All Chapters of The Crowned Lady: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
447 Chapters
Chapter 241 Gu Rouzhang
According to Madam Su's order, the letter requesting to go to the palace hadn't left the door of Grand Preceptor's mansion until the palace gates were about to close. The servant who delivered the letter walked slowly all the way to the palace gates. Unsurprisingly, he saw the gates were closed, so he sighed, turned around, and went back.The next morning, Madam Su ordered a servant to deliver the letter to the palace again, while she took the womenfolk of the Shen Family to the mansion of the Su Family to continue enjoying the wedding banquet.But the people from the Shen Family couldn't really enjoy the wedding banquet on the day. Only Shen Cangning, who was carefree, was having a good time. She even took a girl in fancy clothes to Wei Changying to introduce her, "This is Rouzhang from the Gu Family."While Wei Changying was worried about going to the palace to plead guilty, she was thinking about what she should do when meeting her second un
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Chapter 242 Min Yao and Zhou Xiaoye
Seeing that this really annoyed Old Madam Deng, Madam Su dared not to snub and hurriedly stayed to have a long talk with her mother to explain, lest Shen Cangning was kept in the Su Family's mansion by Old Madam Deng. Shen Xuan had always been favoring this daughter. How could he not ask? The words of her coaxing her mother could not be heard by others, so she sent her daughters-in-law back to their seats.Wei Changying walked outside while holding her forehead, and even Mrs. Liu and Mrs. Duanmu couldn't bear it. They sighed and said, "The third sister-in-law, why don't you go to the next room and have a rest?" There were three weddings in two months, and there was some kind of trouble during all weddings. Each trouble had something to do with Wei Changying. Although they all knew that Wei Changying was treated unjustly, people could not stand the sign that if there would be more weddings in the future, no one would dare to invite her."Thanks to the two si
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Chapter 243 Uncle and Aunt
Wei Shengyi raised his hand calmly and said, "You don't have to be too polite." He then ordered his daughters-in-law to leave and let Wei Changying sit down.Wei Changying said faintly, "I don't dare to sit down. I am here to apologize to my uncle and aunt. If I didn't plead my fault, how dare I would sit down first?""What is your fault?" Wei Shengyi smiled when he heard the words and said, "It is because I was so busy with the work that I neglected regulating the rear courtyard so that your aunt indulged and spoiled Changjuan excessively. Now that we are busy discussing comforting you, how can I ask you to apologize in turn?"Wei Changying said calmly, "My uncle says so, but I am absolutely unworthy of it. Previously, the seventh sister vexed me, and I was indeed a little aggrieved. However, yesterday, my mother-in-law reminded me that I had not come to visit my uncle and aunt for various reasons since I married here. I was indeed extremely u
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Chapter 244 Things Were Getting ClearerⅠ
When she returned to the Jintong Courtyard, Wei Changying stopped smiling the way she had been today when she had told her mother-in-law about her visit to the second uncle of her old family. She waved her hand, telling other servants to go. She only kept Mrs. Huang there to speak with, saying attentively, "Granny Huang, what do you think about what my second uncle has said? Is it true or false?"Mrs. Huang squinted, saying, "Although the Second Master doesn't indulge and spoil the children as much as the Second Madam, he loves them very much as well, especially Wei Changjuan, the youngest daughter. From what I could tell when I was there, it seems that she has been spoiled by everyone in the second branch since she was small.""So, it was the fifth branch of the Liu Family?" Wei Changying pondered, saying, "Wei Changjuan caused trouble for me because Liu Ruoye was using her and she didn't notice it. Wei Changjuan is too young and stupid to realize it, but
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Chapter 245 Things Were Getting Clearer Ⅱ
"I think that the Family Head speaks highly of the Second Master, so the Second Master wouldn't have done that. So, the second young master, is that what the Second Madam has taught you in private while you were growing up?" Mrs. Huang looked contemptuously at Wei Changyun, loading stress on him and saying, "Please tell me, the second young master, if it was the second young madam who behaved like the Second Madam... But of course, the second young madam is gentle and quiet. She would never be like the Second Madam. I don't mean to be disrespectful to the second young madam, but I just hope you can put yourself in our place. If the second young madam treated the Second Madam this way, would you only laugh at it and let it go? If you say yes, I will have nothing to say. I will try to persuade our young madam to apologize to you! I will also be at your disposal!"Wei Changying sneered, saying, "Granny Huang, you are right. If I hadn't heard it myself today, I wouldn't hav
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Chapter 246 Things Were Getting Clearer Ⅲ
"We saw Liu Ruoyu last time." Wei Changying frowned, saying, "Although she is the daughter of Liu Hai's first wife, Zhang Shaoguang brought her up. So she has been so bullied that she must have lost all hope. She doesn't seem like a person I can use."Mrs. Huang said, "This Miss has always been with Mrs. Zhang ever since she was a child. As Liu Hai doesn't love her and Mrs. Zhang is her stepmother, Mrs. Zhang can bully her as she wishes! But she has been promised to the Crown Prince. Perhaps it will be different when she becomes the Crown Princess, won't it? After all, she has a lot of grudges against Mrs. Zhang and her daughter. I think as Liu Hai loves his later wife and her daughter but he doesn't care about Liu Ruoyu, Liu Ruoyu might not have a strong bond with her father. Even though she is used to being bullied, she grew up with Liu Hai and Zhang Shaoguang. So she must know more than we do even if it's nothing important. If we could get her help, she might be usef
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Chapter 247 Letters Had Got To Fengzhou
Mrs. Huang had been worried that Wei Changying might become very ill because of a bowl of frozen yogurt. Instead, she had found out that Wei Changying was pregnant. Perhaps since Mrs. Huang had said her pregnancy was fragile, people throughout the entire Jintong Courtyard were anxious, thinking that there was one more person to worry about now.Wei Changying had been looking after the household since Shen Cangfeng had left and had attended several weddings in a row. At the weddings, she had been disturbed a lot because of Wei Changjuan. The irregular periods were actually due to her exhaustion. As she had been learning martial arts since she was young, she was stronger than ordinary ladies, so she hadn't felt bad, only saying her period didn't come on time.It was summer now. It was common that women from wealthy families didn't get their periods regularly at this time of year. It often happened to women after having a lot of frozen yogurt.The
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Chapter 248 The Cold Water
Wei Changying didn't know what her grandmother and her mother in Fengzhou thought. Even if she did, she didn't care as she was now busy trying to protect her unborn baby.All the things she had been in charge of had been returned to Madam Su. As for whether Madam Su would let Mrs. Liu be in charge or give these things back to Duanmu Yanyu and whether she could be in charge again, Wei Changying didn't want to think about it at all now. There was only one thing on her mind now, and that was to stay healthy and have a safe delivery.Nothing else mattered!After the shock that night, she treated Ji Qubing's words as if they had been imperial edicts. She had asked him about almost everything before she could feel at ease. She did whatever Ji Qubing said, being extremely obedient to him. When Ji Qubing noticed, he gave her a dig, "If I say it will be better to go to Western Liang now, will you go to Western Liang immediately?""Doctor, y
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Chapter 249 The Cousin Has Come
As a result of Wei Zhengyin's discouragement, Wei Changying spent the next few days with the blues, making Mrs. Huang and Mrs. He very worried.After Wei Zhengyin had left, Wei Shengxian, Queen Run, and even Wei Changwan, who was sent by Wei Shengyi, came to congratulate her. So did the relatives from the Shen Family. Wei Changying put on a smiling face when seeing all the people who had come to congratulate her. As soon as they left, she felt depressed again. No matter how hard Mrs. Huang tried to amuse her and how hard Mrs. He tried to cheer her up, Wei Changying was listless.As it had been a private conversation between Wei Zhengyin and her niece, Mrs. Huang and the others didn't know why Wei Changying was upset, so they had discussed secretly and then thought of a person.It was raining in the afternoon. Wei Changying was lying on the bed in the room, listening to the palm trees rustling in the rain through the window. Unknowingly, she fel
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Chapter 250 Sisters-in-law Who Had a Tacit Agreement
Two days later, Pei Meiniang came over to congratulate her. She looked much more haggard than when she had just been married, but her eyes were still charming and bright. Apparently, she was under a lot of pressure these days, but she had her own plans in mind, so she hadn't lost control yet.Song Zaishui had only told Wei Changying about that. At this moment, seeing her come here, Mrs. Huang, Mrs. He, and the others were worried. However, they could not say that they didn't want her to come to visit to give her congratulations. Neither could they stop her from meeting Wei Changying. The Grannies had discussed it and decided to get all the maidservants in to serve, in case something bad happened.In front of all these people, Pei Meiniang couldn't mention anything, so she just said a few words to show her concern and gave Wei Changying two of her hand-made embroideries. Wei Changying politely accepted and thanked her. Seeing that Pei Meiniang hadn't left, s
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