All Chapters of The Conqueror of the Universe: Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
471 Chapters
Chapter 370 Listen to the Wind and Watch the Sea!
The deep black water was calm, and the sparkling silver aura was as if it was no longer flickering, and the atmosphere within the entire space had a low and depressing feeling that could not be described in words.Yan Changkong is gone.He was like a carp leaping through the Dragon Gate, having been entangled, having been uncertain, having been hesitant, but in the end, he still had no choice but to leap down!Li Pingan wanted to keep himself calm, but the tumbling in his chest and abdomen was something that his city could not suppress, and he only felt a restlessness.This is amazing!Yan Changkong surprisingly, to him 'entrusted' in general ....However, even though Yan Changkong's words were a bit cloudy, Li Pingan's perception, grasping the core of it, did not take too much effort.Yan Changkong is going to give himself a big gift, so you can say that the back road is arranged perfectly to pursue his long-cherished wish ...."Littl
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Chapter 371 Goodbye Yan Xue
The affair of a top powerhouse has always been the hottest of the hottest of the hottest of the hottest of the hottest of the hottest of the hottest of the hottest of the hottest of the headlines.Countless celebrities needed to rely on this kind of lace to rub off on them, but the top powerhouses, for sure, didn't need to rely on this kind of tactic to gain attention.But anyone who can go to this extent, which one, and is not a horizontal pressure on one side, the top of the hand heavy handle big brother?Therefore, it was also extremely difficult for the affairs of top powerhouses to leak out to the outside world.However, Pingan Li's identity and heritage were different at this time, and it was definitely not as difficult as before for him to probe some secrets.Yan Changkong's wife was an extremely mysterious woman.On Yan Changkong's resume, it showed that he was married, but there was no name of his spouse.Yet on some resumes, it sho
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Chapter 372 Hostile Camp?
Even though Pingan Li had a thousand words in his heart, he was unable to say a single word.For a long time, Li Pingan could not help but let out a deep sigh, looking at Yan Xue's crystalline eyes, and sincerely said: ''Yan Xue, I know that this kind of thing is a big blow to you. In fact, anyone who encounters this kind of thing will find it hard to accept for a while. However, Yan Xue, if you compare yourself to me, you will know how much happier you are. Since I was a child, I haven't seen my parents once, except for a picture. You at least know that your father, is the number one strong man in China, a supreme being, a strong man that countless people worship. But what do I have? I don't even have a single bird feather, but I'm still alive all the same?"Yan Xue was slightly stunned, and her snow-white shell teeth instantly clenched on her delicate red lips.Knowing Li Pingan, she of course knew that what Li Pingan said was the truth, and if she was talking ab
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Chapter 373 The Dragon Submarine Group Begins Schooling
In a flash, a week crept by, and the time had come to September 1st of the 16th year of the New Era, and today, it was also the day when the Subterranean Dragon Group officially opened.During this period of time, quite a few more things had happened, and Li Pingan was even more entangled in many chores, but as a four-star instructor of the Subterranean Dragon Group, today, the day of the opening of the school and the selection of the subgroups, Li Pingan definitely had to be there in person.Submarine group base.Inside the large indoor training ground, nearly a hundred young figures in valiant combat uniforms, each glowing and full of infinite expectation and vigor, had already converged.They were none other than the new students recruited by this year's Subterranean Dragon Group, the pride of heaven who had stood out by defeating countless others of their age!Compared to previous years, the Subterranean Dragon Group had recruited significantly more
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Chapter 374 Ouyang Mubai's Challenge!
Wow!Once Jiang Zhiyan said this, the entire field simply couldn't control the agitation.There were a total of three of the prettiest girls in the field, the first two, were already choosing Li Pingan's side, and now, it was finally the turn of the girl with the weakest strength, who had not yet stepped into the shackle realm, and many people's hearts were still full of anticipation, looking forward to her being able to choose their side.After all, according to Jiang Zhiyan's natural talent, no matter which group she chose, she would definitely be a star-studded existence.But, who ever thought that she is actually a brainwashed fan of the Bull Demon King, to choose the Bull Demon King's side ...With Pingan Li's understanding of this chick, Jiang Zhiyan, how could he not know her small mind?This chick is trying to back off and vent her frustration.For a moment, he smiled, "Of course. It would be an honor to have a beautiful girl like yo
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Chapter 375 Pain and Pleasure
The corners of Pingan Li's mouth lifted up in a slight curved arc.He is now holding a bellyful of fire in his chest and abdomen, since someone sent to the door, how can he not fulfill him?"Yes!"Pingan Li smiled faintly and walked slowly and methodically towards the field.The field was instantly quiet.Everyone's gazes were converging on Li Pingan and Ouyang Mubai.Even though Pingan Li was already a four-star instructor at this point, everyone understood that Pingan Li was actually a freshman this year as well, and in a way, this was a collision between the strongest freshmen of this year's Subterranean Dragon Group.Zhou Tianlang said, "Little Li, point blank."Pingan Li smiled, "Don't worry, Instructor Zhou, I have the numbers.""Good."How could Zhou Tianlang not be aware of the sparks between Li Pingan and Ouyang Mubai, seeing that Li Pingan had stated his position, he was slightly relieved and said in a cold voice,
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Chapter 376 Holy Cross Flower!
Swish!Between the deep and lofty mountains, a silhouette flashed by as if it were streams of light, and behind it, there was an extremely subtle sonic boom.However, if it wasn't for the mentally powerful concentrating on looking closely and listening carefully, it would be hard to notice this subtle fluctuation."The laws of physics really aren't that easy to break free from."Pingan Li smiled slightly bitterly, "However, my efforts these days have not been in vain, this feeling of affinity towards the heavens and earth is really wonderful. In my current state, I'm afraid that, even an ordinary invincible level powerhouse would have a hard time discovering me."As the old saying goes, "If you know yourself and your enemy, you can fight a hundred battles!"Walking up to this point, Li Pingan was reflecting on himself almost all the time, analyzing his strengths and looking for his weaknesses.At this time, the prologue of the great era had
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Chapter 377 The Wind Rises
"Grandpa, grandpa, the legendary Holy Cross Flower has come out ah, it's really the legendary Holy Cross Flower. Look, look, this is the official report."In the capital, the Yang family's ancestral home, Yang Qitian was simply like a monkey in excitement, and hurried to his grandfather Yang Jingyun's courtyard."What's the panic, is the sky falling?"A moment later, a looming voice sounded faintly, as if, not at all too surprised by the matter, but rather in control of it.It was none other than Yang Qitian's grandfather, Yang Jingyun, the Yang Clan's world-defying wizard!Yang Jingyun was dressed in black plain clothes, playing with two lion heads that had obviously been precipitated by countless years in his hands, and was lying on a chaise longue, enjoying the warm sunlight of the rising sun."Er ..."Yang Qitian froze, instantly also reacted, busy is collected the impetuous, respectfully handed the communicator to Yang Jingyun,"Grandpa,
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Chapter 378 The Holy City!
What made people slightly surprised was that the first ones to speak out on the Chinese side were not those old giant forces, but the mysterious Fifth Family.The Fifth Family made a public statement that it would be departing tonight and rushing to Europe to compete for the great opportunity of the Vatican's Sacred Medicine Garden.This also made the entire country of China in a state of agitation!Even if they did not understand the Fifth Family before, including after the clash between the Fifth Changhe and Li Pingan, many of those who did not have much goodwill towards the Fifth Family were beginning to speak out in support of the Fifth Family.After all, although this great opportunity is on European soil, why does it not belong to all mankind, the whole world?Everyone naturally hoped that someone from the Chinese side would come forward and hold up the facade of the Chinese people.And the Fifth Family, well on top of that windfall.P
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Chapter 379 The will of God!
"Knock, knock ..."Sunset.Immersed in countless years of ancient buildings in the dense golden light in the continuous stacks, from the center of the complex faintly came that melodious misty bells, as if the years of the narrator, is narrating the number of thousands of years in the endless past.The magnificent square was clearly divided into three huge camps of camps at this time.And in the open space in the middle of these three camps, there were still quite a few fresh bloodstains that hadn't had time to completely dry up.In the dazzling mist at the edge of the plaza, Li Pingan's brows could not help but tighten.At this time, although the energy fluctuations have subsided, but Li Pingan's keen sense of smell is able to clearly feel that just now, in this square fighting, must be the real top invincible level of strong."It seems that the situation is more complicated than expected ..."Pingan Li narrowed his eyes tightly, scru
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