All Chapters of The Conqueror of the Universe: Chapter 381 - Chapter 390
470 Chapters
Chapter 380 Matching
The time came to a quarter past nine.The magnificent square was crowded, but it was quiet.It was the many top invincible level powerhouses that were all very solemn, as if they were waiting for some powerful existence to come out."Dang!"A moment later, an ancient mellifluous bell slowly sounded, and on the side of the dense Sacred Pill Garden, a dense golden light, slowly rose."It's God, God has come."Someone whimpered in shock at once.Immediately, everyone's gazes were attracted by the direction of this golden light, looking towards this direction filled with solemnity and respect."Hehe, the sun is rising, and another new day has opened. Everyone, who, today, would like to challenge the chances of the Sacred Pill Garden?"An indistinct figure of nothingness emerged from the golden light, he was very vague and not substantial at all, but that powerful might was still inspiring, definitely exceeding the energy of a top inv
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Chapter 381 Moving forward against God's will!
Thank you for the book friend 18672397 old brother's many times of support, the small boat thanks a lot.Thanks to SeeSpencer, Super Big Dog Dick, zyc5868, f1122a, White Fox's Waist, and other brothers for their monthly votes, Little Boat thanks a lot.Rage for favorites and subscription support."Damned little scumbag, I'm going to tear your bones apart for a snack!"How had the Black Bear King Morbison ever been insulted in this way, yes, it was an abject insult!"Roar!"He let out a bear roar that shocked the heavens and earth.Boo!His foot stomped the ground, smashing the ground directly out of a large pit, instantly tyrannical and up, the majestic energy is like a tidal wave, the wind swept the clouds in general is toward Li Pingan wild attack.This level of energy fluctuation, if placed before, if Pingan Li wanted to receive it from the front, he would definitely have to put in ten percent of his effort, and would a
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Chapter 382 Luck?
"Little scumbag, I'm going to kill you!"Mobison was already furious, when he suddenly saw Li Pingan's expression of such contempt, simply careless movement, his lungs were about to explode with anger, just like a huge tank with black hair, crazily impacting towards Li Pingan.He was, after all, a peerless level powerhouse, and even though he was so enraged that he wanted to explode, he still retained a large portion of clarity in his mind.Pingan Li's strengths were speed, dexterity, including the strength of his body and the majesty of his energy, all of which were not inferior to his Mobison by too much, and looked nearly perfect in general.But it's ultimately just near-perfect, not truly perfect!Mobison believed that as long as he utilized this opportunity to actually have a head-on collision with Pingan Li, the powerful energy around him would definitely knock Pingan Li's energy into disorder.And that time didn't need to be much, just 0.1
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Chapter 383 Blowing a pool of spring water!
Although Li Pingan has left, but the entire field is a long time can not be calmed, was about to carry out a number of tragic battles are temporarily suspended, everyone is in need of time to digest Li Pingan just now simply shocking move against the heavens.It was only after a full ten minutes that the world was restored to its normal track, and many people resumed their fight for early entry into the Sacred Pill Garden.But the track had just recovered not even a few minutes before the whole field was once again in a state of stagnation.Because, a wonderful meat aroma that could barely be described in words was curling up from somewhere in the camp of the Chinese powerhouses.The aroma is just too tantalizing.Even the many powerful people who were fighting couldn't help but stop and look sideways."It smells so good, so good, I've never smelled such a wonderful meaty aroma. What in the world is going on?"Someone couldn't help but make
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Chapter 384 Midnight Visitor!
This golden light channel quickly closed, but the countless people in the field are a restless, talking, full of hope.Especially that Indian monk, just went to a certain church in the city to pray, and was able to enter the Holy Medicine Garden, simply making people envious and jealous.Unfortunately, there are only three spots available each day, basically one for each of these three camps.Many people can only look forward to tomorrow, even though they are not willing to do so."Today is finally over, I wish ... The sun doesn't rise again tomorrow ..."Beside Pingan Li, Kong Wushuang suddenly murmured.Li Pingan froze, turned back, and was seeing, Kong Wushuang's long eyelashes, trembling with crystalline tear drops, as if they were twinkling stars, was praying lowly.Li Pingan was instantly somewhat speechless.To be honest, although the Invincible Peacock King's intention to bring Kong Wushuang over this time was good, in reality,
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Chapter 385 Liu Qing Yao
A moment later, a familiar slender figure came lightly into the account.Although she was also wearing a slightly loose black combat uniform, but the surplus of delicate curves is somewhat hidden, but not clear enough, but also so that people can clearly feel, it is easy to reverie, want to explore the truth behind that.Her long hair was tied back in a ponytail and she wore a black mask, revealing only a pair of soulful, beautiful eyes.Three parts stubborn, three parts terrified.There were also three points of shyness and one point of unwillingness, very quietly looking at Li Pingan, and said in a low voice,"Li Pingan ..."Pingan Li nodded to her and could not help but sigh in his heart.Even if he didn't like Liu Qingyao's nature, he could never deny that this woman, was a superb creature that could stir up the most primitive desires with just a single knit of her brows and a smile.One can't help but just want to pamper her, explore her
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Chapter 386 The Undercurrent is Raging
On a new day, the sun rises, the divine haze spreads over heaven and earth, and also reflects the already lofty Holy City in a more and more mysterious and magnificent way.With the previous pearl in front of them, there were even more people attending the selection today.They were excited and full of anticipation, expecting to also be like the lucky ones before them, entering the Sacred Pill Garden early and obtaining that great, great chance.Pingan Li's waves were not allowed, and he watched today's hot scene with interest.With the appearance of God, the top invincible level powerhouses will certainly not be easy to fight, this kind of ordinary invincible level powerhouses duel, although there is no great to see, but for Li Pingan, but also are very good nutrition, can let Li Pingan understand the difference between the East and the West, and feel that kind of fighting atmosphere first hand.However, for the excited people who were full of ambition
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Chapter 387 Landing Spot!
Kong Wushuang and Liu Qingyao are not unknown, at this time, if she saw Liu Qingyao at this point in time in Li Pingan's tent, then, can be really a little bit of yellow mud into the crotch of the pants, not that anything is also that anything.A moment later, Liu Qingyao bit her red lips tightly and said lowly, "You don't have to worry too much, I'll go and explain to her, just say that we have cooperation."Li Pingan, however, shook his head, "It can't be explained. You go under my comforter. Don't make a sound.""Oi ..."Liu Qingyao still wanted to say something, but Li Pingan had already taken the lead in lying down and covering the quilt.Liu Qingyao's pretty face instantly reddened, but it was simply too late to think about it, just like a nimble swimming fish, busy was quickly drilled into Li Pingan's comforter."Sis, why are you over so late?"Li Pingan pretended to be sleepy at this time, flexed his fingers and opened the tent door.
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Chapter 388 Implementation
"Holy shit, bullpucky ah little ant, brother, you're my own brother!"Li Pingan was also unable to hide his exhilaration.If this matter could be realized, then, one would undoubtedly have a huge head start, and even if there were really some horrible big changes afterward, one would still have more options to choose from.Even if he couldn't obtain a great chance, if he simply saved his life, he could at least increase his certainty by 60 or 70%."That is. Don't even look at who brother is."The Golden Horned Ant was also quite proud of himself, after all, this Sacred City Mystic Realm was by no means an unusual place, and finding this landing spot had taken him a lot of effort.However, saying that, this guy's face was slightly odd, a little embarrassed, "Ahem, Xiao Niu, it's like this, although I have determined the approximate orientation of this landing point, but ... is not precise enough. Therefore, you must personally go to investigate and
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Chapter 389 Opening of the Sacred Pill Garden
The Golden Horned Ant method is not complicated.Use this seam as a guide to find a node and, then, fake an ecosystem.The biggest benefit of this is that it can form a complete ecological chain, and even if this Holy City Phalanx is powerful, it will be difficult to detect it.But the drawbacks are just as obvious!That is, the node is not a good one to find.Moreover, neither Pingan Li nor the Golden Horned Ant were too proficient in spell formations, and this kind of camouflage was not easy to create.However, the two also had the advantage of the two, that is, their mental strength was strong enough, and at the same time, they carried numerous heavenly materials around them, so they could keep trying.Soon, the two were busy at a rapid pace.Constantly communicating, constantly choosing, and constantly giving up and starting over.It's a tremendous amount of body work.If they were unlucky, the two might have to walk th
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