All Chapters of The Crowned Lady: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
444 Chapters
Chapter 261 Snowstorm
In the first month of the year, two funerals in quick succession among noble families in the capital had dampened the festivity.Wei Shengyi had lost his wife in midlife, but he was only an official, so everything was done according to protocol. However, the death of Dowager Duchess Ji caused uproar in the whole capital.Having offered her condolences and returned from Duke Ji's mansion, Madam Su entered the main room and told her servants to leave, except for Granny Tao. As soon as the door was closed, Madam Su slapped the table hard with hatred, gnashing her teeth and saying, "This b*tch, Honored Consort Deng! She dares to bully our Shen Family!"Granny Tao tried to comfort her, "Please calm down, Madam. Duke Ji is very filial and he was kept in the dark about it. If he had known what was going on, why would he have let Honored Consort Deng take advantage of him?"Madam Su sneered, saying, "What do you know? Duke Ji had ob
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Chapter 262 The Boy from the Western Tribes
However...The moment the first soldier of the western tribes leaped out of the snow, Shen Cangfeng, as if he had been prepared for this, swiftly retreated three steps on the snow. It took almost no time to reach the side of his mount. Within a blink of an eye, his spear was in his hand! Meanwhile, Shen Die suddenly lifted up the thick blanket spread on the snow. With his arms raised, he threw the blanket like a discus towards where the arrows came in the thickest clusters!They could hear the sound of arrows hitting the blanket. Nobody knew how many arrows the blanket caught. However, although the arrows easily tore through the outer layer of the blanket, they didn't penetrate it. Amidst the enemy's shouting, they could hear metal clanking from beneath the blanket!The rest of Shen Cangfeng's men also responded quickly only a little later than him. No matter whether they had been resting on the ground or standing guard, all of them, wit
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Chapter 263 A Great Victory
After the brutal battle, the white snow, within an area of two hundred paces, had turned to dirty water mixed with blood.Shen Cangfeng saw that all the people from the western tribes, except two, had been executed on the spot, and the soldiers were excitedly chopping off the heads so that they could go back to claim the credit. Happy laughter and cheerful voices were everywhere. He handed over his spear to Shen Die and went to the side with Shen Youjia to ask about what happened in his battle. Apparently, what he was most concerned about was, "Your excellency, have you decapitated Muxiuer with your own hands?"However, having heard this, Shen Youjia, who had been excited, looked upset. He touched his nose and awkwardly coughed a few times before whispering, "Er... The King's Ten Eagles were indeed fierce. Although I set up several traps and six of them died, they fought desperately to find a way out for Muxiuer and the last one who was alive helped
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Chapter 264 Changfeng's Marriage
"Have you heard about it, my third sister-in-law? Duke Ji has requested to stand guard over Dowager Duchess Ji's mausoleum for three years to show his filial piety and devotion." It was snowing in the afternoon, and snowflakes were dancing in the courtyard. Several maids were making snowmen, chattering. Mrs. Liu brought over Shen Shujing, the First Granddaughter Miss. They greeted each other, and then Mrs. Liu told Shen Shujing to play with the parrot. She herself came to play chess with Wei Changying. Within a few moves, she threw down her chess pieces and raised her head, saying, "Mother is very worried now!"Wei Changying knew that the Shen Family was planning to change the crown prince. At first, she had suspected that Duke Ji was the candidate to replace the Crown Prince because after all, Duchess Ji, Shen Cangxiu, was Shen Xuan's eldest lineal daughter. However, a few days ago, the news came that Shen Xuan had fallen ill, so except Shen Cangfeng who was far
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Chapter 265 The Reason for Giving the Marriage
Actually, the most appropriate person, one who could be able to pry into the reason behind this marriage, would be Wei Shengyi. However, having lost his wife not long ago, even if he could put his sadness aside to help, Wei Shengyi, who was still in mourning, was not suitable to go to the palace. Having thought of all the relatives and friends that Old Madam Song had told her about before she had become married, Wei Changying thought that the person who most likely knew the inside story was the vice-premier, Wei Yu. She then told the thoughtful Mrs. Huang to prepare a gift and sent her over there.Mrs. Huang didn't come back until close to curfew. Not bothering to have some water, she started to speak about what had happened, "The wife of the vice-premier said she was about to send someone over to tell you about this, young madam. This is what happened. Since Dowager Duchess Ji has passed away and His Majesty has ordered all his children in the capital to pay the
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Chapter 266 The Reconciliation Between the Uncle and the Nephew
This was actually Princess Lingxian's own experience. Her biological mother Consort Huo had once become a Shu Consort, so she had thrown her weight around in the palace, truly living like a princess.However, afterwards her father's favorite Sixth Prince Shen Jun had suddenly died. Shen Jun's mother, Honored Consort Deng, had demanded a thorough investigation in distress. At that time, Consort Huo hadn't thought much of it and had said to her young daughter privately that the water in the palace was very deep, being grateful that she had only Princess Lingxian, a daughter. Generally speaking, a princess wouldn't be in the way of anyone. So this mother could have her daughter keep her company, not needing to fear dying alone after she fell into disfavor.Consort Huo and Princess Lingxian had never thought that the palace people would come for Consort Huo. Princess Lingxian still remembered her mother's shocked and disbelieving look when she had learned that
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Chapter 267 February
In February, the snow in the capital hadn't yet melted away and the underfloor heating was still in use in the Jintong Courtyard. There were freshly cut plum blossoms in a porcelain vase on a flower stand. A light hint of the fragrance mixed with the warmth, creating a delightful atmosphere.Song Zaishui had some free time and went to Wei Changying's mansion to visit her. Having sat down, she saw her cousin's huge belly under her full high-waisted, magnolia-print dress with its crimson red lapels and large sleeves, saying, "Are you having a baby soon?"Wei Changying counted with her fingers, saying, "It's eight months now. Not there yet."Song Zaishui wasn't married and didn't know much about these things, so her random guess was wrong. She said with a smile, "Two months will go by quickly. It seems that I have to press on with my work, otherwise the clothes for each season that I have promised my nephew will not be finished."
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Chapter 268 Without Her Mother, Who Could She Rely On?
While Wei Changying and Song Zaishui were chatting about family affairs, the white cloth had not yet been completely removed in the lonely rear courtyard of the Wei Family's mansion. When the wind blew, the white cloth danced with the remaining snow, adding sadness and loneliness to the bleak reality.Wei Changjuan, the Seventh Miss, stood alone in the courtyard under a plum tree with blood-red blossoms, holding a snowy plum branch, lost in thought. She thought melancholily, "In the past, at this time of the year, Mother would always lead people to collect snow from the plum blossoms and seal it in a clay pot to make tea when the spring comes. I remember one year, my first sister saw a recipe for plum blossom cakes in a book, and we collected plum blossoms together to make some. The plum blossom cakes we made at that time were not good at all, but my first sister ate several pieces in order not to lose face. In the end, she had a stomach upset in the middle of th
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Chapter 269 After Suffering Came Happiness
"It seems that Changwan told the doormen to do so, saying that you are in mourning and shouldn't have visitors. When I just arrived at the front door, I saw that was how Liu Ruoye was sent away." Min Yinuo said softly, "I was told the same thing, but on the way back, I remembered that I had passed by a side door of yours, so I tried it. Surprisingly, they let me in. When I got to the courtyard, I happened to see you almost collapse. Silly you, it's so cold nowadays, but you aren't looking after yourself properly. My fifteenth aunt, your mother, has passed away so you should take better care of yourself, in case my fifteenth uncle and cousins worry about you!"Wei Changjuan’s heart ached, thinking that her father and siblings were blaming her for everything. Instead of worrying about her, they would probably choose not to see her again.After a pause, Wei Changjuan said in a low voice, "Since it is Changwan's order, so let it be. Maybe she wants me to
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Chapter 270 Thinking of Ways to Save Themselves (1)
Usually, when it came to the right to run the household, there could be some hard feelings between sisters-in-law. In some families, though the mothers-in-law hadn't passed away, they had delegated the responsibilities and their daughters-in-law would start to fight with each other. This should have been the case in the second branch of the Wei Family as the mother-in-law had suddenly died without specifying which daughter-in-law should be in charge. Even though the first daughter-in-law would normally be the one, she couldn't completely keep the second daughter-in-law out, so there should have been a fight.But Mrs. Min and Mrs. Zhou got along very well and were like sisters. There was an explanation for that.They were both granddaughters-in-law chosen by Old Madam Song for her grandsons. Both of them had gentle and quiet temperaments, who didn't like to cause trouble. They would also put up with things when they could.Usually, daught
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