All Chapters of Return of Ultra: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
701 Chapters
Chapter 563 - A Twist in the Road
After several generations of hard work and management, the Liu family in Xi'an absolutely count the top of the family, serious emperor of the soil, anyone who dare not despise and offend, such as a rumor some time ago, followed by low-key hibernation for a long time on the Hurun list of the big brother, and ultimately in the help of the Liu family to tide over this difficult time, as for him to pay what kind of price that no one knows. However, it is certain that the big brother of the things involved in the matter is not deep, or always cautious and careful Liu family will not trip that muddy water.It can be seen that the Liu family's energy on this side is particularly large, the relationship between various aspects is intricate, naturally, there will be people through various aspects of the relationship hope that the Liu family to pull strings, so that Qin Sheng let them off the hook, so that the Liu family will be able to get some benefits, as for the results of the Liu f
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Chapter 564 - Murdering People and Crossing Goods
Kneeling also knelt, apologized also apologized, was humiliated also humiliated, Zhang Jinlei and Tan Feng has tried his best, but Qin Sheng still does not intend to let go of their two families, obviously today is a waste of time, even if it is to get through the relationship between the Liu family is also not much use ah.Zhang Jinlei and Tan Feng are incomparably frustrated and lost, Tan Feng's growing hatred for Qin Sheng, but can't do anything about Qin Sheng, this feeling is really too suffocating and fucked up. Zhang Jinlei for Qin Sheng although also have hatred, but more is the feeling of powerlessness, in the face of such opponents can not do anything, he in Xi'an has never had this feeling, and has never been in this situation. Therefore, Zhang Jinlei released, can not continue to bitterly beg for forgiveness, that really is not even half a bit of backbone.But who had thought that Qin Sheng would suddenly say these words when they were about to leave.Z
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Chapter 565 - Can't Go Away
Here is a deserted Gobi, there is such a strange town is already very bizarre, plus the town of these messy people, anyone who comes here should be careful for the sake of the fear of ordinary people do not dare to come in, I have to say that the Nangong and Bach guts are also quite big.The fat woman in the hotel, a few tables of guests in the small hotel, including the owner of the hotel and the waiter, everyone looks like it is not an ordinary role, in the society for many years of Nangong has long observed them, even just now when the meal, Nangong only two chopsticks on the appropriate stop, not afraid of ten thousand is afraid of the eventuality.Anyone can see that there's not much business here all year round, it's impossible to make money here, so why do these people stay here? Why do these people stay here? Who would want to waste their lives in such a shithole? Then there are only two possibilities, the first is that there is no other place to go, can only sta
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Chapter 566 - Paying for a Life
Chapter 566 - Spending Money to Buy a LifeNangong just started to think that these people are just trying to kill people, who let her and Bach so flamboyant to drive a Toyota Land Cruiser to this shithole ghost place, for these people is tantamount to a sheep into the tiger's mouth, anyone can see that they are rich, do not slaughter them who slaughter ah, miss this village will not have this store, a year can come to a few of such a kaiju.But now, it didn't turn out the way she thought it would, and it was even more horrible than she thought, because someone paid for their lives, and even offered a million dollars.Who wants them dead?Wanted her life, or Bach's. If it was Bach's life, then it must be Aman's enemy, after all, this place was far away from Bach's sphere of influence. If it was her life that was wanted, then it was the Qin family's enemy, and the purpose of this was simply that they didn't want her to find Mr. Ding, and if they couldn't find
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Chapter 567 - What's going on?
In order to avoid any further accidents, and also to get back the town's field, after leaving the no man's land, Nangong finally called the Beijing side for help.This way, after finding Mr. Ding, he could safely escort him back to the capital, and if he couldn't find Mr. Ding, then he would take these reinforcements and kill his way back to the town, and then he would meet them properly.A bright moon shone in the sky, Nangong drove peacefully and quietly, after the crisis just now, Bach finally couldn't hold on and fell asleep again with a whimper. Nangong just continued to drive forward, she didn't know what the outcome would be tomorrow, hopefully she could find Mr. Ding.Xi'an, Qin Sheng has already slept at this time, he naturally lives in the Golden Land Hibiscus World Home, once in a while he goes home, he definitely can't live in a hotel, this is also conducive to taking care of Aunt Wang and Xinxin.After separating from the Flower Bar and Liu Chang
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Chapter 568 - The Village's Resistance
Lin family these things, although completely by Qin Sheng responsible, but does not mean that Wang Li and Xin Xin do not know Tan Zhang two families of late. Just now in the trial court, Tan Zhen and Wu Song gave Qin Sheng Liu Changxi a greeting, Wang Li and Xin Xin's face was very wrong, their eyes full of anger.Back then, the relationship between the Lin family and Tan Zhang's two families was very good, although it is not the kind of family relationship, but it is also a closer relationship, when the Lin family's accident, Wang Li and Xin Xin can not be less and they are the originators of the dealings.At this moment, seeing Tan Zhen and Wu Song, Wang Li and Xin Xin were furious, after all, for the Lin family to be in this situation today, it was completely caused by the Tan and Zhang families, they were the culprits. Furthermore, Wang Li's car accident was also completely caused by the Tan and Zhang families, it was just that Qin Sheng didn't tell her the truth.
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Chapter 569 - Consequences.
The smaller the place, the more complicated the relationship of interests, especially in rural areas, the news can often be seen, a lot of national policies to benefit the people are ultimately difficult to implement. Some of these policies are due to the lack of information, while others are due to the fact that some people have taken advantage of them, and they are like kings of the earth, and the ones who suffer are always the farmers at the bottom of the hierarchy.Situations like the one Qin Sheng encountered today are not a few, so Qin Sheng did not intend to give the money to the village from the very beginning, but rather the team he selected would be specifically responsible for it, or else he really didn't know how much of the more than a million dollars would be left over when it finally reached the hands of the villagers who were in need of it.But Qin Sheng did not expect, he did not intend to give, these people directly come over to want, really shameless,
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Chapter 570 - Can't Afford to be Offended
Big cities, small places, it's not easy.Qin Sheng's attitude was so resolute that he was completely tearing his face off, leaving no room for maneuver, not to mention not being afraid of any counterattacks from Uncle Six and Liu Qiang.Uncle Six's face was ugly, Liu Qiang who had already stood up from the ground was in an even worse state, Zhao didn't know what to say, who let Qin Sheng didn't take them seriously at all, it was obvious that they didn't handle it in the right way, and the plan had gone bankrupt, much less how to end it.Pretending with strength, that is called bull, pretending without strength, often stupid, Qin Sheng obviously will not be the latter.Sixth Uncle was shocked by Qin Sheng's words, for a moment he didn't know how to respond, if he just let it go, then obviously he would lose face. But if they were to fight with Qin Sheng to the death, he was still not clear about Qin Sheng's strength, and if Qin Sheng really wanted to do as he
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Chapter 571: A Meat Trick?
Life is more about mediocrity and hiccups, and there are only so many big ups and downs that often, however, determine the course of a life.To Qin Sheng, what he encountered today was nothing more than a minor hiccup, but to the elders of the Tan and Zhang families who were coming to the appointment tonight, the recent events were life-defining ups and downs.Qin Sheng now stands at a different height, so there is no need and six uncle Liu Qiang and their general understanding, he really need to face is the two old foxes tonight.Busy from noon to now, the people have not eaten, so on the way back to find a barbecue stall, this season is the barbecue began to lively peak season, the streets and alleys everywhere are barbecue stalls. Qin Sheng has traveled all over the world, his favorite barbecue is still the night market in Xi'an, the flavor with Qingdao nine degrees of beer, enough to let him go wherever he can not forget.But before that, Qin Sheng first
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Chapter 572 - Impossible
When children make mistakes, they can be forgiven or ignored as the case may be, after all, their three views are not yet fully formed, which is why it is under 14 years of age do not have to be criminally liable. However, the mistakes made by adults are inevitably caused by some kind of drive, such as emotions such as interests and so on, so it is also necessary to pay the price.Qin Sheng was not a saintly gentleman who repaid grudges with kindness, so he would never just forgive the mistakes made by the Tan and Zhang families, if that was the case, the cost of making mistakes in this life was too low, anyone could trample on a lot of principles and rules recklessly. Besides, Qin Sheng didn't have this qualification to forgive for the Lin family, so who would compensate for the crying that Uncle Lin ate in prison these years, and the aggression that Aunt Wang and Xin Xin suffered?Therefore, even though he met the elders of the Tan and Zhang families today, Qin Sheng d
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