All Chapters of Return of Ultra: Chapter 581 - Chapter 590
698 Chapters
Chapter 583: I'm sure I'll never expect it.
Bach this man is actually get along very interesting, otherwise in the beginning Aman will not let him follow the side, not that other nieces and nephews can not eat bitter, some people want to get a great future, it is perfectly possible to act in his place for two or three years, and then in exchange for ten or twenty years of soaring success.Bach is not acting, he really wants to follow his uncle Aman, and he does like what his uncle is doing nowadays, on the contrary, when Aman was the emperor of the land in Mengxi, Bach did not have many interactions with this uncle who was the king of the land in Mengxi.On one occasion, he was in Hohhot. And Hao. He went to college in Hohhot, and got into some trouble. Originally, he hid and pinched and endured it, and it wasn't that big of a deal anyway. However, a relative knows that after the can't stand, directly told the uncle Aman, the day the uncle's side of the people sent over to deal with this matter, the results natura
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Chapter 584: We're all betting on it.
Those people, naturally, is no man's land town inside the gang of outlaws, a few days ago they extorted two million Nangong, more so that Nangong and Bach left the town in a state of distress overnight, the two million can be Nangong's private money, how to have to come back.Moreover, for Nangong, money is not a problem, who let her righteous father is Qin Changan, but this breath can't be swallowed, this scene must be found back.Two million dollars and two lives, you guys are really asking for it, it's too easy to earn money, aren't you afraid that you'll have a life to take money but no life to spend it?Therefore, at that time, Nangong had made up her mind that as long as she finished her business, she would definitely kill her way back, even if the gang escaped, she would dig up the ground and find them.Yumen is a county-level city, and Guazhou as subordinate to Jiuquan City, relying on the rich tourism resources, to be slightly more prosperous than Gu
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Chapter 585 - Take it yourself
Bach didn't expect to meet Ugo here, nor did he expect Ugo to say so much to him, and he knew that Ugo really considered him a friend, or he wouldn't have said so much.The words Wu said, instantly Bach a lot of doubts solved, such as why his uncle had to let him go to Beijing, at the same time, Wu also gave Bach to point out the next way to go, which is his step by step trip out of the experience, with the money to buy can not be bought, and finally also gave him the situation of the Qin family and the crisis they may face and so on.These are all golden words, but they also put Bach in a daze, and these daze are not something that Ugo can solve for Bach, and they need to be sorted out little by little in the next part of Bach's life path.The night road is not good, Bach with memory and navigation to find that no man's land of the town, the back of the road Bach and Wu will no longer talk about these people, talk about some trivial things in life, such as looking
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Chapter 586 - Taking the whole pot with you.
The reason why this town had existed for such a long time, there was bound to be its inner workings, which would be beyond the knowledge of Qin Sheng and Nangong, and they didn't care about that either.Master Li these people in the town to stay a long time, have long been accustomed to life here, now let them back to the city life, afraid that will not adapt, not to mention not so free and easy. Of course, there are also gone newcomers, anyway, there is never a lack of passers-by.There were few who had suffered losses here, and there were those who had found fault, but there was never anyone who could take them down, who had not met a tough opponent, and this time they had really planted themselves.For the other day, the crowd felt that this was a windfall, after all, no one expected, someone somehow broke into the place, and someone somehow chased here, but also spent a million dollars to buy two lives.The ending is even funnier, these two are actually b
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Chapter 587 - Doubling Your Returns
In two hours, everyone in the town of No Man's Land was taken down, and while the process was a bit choppy and some people were injured, thankfully the ending didn't go any worse.Twenty-six men, eleven women, all thirty-seven mouths of the entire town were here, the women tied up on the right side of the diner, the men gathered on the left.A group of people looked at each other in dismay, did not expect them to be taken down so easily, it is really mind-boggling, perhaps they are used to comfortable days, forgetting the sense of worry, and deserved to have such a disaster.I just wonder, what will these people do with them?Nangong looked to Ugo and asked "Is everyone taken care of?""All taken care of, not a single one, all here, what's next?" Wu replied back truthfully, these few team members he had picked were all elites, otherwise they could have solved the problem within two hours. But the town did have some ruthless characters, otherwise they wo
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Chapter 588 Master Qin's Nemesis
After everyone arrived in Beijing, the Qin family side has sent a car over, get on the car directly back to the Qin family courtyard.Inside the courtyard, Qin Chang'an hadn't come back yet, Yaya knew that Qin Sheng was coming back today, so she got off work early and waited at home, while ordering the kitchen to make dinner.Wu had already arranged for the other squad members to go back, while he and Bach followed Qin Sheng and the others to the Qin family quadrangle, Bach would henceforth step into the big circle of the Qin family, and as Wu had said, he was already ahead of most of the others.By the time Qin Sheng was about to arrive, Yaya was already waiting at the door ahead of time, looking over her shoulder, who let her be the only one in the house right now, it was just too boring.After seeing the two cars pull up to the door, YaYa immediately ran up to her, revealing a sunny smile that was truly a breath of fresh air.Qin Sheng and Nangong we
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Chapter 589 Special Assistant
The reason why Qin Changan valued Zhong Shan so much wasn't because he knew Zhong Shan or met each other like that or anything too far-fetched like that, it was simply because of his trust in Mr. Ding.He had a decades-long friendship with Mr. Ting, and the only one who could match Mr. Ting was Gongsun, judging by how much he trusted Gongsun.First of all, regardless of Mr. Ding is the old master's personal disciple this layer of relationship, just Qin Changan and Mr. Ding two people's relationship is already enough to explain everything, decades of time, they have experienced too many things together, frustration, trials and tribulations, troughs, failures, successes, brilliant, etc., etc., is too much, Changan Department of the first capital aircraft carrier, it is their together to build up.They were each other's teachers and friends, Mr. Ding appeared when Qin Chang'an was at the lowest point of his life and retreated when his life was at its most brilliant, w
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Chapter 590 A Clear Division of Labor
Qin Changan's office is located on the top floor of Block A. It seems that most bigwigs like to put their offices on the top floor, not to mention the fact that the top floor has a better view, standing high can see far, the kind of standing in front of the window and looking out will give people a kind of overlooking the crowd, and there is a sense of boldness to go forward.Qin Chang'an's office took up a third of the top floor, other than that it was the office space of the director's office, plus two conference rooms of different sizes.Dong Office can be said to be a cloud of beautiful women, Qin Sheng has already found out last time, the value of all online, not to mention Xiao Yuxin and Ding Yu, even Yan Pan and Wei Xiaoxia assigned to him are great beauties, Qin Sheng sincerely doubt that the old man is not a special requirement for the value of the face, or this is the Dong Office of the mandatory standards?Although Xiao Yuxin is now the head of the direc
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Chapter 591 Some rejoice, some lose
Today is the graduation ceremony and the last class, all the students have arrived, none of them took leave. We all still cherish these months of life, although it is not as full as the university life, and the relationship is not as deep as in the university, but after all, we still established friendship.Even though this kind of friendship is mixed with interest, it is unavoidable, not to mention that the vast majority of people who come to participate in this workshop, is it not for the purpose of recognizing more resources? Basically are young people of the same level, if you can find like-minded or like-minded, in the future, no matter whether it is to get along or cooperation, there is an inherent advantage.People like Wiley, for example.Qin Sheng and Han Xu is the odd man out, these students in the class although Qin Sheng know, but good relations with Han Xu so one, even if it is Wei Li is also special treatment. Han Xu is even more strange, he is estima
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Chapter 592 Pushing the boat along
Not to mention that these students present are not clear about Qin Sheng's identity, even those teachers and professors are not clear about it, the only one who knows Qin Sheng's specific identity and background is that old professor, after all, he is the independent director of Chang'an Department, and his relationship with Qin Chang'an and the Qin family is not simple.Of course, there are one or two students who know Qin Sheng's identity, one is Wei Li who took the initiative to contact Qin Sheng, both he and his father know. There is also a female classmate, also a Beijinger, and Qin Sheng greeted at the beginning of the school year, and then did not have more in-depth contact in the past few months, just every time and Qin Sheng chatting is very polite, but every time also always to the point, not too enthusiastic.The only reason she knew about Qin Sheng was because their family and the Qin family crossed paths, and her father was still on good terms with Qin Chang
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