All Chapters of Return of Ultra: Chapter 571 - Chapter 580
698 Chapters
Chapter 573 - Welcome Home
Tan Hongping and Zhang Deshun disappointed Qin Sheng, and also disappointed Liu Changxi, last time he risked making Qin Sheng angry, and stiffly brought Tan Feng and Zhang Jinlei to meet Qin Sheng. At that time, Qin Sheng had already told them that he didn't lack money, and the combined wealth of your two families wasn't even a fraction of theirs.But he did not expect, Tan Zhang two families today's solution is still broken, Liu Changxi is also drunk, really think money can do everything?That's for the poor, for the rich and far richer than you, money is just numbers and means nothing.It's falling apart.This made Tan Hongping and Zhang Deshun's hearts feel as if they were dead, was there really no other solution?Tan Hongping did not die, "Liu Shao ah, you help, help us to say something good, as long as you can help our two families through this difficult time, we will never let you down.""You think I'm short of money too?" Liu Changxi laughe
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Chapter 574 - What Attitude?
Whenever there is a reunion, this is the former Lin family congregation.The chiaroscuro celebrates the reunion, this is today's Lin family congregation.The storm a few years ago, destroyed the entire Lin family, and also made the once incomparable Lin Xi fall to the bottom, fortunately, the Lin family adopted Qin Sheng as their adopted son back then, and only then did it give them a chance to turn the tide today.Life is so full of caution and surprises, and the ups and downs are only a few years away.This is not a place for rejoicing, after finishing all the formalities, the crowd accompanied Lin Xi out of the Provincial High Court, and outside was the new district of Qujiang, which he was incredibly familiar with, only compared to a few years ago, it was much more prosperous.Lin Xi sighs with emotion, looking at the distance of a certain high-rise building, that once was his song built up, but now has long changed the owner.Although Qin She
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Chapter 575 - Temptation, News
Lin Xi is not a saint gentleman, so in the beginning, he hated these two people to the bone, hate them not to die, what is more painful than friends stabbed in the back? What's more, that huge sense of life difference, so that Lin Xi almost gave up on himself, after all, the former Lin Xi that is Xi'an city of dignified characters, worth hundreds of millions of family beautiful. Now the company bankruptcy, family breakup, but also become a prisoner.However, a few years of life in prison had allowed Lin Xi to completely settle down and let go of a lot of things, and had long since ceased to be the man he was when he was first incarcerated.So, for these past events, Lindsay would have to reconsider.In the end, Lin Xi didn't give Qin Sheng a definite answer, she just said, "Let me think about it.""Uh-huh," Qin Sheng nodded, and didn't want Uncle Lin to put so much pressure on him when he just got out of jail.Then Qin Sheng added, "Uncle Lin, Tan Zhang
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Chapter 576 - A Thunderbolt from the Sky
Chapter 576 - A bolt from the blueIt can be said that from the time Nangong appeared in the hoo . And. HaoTe, these two cars had already started to follow her, and in this half-month period, they had followed Nangong on thousands of kilometers of road, so it could be said that they had gone out of their way to do so.They were the ones behind that fiasco in No Man's Land Town, when they wanted to get rid of Nangong and Bach under false pretenses, such a borrowed knife could be said to leave no traces and would not expose them.As for who is behind them, that's for them to know.Unfortunately, the gang of outlaws, who only recognized money but not people, let Nangong and Bach go as long as two million dollars, and at the same time earned their five hundred thousand deposits, which made them incomparably furious, if not for the fact that the mission of this trip was Nangong and Bach, they would definitely make that gang pay.In the end, they had to keep
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Chapter 577 - Your Friend?
Half a month, from Beijing to Inner Mongolia, in Inner Mongolia rapped most of the circle and kill to Gansu, from Gansu from east to west rolled thousands of miles, and finally north to the junction of three provinces.How many setbacks and tribulations have been experienced along the way, and with hope in sight, you suddenly told me that Mr. Ding had left a week ago.Even if Nangong and Bach had good tempers, they were going to explode at this point.Bach was the first to say, "Fuck."After saying that, he sat down on the ground, as if the last motivation that supported him was gone, unable to accept the result, even if he didn't find Mr. Ding had little to do with him, Bach was still a little lost, after all, the purpose of this trip was to find Mr. Ding.Nangong did not say a word, helplessly and bitterly smiled and shook his head, it is still a step too late, it seems that he can only hit the road back home.Bach asked in exasperation, "Do you
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Chapter 578 - Who do you think you are?
The biggest crisis of this trip is the thrill of that night in the town of no man's land, Nangong and Bach still have palpitations, fortunately those people only recognize money and not people, otherwise they could not leave so easily that night.It was just that the people behind that night, who had paid for their lives, had never shown up, and then, despite the trials and tribulations along the way, the gang seemed to have disappeared.Nangong and Bach did not believe that they would stop there, thought of many ways to look for, but still did not find any traces, which has to say that Ye their counter-surveillance ability is very strong, after all, are professional connoisseurs from the origin, if it is so easy to be found, that is also too weak.Nangong couldn't help but wonder, had they given up?Unlikely.Now, the men behind that night have given Namgoong and Bach the answer that we've been there all along, and thank you for caring.Already u
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Chapter 579 - Leather, Genuine Leather
Qin Sheng and the others naturally didn't know what was happening over at the small courtyard, if they knew, they would definitely speed up and rush over.Last night, they didn't see those sceneries along the way clearly as they rushed all night last night, but after dawn today, the sceneries along the way stunned them, the scenery of the Great Northwest is just beautiful.It should be said that it is stunning Hao Lei, after all, Qin Sheng and Chang Baji have come to the northwest, when Qin Sheng was here all the way to escape and experience ah, during the period of a lot of things, also met a lot of friends, just Qin Sheng is not willing to mention that period of the past, so far this is a section of Qin Sheng's broken history.Chang Baji is these years have traveled the motherland north and south, to the north has been to the Heilongjiang side, to the south has been to Hainan, to the east Chongming Dongji Island, to the west is Xinjiang and Tibet and other places
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Chapter 580 - No one can leave.
(collapsed with a bad cold before getting better and getting up to code)Often times, people say that they are not afraid of what might happen, and often it is that what might happen that comes in the end, so some bigwigs have named this phenomenon Murphy's Law.Qin Sheng and his group had traveled safely all the way from Hami to here, but when they were about to arrive at their destination, they had an accident, which really made them a bit helpless.After circling around the mountain bay, Qin Sheng and the others could see the chaotic battle on the other side of the river from afar, they just couldn't see the specifics clearly, but Qin Sheng could guess the general situation, it was obvious that the enemy was outnumbered and we were outnumbered.Therefore, Qin Sheng rushed over to support him with Chang Baji and Hao Lei ......Under the mountain on the river bank, Nangong's situation was terrible, this would be even more wretched, with one against fou
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Chapter 581 Trying to run?
Ye thought that they not only had the advantage in terms of numbers, but also had an absolute advantage in terms of strength, after all, just now the same three opponents were faced, and in the end, one escaped in a mess, and two were directly taken down.Now, and ran to three to send death, although a few of his men were injured just now, but there are four others are simply fine, facing the other three people, they still have the upper hand, the most important thing is that there is also his pressure.But in front of Qin Sheng and Chang Baji Hao Lei, in front of these people for them, that are not enough to stuff their teeth, more powerful than them they have seen, more than them, they have seen, not to mention that this will be Qin Sheng has been very angry.The angry Qin Sheng was not one to be messed with.Qin Sheng knew Nangong has also been there for half a year, but he has never seen Nangong in such a sorry state, in the past, Nangong that are iceberg
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Chapter 582 - Tighten Up
The difference in strength between the two sides was too great, so Ye was very self-aware, just as they had just faced Nangong as well as the other two men, this was the situation they were in now, if they still didn't leave knowingly, then they would really have to pay the price when the time came.Ye is really unexpected, the lead of this man is actually Qin Changan's son, this courage is really big ah, hall four nine city Qin master's son actually dared to run alone to the Northwest, if I had known so, this time the plan can be more huge point, at that time, that is definitely a heavenly surprise.Unfortunately, it was missed.However, the green mountain is not afraid of no firewood, the brothers were already injured, plus long-distance running exhausted, not the opponent of these men is normal, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.And so, with a clear conscience, Ye spread his legs.Qin Sheng has already said, today no one want to le
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