Lahat ng Kabanata ng A Clash of Gods: Kabanata 141 - Kabanata 150
334 Kabanata
Chapter 141 Uncertainty
Qi Yu’s clothes were clean and brand-new, and it seemed that he wore them for the first time. He lowered his head and just stared at the stone stairs under his feet, seeming to check how many stairs he had walked past.Yang Ning didn’t need to look at the man’s face and confirmed that it was Qi Yu after seeing his body shape and the way he walked.In an instant, Yang Ning realized that the one who would become a monk for him was Qi Yu unexpectedly.He was surprised as he had thought that they would find a person randomly to be his substitute, and it was not difficult for the family of the Marquis of Honor to do that.However, he had never expected that it would be Qi Yu.“Why is it him?” Yang Ning whispered. He seemed to talk to himself or ask the monk with martial arts next to him.The monk answered, “The people in the Temple of Great Light healed your wound, so if you don’t become a monk, it needs a rela
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Chapter 142 The Gossiping Third Lady
Yang Ning stated with a smile, “It’s not something bad. Qi Yu should become a monk and change his temper.”Duan Canghai and the others didn’t like Qi Yu, but after all, Qi Yu was Qi Jing’s son. Yang Ning could say that, while they didn’t dare to echo him.“By the way, I almost forget it.” Yang Ning suddenly thought of Tang Nuo and asked, “Brother Duan, was there somebody who went to our mansion to see me when I was away these days?”Duan Canghai patted his head. “Your Excellency, if you don’t remind me, I almost forget it, too.” He smiled faintly. “Do you mean the girl whose family name is Tang?”“Right!” Yang Ning heaved a sigh of relief. “It’s Miss Tang. Has she arrived at the capital city? Where is she now?”Duan Canghai smiled. “When Miss Tang came to the mansion, we were surprised. She said that she had an agreement with you yet didn’t say anything else. The third lady let her stay in the mansion temporarily and t
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Chapter 143 Qionglin Academy
Seeing Tang Nuo enter the room, Gu Qinghan got up and walked forward while twisting her waist. She grabbed Tang Nuo’s arm and stated with a smile, “I told you that Ning would come back these days. He just returned and knew that you came, so he specially told the people in the kitchen to prepare the wine and dishes to welcome you.”Yang Ning thought that Gu Qinghan was smart and covered all the bases, but judging from her words, she just made a match arbitrarily.Tang Nuo merely smiled and didn’t speak more. Gu Qinghan led her to the table hand in hand.“Ning, look. What do you think about Miss Tang’s clothes?” Gu Qinghan smiled. “I chose them for her in person, and they are fit for her.”“Aunt, since you chose them, of course they fit her well.” Yang Ning was carefree and raised his hand. “Miss Tang, please have a seat.”But when Tang Nuo didn’t hesitate to sit down, Gu Qinghan pulled her to get close to Yang Ning. “Mi
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Chapter 144 Four Expert Artists
Obviously, Tang Nuo was astonished that Yang Ning as the heir of the Marquis of Honor didn’t know the existence of Qionglin Academy, but she didn’t say more.However, Yang Ning was confused and asked, “Miss Tang, you seem to know well about Qionglin Academy. Is Mr. Zhuo’s name Qingyang?”Tang Nuo nodded her head slightly. “He is a famous Confucian scholar. As far as I know, he established Qionglin Academy, and he is the only principal of the academy up to now.” She seemed to be lost in thought and then said in a low voice, “He once travelled around the world and has many students in other places except for Qionglin Academy.”“I see. It appears that Mr. Zhuo is really awesome.” Yang Ning laughed. “He must be old now.”Tang Nuo replied, “If I remember correctly, he must be nearly seventy years old. It looks that Mr. Zhuo is healthy and still busy running about for the academy now.”“Have you seen him?” Seeing that Tang N
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Chapter 145 Vampires
The next morning, Yang Ning led Tang Nuo to the Yong’an Hall. He didn’t know where it was, so he told Duan Canghai to go with them.The Yong’an Hall was next to the Confucius Temple and the Wende Bridge. This street was not long but there were three pharmacies. Judging from the signboards, they were old brands with a history of many years.Yang Ning came to the front of the Yong’an Hall, and find that it was not small. Among the three pharmacies, the Yong’an Hall was the largest. In the pharmacy, it was quite spacious. There were four rooms in a row, and the three rooms on the left were connected and formed a broad pharmacy. The last one on the right was the clinic as Gu Qinghan had mentioned, and the furnishings were simple and clean inside.Before they entered the pharmacy, a smell of medicinal herbs came out. Yang Ning glanced at the room and found that several salesclerks were filling the prescription at the counter for a few customers.
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Chapter 146 The Ready-made Panacea
Hurried footsteps came from outside suddenly, and even a sobbing voice was heard. “Doctor, Doctor Song, please save my child…”All people looked in the direction where the voice was and saw that several people rushed in. The one in the front was a big man in his early thirties, and three or four people followed him. One of them was a woman wearing a dress made of coarse cloth. Her face was covered with tears and she was extremely grieved.Yang Ning saw that the big man held a child in his arms, who was covered with a rough blanket. They couldn’t tell how old the child was. The big man had tears in his eyes and asked as soon as he entered the room, “Who is Doctor Song?”Mr. Song stepped forward at once and asked, “I am. What’s wrong?”The big man begged in a trembling voice, “Doctor Song, please, save my child. He…”Mr. Song reached out his hand and lifted the blanket. After he glanced at the patient, he shouted in a lo
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Chapter 147 At Lightning Speed
Tang Nuo responded, “Oh.” Then she didn’t say more and just put the things in the medical kit in order. “I want to have a look in the pharmacy and check what are the medicinal materials there. Then I can make prescriptions conveniently in the future.”Yang Ning raised his hand instantly. “Miss Tang, please.”After the two went out, Doctor Song pulled Duan Canghai aside and lowered his voice. “Who will make decisions here in the future? A teenage girl makes prescriptions randomly. I’ll say something unpleasant to hear in advance. If there is something wrong, you can’t blame me.”“Mr. Song, of course you are the leader here,” Duan Canghai responded with a smile. “Miss Tang comes here just to help you temporarily.”Doctor Song frowned. “But you have seen that just now. Perhaps this girl won’t listen to me. You have to know that treating patients is not a trifling matter. If she messes around in the future, how can I say something as I
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Chapter 148 Be Titled
This day, the capital city was covered with a tense atmosphere all the time. Except for Duan Canghai and Qi Feng inquiring outside, all people in the mansion of the Marquis of Honor stayed indoors.Since Yang Ning couldn’t go out, he often cultivated Purity Scripture in the mansion. He had learnt martial arts and knew that he didn’t worry about food and clothes as he was the heir of the Marquis of Honor, but because of this, he would be a thorn in some people’s flesh. Although there were many guards in the mansion, who were powerful in martial arts, he couldn’t bring them all the time. It was fine if he met an opponent who was average, while if he met a real great master, he had to protect himself with his own strength.Since he had this plan, he cultivated Purity Scripture hard. The little monk Zhenming was so young yet he was powerful in martial arts even though he didn’t show his ability. Although it might not be only because of Purity Scripture, its inf
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Chapter 149 A Snake with Poison
After the emperor gave the title of Marquis of Honor to Yang Ning, all people in the mansion were cheerful. Gu Qinghan was prepared and told the accountant to reward everybody with some money.After returning to the main hall, Yang Ning saw that the two boxes rewarded by the emperor were still on the table, so he asked Gu Qinghan with a smile, “Aunt, what do you think is inside? The old eunuch said that they are treasures, and they must be priceless. If we are short of money, we can sell them and get a lot of money.”Gu Qinghan rolled her eyes at Yang Ning and responded crossly, “These were rewarded by His Majesty. Do you want to sell them? You can’t sell the gifts from His Majesty even if we run out of food, not to mention that our family won’t be so poor. Some people keep an eye on you and wait for you to make a mistake so they can find the evidence against you. If you sell the gifts from His Majesty, won’t you give others a chance to find fault with you?
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Chapter 150 Wash the Blood
In no time, he noticed that it was quiet in the room and something was put in his mouth. At the moment, there was something wrong with his taste bud, and he couldn’t sense whether it was sour, sweet, bitter or hot.He just felt that he began to fall unconscious and get exhausted. Then he fell asleep unconsciously.When he woke up, he felt his body weak and soft, but he didn’t feel numb and stiff anymore. He opened his eyes, to see that Gu Qinghan sat in tears next to him. Seeing that he woke up, she looked happy on her beautiful and tearful face instantly and called, “Ning, are…you awake?”Yang Ning struggled to get up, while Gu Qinghan hurriedly pressed his chest and said, “Don’t move.” Then she looked back. “Miss Tang, come and check him.”Tang Nuo walked over and reached out to press Yang Ning’s pulse. Then she withdrew her hand soon and stated, “He is fine now.”“Aunt, how long have I been asleep?” Yang Ning felt h
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