All Chapters of Return of Ultra: Chapter 591 - Chapter 600
695 Chapters
Chapter 593 Then let me try
Although several leaders of Tsinghua repeatedly retained, Qin Changan still did not stay in Tsinghua for lunch, and did not intend to bother the leaders, he was busy they were also busy.Qin Sheng followed Qin Changan to leave Tsinghua, officially bidding farewell to this campus life, but has already made an appointment with his classmates to get together in the evening, after all, this will be the last reunion in Tsinghua, Qin Sheng didn't think of something to shirk.Qin Changan and Qin Sheng rode in the same car, Chang Baji and Hao Lei drove the GLS followed at the end, the crowd was ready to go back to the Qin Family Courtyard to eat lunch, passing through an alley, Qin Changan but suddenly let the driver stop, a few cars all parked on the side of the alley road.Qin Sheng somewhat puzzled to look at the old man, Qin Changan smiled and explained "inside the alley there is a family opened for decades of marinade taste is very good, your mother and I used to be i
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Chapter 594 You're deep in the ways of the world
The workshop's most famous socialite is the only woman who knows Qin Sheng's identity besides Wei Li, because she is originally from Beijing, but also because her family background is very deep, plus she is beautiful and has a temperament, so her popularity and fame in the workshop is the best.The only pity is that is already married, but some male students like this kind of young woman woman on the body of the kind of flavor, that is not the untouched teenage girl can be comparable.The woman is called Yao Yao, now working in a well-known domestic private equity firm, but also the senior partner of this company, this time to participate in the workshop, for her is the absolute maximization of resources.Tonight's Yao Yao is dressed exquisitely, a gray fitted long dress, on her neck is Tiffany's pendant, and the pair of high-heeled shoes also give her a lot of extra points. When she didn't walk into the hotel, Yao Yao was definitely the most dazzling star in the w
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Chapter 595 The Beginning of the Fight
During this time in the training class, Sun Sizhe and Zhu Zhiyuan did not have much contact, they are not clear about Qin Sheng's background, not to mention that they do not care about these things, until today's graduation ceremony, only to begin to face Qin Sheng seriously again, after all, there are not many friends like this.For Yao Yao, Sun Sizhe and Zhu Zhiyuan is not familiar with, just before on various occasions have seen a few times, slightly heard of it, but after coming to the training class, Yao Yao Yao so high-profile, they naturally have to inquire to inquire in the end is what the gods ah, this inquiry actually got a lot of gossip, after all, this circle is so big, to think of the people don't know unless they are not to.Sun Sizhe and Zhu Zhiyuan intend to make good friends with Qin Sheng in the future, when they saw Yao Yao and Qin Sheng staged such an ambiguous scene just now, they immediately walked over, fearing that Qin Sheng would be overcome by t
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Chapter 596 Tension Rises
Compared to the past, this time there are a lot of people who followed Qin Sheng to Shanghai, first have to arrange these people, Qin Sheng can start other things, so he did not rush into the city, but in Zhongshan Golf this side of a little rest, and later on the weekend can come to this side to take a break, after all, this house is empty is also empty, someone living will be popular.Inside the study, Chang Baji and Hao Lei sat opposite Qin Sheng, they also know very well that this time, Qin Sheng went south to Shanghai, must resolve those past events, can not continue to delay, may not have such free time in the future. Who let him long ago is not the previous that Qin Sheng, but the Qin family prince, there are too many body and other important things.Furthermore, when Gu Qingyang died to protect Qin Sheng, Qin Sheng had always felt guilty, it was fine if he didn't have the ability to take revenge, but now that he had that ability, he certainly couldn't let Gu Qing
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Chapter 597 How to Try?
Just as Qin Sheng guessed, when the matter of Ningbo broke out, other people already knew the news that he had come back, at first those people's subconscious idea must be to get rid of him, but after figuring out what happened in Ningbo, all of them didn't dare to act rashly.The Lin family, which has been rooted in Ningbo for many years, was abused by Qin Sheng without any power to fight, and Lin Songhao, who has been in the ascendancy for the past few years, was even uprooted, and in the end, even he himself stumbled into prison.Such a big movement, such a big energy, anyone who has to reappear to face Qin Sheng, this is still the previous one Qin Sheng?What the hell happened?Thus, they began to investigate Qin Sheng and began to pay attention to him, a few months had passed, even if they were losers, it was time for them to get what they wanted through various resources and means.The result, then, clearly left them stunned and dumbfounded.
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Chapter 598 A Breakthrough?
I have to say Yan Chaozong's heart is really big, it's already this time, still interested in picking up girls? Qin Sheng has already arrived in Shanghai, really not afraid of how to die when the time comes do not know?Perhaps, for Yan Chaozong, these things always have to be faced, but if life is not fun, then what is the difference between being a human being and a salted fish?Qin Sheng and Lin Su accompanied his sister to eat dinner and then went back to the Riverside Garden, and will go to see the old lady at noon tomorrow, after all, it will be very late, if he goes over there, grandma will surely want to pull and chat for a long time, and then she will have to sleep late again. So it's not that bad, not to mention that grandma's health is getting worse.Riverside Garden house although only temporary residence, but Lin Su still clean up very cozy, home, this should have the warmth of home, which is the harbor of the soul.A few days ago, Lin Su had alr
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Chapter 599 The Handover of the Old and the New
In fact, Sun Congfei as the branch president and general manager, the group patriarch, Qin Changan beloved, today there is absolutely no need to personally come out to meet Qin Sheng, you can sit inside the conference room and the group vice president and Miss Qin Ran talk and laugh, but Sun Congfei know how to deal with the world, in order to bet on Qin Sheng, it can be said to be enough to do what should be the gesture.This group's vice president as the group's senior management, and can come to Shanghai to personally give Qin Sheng stand, also shows the status within the group, although not as good as Hao Mingyi and Chang Xinyi, but to be able to sit in such a big group inside such a position has not been easy.When he finished announcing this appointment, the following the entire branch management was in an uproar, who did not expect such an appointment today, said the vice president of the group's headquarters in Beijing, how suddenly parachuted into the branch, an
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Chapter 600 That's not very nice
Qin Sheng every time to come to the old lady here to eat, that is a table full of delicacies ah, can see how much the old lady love this grandson, afraid of not enough to eat and wear warm outside.The old lady is particularly strict about dietary control and has a fixed recipe every day, so she hardly moves her chopsticks. The sister-in-law is now a vegetarian, Qin Sheng every meal with her, she basically just eat some vegetarian dishes, as for the sister Qin Ran that is not to say, for the body requirements are horrible, weekdays are nutritious simple meals, go out to eat and do not eat a lot, it is to the old lady here can only be a little bit more to eat, so so a big table dishes, ultimately have to be handed over to Qin Sheng to solve ah.This is the old lady's intention, a table full of dishes, can not be wasted, so Qin Sheng every time to eat to hold up, try to make the old lady happy, almost every time to the end of the day, it is a few women chatting, and then w
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Chapter 601 Settle the score
In fact, after Qin Sheng got off the bus, the old housekeeper had already noticed Qin Sheng, but Qin Sheng immediately gave the old housekeeper a sign to keep quiet, so the old housekeeper was silent, but in his heart, he was already completely relieved. Because he had a lot of trust in this young man, and his trust came from Jiang Xianbang's trust, because Jiang Xianbang had told him about Qin Sheng, and some time ago, he even urged him to contact Qin Sheng for help if there was anything.During this period of time, this man called Huitao has been harassing Qing'er, the old housekeeper even reminded the use of contacting Qin Sheng, but Qing'er directly refused, she said that she didn't want to bother Qin Sheng, the old housekeeper couldn't do anything about it, she couldn't just call Jiang Xianbang, that would only make him very worried.Now, Qin Sheng finally appeared, the old housekeeper believed that Qin Sheng could handle it, and in the future, this man would defini
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Chapter 602 The First Thing
Now back in Shanghai, Wu with Bach action, Hao Lei alone with people to do things, often Baji most of the time just as Qin Sheng's driver and bodyguard on the line, the rest of the trivial things by the other people in Shanghai is responsible for.Chang Baji is not going to Shangshan Ruoshui tonight, he has to find Gu Xiaobo's trail, Hao Lei's side is starting to lay out Yan Chaozong's matter, so it is only Wu and Bach to accompany Qin Sheng to Shangshan Ruoshui.Inside the apartment, when Qin Sheng opened the door to go in, the laughter of several women came from the inside was very lively, last night Lin Su had already given Qin Sheng a key, Qin Sheng which directly opened the door to come in.Qin Sheng heard the voice and knew that it was Tan Jing and Song Chu came, there should be Lin Yue's voice, yo, this little girl also came to Shanghai ah, Qin Sheng some days did not see her, but also some want this sister-in-law.Inside the living room, a few beautie
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