All Chapters of Alpha Ryan's Mate: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
274 Chapters
Chapter 151:
My fingernails scratched the ground, and my fingertips were all torn. Finally, I nodded painfully, then glared at him. "I have one more request.""To speak!" Titus was satisfied; now, even if I ask the angel of heaven, he will find me here."Mira, I want you to make sure she's alive. Violet's poison poisoned her." I say.Titus licked the corner of his lips. "Reassured, she has been taken home for treatment for a long time; she also regained consciousness yesterday. However, she will be like you, banished after getting better; I can't let a witness stay in this place."I kept quiet; maybe that's the best path for Mira right now.As long as he's alive, there's hope; if he's dead, there's nothing left, but hopefully, what he does is true to what he says,"You should remember, do not go back. As soon as I see you appear again, I guarantee that in just one night, the Red River will disappear." Titus looked at me coldly.I was finally taken out in the middle of the night; when everyone was
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Chapter 152:
Spring roared again, her strength skyrocketing. 'Let me out and find a way for us to live.'I was silent, thinking a little more; with this momentum, how much longer could I hold Spring? My reason is about to disappear.Suddenly I heard the sound of the leaves being trampled and blistered; I tilted my head slightly to look up. Did I have to die so quickly? I think I'll be able to see the starry sky a little more.'Hurry up!' Spring urged.At that last moment, I saw a brown wolf approaching us.I laugh. 'We don't have the strength to fight it, don't overdo it...'Spring is confident. 'Rest assured, I am smarter than you.''Okay, then leave it to you; I hope we have a good life.' I smiled and handed over my consciousness to Spring, slowly falling asleep.But soon, I felt the magic of 'wolf.' The wolf spirit in me rose strongly, and the thunder tattoo on my neck flashed into a beautiful ring of light. My body was enveloped in that light; it gradually lifted me; it was so warm that I forg
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Chapter 153:
She stood in the dark, still able to glow.'Moon goddess, is this your presence on earth?' I whispered to my god.This is the second time I have seen such a wolf in my life.The first is Fiona, Ryan's mother.She just gave birth to flowers, and plants around the pack bloom; she has a noble background and is destined to become Luna. Now Ezra has the same fate.No, even more than that.Indeed even if I die, I must keep her safe.I tried to hold back the emotions that were bursting in my chest, pretending to be calm. "Let's go home."I stretched out my hand to open the door, but before I could take two steps, Erza fell. Then her wolf disappeared, reverting to her human form.I immediately carried her to the bed, quickly treating the wound. At first, I had some confidence in my abilities, I thought I could save her, but it seems I overestimated myself.Her heartbeat was getting faster and faster; her breathing was weak like a dying person.Purple lips now, perhaps not much time left."It.
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Chapter 154:
"He never saw me as a child." I lost my mind and yelled, slamming Diana's hand and knocking over the bookcase beside me.The books fell one by one, and the whole cabinet fell on top of Titus' head. But Diana was able to pull him out of the rubble just in time, successfully saving him another life.Titus was astounded, his eyes widening as he looked at me suspiciously. Perhaps he never thought I would take his life in the first place, so he was so calm."Are you against me?" My eyes are bloodshot, and I can't control myself right now. Andrew longs to smell blood, lick the blood and bathe in blood."She might still be alive." Diana struggled to speak after the collision earlier. "Brother, please calm down. Father is our father, after all..."Is Erza still alive? Did I hear wrong?There was a glimmer of hope in my heart.I immediately grabbed Diana's wrist and pulled me up. "Say it clearer.""Last night, father ordered Henry to bring Erza out of the Black Moon and kill him. I found him a
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Chapter 155:
"Useless!" I hissed. "Continue to search; even if you flip through this forest, you must find her. If you can't find it, don't come back together!"They quickly dispersed.I glanced at the last person standing, guessing. "Are you Henry?"He shivered like a wet cat, then looked up at me with fearful eyes. As soon as we met his eyes, he immediately fell to his knees, never raising his head since. "Alpha, it's my fault. I left her there because I was stupid…."I gritted my teeth and grabbed him by the collar; Diana again stopped him just when I was about to kill him.She stood in front of Henry and spoke. "Don't blame him. What he does is by orders; how does he have the right to decide? But he didn't kill her. Even though Henry left her here, he returned to take Erza away, but…." Diana looked at me fearfully, choking. "But when he came back, Erza was gone; maybe she was saved by someone…."I laughed mockingly, scratching the tree trunk with my fingernails. "Someone saved?"Diana lowered
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Chapter 156:
He looked calmer, but I felt like an undercurrent in the ocean. Although the sea surface is clear, once that wave breaks out, it will be enough to destroy everything in the world."Even the body must be found," Ryan said emotionlessly.Evelyn couldn't help but choke when she heard that.Then we continued to search in vain. On the ninth day, I left Max with Ryan, and I went deep into the woods with Roger and Evelyn.Searching until dark, I raised my eyes to the moon. "How could there be nothing of hers to be found?"Evelyn sobbed. "Moon Goddess, help us find her…."Roger sighed, consoling a sentence. "Everything will be fine, I haven't found it in such a long time, but it's good news. Maybe she was saved, even though we can't see her now, but after she recovers, she will return to us soon. Don't cry like she's dead."Unexpectedly, that sentence of Roger could make Evelyn more excited. She nodded confidently. "You're right.""Okay, let's keep looking." Roger led the way.After walking f
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Chapter 157:
Diana POV: One month later. The new year is just a few days away. All news about Erza disappeared. I remember last year when spring came, the flowers bloomed, and the birds sang joyfully. Everyone is busy preparing for the new year. But this year, everything is bleak and bleak. My father has also been detained since that day. He was seriously ill, could not sleep for many nights, and stayed awake; his rights were taken away even though he was not released. Roger and Evelyn returned to the pack for only two days; they often roamed far and wide in search of Erza. After returning to the pack for a few days, Ryan sent people looking for Violet everywhere, but they were still hadn't-waiting to hear something. Max receives orders to go to the Blue Forest to investigate but also sends word that Violet hasn't returned. I dared to ask my father. "Did you kill Violet already?" "Why do you ask?" It had only been a few days, the present Titus had lost his majesty, now looking like a frail
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Chapter 158:
They all advised me to throw it away or offered to take it to the laundry. But if I take it away, I feel empty.She was like air, quietly disappearing into my world without a trace. If this last suit disappears, I'm afraid I'll go crazy because I can't feel her anymore.For a month, I buried myself in this room, drinking.I wouldn't say I like the sweltering heat that alcohol brings, but it's only when I'm drunk that I feel peace and serenity. It was also thanks to the alcohol that I could take a short nap; there, I seemed to meet Erza again. Even though I know it's fake, it immerses me; I'd rather stay there forever than return to the real world without her.I still hold on to the hope that one day I will get drunk and fall asleep. When I woke up, I saw her next to me, frowning and blaming me. 'Why drink so much? Do you know how harmful it is to your health?'"Erza, when are you coming back…." I wondered.After finishing the glass of wine in one gulp, I picked up the bottle and wante
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Chapter 159:
We talked together, and he said that he considered Erza a friend and a sister, although not as deep as Evelyn or Ryan's feelings; he had sincere feelings for Erza. Treat. Hearing the news of her tragic death, he could not sleep well at night.Among the people sitting here, I don't have a close relationship with Erza, but I can't help but be heartbroken. Anyway, they...I look at Ryan; he's already had his third or fourth bottle of something. However, his face was still white, and he couldn't tell if he was drunk.Until 11 p.m., at the time of preparing for the fireworks.Ryan slowly stood up."Brother, where are you going?" I ask."Go home," Ryan said and walked away.Evelyn immediately nudged my arm. "Follow him; he's been drinking a lot."I nodded and followed. He didn't stop me when I won the driver's seat. At first glance, Ryan looks calm, but I think he's drunk.When he got home, he prevented me from turning on the light, nor did he need me to help him; he went to the sofa by him
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Chapter 160:
Caser wasn't angry; he just rolled his eyes. "I don't believe a coward like Titus can give birth to a good son. His son must be as brutal as he is."Clara was visibly annoyed. "Don't talk to you anymore; it's better to talk to my knees.""Then talk to your knees, don't bring any trouble on my head; make me carry it." Caser was furious.I forced a smile. "Don't argue; it's the new year anyway.""What's the new year? We forgot that concept long ago; living now is boring." Caser waved his hand.Clara's gaze was also gloomy. "That's right, I've also forgotten what the New Year's Eve moment is like."I was silent; no matter how hard I tried to smile, my heart still throbbed with each beat. Compared to the physical body, it is much more tormenting.I said absentmindedly. "Ryan is a nice person..."Caser huffed. "You think well for him. In a few days, he won't remember who you are and will marry a beautiful new wife on the orders of old Titus."I smiled, honestly. "I'm hoping for the same; i
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