757 An Unexpected Ambush
When Lu Shiyu instructed his men to cut down wood and make boats to cross the Smoky Wave Ferry as soon as possible, that Fu Zhen and his group were panicking and fleeing in the northwest direction."Tuluti, how are you?" Between the steeds galloping, that Fu Zhen felt that the Tuluti in his arms seemed to move, and quickly slowed down his speed, and asked in a hurried voice, "You hang in there, when we arrive at the camp right away, I'll look for a military doctor to save you!"Tuluti, with an arrow in his throat, was unable to speak, and after struggling for a moment, he seized his hand, seemingly intending to write on the back of his hand, and just as Nafu Zhen was fully concentrating on trying to recognize what he was about to say, a sudden burst of feathered arrows broke through the air from the dense forest diagonally in front of him!"Not good!" That Fu Zhen has just broken out, although the attention is on Tuluti, the overall is still on guard, see the situa
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Chapter 758 Na Fu Zhen: I Want to Explode in Place!
"County King said these words before, first look around this better!" That Fu Zhen took a deep breath, calmed down, hey said, "It's just a matter of becoming a king and losing a bandit, strong words to invert black and white, no call for underestimation!"In the end, his heart was so agitated that it was hard to be pacified, and after thinking about it, he added, "You are Sheng Shixiong's grandson-in-law, so of course you are helping him to speak! In any case, not Sheng Shixiong harmed me, my biological mother will not die, so, even according to what you said, no Sheng Shixiong in my sixteen years old ruthless, I have not been aware of DengChenLiYu's poisonous thoughts, after inheritance of the throne of khan, may not be able to live. But Sheng Shixiong still owes me at least one life, and that is the life of my biological mother!!!"Rong sleep crane look unchanged, said, "Master Sheng's hand can not reach out to Ru Ru Wang Tent to go! The life of your biological mother,
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Chapter 759 Rong Sleeping Crane: I'm Going to be a Good Person!
Na Vujin cringed as soon as he asked the question, practically wishing he could bite his tongue off!Isn't the answer clear?However, what he didn't expect was that Rong Sleeping Crane's answer wasn't a simple "castrate", but rather, "Then of course you'll be a good person!"That Fu Zhen was stunned and said, "What good man?""Of course is to give you analyze Dengchen Liyu and Avogans' intentions, describe what would have happened to you if you hadn't met a 'good person' like Lone." Rong Sleep Crane said, "Teaching you how to deal with those people, teaching you to enlist the tribes, teaching you to curry favor with the old Khan King, teaching you to march in battle formations, and teaching you to rule the country ..."Na Fu Zhen interrupted him dumbfounded, "Wait! Aren't you afraid of playing it off if you do that!?""Hm?" Rong Sleeping Crane smiled, "That Fu Zhen, you are really naive, Lone only said to teach you, and did not say will teach you!
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Chapter 760 A Shocking Change!
"That Fu Zhen, you think female guards are easy to bully?" Rong Yuhe held back his laughter, walked forward, while taking off his fox fur to give him a shoulder, while saying, "These aunts and grandmothers, I don't dare to offend them easily! Must know that their big boss, is lone county princess's best friend, if offended, turn back to the county princess in front of a complaint, lone inevitably eat a pocket to go! So, it's not a shame for you to lose to them, the city of Yizhou knows that no matter who's under their command, when they see this group of grannies, they all have to back off!"Na Fu Zhen said angrily, "Don't you dare use such words to put me off! People like you are still afraid of the interior?!""Lone but in the face of the three major generals of the Western Frontier Army admitted what all listen to the county princess." Rong Yuhe put the fox fur on him, raised his hand to organize the wind hair for him, and laughed, "If the Da Mu Dynasty puts up a list
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