All Chapters of The Crowned Lady: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
444 Chapters
Chapter 151 Princess Qingxin
There was a girl of about ten years old on the right of Princess Linchuan. She dressed in a light green dress from the palace and her facial features were not fully grown-up. However, her facial features which looked like Empress Gu already showed how beautiful she would be when she grew up. This should be Princess Qingxin, the biological daughter of Empress Gu and the lineal sister of the Crown prince.She was also the young daughter of the Emperor, and like Princess Linchuan, she was deeply favored by the Emperor.Wei Changying did not dare to offend this girl with high status and hurriedly smiled at her.However, after Princess Qingxin's look was figured out by Wei Changying, she frowned slightly and looked away.“I don't think I've offended the princess, have I?” Wei Changying noticed that she frowned and was stunned, and immediately thought, "My cousin said earlier that when Liu Ruoye had forced Lay Zhong's sister Zhong Li to
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Chapter 152 Su Nianchu
Wei Changying was very hungry, but Princess Qingxin had a distinguished status, so she had to say perfunctorily, "Your Highness, I have practiced some Kungfu.""Is it fun to learn Kungfu?" Princess Qingxin remained a severe look, but her eyes showed a hint of curiosity.Wei Changying sighed secretly and continued her words perfunctorily, "Your Highness, in my opinion, it is not fun because it is exhausted."Princess Qingxin was a little disappointed, "It's tiring to learn the piano, dancing, and the pipa, so is the Kungfu. Are there no easy things to learn?"Wei Changying pondered why she thought so. Could it be that the Empress wanted her younger daughter to learn some talent, but the spoiled little princess was so picky that she'd like to learn something easy? But any talent couldn’t be easily learned without hard work. Even if you were born with genius, you had to practice often in case you would forget the skills.
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Chapter 153 An Argument
When two cousins conversed, Shen Cangning suddenly came up to them with Su Yufei and Su Yuyin. She said with a smile, “First cousin, I couldn’t find you anywhere, and you are talking with third sister-in-law here.”These three girls were young and pretty. However, their fashionable heavy makeup and colorful clothes looked pretty terrible. The elders had scolded at them in vain, let alone the cousin sisters.Two cousins got to their feet to greet three girls. Shen Cangning said, “Min Yinuo pleaded with Princess Linchuan to write something for her. What about going to have a look?”Wei Changying just now heard Princess Qingxin say that Princess Linchuan was often praised by the Empress for her good calligraphy. According to Shen Cangning, Min Yinuo now wanted Princess Linchuan to write something for her, and she might flatter her rather than favor her handwriting.Su Yuli accepted this suggestion, but Wei Changying saw the back of Co
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Chapter 154 The Conflict Between Mrs. Huo and Her Sister-In-Law
After the argument between Wei Changying and Mrs. Huo broke down, they went back to Qianqiu Pavilion with an angry expression. Wei Changying walked toward Su Yuli while Mrs. Huo toward her cousin, Fourteen Miss of the Huo Family.Su Yuli knew the conflicts between Zhiben Hall and Ruiyu Hall from her mother, Wei Zhengyin, earlier. Now, according to the furious faces of Wei Changying and Mrs. Huo, she guessed the unpleasant conversation between them. As they went out, they were polite to each other. Therefore, she secretly asked Wei Changying, “What’s up?”“Nothing serious,” mumbled Wei Changying, winking at her cousin. “Grandmother hates Song Mianhe. Last year, when Song Mianhe came to visit grandmother with the women of Zhiben Hall, she made her sister lose face, and I was also present. Today, when I saw Wei Lingzi, she provoked me in private, but did not defeat me. So, Mrs. Huo argued with me for her.”Old Madam Song was lineal grandmother of
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Chapter 155 Min Yinuo
It was known to all sons of noble families that Zhong Li, the younger sister of Lady Zhong, was forced to death by Liu Ruoye—She turned fifteen this year—while she was laughing and talking. The sisters of the Huo Family had to treat Liu Ruoye carefully and greeted her politely, "Sister Liu, are you here to find us?"Liu Ruoye smilingly looked at Wei Changying and Su Yuli, then she said, "I originally didn't dare to come over to disturb Sister-in-law Huo and Sister Qingling, yet I heard from Sister Yuyin of the Su Family that Sister-in-law Huo and Sister Wei seemed to misunderstand each other. So I ventured to come and make your peace. After all, today is the birthday of Princess Linchuan. Why should we disappoint Her Royal Highness for some small things?"Mrs. Huo frowned slightly. Although the Liu Family of Eastern Hu was superior to the Huo Family, Mrs. Huo was a daughter-in-law of the Wei Family and she was older than Liu Ruoye, besides, she was already
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Chapter 156 Gossip in the Air
Min Yinuo smiled and raised her hand. Wei Changjuan failed to get it and she walked around Min Yinuo for several times with the skirts in her hands, jumping and making noise. It was just that Min Yinuo was tall but Wei Changjuan hadn't grown up yet, therefore, Wei Changjuan couldn't reach Min Yinuo's hand. After discovering it, Wei Changjuan begged Min Yinuo, "Good sister, since you originally prepared it for me, just give it to me now!""Why should I give it to you?" Min Yinuo smiled faintly with her hand behind her back and said, "Didn't you say that I'm cheating on Her Royal Highness….""I was talking nonsense! You shouldn't care about it, my sister!" Wei Changjuan was annoyed but smiled. The womenfolk of the family around all laughed at her, "Sister Changjuan, you really made a spectacle of yourself. For this picture, you could admit that you were talking nonsense."Wei Changjuan laughed and said, "Well, I had intended to tease Sister Min,
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Chapter 157 A Farce
Wei Changying said indifferently, "Why are we supposed to know?"The yelling from the Sixth Miss of the Qian Family had already made many people around stop. They gossiped and gloated at her. On hearing Wei Changying speak, a person said with a false smile, "Sister Mo'er, the third young madam of the Shen Family is right. The First Miss of the Su Family and she were walking in front of you. How do they know how you got beaten? Besides, they have no grudge against you, so why did they beat you?"The Sixth Miss, Qian Mo'er, realized it, smirking, "That's right. I told the truth about someone, so she was annoyed and beat me." She lowered her sleeve, and the crowd yelped at the sight beneath it. They saw a trickle of crimson fluid beneath her nose and the corner of her mouth was bruised, with a strand of reddish-purple color there. It was more intense than the color of flower juice and looked like blood.When people heard that she was hit by a pome
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Chapter 158 Pomegranate Flower
Miss Gu was about to leave the scene, but Qian Mo'er made her embarrassed, so she turned around and glared at Qian Mo'er as she said, "You are ridiculous!"Miss Gu then left after saying those, but Qian Mo'er was unwilling to let her go like this. She chased and then stopped Miss Gu by opening her arms in front of her and shouted, "I dare to swear, dare you? If you dare not, how can you say that I am ridiculous? You caused this, but now you are also scolding me. You are so unreasonable!""It is useless to reason with people like you," said Miss Gu. She didn't want to talk to Qian Mo'er anymore, but she couldn't get rid of her. Now she also became angry and said, "Wei Changying has already left, why are you still pestering me? Isn't it shameful enough for you for what you've done?"Hearing this, Qian Mo'er was shocked. She looked around and found that Wei Changying and Su Yuli had already been more than ten Zhangs away from her, where she could
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Chapter 159 Lady Zhong, Jieyu Miao
Liu Zhi walked carefully to Honored Consort Deng and whispered, "The little young master has hurt his knees, and the Empress is very worried. Therefore, she temporarily went over to have a look at him, and now she is on her way back."Wei Changying did not know which little young master she was talking about, but Honored Consort Deng immediately snorted and said, "The people in the Eastern Palace are getting more and more ridiculous! How do they do their works? A'lin is less than three years old now so that they should pay more attention to a child at such a young age! I can't believe that they let the imperial grandson hurt his knees! Were wet nurses and maidservants all dead?"Hearing what the Honored Consort said, Wei Changying suddenly realized that the so-called little young master was the youngest son of the Crown Prince. According to the system of the Great Vi, all the daughters of the Crown Prince would be titled to be Infantas and the sons of the C
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Chapter 160 Troublesome Daughters
No matter how many twists and turns there had been, Princess Linchuan's birthday feast was over.People didn't know whether Honored Consort Deng was annoyed or prepared to snitch to His Majesty when she left first on the excuse of going to the imperial study to see His Majesty before the end of the feast. Everyone watched Honored Consort leave. Deng Wanwan and Wei Changying did not need to accompany Honored Consort, so they also went back to the seats under the vermilion steps. When they left, Wei Changying took a chance to look at Miss Deng, who had a pair of eyebrows like crescent moons, as her name described. Her eyes were big and bright. Probably because she was young, her cheeks were plump, and there was a natural reddish hue, which made her look slightly shy.Because Honored Consort Deng and Deng Zongqi were born beautiful, Wei Changying was not surprised that Deng Wanwan was a little beauty. After she had arrived at the capital, the young girls she h
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