All Chapters of The Conqueror of the Universe: Chapter 361 - Chapter 370
473 Chapters
Chapter 360 True Dragon Bloodline!
Thank you for the full support of the book friend 18672397 old brother, the small boat thanks a lot. Brothers, the body is the capital of the revolution, must take good care of the body.Pingan Li and the Golden Horned Ant looked at each other, and the Golden Horned Ant's brows immediately furrowed slightly as well.A moment later, he whispered, "Maverick, this Arroyo is not real."Pingan Li smiled, "Little Ant, if he's real, we can't really operate on this matter!""Hmm?"The Golden Horned Ant froze, and for a moment were somewhat unable to keep up with Pingan Li's rhythm, and busily said in a low voice: "Xiao Niu, what kind of calculations are you playing?"Pingan Li laughed lowly and directly transmitted his voice to whisper to the Golden Horned Ant.Golden Horned Ant sniffed, and his evil smile was somewhat hidden, and he couldn't help but whisper, "Xiao Niu, I suddenly realized that you're a bad thief! If I were the King of Hell,
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Chapter 361 The Yakuza Arrives!
I have been far away, but that surplus fragrance still lingers in the lungs, Li Pingan's mouth can not help but set off a high arc.Life, in fact, is full of too much goodness.As long as you have beauty in your heart, then, the world will be beautiful!Feeling that the Explorer had already traveled hundreds of kilometers and was smoothly on its route back to the capital, Li Pingan's mind gradually regained its composure and quickly got busy.With the ability of the Dueling Five Elements Formation at this point, Pingan Li did not have much certainty about trapping top invincible level powerhouses.But as the old saying goes, "All things come to an end!"Even if the Bucket Turning Five Elements Formation could not trap a top-notch invincible-level powerhouse like King Yan Luo, Pingan Li was still quite confident in causing some confusion to him.Coupled with Pingan Li's state of mental power at this time, the Soul Breaking Needle could be pre
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Chapter 362 Steep Changes!
Boom!Black energy and golden energy instantly intersected, that kind of horrible fluctuation, the Bucket Turning Five Elements Formation had been completely unable to support it, and was directly blown apart, instinctively converging the core energy to the formation platform position to protect itself.All around, the mountains and rocks were shattered, and the grass and trees flew horizontally, as if a round of obsidian sun had exploded in this place, directly triggering a terrifying earthquake.Even if Pingan Li had the powerful energy protection of the Golden Horned Ant, that terrifying shockwave made Pingan Li almost not dare to open his eyes, and everywhere was scorching heat that could not be described in words.Click!The two evil and powerful black dragons of King Yama were like they had turned into glass, they were simply unbeatable, and in the blink of an eye, they were turned into powder, and were completely crushed by the powerful golden en
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Chapter 363 Running Battle!
"Can it work, little ant?"Li Pingan had already rushed straight into the abandoned reactor of the nuclear power plant by this time, at a time like this, he was already too late to estimate the consequences.The worst consequences are definitely ten thousand times better than falling into the hands of King Yama!However, Pingan Li could vaguely feel that even though the radiation from this abandoned reactor was very powerful, it was unable to pierce the surface cells of his skin at all, let alone the depths."It's not too bad, I can try!"The Golden Horned Ant was busy replying.Boom!Mighty golden energy quickly overflowed from Pingan Li's body, and at the same time, the nuclear energy in the abandoned reactor, which had already settled down for a long time, was like substantial silk threads, rapidly gathering towards Pingan Li's body."Hmm? You want to utilize that nuclear energy?"At this time, King Yama had already chased aft
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Chapter 364 Losing a Lot of Money?
Boom!A large explosion occurred in the void, as if a round of sun had burst here, and the radiant energy glow simply pierced through the entire night sky.The terrifying shockwave instantly rippled to the ground, instantly the grass and trees crumbled, the rocks and earth debris splashed, and many mountains were horribly cracked, as if the end of the world had arrived.But if you look closely, it is noticeable.All of these terrifying energy fluctuations were at the bottom of this horrifying vision in the void, and above it, they didn't seem to be affected by anything.And at this moment, Pingan Li was hundreds of meters away from the diagonal top of this vision, just in time to see it all through.This divine golden shield was like a giant pot lid, while the flat void underneath was like a continuous spotlight.The lid of the pot steeply covered the spotlight, and all the collisions all happened at the bottom, with barely a fraction of a s
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Chapter 365
"Oi?"Pingan Li was also confused by the Golden Horned Ant.Having already gained insight into the value of that golden shield, Li Pingan naturally understood that even if King Yama was stronger, after all, he was a living being of the Earth, so how could he possibly take out a treasure that was more valuable than this golden shield of the Golden Horned Ant?But see the golden ants this guy excited appearance, Li Pingan is not good to combat his enthusiasm, carrying a bottle of State Cellar, stride over, sit on his butt next to him, pretending to be upset: "Little ants, you startled do what? This point of wine can not?""Fuck off to the side!"The Golden Horned Ant also didn't bother to pay attention to Li Pingan, and carefully took out something from his spatial ring with a smug heave, "Xiao Niu, look, what's this?""This, this is ...."Pingan Li was a bit confused.The golden horned ants had actually grabbed some colorful powdery sub
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Chapter 366 Goblin!
Forgive me, Li Pingan is definitely a bold generation, ruthless and black-hearted, and does not change his face when Tarzan presses down on him, but at this time, he was also a bit shocked by Wang Yun's words.Li Pingan was busy subconsciously scanning around.Suddenly, he realized that even though many people were somewhat coveting Wang Yun's practically perfect body, they were just sweeping a glance and quickly skimming over it, with no one really paying attention to them.Wang Yun's delicate red lips gently pecked Li Pingan's lips and laughed lowly, "You even dared to kill King Yama and have already gotten your hands on him, you don't dare to do this point?""......"Pingan Li simply couldn't use words to describe his feelings at this moment.This woman, she's a leprechaun!Especially her provocative eyes, and today used a very seductive Chanel No. 5, railing Li Pingan's stoic mind, a moment also appeared to be disordered.For a mom
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Chapter 367 Yan Changkong is Injured?
In the blink of an eye, another rueful number of days rushed by, the time has come to the end of the middle of August in the 16th year of the New Era, and in a few days it will be the day when schools at all levels will start.Of course, it also includes the Subterranean Group's side.During this period of time, a variety of things, although still quite a lot, but most of them are small fights, which makes the 'Hengshan Suspended Case' is still an extremely popular topic on the network.Many people are trying to demystify this.Unfortunately, even though there are countless strange people on the network, no one can touch the core edges at all.One must know that the top invincible level powerhouses in this world were originally more cherished than giant pandas, and furthermore, every top invincible level powerhouse must be an existence with a high and proud heart and in charge of a party.Their behavior to do things, has always been a dragon to se
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Chapter 368 Misty Island Relic
Leaving Yan Changkong's tent, Li Pingan simply wanted to spray him with blood.I thought Yan Changkong was going to open a back door and take care of him Li Pingan, but who knows, it was throwing him a hot potato!This area that Pingan Li was exploring at this time appeared to be peaceful, but in reality, it was the most divine location of this foggy island, and even Yan Changkong's spiritual power was unable to probe its roots!Of course, the number of mysterious grains of rice contained herein is also absolutely quite a lot, is the risk of which no one can guarantee.However, Pingan Li was not dissatisfied with this arrangement.Even though there were still quite a few 'grains of rice' left in the places that Yan Changkong had already explored, it was clear that it was certainly impossible to find the core of this matter.After resting for an hour, Li Pingan made a detailed planning and deployment, and the Invincible Divine Cow Squad, a group of
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Chapter 369 Orphaned?
The cold is a little better, finally can breathe, the boat will adjust the state as soon as possible, and strive to write a more exciting book. I will try to write a better book. I am begging for all kinds of support!Swish!Before the Golden Horned Ant's words fell, Pingan Li's powerful battle consciousness that came from the depths of his bone marrow instantly also sensed the existence of the crisis.Pingan Li was simply more dexterous than an ape, and with a prancing movement that completely transcended the limits of human bones and was simply unbelievable, almost at the moment when this inexplicable and frightening crisis touched his body, he thrillingly avoided the blow.Boom!In the next instant, not far away from the location, the rocks instantly crumbled, horrifying sparks flew, and the entire space underwent a horrifyingly large tremor, as if the entire space was about to collapse in an instant.And just in the moment of dodging th
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