Semua Bab A Clash of Gods: Bab 151 - Bab 160
334 Bab
Chapter 151 There Is Always Someone Better Than Me
At the sight of Duan Canghai’s expression, Yang Ning knew that Qiu Qianyi was awesome indeed.“It appears that you really know the poison king in Nine Creek.” Yang Ning sighed. “The one who poisoned me this time must be a disciple of the poison king.”Duan Canghai was shocked. “My Lord, are you sure that it is a disciple of the poison king?” He frowned. “It’s difficult to handle this matter.”Gu Qinghan furrowed her brows. “Canghai, who is the poison king in Nine Creek?”“He is one of the White Miao people in Ba Shu,” Duan Canghai explained. “My Lady, you know that there are many members of minorities in Ba Shu. Among a lot of minorities, the Miao people are the most powerful. It’s said that the Miao people live in seventy-two caves, which are located among the mountains and rivers in Ba Shu. King Shu Li Hongxin is influential in the west region, but he mainly appeases the Miao people and doesn’t dare to offend them randomly.”
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Chapter 152 Be Infected
Mr. Song’s attitude was totally different from the other day. Yang Ning didn’t need to ask and knew that Tang Nuo’s medicinal powder must be effective.“Mr. Song, don’t say that.” Tang Nuo was still calm as always. “Is the child out of danger?”“He is more than out of danger. He has fully recovered and nobody can see that he was burnt by burning oil.” Mr. Song showed a thumbs-up sign and praised, “Miss Tang, it really widened my horizon.”“Mr. Song, now you know what is called great master, right?” Yang Ning laughed loudly. “I found such an assistant for you. What do you think about her?”“I dare not,” Mr. Song replied immediately. “My Lord, Miss Tang can bring a patient back to life, and I can’t be put on a par with her.” He sighed and then added, “I am aged. In fact…I am too conceited sometimes. Please allow me to resign. Here…”“Mr. Song, don’t get me wrong,” Yang Ning stated at once. “Do you think that I told Miss
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Chapter 153 Fireworks
The beggar asked in a hurry, “Doctor, can…it be healed?”“Er…” Mr. Huang hesitated for a moment and then said, “I’ll make a prescription for you. After you buy the medicinal materials, have a try first. If he doesn’t get better in three days, you should see other doctors.” He turned around and made a prescription. Then he gave it to the beggar. “Go to buy medicinal materials.”The beggar grabbed the prescription. He was absent-minded for a while and then asked pitifully, “Doctor, how much…are these medicinal materials?”Mr. Huang replied, “They are two kinds of medicine, to be applied externally and taken orally, as his internal organs are damaged. About two taels of silver. I treat him for free as it appears that you don’t have money, but I am not in charge of the pharmacy. I can’t meddle when you buy medicinal materials.”The beggar asked helplessly, “Sir, can you give medicinal materials to me first? When I…”Mr. Hu
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Chapter 154 Pearl
Thousands of lights were lit on the Qinhuai River, like stars, as if the Milky Way in the sky also missed the bustling secular world and flowed into the Qinhuai River, driving away the loneliness of the bright moon through the ages.Yuan Rong got up and walked to the side of the boat. Yang Ning involuntarily followed him to the side. Seeing that Yuan Rong looked into the distance in the east, Yang Ning followed his eyes and looked in that direction, to see something with bright lights in the distance. It was a huge gaily-painted pleasure-boat, which was rare with five floors. The lights around the pleasure-boat were bright, as if it were in the daytime. It was in majestic splendor.“That is the boat king.” Yuan Rong laughed. “It is the feast that I will invite you to tonight.”“Boat king?”Pearl also came near them and explained, “Before the Spring Festival every year, there is a competition to select the beauty queen. This is an a
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Chapter 155 The Rising Sun Escort Agency
There was fear in Pearl’s eyes, but she still walked over slowly. After she took only two steps, she felt that her wrist was tight. She was surprised and lowered her head, to see that Yang Ning grasped her wrist.When Pearl was about to speak, Yang Ning stated with a smile, “Pearl, I want to ask how you made this cake. It’s really delicious and looks nice. If you can, please tell me the way to make it. I will have a try by myself later.”Pearl was stunned as she hadn’t expected that Yang Ning would care about how to make the cake at this hour, so she didn’t know how to answer him.The man with a prominent nose frowned and looked Yang Ning up and down. Then he sneered. “Yo, bitch, you even provide for a toy boy? No wonder you didn’t set out after so long.”Yang Ning turned his head and looked at the man. Then he waved his hand and smiled. “Come over. I have something to ask you.”The man stated with disdain, “Who are yo
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Chapter 156 The Manager
The person who walked out of the staircase was not big or tall, and he was even thin, but his footsteps were steady. Yang Ning knew that this man was powerful in martial arts at a glance.The man was about forty-five or forty-six years ago, dressed in a black cotton robe, with a hat made of fox fur. He stood at the staircase and looked around. The man with a prominent nose lying on the floor didn’t dare to move a bit, yet he got up after seeing the comer and walked forward, greeting, “Manager, this guy beat us…”“Clap!”Before the man with a prominent nose finished his words, he was slapped so hard that half of his face was swollen in an instant.“Manager…”The man was shocked and didn’t understand why he was slapped.The middle-aged man said coldly, “I told you to invite Pearl, but what did you do? Since there are guests here, you should discuss with them. Why did you offend them?”“Manager…”
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Chapter 157 Eight Beauties on the Qinhuai River
Yuan Rong clenched his fists and said angrily, “That beast. I…I am going to see him.” He got up and prepared to leave, but after he took only a few steps, Yang Ning asked impassively, “Who are you going to see? Ding Yitu? Are you planning to fight against him or reason with him?”“I…”Yang Ning sneered. “You are a young master in the mansion of the minister in the Ministry of Rites, yet you want to fight against the manager of the Rising Sun Escort Agency. What can you do even if you win, not to mention whether you have the ability?”Yuan Rong was stunned.Yang Ning stated slowly, “You know more about Ding Yitu’s strength than me. This is a battle and the victory can’t be decided after only one fight.” He smiled faintly and added, “Yuan Rong, I will say something that you don’t want to hear. You, a young master in the mansion of the minister in the Ministry of Rites, probably can’t compare with the manager of the Rising Sun Escort
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Chapter 158 Spend Gold on One Throw
Yuan Rong laughed. “It turns out that you prepare to boost Shen Jiaonu. All of you are billionaires. Not to mention that you four join hands, it’s not difficult for any of you to boost a queen beauty.”Chen Mukuan laughed in a braying voice. “In fact, I hope that somebody will compete with us. If we win easily, it will be boring.”Yuan Rong looked around. There were many pleasure-boats around the boat king, and the guests in these boats were wealthy or powerful. The river was wide, but when all the boats surrounded it, it was inconvenient for them to move.By the Qinhuai River, there were also many people and bright lights.The election of the beauty queen was an annual grand occasion on the Qinhuai River, yet few people could afford to join it. Somebody once said that the election of the beauty queen was not a competition among the beautiful and talented girls but the rich men who had a big fortune.They spent gold on
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Chapter 159 Compete on Wealth
It was silent at night, and the lights were soft, while many people’s hearts were tense.Chen Mukuan snorted and said in a braying voice, “It turns out that he has come, too. Dudes, do you think that we should admit defeat or play with him?”Jiang Cheng frowned slightly. “It appears that Jiang Suiyun is determined to win.”“Jiang Suiyun?” Yang Ning turned to Yuan Rong and asked, “Who is he?”Hearing Yang Ning’s question, the others couldn’t help but look at him in astonishment. It seemed that they should know Jiang Suiyun, while this question was surprising.Yuan Rong explained, “Young Master Jiang from East Sea, Jiang Suiyun is from the Jiang family on East Sea. The Jiang family does business on the sea. The family master Jiang Xiaoqing has a boat team with dozens of boats. If there is a family with more money than the country in the Chu State, it must be the Jiang family.”“They have more money than the
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Chapter 160 Slander
A big luxurious table was put on the deck of the boat, with more than ten beautiful maids serving around it. Three people were drinking wine and toasting each other at the table. When Zhu Yuchen and the others arrived, the three glanced at them.Yang Ning glanced at the three, too.He saw that the one facing him was his acquaintance, Dou Lianzhong, a son of the minister in the Ministry of Revenue, and he had seen the one on the left earlier, the manager of the Rising Sun Escort Agency, Ding Yitu. The one on the right was dressed in a purple brocade fur coat, with a white hat made of fox skin, about thirty years old, looking like a man from a wealthy family.Dou Lianzhong glanced at Zhu Yuchen and the others with a sneer. When he saw Yang Ning, he was stunned, and his expression changed.Yang Ning didn’t stare at the three at the table but saw that somebody faced the river surface by the side of the boat not far away behind the thre
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