All Chapters of A Clash of Gods: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
334 Chapters
Chapter 131 Fight in the Arrays
Yang Ning was helpless after he was beaten by Zhenming on Tianbao Peak and therefore was in awe of the Temple of Great Light, but he took actions in the Five Cereal Hall and fooled the monks from that hall, making them unable to tell the directions, so his feeling of awe for the temple scattered instantly, and he merely thought that this temple was just so so.However, at the moment, seeing that the four monks from the Bright Building took actions in an array, he knew that he was too arbitrary. Since the Temple of Great Light was regarded as the first temple in the world, it wasn’t just in name.The four monks moved swiftly with good teamwork and acted quickly like lightning. Yang Ning couldn’t see clearly what was happening on the spot and realized that the monks from the Bright Building were extraordinary as expected.It was no wonder that the disciples in the Bright Building enjoyed the special treatment in the temple. They could enter the F
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Chapter 132 A Dirty Trick
Seeing that Jingkong’s robe plumped, Yang Ning knew that this old monk’s genuine qi was powerful and his martial skills must be extraordinary.Chi Danmei smiled charmingly and twisted her body, flying to Jingkong like a cloud. She was like a flame sweeping to him and flew up like a butterfly.She showed both palms and her fingers were slender, but her nails were long with red juice, which was eye-catching.Jingkong saw Chi Danmei’s approaching palms and leaned to one side to dodge. Then he pushed out both hands unhurriedly, and his moves were ordinary, yet the strength hidden in them was quite powerful.Chi Danmei’s body was soft and light like a willow. When Jingkong tried to pound her with both palms, she didn’t dodge but turned her palms into claws, preparing to hook his wrist.Jingkong waved his intersecting arms in front of him and strong wind blew over. Chi Danmei just felt that a barrier was formed seemingly and
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Chapter 133 A Desperate Situation
Jingkong and Chi Danmei fought with their palms, which was dazzling and the onlookers’ eyes couldn’t take it all in. Yang Ning gasped in admiration and knew that he had underestimated Chi Danmei. This seductive woman didn’t show her master card as soon as she started to fight, and it was obvious that she wanted to check Jingkong’s capability.Suddenly Jingkong roared in a low voice and his hands were shaky. Yang Ning was stunned and saw that Jingkong’s palms miraculously transformed all of a sudden. The two palms transformed into four palms, which then transformed into eight. Just in a short while, a row of palm shadows were in front of him. The palm shadows were interlaced and changing frequently.Somebody in the crowd exclaimed in surprise, “Benevolence Hands.”Chi Danmei screamed in a soft voice and moved backward swiftly like a butterfly. Jingkong who had been standing there still all the time walked forward now, continuously waving his pal
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Chapter 134 Enjoy Popular Confidence
Yang Ning saw clearly that the people from the Five Cereal Hall stood behind him and Zhenbi was included. He focused his attention on the battlefield but didn’t expect that somebody dared to kick him from behind, so he was furious.The people from the Five Cereal Hall turned away and didn’t look at Yang Ning, pretending normal, so Yang Ning couldn’t judge who had kicked him.“You cause trouble again.” Jingneng was unhappy and restrained his anger. Seeing Yang Ning, he asked in a rage, “Who told you to enter the hall?”Yang Ning thought that he didn’t want to come here. Just now the bell rang, and all the monks in the temple ran over, so he followed them to come in.However, he heard Chi Danmei’s seductive laughter. “I thought that a hero dares to compete. However, it turns out to be…” She didn’t continue but looked Yang Ning up and down with her alluring eyes, showing a charming smile.“What?” Yang Ning noticed the sar
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Chapter 135 Compete on Swordsmanship
Yang Ning found it hard to back off and could do nothing but take part in the competition. At the same time, he thought, “Since Bai Yuhe said that if he can’t win within ten movements, the Temple of Great Light would win, it means that as long as I can resist ten movements, I would defeat him.”Bai Yuhe was skilled in swordsmanship, and of course Yang Ning wouldn’t compete on swordsmanship with him. However, if he started the Easy Travel and avoided Bai Yuhe’s ten movements, he might have a chance of winning.Yang Ning had experienced the mystery of the Easy Travel, and he was more familiar with this skill gradually.Although he had a hope of success to resist ten movements, he wasn’t quite confident. He thought that he would resist if he could, and if he couldn’t, it was fine. They had an agreement that they should stop at a certain point. It appeared that Bai Yuhe became polite, so he wouldn’t be harsh on Yang Ning. Anyway, nobody stepped out
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Chapter 136 A Weird Strike
Bai Yuhe failed in stabbing Yang Ning after he tried for four times, and shock was shown on Chi Danmei’s charming face.She naturally knew well about Bai Yuhe’s swordsmanship and knew that he had a rare talent in swordsmanship. Under the instructions of the owner of the Baiyun Island, he made much progress in swordsmanship rapidly.In the early years, in order to practice swordsmanship, Bai Yuhe often looked for the famous swordsman to compete, but in recent years, he wouldn’t unsheathe his sword easily. Once he took actions, he would defeat the opponent within three movements.His swordsmanship was fierce, and Chi Danmei firmly believed that in only a few years, he might be the top one swordsman in the world.However, at the moment, after Bai Yuhe had tried to stab for four times successively, he didn’t defeat Yang Ning and couldn’t even touch his clothes. How would it not surprise Chi Danmei?Meanwhile, Chi Danmei ha
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Chapter 137 Sword God
At the moment, Yang Ning was close to Chi Danmei, and the fragrance on her body entered his nose, making him feel excited. This charming and fair-skinned woman looked at Yang Ning with a faint smile. He leered at her and thought that this woman’s figure was so sexy. Then he responded with a half-smile, “You want to compete with them? It’s easy. I will take you to have a look someday, and then you can do that.”“Oh?” Chi Danmei smiled fascinatingly and responded in a soft voice, “It’s a deal. I will go to see you when I am free someday.”Yang Ning finally realized that he said something wrong. He thought, “This woman is enchanting and sexy, but she is powerful in martial arts, and she is from the Eastern Qi State. She won’t do something good when she gets close to me. It’s better to stay away from her.” Then he didn’t say more.Chi Danmei chuckled and stopped talking. With a fascinating pose, she left like a fire flame, and the four men dressed
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Chapter 138 An Imperial Chef
Yang Ning walked out of the Brilliance Hall, and Zhenming was still waiting for him outside unexpectedly. It was cold and the road was not clear, but Zhenming was familiar with the path. He walked in the front and led Yang Ning back to the courtyard on Tianbao Peak, keeping silent all the way.After they entered the room and lit the candle, Zhenming stated, “Ning, it turns out that…you are so powerful in martial arts. You just…just let me win last time.”Yang Ning could stand out when the Temple of Great Light was in need and prevent outsiders from entering the Purification Building, so Zhenming who took the temple as his home was grateful to him. Meanwhile, Yang Ning could defeat Bai Yuhe at one blow, so Zhenming was in awe of him and thought that he concealed his strength.Yang Ning laughed loudly. He was clear that this little monk was honest and must be awestruck by him. Then he asked, “Little monk, have you heard of the Baiyun Island befor
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Chapter 139 A Ghost Pestered Him in His Body
Hearing the three words “Duke of Huainan”, Yang Ning was surprised and asked, “Have you served Duke of Huainan?”Zhenbi answered, “I have stayed in the mansion of Duke of Huainan for two years. In fact, I mainly served the heir of Duke of Huainan.”“The heir of Duke of Huainan?” Yang Ning asked in astonishment. “Since you were an imperial chef, why did you work in the mansion of Duke of Huainan? You were in his mansion, but why did you come to the Temple of Great Light?”Zhenbi looked sad and sighed. “If it weren’t for my master, I might have died long ago.”“Your master?”Zhenming was clear that Yang Ning didn’t know many things in the temple, so he explained, “Zhenbi is a disciple of Master Jingshan, who is in charge of the Five Cereal Hall and purchasing for every warehouse in the temple.”Yang Ning responded, “I see. Zhenbi, you said that you might have died long ago if you didn’t enter the Temple of G
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Chapter 140 Go down the Mountain
In the next two days, Zhenbi kept his word and told somebody to deliver food for Yang Ning every day. There was enough food with different kinds of dishes. Zhenming had been in the temple for more than ten years, but he never enjoyed such rich food, and he was lucky because of Yang Ning.Nevertheless, Zhenming could control himself well. Although the dishes for three meals were rich and delicious, he just ate a little more than usual and wasn’t a glutton, while Yang Ning was happy to enjoy the food alone.Yang Ning had to admit that Zhenbi was not a very good man but his cooking skill was excellent. The Temple of Great Light was a Buddhist temple and they were not allowed to eat meat or fish, yet the vegetarian food he had cooked every day still made Yang Ning have a good appetite. No wonder that this guy could work in the imperial palace those years and even Duke of Huainan wanted him to work in his mansion.They still practiced these two days
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