All Chapters of The Crowned Lady: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
446 Chapters
Chapter 161 After the Banquet (Part 1)
After the Empress Gu returned to her palace, the maids immediately helped her take off the heavy clothes and decorations. When a trusted maid who knelt down beside the bed was lightly pounding her legs with a mini jade hammer fetched by another maid, she told the news brought by the maidservant to the Empress Gu.The Empress Gu was kneading the part between her eyebrows. As she heard the news that the servant had watched Liu Ruoyu, Tenth Miss of the Liu Family, walk out of Qianqiu Pavilion and then run after Eighth Miss of the Duanmu Family who went past this pavilion, the Empress Gu stopped and asked in a low voice, “Did you see it clearly?”The trusted maid whispered, “At that time, I was standing beside your highness, so how could I witness that in person? It was Liu Yun who saw it. She has served you for many years, and she is so prudent that she would not tell a lie.”The Empress Gu said, “It is said that Liu Ruoyu, whose biological mother
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Chapter 162 After the Banquet (Part 2)
Honored Consort Deng didn’t leave the Imperial Study until Jieyu Miao had arrived. After she left the banquet, Jieyu Miao had a bath and then dressed up before briskly heading for the Imperial Study. Given an excuse by Honored Consort Deng, Jieyu Miao stayed with His Majesty here. Therefore, Honored Consort Deng finished her task and then returned to her palace, exhausted.Servants had placed buckets of ice in the pavilion earlier, so it was pleasantly cool now. Lying on the soft bed in the pavilion, Honored Consort Deng felt at ease, with the soft breeze blowing against the hanging curtains. On the table was a plate of sliced fruit cooled in a well. They looked nice.After Honored Consort Deng drank a cup of ice Agarwood drink and ate a few pieces of fruit, she narrowed her eyes cozily. As she took the handkerchief out of her sleeve to wipe her fingers clean, she asked the only maid in the pavilion, “What do you think of Wei Changying?”The ma
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Chapter 163 After the Banquet (Part 3)
The Empress and Honored Consort each had their own plans, so they looked relaxed and determined.However, Madam Su couldn't calm herself down when she returned home. She sent her servants away as soon as the moment she entered through the door. She only kept her daughter and daughters-in-law. Hardly had she sat down when she grabbed Shen Cangning and asked, "What you just said is true?"Shen Cangning nodded affirmatively—However, she was not really trustworthy in Madam Su’s mind. Even though Madam Su looked at Shen Cangning for a long time and the latter seemed to be sincere, Madam Su was still not at ease. Then she pointed at Shen Cangning and said, "Let me tell you. If you only encouraged Princess Qingxin to play in the imperial garden without permission, I would beat you up at most! If you dared to lie again, I would lock you up in the yard and you should never think about going to your maternal grandmother’s house anymore! Did you hear me?"
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Chapter 164 Good Fortune
When Wei Changying had just got married, she had learned that Shen Canghui's wedding date was two months later than hers. It was only half a month away now but they were just starting to ask people from the Grand Preceptor's mansion over to help out. Wei Changying thought about how complicated her own wedding had been, and inevitably worried about whether there was enough time for them.When she returned to the Jintong Courtyard, she asked Mrs. Huang about it. Mrs. Huang smiled and said, "Young madam, you knew that the fourth young master's wedding date would be two months later than yours. After all, he and the young master are cousins, and the fourth young master was raised by our Madam as if he were her own flesh and blood. I think that when the people from the Grand Preceptor's mansion were busy preparing for the young master's wedding, they must have been doing the same thing for the fourth young master's. A month and a half ago, you were married into the Shen Fami
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Chapter 165 Ge Shun
Although Wei Changying was just assisting because Madam Su and Mrs. Liu were mainly in charge, she didn't know how complicated and severe it was about making an engagement until she really participated in it. Following her mother-in-law and sister-in-law, Wei Changying finally managed all the things after being busy from dawn to dusk for more than ten days.After a good rest, Wei Changying noticed that the Third Miss Shen Lianmei had never shown up, so she felt strange about it. This day, only Mrs. Liu was with her, so Wei Changying asked Mrs. Liu about Shen Lianmei. Mrs. Liu said in a low voice, "You didn't know. The third sister's mother passed away last year."Shen Lianmei was in mourning. No wonder she didn't show up from the time when Wei Changying came to offer tea and the engagement of Shen Canghui's marriage.Wei Changying understood and said, "No wonder I haven't seen my third sister since I came here."Mrs. Liu said natur
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Chapter 166 Pei Meiniang
When the two arrived in the rear backyard of Count Xiangning's mansion, Madam Su had come back from the front courtyard and was checking the list and talking to Mrs. Liu. Yet, she was not surprised to see Shen Cangfeng and said, "Canghui has just come back. Chief Gu is indeed well-intentioned."Shen Cangfeng smiled and said, "It's good for both sides. Aren't there more people Mother can command now?"Madam Su laughed and taunted, "You are just taking the task of greeting the guests. In this kind thing, you are not competent than a capable manager.""After all, I can share Mother's cares and burdens." Shen Cangfeng joked with his mother, "Besides, I can help to massage Mother’s back and legs.""Just go away!" Madam Su tried to drive him out. "I was just about to write the list. After you come over and massage, I write it crooked." She then slighted over him, "Go to the front courtyard and ask the manager over there if she needs any
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Chapter 167 Got Blamed
The new sister-in-law was so arrogant that after Shen Canghui led the people back to the Count Xiangning mansion, Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Duanmu had to tell Madam Su about their grievances. But they didn’t directly say that Pei Meiniang was not good. Mrs. Liu said, “It’s my fault. I'm not thoughtful enough. I believe that teasing the bride and the bridegroom in the bridal chamber is the tradition; otherwise, the wedding is not happy and lively enough. But I didn’t expect the fourth sister-in-law was too tired after the day's business. Although the fourth sister-in-law didn't blame me, I should ask for your forgiveness because of my inconsideration.”Mrs. Duanmu, who was irritated by Pei Meiniang, held a handkerchief with a look of concern and said, "First sister-in-law is right, and this fourth sister-in-law has reminded me that since the second aunt passed away early, the fourth sister-in-law will be in charge when she marries. However, the fourth sister-in-law is so weak th
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Chapter 168 Mother and Son
Shen Cangfeng returned to Jintong Courtyard earlier than Wei Changying. After changing red summer clothes which were not new, he leaned on the soft bed beside the window to read a poetry book written by an ancient poet. As the door creaked open, he beamed, “Welcome back home.”Wei Changying, in the blue, replied to him. Shen Cangfeng noticed that she was unhappy, so he asked in astonishment, “What has happened to you? Why are you so gloomy?”In the past two weeks, Wei Changying and her sisters-in-law were busy with the marriage of their cousin. However, his wife was so ungrateful that sisters-in-law were anxious to revenge her. Finally, they were scolded by their mother-in-law. As Wei Changying came to the Shen Family, she lived a peaceful life. However, now she was criticized by her mother-in-law for the first time. Moreover, her words were severe, so Wei Changying was upset. On her way to her room, she retorted Mrs. Huang, but she still felt annoyed. Afte
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Chapter 169 The Remorseful Madam Su
Granny Tao was called in by Shen Cangfeng. Madam Su was still so angry that she roughly retold the story and she repeatedly scolded the unfilial son—If it was before last time when she had been reprimanded, Granny Tao might have taken advantage of the situation to help Mrs. Liu. However, since last time, Granny Tao had always remembered to clarify her position to Madam Su again—Granny Tao was not stupid. Her high status in the Shen Family was attributed to Madam Su. Mrs. Liu treated Granny Tao well on account that the latter was Madam Su's confidant and she had accompanied Madam Su since they entered the Shen Family.Therefore, although Granny Tao had a good impression of Mrs. Liu, she would say no if her position in the mind of Madam Su was about to be shaken. After listening to Madam Su’s words, Granny Tao felt that it was time to show her fairness, so she persuaded Madam Su, “Why should you be angry, Madam? In my eyes, third young madam might have said something in f
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Chapter 170 Spring Grass Lake
Out of the east gate, they went along the highway all the way. A few miles later, they passed a fork road which was slanted to the south. Although they had left the highway, this path was also neatly repaired because there were many tourists who were going to Spring Grass Lake, and many among them were high officials and noble lords.The roadside was planted with mulberries and elms. Signs of pruning were seen between the branches.It was midsummer at this time and the green shade was everywhere. Looking out through a corner of the carriage curtain, they could see that it was green all around, either dark green or light green. Sometimes the sound of orioles came from the top of the head, and there were also grunts like turtledoves under the tree, giving a sense of tranquility.Wei Changying looked out curiously, then she turned to her husband and said, "This road is quiet.""At present, only those who go to see the lotus flowers wi
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